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Sierra Shooting from A-Z


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Nakani, I personally think Justin just added the man in the suit part after the fact. I assume it took mere seconds to pull the trigger and he really didn't have much time to think it through like that. I can relate to how things change over time as I was in an accident and my recollection was different then what was on video tape and thank goodness I wasn't at fault. BFS even thought many don't like polygraphs, folks won't take them when they are faking something. Of course the Russians proved a tack in the shoe could help people beat those tests.

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Guest BFSleuth

Bartlojays, thank you for chiming in, and +1 on your posts. While I'm probably the most vocal detractor of polygraphs on this forum I also understand the nature of the placebo effect in relation to its use. It says a lot that based on where Justin's mind is with the concept that he rather enthusiastically stepped up to do it.

I look forward to the DNA test results when they are ready. Refreshing to know you will have the information out there in a format that is free and available for review.

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I also appreciate Bart's posts. Nice to have someone here that actually KNOWs first hand what's going on.....not saying the rest of us are dummies , just that we can do a lot of idle speculation and get nowhere if we don't actually know something

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Guest slimwitless

....he fails, and not even the staunchest backer of his would contend there was possibly a "false negative."

Oh, I don't know about that. I'm pretty confident in my opinion.

Not to mention I would never contend polygraphs aren't definitive and then turn around not acknowledge the possibility of a false negative.

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Guest slimwitless

I wonder what's going through the mind of the polygraph examiner. If she truly believes in the accuracy of her "trade", she has to be a little shocked to pass a guy making such an incredible claim. I wonder how she rationalizes the result.

"Hi honey, how was your day?"

"I was stuck in traffic all morning and missed an appointment. Oh, I polygraphed a guy that shot two bigfoots...er, bigfeet. Whatever. He passed."

"You're kidding me!"

"I know, right? What's for dinner?"

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BFF Patron

Only fair to present a source of the "other" APA side of the fence.

Notice you have to pay a hundred bucks for the full report (and tenured professors and bigfooters are money hungry? LOL ; >).

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I wonder what's going through the mind of the polygraph examiner. If she truly believes in the accuracy of her "trade", she has to be a little shocked to pass a guy making such an incredible claim. I wonder how she rationalizes the result.

"Hi honey, how was your day?"

"I was stuck in traffic all morning and missed an appointment. Oh, I polygraphed a guy that shot two bigfoots...er, bigfeet. Whatever. He passed."

"You're kidding me!"

"I know, right? What's for dinner?"

^ + :D

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^ @ Squat Squatch I watched a 4 + minute clip of the poly test and he appeared very relaxed. But I don't know the guy so I can only offer that as my opinion from observation...

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Guest Strick

The Polygraph operator seemed to be as nervous as hell during the exam and galloped through the questions at a hundred mph. I cant' say I blame her - she must have thought she'd stumbled onto the set of Paranormal Activity 3!

She seemed much more relaxed in the informal chat recorded at the end of interview. My guess is the guys realised she was freaked out so made coffee, cracked open the cookies, turned on the charm and put her at ease.

She seemed to be telling the film maker what she thought he wanted to hear and I wouldn't put too much stock by that. The fact she believes Justin was telling the truth does not, ipso facto, mean she is a Bigfoot convert now.

I also believe Justin believes he shot a couple of Bigfoots.

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Guest BartloJays

Yes, according to several people there. Every one of them, especially Ro, emphasized how nervous he was... at least initially. BTW, that's the good way to pass! Personally that makes this test mean a little more to me then I would expect it to mean to you or anybody else (with respect to polygraph contentions as a truth measuring vehicle) because I know him so well. I "know," that Justin "believes" that he couldn't walk-in, lie and beat the test. However, that's from just my personal perspective and it doesn't matter what Bart thinks at the end of the day, it's going to matter what the totality of the evidence determinations are and by whom. You know, it's one thing to say how easy it is to beat a lie detector test when you haven't stared down one, it's another to have the guts to walk in believing you are throwing it all on the line and go through with it and pass. I think it says a lot about character, which regardless of how bad the purported shooting incident may've been, he possess a lot of. If it's present, character reveals itself after a year talking on the phone every day and hanging out together quite a bit, especially away from this event and or bigfooting.

To be honest, one of the reasons I was tentative about him taking this thing at this time is that he would likely pass and then there being a little bit of a letdown for him psychologically because I fully understand the standard of what criteria must be met to substantiate this event from a universal consensus, and it goes well beyond a polygraph.

Here's some links from Shawn & Guy's sites in case you guys missed it, including the report, polygraph video (great job Ro and thanks for using acoustic piece I wrote and recorded in my garage and interviewing Bobo in my man-cave as well last week!) as well as Guy Edwards interview of the polygraph examiner and interview with several of us on our thoughts.. post-polygraph. If you guys missed any of these they will answer a ton of questions about the whole process.





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