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Bigfoot Is Nearly Everywhere Is An Untenable Pretense

Guest Crowlogic

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well guyz mentioned this but , if a BF got hit by a car I'd wager it would stand a better chance of walking or limping away than a deer, bear, dog etc...... a stronger, heavier , denser body would withstand an impact better than a lighter one.


extreme example would be the difference between grandmas camry smacking into a cow vs granny in same car hitting a Chihuahua ( sorry chele).

the pup would get creamed, the cow not so much.


ive seen deer hit by vehicles that shouldn't have got away, but managed to drag off into the woods.


i'd suspect a big ol' muscled up ape man would make it a bit farther before crashing, if it crashed at all.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

There's reports where they get hit by vehicles, but still manage to get away. In one incident, one got shot twice after getting hit by a car and it still managed to get away. During the investigation, there where actual bullets found logged in the trees there. I know the same sort of thing happens with bears, so the idea that Sasquatch get hit by cars, but still manage to run off makes sense. 

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There is a Squirrel cracking a nut on my family coat of arms.  Has been since we hit the shores of Virginia in the early 1600s (guess there were a lot of squirrels).  So you could say I've got some affinity to squirrels.


When I was teaching at West point in '96, I developed Celiac Disease, but they misdiagnosed it as Gulf Ware Syndrome.


Anyway, my whole body was going haywire and nobody could tell me why or what to do about it, not even Walter Reed.


So I'm on my way to work one morning and feeling down in the dumps because it looked like my career was over for medical reasons fifteen years in and I come to a stop at an intersection to allow a squirrel to finish crossing the road.  As I'm watching the squirrel, a car comes blasting through the intersection from the other direction and totally flattens it, leaving it there quivering.


That was a low point.

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I was leaving Death Valley NP a few weeks ago, going that CA/NV speed limit, when a bird I couldn't identify flew right in front of me?  Stop?  Hell, slow down even?  Forget it, no chance.  The feathers spiraling across the roadway in my wake still haunt me.  And there have been a few others.

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Had that happen.  Thought I hit a bird once with a Jeep, but didn't see any feathers in the rear view.  Later noticed a couple of little feet dangling from behind the front grille.


First wife, before marriage, was washing my car one day while I was doing something else.  She stopped and said, I got those marks off of the front bumper, but there are these bristles in the trim that I can't get out.  "What bristles?" I asked, then looked at it and said, "oh, that's deer hair".  She lost her composure.

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There is always a small trauma to hitting an animal...that tends to last.  You always feel it a little.


Hit an raccoon and a woodchuck one year...on successive trips.  The former looked like it was going to turn off the road, then at the last second went under my wheel.  The latter was home free if it took the short way off the road.  It zigged...the long way.


The sasquatch collision reports I have read are of a piece with these; the motorist didn't have a chance of avoiding the animal.  The NAWAC database has, I believe, two reports of near-misses.  The driver in one case went off the road and crashed in her effort to avoid the animal; the wreck knocked her unconscious.  In neither case did the animal even react to the approaching car but to look at it, not quite what one would expect of a man in a suit.

(And I would just love the 'any excuse to avoid taking blame for a crash' that a 'skeptic' not quite living up to the name would come up with.)

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Remember guys, when a BF denialist discounts all existing forms of evidence, that is called "calling out BF 'exceptionalism'." When a proponent requests that a denialist give specifics on how the evidence could be otherwise explained, that is called, "proponent naivete."   Keep this in mind, or your head will explode.

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I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that the heads of bigfoot skeptics have already detonated.

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Then you would be wrong about that conclusion as well. 0 for 8012 ain't too hot, even by NAWAC standards. Maybe it's time to bring in a relief shill, better lawyers, straighter shooting guns and less money? As you've been told numerous times, it's quality, not quantity that matters in sassy sightings, bff posts and life in general. Sending more lawyers, guns and money hasn't worked for finding sassy or your posts.


Maybe in a world where folks worried less about money, were more open with actual evidence and less reliant on how trustworthy they personally felt a second, third, or fourteenth hand internet account of how a booger/dogman/telepathic dimension hopping Sassy in a daylight/full-moon or maybe not Walmart/Casino/Special Forces/NASA Moonshot super secret training ground/dumpster/roadside collision/riding a 2' diameter healthy tree down/active volcano secret base sighting followed a witness home 87 miles to an untouched wilderness refuge on their 10 acre hunting lease/urban condo backyard, suburban roof where complicated games of rock throwing and gifting ensued isn't considered evidence we would already have "proof"? Maybe it's time to change for those serious about the subject? YMMV.


Crow, good topics lately! Your effort is appreciated. I get where you are coming from and I'm surprised that you are causing so much angst. You should be flattered that you've got the attention of those who normally don't bother with much outside the paranormal threads or defending Dyer, Standing or NAWAC's multi-decade fruitless effort. Congrats!

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Guest Crowlogic



Crow, good topics lately! Your effort is appreciated. I get where you are coming from and I'm surprised that you are causing so much angst. You should be flattered that you've got the attention of those who normally don't bother with much outside the paranormal threads or defending Dyer, Standing or NAWAC's multi-decade fruitless effort. Congrats!

As I see it the subject has stayed stalled pretty much where it was after the modern era began.  It's not difficult to drop the baggage that forms most of the gloss surrounding the state of the bigfoot situation.  As new scientific operations and technology have been developed it makes it's way into bigfoot research with the same negative impact towards absolute proof that the older technologies.  For instance nearly all photos of bigfoot were crummy when there was only emulsion film.  In the digital world it's business as usual except there is more of it.  Quantity but seldom quality.  Night vision and heat vision produce their own versions of bad bigfoot captures.  Certainly better technology hasn't actually helped to bring the thing literally  into focus.  It's not the technologies fault.  There's the lab science approach and it's as typically convoluted as the photos films and postulations.  I'll invite anyone who can present anything in a human time frame that investing a half century of nearly blind acceptance then withdraw acceptance and call it jumping the gun or not giving it a chance?  Exactly what does a half century count in the human experience then?.

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For some, it opens their eyes to the tricks of con artists. Some, not all. 


I'm in agreement with you concerning the use of better technology and the lack of any advancement. I think it's telling that we now have so many avoiding the use of technology standard in today's science and relying on what they "won't" record or collect instead. Sure, they could have filmed they squatch riding the tree down but what would it prove? Why collect the blood from a wounded squatch - DNA isn't enough!  My favorite is still NAWAC's "overwatch" technique where they use an opaque barrier and can't watch anything, classic! 


Those claiming to be smarter than the scientists they refuse to emulate are missing out on relatively cheap, reliable and most importantly, respected results that would get the attention of others with funding and technology footers can only dream of at this point. We can reliably track and differentiate separate family groups of wild gorillas in remote African jungles filled with warlords and Ebola...bigfoot researchers here can't seem to find poop? Can't find it, won't collect it, won't have it tested but they hear tree knocks and can confirm through congruent yet impossible to verify internet sighting accounts?

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Guest OntarioSquatch

My favorite is still NAWAC's "overwatch" technique where they use an opaque barrier and can't watch anything, classic! 


They use thermal scopes mounted on rifles to see through a tent that's made of thin plastic. It's something they use at night. 

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I keep hoping people will read up, OS.  How comes I knew that and you knew that and he didn't?  One just wonders.

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They use thermal scopes mounted on rifles to see through a tent that's made of thin plastic. It's something they use at night. 


Thanks. How well has it worked? Were they able to utilize the thermal images to search for hot scat that could be tested for DNA results like primate researchers in other areas do? Did I miss them harvesting one?

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