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Why Has No Hunter Ever Shot A Bigfoot?

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just a question here, I believe you actually saw one, face to face, on the trail, with your gun drawn.....I believe you were scared ****less at that time also.....but, and this is the tricky part.......what made you not fire? did you have a sense you would not be harmed if you did no harm? I havent been there with a big guy yet, and dont want to be, but what took over your instinct for self protection?.....what was the key that made you not pull that trigger?

I realize this might be traumatic thinking about this again, but if you could at least try , it would be helpful....thanks...

Driftinmark, I've got whole lot written to answer your question but I'm gonna finish it tomorrow so I can re-read it with a clear head before posting. Too tired now.


This is how state/power elite conspiracies work.

It only works if you believe the brainwashing to begin with. So who is doing the brainwashing, conspiracy theorists or the government?

Posted (edited)

Jodie, I've worked for the govt too in the past. The USFS. At the level I worked and those around me, it was simply a 'follow the mandate' pattern of daily procedure. No exposure to too much that would reveal any form of coverup. I suspect the same for you. That doesn't mean there weren't things going on, like doing whatever was necessary to get the cut out. In other words, deal with any obstructions that get in the way of timber production. Not long ago, there was a controversial timber cut planned near me. People had been protesting it since it was announced. Well there happened to be a forest fire well beyond the area of controversy and back in the wilderness. So the Forest Service used this opportunity to block every single road that would even come close, never mind that the majority had nothing to do with fire access nor would carry any risk to the public. But it worked out well as a method to keep the public away from the controversial cut. We're talking months and this continued well after the fire was out. I eventually went to my Congressman to finally get it opened up because it was reaching into hunting season, the blockades came down within a few days. Oh and the units in question were allegedly being cut because of bug infestation. Well I knew the area well and there were no such problems in that area on the West side. Yeah there is such a thing as conspiracy Jodie, you may just not be aware of how some of it works or be exposed to varied elements of it. And the thing is, the front line workers were simply carrying out orders in blocking the roads, but somewhere higher up, someone realized that blocking the roads would be a good way of keeping people away from the real controversy.

Tell me, do you believe our own US government has investigated UFO's over the decades? Most people would say no because of decades of denial from said government. Not to turn this into a ufo discussion either, but just to cover the coverup issue.

Not a spoof page either: Link (No, I don't think there is a similar page on Bigfoot Investigations by the CIA, but you never know...)

I'll also add, sometimes there aren't conspiracies where people see them too. Works both ways unfortunately. Just have to do the best we can in determining what is true and what isn't.

Edited by PragmaticTheorist

The above link from CIA is just one agency. Here is a similar page of Declassified Documents from the NSA (National Security Agency) that have been Declassified. Link All these decades of investigation by two government agencies constitute what we better knew as a coverup before being public. Decades of the government telling us they are not involved in investigating UFO reports. Remember that? Disclosure of these came about because citizens knew the govt was keeping stuff from us. Ie, a coverup. This is pretty heavy stuff too and there is probably lots more not revealed. Other governments like France, Great Britain, and a few others I can't recall at the moment, have also began coming forward. This is likely by design not by accident. We are likely slowly being exposed to this new reality because something much more compelling is on the way.

Not everything is a conspiracy, but sometimes conspiracy is just what it is. Before the above pages were made available, people in government conspired to keep it a secret. Pretty simple explanation of conspiracy against the people (done for our own best interests in their eyes).


I don't consider closing the roads a conspiracy but more along the lines of political shenanigans.

As for UFO's , no doubt they exist in my mind but whether they are actually sent by an intelligent species, remote controlled probes, or something native to our planet, among many other theories of what they could possibly be is definitely up for debate. It is also possible that there are a lot of different explanations for what people are seeing and many different scenarios involved.

To be honest, I don't think the government really knows what UFO's are and that is as deep as I think the so called conspiracy goes. A worldwide cover up is even more laughable, I'm thinking it's just global ignorance at this point in time.

Same with bigfoot, I'm pretty sure our government is aware of their existence I just don't think they care enough to find them or put any effort into figuring out what they are, and that is as deep as I think that conspiracy goes IMO.


Have you ever seen a UFO Jodie?

I have. They do not fit being from our world. Sorry no I won't share in case someone asks.

Maybe it was before you began paying attention, but governments have been saying for decades that they weren't investigating UFOs. That's called a coverup, what I guess you consider laughable. The declassified documents from those same decades demonstrates our own government wasn't telling us the truth on the matter. Other governments the same.

Did you happen to listen to any of the press conference where a large number of ex military officers came forward to reveal the truth on some government coverups? Like when UFO's hovered over our missile silos and rendered them inactive.

Sorry if this is getting too off topic. Maybe there needs to be a thread on government coverup.

Guest RayG

Not everything is a conspiracy, but sometimes conspiracy is just what it is. Before the above pages were made available, people in government conspired to keep it a secret. Pretty simple explanation of conspiracy against the people (done for our own best interests in their eyes).

No conspiracy, you just didn't have a 'TOP SECRET UMBRA' security clearance. The UFOs their COMINT documents refer to are unidentified flying objects, not UFOs piloted by critters from somewhere other than Earth. Do you have any first-hand knowledge of classified information, how it's handled and classified, who gets to see it, or the organizations that safeguard that classified information? Ever held a military security clearance?

Every blip on the screen at a military radar installation is a UFO until identification is made. No conspiracy.

The Soviets likely once thought the SR-71 was a UFO. No conspiracy.

