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Sierra Shooting from A-Z


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For some reason, I got it in my mind that the kids were seperated from the adult and not close to him/her, but closer to the road. From that I gathered the adult was afraid that they would be seen or dash in front of the truck, that was why she waved her arms. General interpreted the arm waving to mean "surrender".

Thank you Jodie. I really do appreciate your explanation. :blink: Sometimes I've had trouble trying to understand what all happened that day. It had to be terrifying for all involved. :(

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Guest parnassus

I'll answer the "back-up rifle" question. In many states, it's illegal to carry any other firearm while bow hunting. Some states you can carry a firearm and ammunition, so long as that combination doesn't match the critter you're hunting during that particular season, like a take-down pistol. If that makes any sense. That includes the firearm and the ammunition. That is to say, you can't carry a shotgun with slugs into the woods during deer/bear bow hunting season. Period. Unless you're hunting some other critter whose season is open. I was told by a New York DEC cop that if he catches a hunter bow hunting deer or bear who has any firearm at all during bow season, he'll ticket you. That assumes you're bow hunting big game, not turkey hunting or whatever. It can be murky because of overlapping seasons, of course.

Colorado and most western states that permit open carry do not have a problem with bowhunters carrying sidearms. I wouldn't hunt without one, since everywhere I hunt elk there are black bear. I have never had to use mine, and I don't expect I ever will, though I have had a number of confrontations. Frankly, I don't know that it would be as helpful as pepper spray, which I also carry.

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I have a completely different philosophy about just leaving them alone. Sorry to keep throwing this around but I think some don't understand how important it really is to examine them. If killing is the only way it seems to bring one in, I'm good with that. I can't really defend blowing away the wee one but eh.

Should we have just left the bald eagles alone when we were inadvertently killing them off by using DDT? Or should we have tried to learn what was going on by examining them? It's a good thing we tried to learn what was going on because we saved them. Not to mention also saving scores of marine invertebrates in the process (which are in the food chain for countless species). Some say that bf populations are in decline. If that is true, then they may not be just fine without us. It is important for us to find out why and if we are the cause. A specimen may give up those answers. If this thing really happened, he might have just unknowingly saved the entire species.

My problem lies not in "collecting" a specimen. If you are going to kill one just grow a pair after the deed is done and do the collecting part of the task.

And spare me the DDT lecture in this thread at least. I'm a marine biologist, I've spent hundreds of hours pouring over her "data" researching my dissertation.

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I was being sarcastic. But I do not believe that the adult BF would do such a thing. From what I have read, they are very secretive and would merely disappear into the forest with the young. And how does a BF know that a hunter has a gun aimed at them? That theory doesn't wash.

Oh, Wow, Okay, Thank you for pointing that out to me. :wub: I am gullible, so people pointing out problems help me to see the picture clearly.

I never totally accepted the arm waving story. That seems completely uncharacteristic of them from everything I've observed. When they're upset, they roar or howl. I think she would have made a noise to attract attention to her direction, probably partially hiding while she did it.

Suziq, I don't think you need to apologize for anything you said. I'd give you a plus if the post was still here.

I agree, Chris. It's very profoundly disturbing!

It's also disturbing that the driver is emphatically telling him not to shoot because it's a person in a suit, & the shooter thinks there might be a film crew there, but shoots anyway. And that's not enough to satisfy him!! "So I decide I’m going to going to shoot one of the kids and my buddy’s like No, do not shoot, do not shoot."

Profoundly disturbing. :(

I discovered that I had a point, and I gave it to you. :wub:

I appreciate what you said more then you will ever know.Thank you so very much. I felt terrible when I reread my original post, I felt it was too harsh due to my grief over the loss of this family unit, and a youth being left alone just broke my heart, especially after seeing it's mother and sibling killed in front of it. :( .

However, I should never post when I'm crying because it comes out harsher than I meant for it to sound. :blink::blush: I need to wait until I'm composed to post something after being that distressed.

