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What About The Bones?


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Hey BTW......retreived the Game-Cam (Bushnell), and took a few pictures while there. I had the Cam set on video, so won't (don't know how) post those, however VERY interesting.


The animals that showed up consistantly the 6 days out there included a Ringtailed Cat, Racoon, Coywolf, Buzzards, and a gorgeous Crested Caracas, all coming for several days, and at particular times. There were two strange videos where something with knowledgable intent was messing with the camera at night. I usually get those in the 'still' pic setting, and was interesting to see the video version, hmmmm for sure.


Here are some rib shots, and what's left of it 6 days from the first photo shown above.


Other than examining right after death, it would be near impossible to draw any further conclutions with all the nibblers that have been after this poor fellow.





Edited by Bigtex
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Hey BTW......retreived the Game-Cam (Bushnell), and took a few pictures while there. I had the Cam set on video, so won't (don't know how) post those, however VERY interesting.


The animals that showed up consistantly the 6 days out there included a Ringtailed Cat, Racoon, Coywolf, Buzzards, and a gorgeous Crested Caracas, all coming for several days, and at particular times. There were two strange videos where something with knowledgable intent was messing with the camera at night. I usually get those in the 'still' pic setting, and was interesting to see the video version, hmmmm for sure.


Here are some rib shots, and what's left of it 6 days from the first photo shown above.


Other than examining right after death, it would be near impossible to draw any further conclutions with all the nibblers that have been after this poor fellow.

Thanks Bigtex,

That's an interesting list of characters. Gigantor might be the one to get in touch with. He has done some neat things with videos here.

Anything helps. Again this shows me what we are not seeing. There probably isn't a whole rib on that carcass. Right now the only things that would chew ribs like that around here are coyotes or wild dogs. Since we are finding lots of whole ribs that leaves us with a cougar or an unknown. Or nothing touched the carcasses, which is unlikely. Free lunch doesn't get passed up in the wild. The unknown comes in when we get down and dirty and actually look at the individual rib bones. That's where we find the hominoid chewing characteristics. Wide incisors, flat four cusp molars, flat or triangular pre-molars and bone peeling.

Bigtex, I appreciate the pictures. They do help.

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Some of the bones we found last week. We found mastication evidence of flat molars. It's like us chewing on the end of a green stick. Also throughout this area skulls have been found placed in trees. This one is interesting because of the other evidence of feeding behavior found at the foot of the tree. It's circumstantial but still interesting.


You can see the outline of the molar cusps on this side.


Molar impressions.



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BFF Patron

How high is the skull?.    Could you or another human reach it?   

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Yes, it's about six feet. That's why I said circumstantial. There's another one on a stick in a marsh about a half mile from there. Chris has found quite a few throughout the area. These two were both near bones that showed hominid tooth characteristics. So just a coincidence... who knows?

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BFF Patron

Would hunters or poachers do that sort of thing like put the skull in the tree?    Could be the BF equivalent of a stuffed head in your den.   .      Not sure I have heard of that particular BF behavior in other areas but often when things like that are mentioned someone says they have seen it too.   

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This is a master hunter only area. Only 40 permits available per year. So not many hunters in about a 6 to 8 sq. mi. area. Not too many poachers in this area unless they want to get caught. But people are stupid sometimes. DNR personnel would be the most likely culprits. Since they enter the area periodically. That being said. I have heard reports from other areas about this behavior. I believe I have seen pictures from Colorado. But no matter where it is you would have problems proving sasquatch. It's just that here there is some other available evidence.

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We are slated for the Northwest Anthropological Conference in March. Hopefully we can garner some interest where it will do the most good.

Heading out to do some research today. Gotta run.

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I have been reading this thread and would like to share a pic of some bones I found here in Australia, they are the remains of a wallaby I found a few years ago. Will put the pic up today


Edited by yowiie
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Interesting. It does look like they were intentionally placed. I usually look at the ribs first. Were there any nearby?

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Have you found more of these stacked the same way? It just seems odd the way that it is stacked.

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I did not find any ribs in the area, its certainly odd

There are dingos in the area, they could be the cause of the lack of ribs.

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