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Do You Think Bf Has Been Discovered But Is Hush Hush?

Guest bfsearcher

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I've pondered this theory many times. There have been numerous claims by former govt. employees, rangers etc that have stated this very thing. I'm not saying it's a fact or foregone conclusion but to state the it would be impossible for the government to be at least have knowledge of the species, yet not divulge it's existence to the masses would be very naive in my opinion. For some fun watch the movie "TROLLHUNTER" on Netflix sometime, it's very well done....take out Troll in the movie and replace it with Sasquatch in your mind for grins and you can see what I'm talking about.

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Guest Tsalagi

A simple elegant explanation as to why some "animals" got the body bag treatment at Mt. Saint Helens..

Never heard about that. Is there any info online about this?

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Guest StankApe

Evidence against a cover up by the Govt in conjunction with the Logging industry. (all stats cited from this site: http://www.ibisworld.com/industry/default.aspx?indid=78 )

Logging Industy is in it's declining phase of it's life cycle and at $10 Bill in annual revenue. and is only expected to grow at 1.1 % until 2016. Hardly some huge cash cow that would be in trouble by species discovery.

It only employs around 53,000 people, the shipyard near my house employs half that many yet that didn't stop them from being forced to abandon plans to increase the dry dock area because they discovered tern nesting sites.... (it was estimated to increase the work force by around 1800 jobs but had to be dropped). It seems like if any sort of cover up involving govt would've happened hear at this ship yard who manufactures naval destroyers and other ships)

Not to mention Govt is fairly lousy at keeping things secret. The conspiracy theorists among us would differ, but those of us who have worked in or around fed. Govt know that everybody yaps about everything... It's amazing anything is secret, seriously. (except for the Air Force's experimental aircraft division, they do a good job, cuz I reckon they don't wanna end up working at radar station in Alaska).

Finally, IF the species was confirmed and land set aside, it wouldn't be a significant amount of land to make much of a difference in the logging industry anyway. Besides, they allow logging and replanting in many federally protected lands already.... The Forestry Service works very hard at maintaining a healthy National Forest. That includes select and clear cutting, but always in selected areas and always with replanting.

IMO, there's no method, motive nor incentive to keep Bigfoot under wraps. Some individual Ranger's (and their superiors) may tell their people too not discuss it...etc But that seems to me to be a personal decision rather than some sort of Federal Policy ....

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Guest RedRatSnake

I have to agree with StankApe. What does the government gain by keeping Bigfoot secret?

What do they gain !! are you mad ~ it's a well known fact Bigfoots are space travelers looking to breed with our women and steal our children for their sick medical experiments, Wake up people we are Being Invaded


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Guest Primate

Because of a couple of things I've "heard" recently , I've gone to the Fish and Wildlife website and searched "bigfoot" and "sasquatch . There are some interesting things to read there that seem to imply a deeper body of knowlegde IMO ..

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What does the Government gain by making Bigfoot public?

Increased headaches probably. Research into the animals and their ecological needs might be a hassle in this economy. political lobbying from activists for wildlife and forests versus lobbying from industry could be a problem. Much better to just ignore them until it becomes unavoidable. No extra money is going to come from this and no new constituencies.

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Because of a couple of things I've "heard" recently , I've gone to the Fish and Wildlife website and searched "bigfoot" and "sasquatch . There are some interesting things to read there that seem to imply a deeper body of knowlegde IMO ..

Cool. There's an art to reading between the lines. The military does it all the time. You're trying to figure out how the adversary is arrayed so you probe. You see what you can see, and you find out what you can't see. You get a sense of what they don't want you to see and you also have to be wary of what they want you to see.

Assuming agencies don't actually lie, there can be a world of information in how something is or isn't said.

Have any governmental agencies ever come out and categorically said that bogfoot do not under any circumstances exist?

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Guest RedRatSnake

I remember on BFF 1 we had a conversation going with a member that was a navy seal, ( going from total memory )he told us that in their manual there was talk about how to deal with a BF.

Anyone remember that at all ?

Tim ~ :)

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Have any governmental agencies ever come out and categorically said that bogfoot do not under any circumstances exist?

Short list of other things that the gov hasn't "categorically said do not exist under any circumstances:"

- Chupacabra

- vampires

- werewolf

- unicorn

- goblin and hobgoblin

- mermaid

- Leprechaun

- Nessie

- Champ

- Ogopogo

- troll

- ghost

- fire breathing dragon

- superman

- Flubber

- Son of Flubber

- Godzilla

- King Kong


"so you're saying there's a chance"

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