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The Jacobs Photo Is A Juvenile Sasquatch

Guest Forbig

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Guest parnassus


I would like to start another thread on how many layers of deepness this comment has. I'll start.

1. Wait. So is this whole discussion of Jacob's photos a "moo point"? Is that what you are referring to?

2. Ok wait again. You referenced Saskeptics comment that my comment was in jest. Does that mean I am the moo point? The point I was trying to make was a "moo" point?

3. Are you calling me a cow?

4. ...Ok, you give it a try!

Back to the discussion of the bear.

You need PLEH.

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Nar i picked up on those the first time they were shown a few years ago also, but it gets ya to think why some one would have to do that to prove there point, shouldn't the ones taken that night have already come with hands, fingers, feet and toes instead of paws ?

Tim :)

Don't be ashamed, you don't need to make excuses; I won't make fun of you.


I've seen others fooled by that one because they're so close they thought it was the same picture.

That picture was so much like the ape picture that all it needs is to be just a little clearer like the daytime ape then you would see those fingers! Just a little more detail and there would be no question about it. Then again that wouldn't of helped because they would be calling it a kid in a suit.

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Guest RedRatSnake


Ya you can call it an overlay but the fact is the ones below have changed position so all in all there not a match for an ape, those pictures were also very well looked at and laughed at some too, like i said before some were just trying to make a BF cause they wanted one so bad.

Saskeptic is dead on with his last post and person he was talking about on the old BFF was very in tune with gorillas and there habitat's, unfortunately there can be no names mentioned but i will stick in there with everything that member had to say about anything Gorilla.

Tim :)

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Ya you can call it an overlay but the fact is the ones below have changed position so all in all there not a match for an ape, those pictures were also very well looked at and laughed at some too, like i said before some were just trying to make a BF cause they wanted one so bad.

Saskeptic is dead on with his last post and person he was talking about on the old BFF was very in tune with gorillas and there habitat's, unfortunately there can be no names mentioned but i will stick in there with everything that member had to say about anything Gorilla.

Tim :)

post-987-090171000 1316564195_thumb.jpg

They didn't change postion that's a fact this simple line on the clear original proves. Whether you or I can easily get into that positon is beside the point.

Saskeptic is dead wrong, no names can be mentioned that's suppose to be this valid superior reference? :lol: It doesn't matter I've seen those pictures. :lol: I gave real names of real people with real references that really proved this thing didn't have the proportions of a bear. Yet I'm suppose to believe in some guy hanging out on the BFF that's claimed to be some kind of super human expert with his fancy titles? He plays with cartoon overlays that are far from a match in its proportions. I'm not impressed it's worse than the 3D Bob H. skeleton.

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Guest tirademan

Well, there is this too...it's from the same general area in PA. Love the "loses out" part...not much different than today.

Old stories can provide consistency in sightings that skeptics seem to ignore.

Maybe there is some sort of genetic mutation in the area that causes the bear cubs there to walk on two legs! laugh.gif

I've never thought it looked like a bear at all...not sure how anyone can.


post-325-023677900 1316564317_thumb.jpg

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Guest Giganto Guru

The Jacobs photo and the ape are so close it wouldn't make any diference if the ape switched legs around. The upper body is so identical to it that it's scary.

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Guest RedRatSnake


The very fact that they were tampered with makes them null and void in mind, like i said they wanted a BF in the picture and made one,

i seriously am getting out this time cause i really don't like reading bad talk about others i have high regard for when there not here to stick up for them selves, my fault for bringing it up ~

Tim :(

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Bear on left, Jacobs creature on right. Telling, I think. From Roguefooter's post 68 in another Jacob's thread (bear vid one that I started). If I didn't tell folks that was a bear on the left, I would guess that some might think "gorilla"... or something else. But the creature on the left is in fact a bear.


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Bear on left, Jacobs creature on right. Telling, I think. From Roguefooter's post 68 in another Jacob's thread (bear vid one that I started). If I didn't tell folks that was a bear on the left, I would guess that some might think "gorilla"... or something else. But the creature on the left is in fact a bear.

Have a closer look at it with this guys video

Not even close like the fade into an ape photo I posted above.

Edited by Forbig
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The very fact that they were tampered with makes them null and void in mind, like i said they wanted a BF in the picture and made one,

i seriously am getting out this time cause i really don't like reading bad talk about others i have high regard for when there not here to stick up for them selves, my fault for bringing it up ~

Tim :(

Tampered with? :lol:

They faded the creature into an ape to show that it was a perfect match and you thought it was the same thing.:lol: Don't be sore because you were wrong it's all in good fun I really wasn't trying to trick you. Next time I'll explain in advance so you don't misinterpret.

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