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The Echo Incident

Guest parnassus

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Guest parnassus

A thousand blood trails???? No exaggeration???? I think you shot yourself in the foot with that claim. :D

what you said I said, and what I said are not the same. and no, no shot in foot, and no, no exaggeration.

I think that it is taking so long is a good sign,if it came back unknown, then they would have to send it to a couple of other labs to verify. if it came back as a common animal , that probably would have been released already.

even if the results come back in favor for the believers, you are still going to have some people on here beating up the results, saying the labs weren't reputable, or the sample was probably contaminated, etc... some of the skeptics are going to have to have a body and even then they will still have arguments.

I am tempted to say "sure" but I don't know how to write it in such a way as to convey the sarcasm that I would like to express.

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I like it, next we can have blob sounds, blob stories, blob arguments, blob answers, blob descriptions, and don't forget blob logic.

I'm looking forward to the blob skat myself.

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Sometimes,when I am out in the woods, all alone, I get this blob in my stomach, like someone is watching me, or a man with a shot gun is near by.......

One thing about all this, its kind of like watching an experiment from a distance, how intelligent is this species if it exists? This might be a good test, the Texas guys might actually prove something to us here,although now I consider any of their work or results invalid, and have no interest in anything they do,with the exception of......will the bigfoot now abandon the area, and call it a day, or will they actually exact some sort of revenge? I know this, I would not be running around out there dressed like a bunch of rambo's anytime soon,just in case. Forty years has taught me something, if they exist, they are far better in the wilderness than we are.

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You keep using the term "blob DNA" like its some clever little catch phrase that you must be proud of coming up with all by yourself, but every time you've used it, it's clear you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You've used it regarding the Erickson Project, the Georgia Hoax, and the Echo Incident. Well Adrian Erickson has samples with Dr. Ketchum so you must be talking about that. Those results have not been released yet. The Georgia freezer hoax DNA was not "blob DNA", it' came back quite clear. It was human and possum. And lastly the Echo Incident findings have also not been released. That makes you O for 3. What is this fad you speak of? You've accused the TBRC of claiming rain damage for their samples. If you comprehended what was in their report, that is not what they said. From the beginning, you have not been interested in the facts at all, and if I had to put a percentage to it, you're running about at 90% with posts that deserve a total facepalm.

It's the latest catch phrase, where have you been? It all should contain bigfoot DNA so we will now call these steaks, bodies and blood drops a collection of Blob DNA in the end it's always something else.

If you still believe this story :lol: the TBRC is asking for $$ please send some. Those bad boy buggy's aren't free and secret base camp needs fresh cold beer to function. :guitar:

You've accused the TBRC of claiming rain damage for their samples. If you comprehended what was in their report, that is not what they said.

You're right looking back they did get some samples before the hard rain. It looks like they won't be able to use dilution for an excuse.

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they were on foot, they were there for almost a year before they obtained the sample, scattergun ? what's that a gun to make everyone scatter ?

and it didn't sound so easy to me, it took them a few days to find the blood on the rocks. the only thing you got right in that whole statement is that they collected a sample.

What? Are you sure they didn't take the Bad Boy Buggy out that day?

That's slang for a shotgun, I'm no ballistic expert but I remember my brother telling me those are close combat weapons not much good past 100 yards.

You're both right I'm not guessing at what the blood is going to turn out to be anymore, most of us already know what it's not.

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Guest parnassus

Why all the bickering about the look of the blood? I bet any real surgeon would tell you that there appears to be subcutaneous fluid mixed with the blood. Most likely from a well hydrated biological entity. :rolleyes:



if you said heavy dew mixed with blood, I might be there, but your proposal is just silly.


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what you said I said, and what I said are not the same. and no, no shot in foot, and no, no exaggeration.

Your quote: "It doesn't look like the shed blood drops I've seen probably a thousand times (no exaggeration)."

