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It's normally why things are kept secret, covered up, not given air time, are given air time, ignored, shoved down your throat etc etc etc.

And anyone who trusts their own government to not do something like that needs their head tested IMO.

I can think of a tonne of reasons why they would keep this secret and all would be pretty plausible but I must be honest, I can't think of too many reasons at all as to why they'd reveal it to the general public.

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I've asked the following question a number of times and have never received a satisfactory answer. Maybe somebody can provide a solid answer.


If Bigfoot exists, it would make sense that our government is aware of its existence.


Why keep it a secret?


I've heard people say its because it would cause people to stop using public lands but this make no sense to me. If anything, it would cause more people to visit public lands, than ever before, simply to see one. It would also not have an impact on the timber industry, for many reasons, with the simplest one being they have coexisted with the timber industry for hundreds of years and current management has yielded more habitat than it did in the past.


So what is the reason or combined reasons to keep it secret?


Subscribe to that magazine, if you want to know about the going ons in the west.

If the federal government knew about a elusive endangered bipedal Ape on Federal lands? It seems to me that they would follow the same playbook as they did with the Spotted owl, Wolves, Sage Grouse, Bull trout and all the rest of the endangered species. The federal big stick comes calling, and people lose their jobs or grazing rights, etc......

I can see why the public sector would want to keep it a secret, but I think the Feds would love another stick in their arsenal.

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You are right; I'm not spilling my guts on an internet forum about what has taken me forty plus years, driving tens of thousands miles and spending a lot of money, and a hxxx of lot of days and nights in the field to learn a little bit about these critters! Why would I, or any of the rest of the guys and gals who have done the same thing all over the Southeastern U.S.? To provide some no-nothing, trigger happy yahoo their nonsensical chance to be the "first" to put one on the slab for science? 


These animals have been here a long, long time. One only has to see a few of them to know they are our nearest kin, and to know that they are MUCH more human  than any other ape. Many who frequent the forum - most who never post - know that what I have stated is factual. Doesn't matter a whit that most of the "regular internet Bigfoot researches" don't care to believe what I have written, but Bigfoot is only an enigma to those that have not made the efforts to find and interact with them.


Anyone who is naive to believe that the government with the most sophisticated surveillance equipment in the world does not know that these creatures exist on government lands and military bases, and understand that at times bodies some of the creatures had, for one reason or the other, to be removed, does not have reasoning ability enough to ask for proof of anything related to Bigfoot.


Just remember what I have said in the previous posts. BF needs no more help to survive; they'll still be here when humans have wiped themselves out.


Feel free to vent your spleen, I'm too old to give a hoot. 

A couple of points, lets say your the Jane Goodall of the SE Sasquatch....... can you vouch for the health of the population in say California? Washington? British Columbia? How about Maine or Minnesota? North America is a big place you understand?

Common sense tells me that if you dont want one harmed for the good of the whole? Then you would be working hard to prove they exist to the public, right? You interact with them on a regular basis so you should be able to get DNA right? Or if you feel the government is hiding something? Use the Freedom Of Information Act to get records proving that the US government is hiding proof of this species.

I've packed mules and horses since I was a kid, from Oregon to Montana, I've never experienced anything out of the ordinary except for one time. So you are in a unique position to end the mystery in a non violent way, for once and all.

I could care less if I'm the guy that pulls the trigger, hits one with my Peterbilt or finds a bone. I dont care if its your saliva sample or US Agriculture statement. If there is truly something out there? People should know about it! Not just Bigfoot experts, but everyone!

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Guest OntarioSquatch

Even if the animal doesn't need any protection, there are still many benefits to proving that the animal exists. The main one is the advancement of science. Through a successful DNA analysis on the species, we may learn a great deal about ourselves and the evolution of bipedal apes in general. It could help open up the minds of serious academics. 


Another benefit is that by getting protection for this animal, you're also getting protection for other species of wildlife that reside in the same habitat. Bigfoot isn't the only species of North American wildlife that might need protection.


Since they are biological entities, their discovery will be inevitable. No matter how many hurdles are or what the circumstances may currently be, they will still be established as a species, but I for one would like to see it happen soon. 

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Nobody knows because science hasnt been applied in this case. Branco says they are doing fine in the south east.......OK...........can we see the data?

Did he tranq X number of females, radio collar them and follow them back to their den to count babies? Or did he drive around grid squares and play whoops and count responses? What was his method? Is he a Biologist? If no? Do we take his word for it?

Its nothing personal but I hear this line of reasoning all the time........."they are fine........trust me".

Well, I'm out to prove they exist and am not the trusting sort, otherwise I would have left it up to Bobo a long time ago.......

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When thousands have reported seeing them, I am not sure how any single person who can't rack and stack data and, essentially, show me proof, thinks his single opinion counts more - to me - than what I have put together from the thousands I have read.  You may be out there, well, par-don ME, but so were all those other people.


If you have gone All.This.Time and have nothing that will convince the mainstream to come over to this, I can understand the people who think there's another way.

