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Bigfoot Dna Update

Guest Silver Fox

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Guest parnassus

This leak or rumor or whatever it is, tends to confirm what I have been predicting.

To briefly recap my prediction: there is and will be no body. But something better than hoakey footprints and coarse hair has to be found, to keep the bigfoot ball rolling. That something is DNA. But there is no strange DNA either. Just known animals and humans. But wait...how about the Snelgrove Lake sample? Turns out that differed from Anglo DNA by a single base, and that polymorphism is characteristic of the Native People of Canada. The insect specialist who did the TV show didn't realize that. Oops .Now he does.

But is the same error at play in Ketchums analysis, with a little help from Paulides?

David Paulides, a guy who isn't necessarily the most respected character in the field, is suddenly involved. He seems to be in charge, actually. How did he get into this game with Ketchum? Hmmm. He isn't a scientist so I assume he's the one responsible for the key samples. Hmmm. Where does Paulides do his field work? Among isolated tribes. Hmmm. What has he been talking about on his website? Abduction of tribal women, rape and interbreeding..

The DNA of isolated human populations shows various polymorphisms which differ from the usual Anglo or African American. That, however, does not make them not human and it certainly doesn't make them Bigfoots.

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Guest gershake

This leak or rumor or whatever it is, tends to confirm what I have been predicting.

One of the main reasons I knew this couldn't be true. Glad this is out of the way now, as per page 2 or 3. :)

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Susiq - Joseph Stalin tried to create a kind of "super" soldier and did experiments mating the two. It was on Monsterquest once. I do not recall if those efforts were successful.

No. The episode is on YouTube.

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No we don't. We have people like you who claim that we have those things, but not one of those claims has been substantiated. Therefore, we don't have those things.

You can't take photos of, measurements of or scientifically examine things that do not exist. Photo taking, examining, etc has been done with BF evidence. The evidence exists, whether you like it or not.

No amount of stomping Skeptic feet and shouting "NO IT DOESN'T!" changes the fact that I have right next to me at this very moment a book containing documentation of said evidence, and can easily get more with a few keystrokes.

If not one of them can actually be demonstrated as authentic, how on earth does the collective inaccuracy of their interpretation legitimize them?

They can be quite easily demonstrated as authentic in many cases, such as the work done by Drs Meldrum, Fahrenbach, etc.

People often believe incorrect things until the scientific method is applied and demonstrates what's really behind the phenomenon. World renowned scientists like Dr. Jeff Meldrum have been investigating bigfoot for years and have failed to even demonstrate that such creatures exist. If you "do the math", you'll find that the scientists who've been investigating bigfoot have batted 0.000 thusfar.

That is your opinion.

The most logical explanation is that there really isn't a bigfoot for them to discover.

The most logical explanation is that unreasoning and unreasonable Skeptics refuse to accept the evidence right before their eyes for whatever reasons they use to justify that to themselves.

Meanwhile the evidence still goes on existing, and more is being gathered every day.

A less logical explanation is that there is a bigfoot but the scientists investigating it are incompetent.

Or biased in many cases.

The least logical explanation is that there's some kind of global conspiracy to keep the discovery of such creatures from ever coming to light.

The least logical explanation is that there is no BF despite the bountiful evidence to the contrary.

To dismiss it all requires one to embrace the absurd notion that there exists a conspiracy of hoaxers, liars, and lunatics that have managed to somehow create a coherent picture of a large bi-pedal hominid that looks a certain way, acts a certain way, lives in certain places, etc. This "conspiracy" encompasses the entire world, and has existed all the way back to aboriginal times and is both educated enough to make sure the science behind the evidence is properly duplicated AND organized enough to make sure that knowledge is disseminated throughout the conspiracy AND disiplined enough to make sure members stick to the "standard".

I'm sticking with the first one until the evidence points otherwise.

Translation: See no monkey, hear no monkey admit no monkey. Pardon me while I put on my blindfold and stick plugs in my ears before you destroy my illusions by exposing me to the evidence.

Well we all know that those "aboriginal peoples" never held any beliefs that either weren't demonstrably false or open to misinterpretation. . .

Well, we ALL know those " aboriginals" never could live in their environment for millennia or bother to learn all about the flora an fauna there in...or pass that down in their tradition...:rolleyes:

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This leak or rumor or whatever it is, tends to confirm what I have been predicting.