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I tried to edit my last post but ran out of time. What I wanted to add is:

If it's proven that Justin killed a human person(homo sapiens) mother and child, then I'll be the first to condemn him and his actions. Something other than that? ...Not so much. Derek and Justin have both confirmed that they know the sample results, and their(and Dr. K's) enthusiasm doesn't support the idea that it was a person that was killed. Also remember that as the story currently stands, the link between the creatures that were claimed to be shot and the sample submitted by Justin is purely circumstantial. Justin claims the piece of flesh was not found in situ (i.e. carved from the body of a sasquatch that had died where it fell), but was found independent of any remains that might confirm it's source a few days to 2 weeks after the claimed shooting, depending on how you interpret some of his statements. This is a big deal. I know there have been a few comments about this point, but I'm surprised that more has not been made of this.

Edited by Bonehead74
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Ditto Bonehead!!!

I think all of you who are grieving, crying, threatening, and calling your congressmen over two dead bigfoot probably need to pause for a moment and ask yourself, " At what point in my life did I lose sight of reality?".

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Guys, I have some bad news... on my way to work today... I saw... vultures circling in the sky over some trees. We all know what that means; another animal has died :(

*lip quivers*

(oh yeah and also thousands upon thousands of people were ripped from their families, tortured, and murdered in hundreds of different atrocities happening presently all over the world)

Let's get a grip people!

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I think they were overwhelmed, but Justin (here I go again) throwing down the body of the small one ( You dId wHaT?! :o ) and stomping off seems like a hugely immature act. I am flabberghasted by that. No little icon expresses it. I am not terribly upset about the shooting because I believe it was accidental--sort of. It is very sad, but has happened before and will happen again, I suppose. Until everyone knows this ____ is what they look like, here ___ is what they are, and DO NOT shoot them, it will happen.

:( What are the chances they will be classified as game? :unsure:

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Guest slimwitless

I agree, Bonehead. I don't know why they haven't tested the bloody clothes Justin has stashed in a "safe place". That clothing is the only evidence with a "chain of custody" to the shooting. If the blood was revealed through genetic testing to be somehow related to the other sample, it would pretty much confirm the central premise of the story.

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I agree, Bonehead. I don't know why they haven't tested the bloody clothes Justin has stashed in a "safe place". That clothing is the only evidence with a "chain of custody" to the shooting. If the blood was revealed through genetic testing to be somehow related to the other sample, it would pretty much confirm the central premise of the story.

Good call... he did specifically say that the juvenile landed at his feet and "bled all over his boots". He has to know what the natural follow-up to that is. Although, since he has offered up that jewel more than once, I am inclined to believe it was included. I just don't see "bigfoot blood on the shoes" getting by all the people involved.

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I agree, Bonehead. I don't know why they haven't tested the bloody clothes Justin has stashed in a "safe place". That clothing is the only evidence with a "chain of custody" to the shooting. If the blood was revealed through genetic testing to be somehow related to the other sample, it would pretty much confirm the central premise of the story.

I'm not convinced that hasn't happened, Slim. I'm sure the forthcoming book will reveal all...

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I've gotten around to listening to the interview now and, I have to say, I was a bit dismayed at what I heard. I state that as an early advocate of the General and someone who reluctantly concedes that it will take a type specimen to settle this mystery. I'm not generally one to agree with Sasfooty about, well anything really, but she has hit the nail on the head with some of her observations in this case. Not even from a moral angle, but from a basic common sense, hunting etiquette kind of angle.

For example, Justin repeatedly said words to the effect of: it looked just like a man in a suit, so I shot it. He also stressed the unreality of the situation and stated that he half expected a film crew to come rolling around the corner, so he shot it. To me this makes clear a fuzzy kind of logic and I've made a mental note never to take the kids trick or treating round Justin's house in full costume.... ^_^ He also stresses how emphatic his friend was that the young ones not be harmed, so what does he do? You guessed it. At no sense did I get a palpable sense of danger from the proximity of the young. I had no idea that the time lag between the 2 shootings was a great as stated in the audio. I'd imagined they were pretty much consecutive. It should have been apparent by the time of the second shooting that the little ones posed very little threat to the two men.