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Forty years is a long time. Not sure of Branco but many anti kill types hate science and have no desire to prove nothing to no one. Thats their choice of course but in the big picture they are of null value.

If you dont want me shooting at one? Provide proof, I will gladly shake your hand and sign a petition and donate to your Sasquatch conservancy fund. Absolutely.

Call me stupid and walk away? I'll keep walking the path I'm on.

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A couple of points, lets say your the Jane Goodall of the SE Sasquatch....... can you vouch for the health of the population in say California? Washington? British Columbia? How about Maine or Minnesota? North America is a big place you understand?


Resp: I absolutely cannot. What I know about BF was obtained in twelve states in the South & Southeast.

Common sense tells me that if you dont want one harmed for the good of the whole? Then you would be working hard to prove they exist to the public, right? You interact with them on a regular basis so you should be able to get DNA right? Or if you feel the government is hiding something? Use the Freedom Of Information Act to get records proving that the US government is hiding proof of this species.


Resp: Common sense, field work, government documents, public statements and personal private statements from various government employees who have worked - and some retired - from both the DOI & USDA, have made it very clear to me and others that there is no point in trying to "prove" something that is already known to tens of thousands of people from about every field of work and to the government itself. 


No, the government is not "hiding" anything. "They" simple feel they have no obligation to tell the public about the existence of Bigfoot, and generally wish that the things would become extinct before they are in a position in which they HAVE to disclose the facts of their existence.. The problem is that while the agencies are setting aside Wilderness Areas, Refuges and Sanctuaries, and buying back farmlands so the it will grow back like the original oak forested wetlands in the hopes that the BF will be more separated from the public, the population of Bigfoot is increasing at a pace like that of the deer, feral hogs, predators and other smaller critters. (I can just see the Feds doing the "Spotted Owl" song and dance in the habitat of every BF in the country. Of course timber and mining companies would think that would be just fine with them.


When I first started field work,  DNA analyses had not even been invented. Now I don't care what scientific name might be assigned to them; they'll still be a big, hairy intelligent man-like ape that doesn't  need us for anything.


Yeah, you submit YOUR FOI to the DOI and USDA, that's a good idea. A few months later you'll at least get a chuckle out of the response.


I've packed mules and horses since I was a kid, from Oregon to Montana, I've never experienced anything out of the ordinary except for one time. So you are in a unique position to end the mystery in a non violent way, for once and all.


Resp: I would certainly be interested in knowing what "out of the ordinary" event occurred that prompted you to become hxxx bent on killing something you've never seen. 

I could care less if I'm the guy that pulls the trigger, hits one with my Peterbilt or finds a bone. I dont care if its your saliva sample or US Agriculture statement. If there is truly something out there? People should know about it! Not just Bigfoot experts, but everyone!


Resp: It doesn't matter if the general public knows. There is one thing I have told you more than once; and you have not taken the time or energy to confirm it. The POTUS has decreed that no scientist will EVER publish the results of a DNA analyses that reflect human DNA  from the USA without the written permission of the donor. (Now ain't that a lick in the Catch 22?) Kind'a makes a feller wonder about what  the good Doc from the UK discussed with the crew of the DOI's DNA lab up in Oregon.


And by the way, there are NO "Bigfoot experts.

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Guest Crowlogic

I've asked the following question a number of times and have never received a satisfactory answer. Maybe somebody can provide a solid answer.


If Bigfoot exists, it would make sense that our government is aware of its existence.


Why keep it a secret?


I've heard people say its because it would cause people to stop using public lands but this make no sense to me. If anything, it would cause more people to visit public lands, than ever before, simply to see one. It would also not have an impact on the timber industry, for many reasons, with the simplest one being they have coexisted with the timber industry for hundreds of years and current management has yielded more habitat than it did in the past.


So what is the reason or combined reasons to keep it secret?

Things like bigfoot and the perennial lack of proof require the creation of conspiracies in order to keep the proofless ball in motion.  Conspiracy pandering also earns income for some who put them forth.

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Branco? It sounds like your confirming the need for a type specimen......no body can argue with a body. Not even the Feds.....

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The government can neither contain, dominate, regulate, restrict, oversee, "educate", or tax them, among several other things that they can't do to them. They can't even get a look at most of them. And they won't pay for government healthcare, accept welfare, or vote.


Having a whole race of people running around that they are powerless over is not something that makes them appear to be the capable over-lords that they want us to see.


So it's better to just pretend that they don't exist.

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I could see where a creature that doesn't understand how to create fire or stone tools would have no need to vote........

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How do you know that they can't/don't make fire? And why would they need to waste time chipping out stone tools, when they can pick up almost any kind of tool that they might need from campers, our back yards, or farm or ranch shops?


Have you never found where "someone" lost an axe or had a fire out in the mountains? How certain can you be  that it was a human that lost it or had the fire?


What they "can't do" is all just assumption.

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Because I also see their tracks and beer bottles, unless they are wearing a size 12 vibram sole? It's Humans.

What your suggesting is ludicrous. If they need tools? What did they do before we started mass producing them?

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