To briefly recap my prediction: there is and will be no body. But something better than hoakey footprints and coarse hair has to be found, to keep the bigfoot ball rolling. That something is DNA. But there is no strange DNA either. Just known animals and humans. But wait...how about the Snelgrove Lake sample? Turns out that differed from Anglo DNA by a single base, and that polymorphism is characteristic of the Native People of Canada. The insect specialist who did the TV show didn't realize that. Oops .Now he does.

But is the same error at play in Ketchums analysis, with a little help from Paulides?

Why don't you just come right out and say what you mean: any DNA result in favor of BF is the result of incompetence or fraud, right?

David Paulides, a guy who isn't necessarily the most respected character in the field, is suddenly involved. He seems to be in charge, actually. How did he get into this game with Ketchum? Hmmm. He isn't a scientist so I assume he's the one responsible for the key samples. Hmmm. Where does Paulides do his field work? Among isolated tribes. Hmmm. What has he been talking about on his website? Abduction of tribal women, rape and interbreeding..

Hmmm...ad hom ad hom ad hom...?

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This leak or rumor or whatever it is, tends to confirm what I have been predicting.

To briefly recap my prediction: there is and will be no body.

This post tends to confirm what I (and others) have been predicting. To briefly recap: the Skeptics won't even wait for the paper to come out before swarming in to dismiss, belittle, and otherwise trash it.

Edited by Mulder
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Interesting. The same results that Owen got back from Todd Disotel from the broken light bulb on the back porch of a witness. After the creature broke the bulb with it's noggin, it traipsed off leaving tracks as well.

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You can't take photos of, measurements of or scientifically examine things that do not exist. Photo taking, examining, etc has been done with BF evidence. The evidence exists, whether you like it or not.

Please, please, please demonstrate how anything you refer to has actually been authenticated as evidence of a bigfoot. Just because Meldrum mentions something in his book doesn't mean it's authenticity has been verified.

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Guest Silver Fox

This post tends to confirm what I (and others) have been predicting. To briefly recap: the Skeptics won't even wait for the paper to come out before swarming in to dismiss, belittle, and otherwise trash it.

I sometimes lurk on a forum where they talk a lot about BF, which I will not name. Lot of scofftics on that forum. They have been discussing Ketchum's work and paper for a long time now. They have been saying for a long time that they are already going to reject it, no matter what it says. Open minded folks. :wacko:

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Guest gershake

Please, please, please demonstrate how anything you refer to has actually been authenticated as evidence of a bigfoot. Just because Meldrum mentions something in his book doesn't mean it's authenticity has been verified.

Post plussed by a BF proponent.

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Guest Silver Fox

Interesting. The same results that Owen got back from Todd Disotel from the broken light bulb on the back porch of a witness. After the creature broke the bulb with it's noggin, it traipsed off leaving tracks as well.

What did Todd Distoell find? Who was Owen? Are you referring to the Snelgrove Lake samples?

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I am going to wait, because like everyone else, I have no choice. It is difficult, but that is the only option.

All of the speculation and in-fighting is not something I will be involved in, and I will tell you why.

There is only one reason that I am focusing on ...to hope for nothing but the best when this is finally presented. I can only hope, of course.

I have been let down before (as we all have) and have had to hold my tongue and yet again...wait.

I am hoping that this is accepted evidence to establish Sasquatch as a reality, because I have been waiting since my children were born...decades ago now...to tell them what I saw as a child.

All the talk of Sasquatch being so very close to human...if not human itself...only validates what it specifically was that I know I saw.

As long as the general public thinks that anyone that believes they exist - let alone claims to have seen a Sasquatch, to be quite possibly a fraud and lying at best, and mentally unstable in all probability, I cannot tell my story to my children.

I am a single father, and their trust in me being stable for them is of the highest importance.

But...if this evidence and "proof" really does come to pass, I will spend that night, the night of the announcement, talking with my children. I will tell them the story of my experience. One that is part of what makes me who I am today. The reason that "dad talks so much about Sasquatch all the time" will finally make sense to them.

The chance for this conversation has come and gone before, but this time I believe it is the real deal.

For me...that is what the Erickson Project is all about.

That conversation is what I am waiting for.

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Interesting. The same results that Owen got back from Todd Disotel from the broken light bulb on the back porch of a witness. After the creature broke the bulb with it's noggin, it traipsed off leaving tracks as well.

Owen Caddy? Where was this? I remember the incident but I've forgotten the area.

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Susiq - Joseph Stalin tried to create a kind of "super" soldier and did experiments mating the two. It was on Monsterquest once. I do not recall if those efforts were successful.

My understanding (I saw that ep on DVD) is that they were not...but using modern DNA splicing it is becoming more and more possible that ape genes could be grafted into human DNA artificially.

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