Initially, I had a great deal of sympathy with the view that Justin fired because he believed he was being threatened by a monster. Who knows what they would have done in a similar situation? I would have imagined the story to become more massaged, more sympathetic to the perpetrators when heard straight from the horses mouth. Perhaps it speaks to the authenticity of the account that this is not the case, but for me the retelling I head in the interview became more calculating, premeditated and ruthless than the one I had imagined all those months ago when this story broke.

:wub: :wub: Thank You!!! :wub: :wub:

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Guest slimwitless

I'm not convinced that hasn't happened, Slim. I'm sure the forthcoming book will reveal all...

I hope that "plus" came from someone in the know.

The blood on the boots and the clothing could prove the central premise of the story. Perhaps Derek or Justin could shed some light on this critical piece of evidence.

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Guys, I have some bad news... on my way to work today... I saw... vultures circling in the sky over some trees. We all know what that means; another animal has died :(

*lip quivers*

-I've got a whole pallet of Kleenex with your name on it, NGJ. Just PM your home address for prompt delivery! :D

(oh yeah and also thousands upon thousands of people were ripped from their families, tortured, and murdered in hundreds of different atrocities happening presently all over the world)

-This I have seen, and the perspective it gives is priceless. It also makes it difficult for me to get totally !!!FREAKED!!! out about a guy claiming to have shot 2 unknown and as yet unidentified creatures.

Let's get a grip people!

-Amen to that. How about we try to be a little more selective about our 'selective' outrage?

Bold quotes are mine.

I hope that "plus" came from someone in the know.

The blood on the boots and the clothing could prove the central premise of the story. Perhaps Derek or Justin could shed some light on this critical piece of evidence.

We can dream, can't we?

Edited by Bonehead74
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Guys, I have some bad news... on my way to work today... I saw... vultures circling in the sky over some trees. We all know what that means; another animal has died :(

*lip quivers*

(oh yeah and also thousands upon thousands of people were ripped from their families, tortured, and murdered in hundreds of different atrocities happening presently all over the world)

Let's get a grip people!

LOL Circular logic...fascinating...now where is my Spock GIF?

Atrocities committed against people by who? oh yeah other people. The old "We kill people who kill other people because killing people is wrong" argument? I've been a proud member of TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE since way before it was trendy so I will opt out of auditing the requiem on human suffering, I have witnessed plenty first-hand from Panama, to Hwy 1, Camp Rhino, Haditha and Camp Victory so I assure you the choir has been preached to.

I am not, nor have I ever been in the care-bear cuddly squatch crowd. I have been in the presence of that projected sense of pure menace if I pushed it twice. Had I been armed during my second encounter at 90 feet with the winter-lean 7 footer showing me it's teeth and leering I may well have decided to light it up myself if the situation had escalated one tick more, I dunno. Potential does not equal probability with regard to Sasquatch aggression, if it did many of us woodsy types would adorn enough milk cartons to reface the Great Wall.

Therefore referencing said suffering witnessing as stated earlier, having been an elk hunting guide in Colorado, a Texas farm boy, growing up in the shadows of the Big Thicket, a career Marine with requisite righting of wrongs...I can tell you with utmost confidence and authority that I know when I see a fellow with a rifle that just wants to shoot something different. I can smell a million miles away and even through cyberspace and I am certain I'm not the only one. Hey fine, free country and all that, but I'm just calling a spade a spade. Every hunter knows the type I am talking about. There's no shame Justin, just admit it, no need to sugar-coat and tip-toe around the truth. Here I will even as we say in the Corps "Break it down Barney-Style" for you.

"We wuz huntin' and not seeing much of anything worth shooting at...when we saw the two legged very man looking thing walking towards us waving it's arms against my better judgement I decided to shoot. Turns out it was Sasquatch. Sadly we could not locate that big one, but I was worried people would not believe our story about the big one we couldn't find, so I shot me a little one. At that point my buddy got pissed off, and then I got pissed off and we decided to forget the whole thing and just left...then the strangest thing happened..The rifle god's decided to help me grow a conscience and I posted my question on the taxidermy webpage. Then this feller contacted me about some money, and I changed my mind about the whole deal so now I am huntin' ,me another one, only this time I will not make the same mistakes..Hopefully..as long as someone is not there telling me not to shoot..everything should be all good.

Simple, fast and to the point, honest. The truth shall set you free as they say.

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