I take that to mean you've seen blood drops on a thousand different occasions? What else, 1000 drops of blood? If that's what you meant, then say it don't spray it. If you meant the former, then I don't buy the "no exaggeration" part. Sounds too "Wilt The Stilty" to me. :D

Oh, and I noticed you still don't know what a vector graphic is eventhough I explained it to you over and over. Hint: it's the opposite of a raster graphic. Joined, directed line segments whose endpoints are not restricted to a raster grid, which are called...wait for it..."vectors". Graphic rookie! :D

Edited by Gigantofootecus
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When your not sure if your facts are correct, your better off to keep quite and let people question if you know what your talking about, than to open your mouth and prove to everyone

that you have no idea,of what the heI* your talking about.

I still expect to hear something like "dew mixed with blood contaminated the DNA" so this dilution theory isn't over yet.

At least we can thank this story for "Blob DNA" it's already recognized by its repeated utterance and it spread through my campus like a wildfire. :lol:

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What? Are you sure they didn't take the Bad Boy Buggy out that day?

That's slang for a shotgun, I'm no ballistic expert but I remember my brother telling me those are close combat weapons not much good past 100 yards.

You're both right I'm not guessing at what the blood is going to turn out to be anymore, most of us already know what it's not.

Hi Patty3, you obviously have some sort of grudge against the TBRC from what I'm assuming is a falling out with them. You have Alton Higgins quoted in one of your signatures, which makes me think you were probably scorned by him. Are you by chance a member of the Michigan crew? Just wonderin. :)

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Hi Patty3, you obviously have some sort of grudge against the TBRC from what I'm assuming is a falling out with them. You have Alton Higgins quoted in one of your signatures, which makes me think you were probably scorned by him. Are you by chance a member of the Michigan crew? Just wonderin. :)

Not really, my warn status did grow unjustly for speaking out about how I felt Alton and his TBRC were wrong to make it sound OK to randomly shoot at upright walking creatures. :mad:

Other than that I don't know any of them and would probably hang out if I'm ever in Texas and they invite me for some brews.

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Guest parnassus

Your quote: "It doesn't look like the shed blood drops I've seen probably a thousand times (no exaggeration)."

I take that to mean you've seen blood drops on a thousand different occasions? What else, 1000 drops of blood? If that's what you meant, then say it don't spray it. If you meant the former, then I don't buy the "no exaggeration" part. Sounds too "Wilt The Stilty" to me. :D

Oh, and I noticed you still don't know what a vector graphic is eventhough I explained it to you over and over. Hint: it's the opposite of a raster graphic. Joined, directed line segments whose endpoints are not restricted to a raster grid, which are called...wait for it..."vectors". Graphic rookie! :D


A. yes, thanks. and that is true. Most of it not hunting. So you can figure out that either I have another VERY bloody hobby or my work involves blood.

B. I guess you are inventing another cover story for the non vectors you called vectors? every time you try that just makes it worse.

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Guest RedRatSnake

Not really, my warn status did grow unjustly for speaking out about how I felt Alton and his TBRC were wrong to make it sound OK to randomly shoot at upright walking creatures. :mad:

When i read that i was taken back big time, i am one for safety and a calm cool head when it comes to hunting or anything involving a weapon, it was without a doubt a dumb thing to do, but is it's done and nothing can take it back, we have to hope they learned a lesson and it won't happen like that again, i believe there should be a law against firing at a mythological or creature, common sense ~

Tim :)

Edited by RedRatSnake
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images of the "blood" on the rocks, found later, can be seen at Bigfoot Evidence. There may be some blood in it, but this certainly doesn't look like any authentic blood drippings I've ever seen, and appears to be placed.

any lab reports on this???

That looks like blood from an older wound, or a female ending her menses cycle, or she had a baby a month earlier. Less red blood cells and more clearish to yellow looking liquid mixed in with some red blood cells can come from an older wound not yet healed, or postpartum, or late in the menstrual cycle..

However, it must have been a fairly large wound..

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