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I wouldn't know about that....

Apparently, not very good ones if they are.


I'm not being sarcastic, I know I joke A LOT, but are there people who think the Ketchum study is even real still?

Please don't jump me, just tell me why you think that, you may know stuff that I don't know.


I have my doubts but that's all they are. Given the current circumstances, a paper is still a possibility though it may not be in the venue people had hoped it would be in.


I'm not being sarcastic, I know I joke A LOT, but are there people who think the Ketchum study is even real still?

Please don't jump me, just tell me why you think that, you may know stuff that I don't know.

There was some concern(?) about this?

Here's What I Learned About David Paulides During His Lecture in OKC

by Tammy Murray


Posted (edited)

I still feel there is a "paper/study," but the quality not achieving what many had hoped.

Hard to imagine a complete con and invisible paper.

It is more likely to me that the results/analysis are somehow lacking or insufficient for a major Journal, but Ketchum stands behind her conclusions anyway. She wouldn't be the first to do so.

But, I would be happy to wake up Thursday and find I am wrong, and it is published in a peer-review Journal rather than awakening to find it's a complete failure, or worse.

The 'stuff' reported, or her own comments, might be inconsequential in the end...or not. I can't tell.

I also don't feel bad about hanging on to the end, not like I have a DNA study to produce....and Oxford some time out, and Dead Bigfoots swirling around the internet......well who knows?

Past Bigfootery judges this a hoax today, I see that.

But, tomorrow is yet to arrive.

And, well...why not remain one with hope, if not this study another....and so on. :)

Edited by apehuman
Guest knappster007

Delays in publication and acceptance are the norm in academic journals. The professors doing the review and the editors doing the publication march to the speed of their own drummers, and those drummers are in no hurry. Delays mean nothing. You just have to sit back, be prepared to wait months, and when it happens, it happens. Academia moves VERY slowly. I know this from personal experience publishing in these types of journals.


Thanks to some Googling and cached stuff her are some images new to me





Posted (edited)

Bartlojays has a very detailed and persuasive take on Paulides' recent comments, apparently new ones today.

I thought there still might be a possibility (in reading the forensic DNA - Bear thread) that specificity with that sample might have escaped the other lab? Some outside chance it is some other "error" rather than a stand off on results and who gave who what sample?

His post is very persuasive. in reasoning and detail.

Nothing to do but as the wise Knappster007, who has experience waiting for reviewers to review, advises - wait patiently (lol that shipped sailed I think!)...thanks!

Funny I have a lengthy dentist appointment soon today, and almost looking forward to the distraction..it sounds painless to this! The Enquirer? Seriously? This is a BFE joke right, or something old on the press release?

Edited by apehuman
Posted (edited)

Watch the video it's in there. Whether this is the actual paper or not this just seriously damaged the whole enterprise. I'm curious if Melba did an interview with them for this publication? Do you think a reputable journals going to publish it after seeing this in the national enquirer? I doubt it.

Edited by squatting squatch

Well, the nat'l enquirer is known for grabbing tidbits of info and just running w/em.

No one is immune. If DMK actually did an interview w/em, well...that is another story.

I don't see prominent folks' reputations getting hurt by the enquirer at all. Everyone knows it's fake to begin with laden with make believe 'facts'........wow......talk about similarities.....


Guest WldHrtRnch

It's the National Examiner, not the National Enquirer, not that it matters much at all . . . just a detail. Makes me want to go out and buy it though, just to see it, lol.

Guest Darrell

I always thought the paper would publish in something with "National" in the title, lol.


Yeah your right I got it wrong, it's the Examiner, this publication just makes it more of a joke coupled with Paulides statements. Good times ahead!

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