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Do You Think Bf Has Been Discovered But Is Hush Hush?

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Guest bfsearcher

I have this feeling that BF has already been discovered and tested,learned about ect...but those people dont want us to know (the public) because then we will have poachers or maybe just nutcase people running around trying to capture or harm one of these creatures and upset their habitat.

Posted (edited)

By saying "those people", are you refering to the Government?

Edited by beerhunter
Guest RedRatSnake

I don't see why it would be kept a secret at all, there is no reason for it, but i suspect there would be some lag time in reporting it ~

Tim :)

Guest Crowlogic
Posted (edited)

No I don't think Bigfoot has been discovered and kept hush hush. Perhaps there will be government primate/human gene spliced creations some day but me thinks the ship of bigfoot has sailed and we missed it.

Edited by Crowlogic

What evidence helped you form this conclusion?


Guest krakatoa

"Those people" did the same thing with the flying cars we were promised.

They are keeping all the flying cars & bigfoots for themselves. Heck, they probably pay the bigfoots to be their chauffeurs.

It's just not fair. :mad:


The fossil record already proves that, so what would be the big deal? I'm genuinely curious about this point, because I've heard that excuse a bunch of times ("they" won't tell us, because it changes everything we know about the origin of humans/hominid evolution), and I just can't see what the fuss would be about, in that regard. What would it change?

Thought the exact same thing when I read the post.

Guest BuzzardEater

Bigfoot would cause a panic of unprecedented proportion. Humans would flee thier homes in terror. Seriously. Is anybody's wife going to be okay with it? Think in terms of national trends. Imagine the impact on real estate. Some land would become undesirable.

Nobody would ever go into the woods without a gun. Or near the woods. Idiots would shoot the place up.

Any sighting would need to be investigated. Roads would be closed, that sort of thing. I imagine the military would become involved. It's not like sheriffs with handguns are going to rush into the woods after them.

This sort of change might lead to a problem. They might take offense. We have no viable defence, you know. A guerrilla war would be lost. Even terrorist acts couldn't be countered. We as a species have never caught one that I have seen.

When I was a kid, the older kids had a game where they would throw a baseball to each other off an overpass over the freeway. At first they lost a lot of baseballs ( but no windshields, lol). Then, they caught a few. Then they made a few throws from the car. Finally, they could air it out to the car and make a hard throw back. Then, I think the Mom quit lending out her convertible. My point is, that a rock thrown from a known position can be made to hit a car moving at highway speed. Accurately.

I also understand a strong man can overcome a frieght train without tools. That is proven. The train wrecked.

I think it's better that they aren't a worry for people and rarely bother with us.

Guest Kerchak

What evidence helped you form this conclusion?


The OP said he has a feeling.

Often you don't need much to go on when you have a 'feeling'.

Guest StankApe

For any "govt conspiracy" you need to have 3 things, motive, opportunity and a cover up.

1) Motive- I see absolutely no motive to cover up Bigfoot as if it truly existed, someone out there would confirm it eventually. it's not like Bigfoot has secret military hardware or the secrets of CIA experiments or anything. It's a critter living in the woods. Not to mention that since the religious and conservation entanglements of politicians change as the party controls change. So what one govt official may see as "we have to keep this under wraps or we will have to declare the entire logging areas as protected" the next guy would say " yay now we can declare the logging areas protected!" So ... seems very unlikely that the Govt would hush it up.

2)Opportunity- It's the Govt. if they wanted to expend the resources to hunt for Bigfoot for the purposes of discovery only to then hush it up they could... But why would they? What committee would approve that and have oversight? The Military wouldn't care...

3)Cover up- well as anyone who has either worked in Govt or is ex-military can tell you, the Govt ain't too hot at keeping things quiet. Especially something like this which would undoubtedly have a very low clearance level. I doubt that "Bigfoot is Real!" would be at the same level of "Nuclear Launch Codes" and "What we are testing out at Groom Lake" So somebody would've blabbed about it sooner or later. Besides , doesn't it seem a bit silly that our Govt would go to all the trouble?

I'm a cautiously optimistic skeptic of Bigfoot. I love the "idea" of it, and I think there is compelling evidence for him. However, I haven't seen the smoking gun yet. Regardless, IF he exists, I reckon it's just a critter in the woods. An interesting critter to be sure! But still, just a critter. I don't see much Govt interest in that.

Guest StankApe
Posted (edited)

How would this be the case? Why wouldn't Bigfoot be yet another wonderous creation? Oh, I know... Because it goes against the "beliefs" of evolutionists, which change with every pig tooth that's dug up in Nebraska.

Need I remind you that there's a reason it is called "The Theory of Evolution." It is a theory. A consensus scientific belief, but a theory nonetheless. It's no different in that regard than the beliefs of others. The truth is that none of us were there at the beginning, so we never witnessed any evolutionary developments or divine creation. Both of these beliefs require a measure of faith.

Bigfoot's discovery proves only one thing - That it exists. It doesn't prove that humans evolved or disprove that we were all created.

I happen to believe that I am a creation descended from Adam and Eve, not deccended from a mud puppy that slithered upon the land and somehow developed lungs, legs, etc. That takes more faith to believe in than being created in my opinion.

Umm, evolution is NOT a theory. It WAS a Theory when expressed by Darwin in his book , but since then evolution has been proven. (Finch evidence proven, vestigal limbs of constrictors linked to monitor lizards, DNA evidence proving that ALL creatures share some DNA. Not to mention that the one species of Chiclids that traveled from Lake Tanganyika to Lake Malawi spawned over 500 species of Chiclids only 4 million years later!!)

I respect your belief system. But it's intellectually dishonest to call evolution a Theory . The Big Bang and such.... those are still theories.

Edited by StankApe
Guest RedRatSnake

BuzzardEater ~Awesome ~

Tim :thumbsup:


Bigfoot would cause a panic of unprecedented proportion.

Are you serious? I lived in a county where sightings were almost common. It was kind of accepted that "We know they're out there but they're not bothering anybody, so............" Nobody panicked. I think some people were kind of embarrassed, though.

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