Your claims of conspiracies minimize the contributions by groups such as NORAD and the United States Space Surveillance Network. Keeping an eye on the sky is what they do. No conspiracy.


Guest Silver Fox

It only works if you believe the brainwashing to begin with. So who is doing the brainwashing, conspiracy theorists or the government?

The state/power elite, of course, with the help of the media and the "scientistic"/skeptic crowd who insist that such things are impossible.

Go talk to someone who works in a state intelligence agency. Tell them there is no such thing as conspiracy theory.

Guest Silver Fox

The above link from CIA is just one agency. Here is a similar page of Declassified Documents from the NSA (National Security Agency) that have been Declassified. Link All these decades of investigation by two government agencies constitute what we better knew as a coverup before being public. Decades of the government telling us they are not involved in investigating UFO reports. Remember that? Disclosure of these came about because citizens knew the govt was keeping stuff from us. Ie, a coverup. This is pretty heavy stuff too and there is probably lots more not revealed. Other governments like France, Great Britain, and a few others I can't recall at the moment, have also began coming forward. This is likely by design not by accident. We are likely slowly being exposed to this new reality because something much more compelling is on the way.

Not everything is a conspiracy, but sometimes conspiracy is just what it is. Before the above pages were made available, people in government conspired to keep it a secret. Pretty simple explanation of conspiracy against the people (done for our own best interests in their eyes).

Good stuff. Sure they've been investigating this stuff. Those are the MIB's. Military intelligence dresses in all black. Those are the MIB's who show up during UFO breakouts snooping around, telling people to be quiet, threatening people, etc. It all makes sense now.

I recall there was a UFO outbreak in the UK during WW2. Churchill ordered the investigation sealed for 50 years because to release the information "would cause mass panic." That paper just got released a little while ago. The government keeps all kinds of secrets, sometimes for silly reasons.

BTW, I reject most conspiracy theory as false, but I often look into it a bit first.

Guest RayG

Go talk to someone who works in a state intelligence agency. Tell them there is no such thing as conspiracy theory.

While you're at it, ask them if they'll share some classified information with you. When they won't you can claim they're conspiring against you.


Guest John

But if they let out a few useless snippets that might have been previously classified:

This is likely by design not by accident. We are likely slowly being exposed to this new reality because something much more compelling is on the way.

Guest Knuck

Be a good little sheep and go along with th program-Knuck

Posted (edited)

Have you ever seen a UFO Jodie?

I have. They do not fit being from our world. Sorry no I won't share in case someone asks.

Maybe it was before you began paying attention, but governments have been saying for decades that they weren't investigating UFOs. That's called a coverup, what I guess you consider laughable. The declassified documents from those same decades demonstrates our own government wasn't telling us the truth on the matter. Other governments the same.

Did you happen to listen to any of the press conference where a large number of ex military officers came forward to reveal the truth on some government coverups? Like when UFO's hovered over our missile silos and rendered them inactive.

Sorry if this is getting too off topic. Maybe there needs to be a thread on government coverup.

Yes indeed I have seen UFO's. Check out the MUFON site September 26th, 2009 report from SC and my Amoeba thread here on this site. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me. I don't have any problem talking about it, I just don't want to derail this thread.

My father worked for NASA and was involved in developing the systems within the Command Module. I probably heard more about space than you have ever read in any book or questionable website.

So that's really all I have to say about it for now other than our govt.really has no clue as to what is going on and are not waving a banner to advertise the fact. If you feel that constitutes a conspiracy, I guess our definitions differ.

Edited by Jodie

There are conspiracies, intentional and unintentional. You can be assisting in sustaining a conspiracy and not be aware of it. If you support "science", you are supporting a conspiracy of control and oppression. I'll explain.

All it takes for conspiracy and control is a centralized house or organization. You only need a organization where but a few persons call the shots and set the tone. An example of information suppression is the way religion previously worked.

The average person didn't have access to God, they had to go through the priesthood. Now replace religion with science...the average person has to go through peer review and published, respected media. If a person tried to share with everyone that God told him to build an ark because a flood was coming, everyone else would look to the priesthood and ask was this true. The priesthood would say it's ridiculous and the guy is crazy, "Where's his evidence". Thus the guy is labeled a conspiracy nut. We all know how that worked out.

This conspiracy for a control of information goes way, way back. I don't know if there really are individuals from a advanced society influencing this world as suggested, but it looks that way. It looks that way because no mortal man would have the foresight and endurance to impliment such a long system of control.

As I said, religion has been replaced with science. Science is better because you don't have to go from some priests word, there is a actual process which gives people who observe it evidence. This is where the conspiracy goes way back. We are programmed to believe the word of our science representatives. How many of us have been to the moon? How many of us have personally conducted the experiments we base our lives on? Not many...we take he word of our representatives and the controlled media outlets.

All science has to do is control the flow of information and the availability of evidence. This BF issue is a prime example. All the science community has to do is claim they never received any physical evidence, thus BF doesn't exist. The majority of science supporters will take their word as bond and follow right along. All science has to do is proclaim a sasquatch skull submitted to them is a Native American. The science supporters will eat up what they say.

We've lost our freedom of thought, common sense and belief in each other. I can tell you face to face that I saw a BF and you'll look at me like a crazy. If it's published that a BF corpse has been examined and confirmed...you supporters will accept it without having seen anything yourself.

I'd like to ask some of the science supporters a question. If you personally see a BF...would you still take the official word that they don't believe? Would you attempt to convince yourself that what you saw was a bear running on its hind legs? LOL...I can see someone now wrestling with themselves and not believing their own eyes. That's a sad state...

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