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Erickson Project


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Guest Bigfoothunter

Support will come from folks like us when the video and dna is released.

We have been waiting patiently and will continue.

Sasquatch is real. I just need something to show the folks who still doubt.

The Sasquatch is real, but that doesn't make the evidence offered up to be real.

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  • 1 month later...

Is the YouTube channel trailriderresearch associated with the Erickson Project? They have several videos that feature varying sasquatch activity. They base their research in Golden Ears Provincial Park in BC, which happens to be a habituation site used by the Erickson Project.

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The disease is not localized. Quite to the contrary. Taking "the thing" out would actually make matters worse. A prostatectomy only works for localized disease with a Gleason Score less than 7 or so. Mine was 9 way back in 2003.

Richard, You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. I hope that the treatments will continue to be successful and that you will live a healthy life to a ripe old age!

I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
BFF Patron

Back up again with team-member Dr. Melba Ketchum listed. http://www.sasquatch...t.com/team.html

Also a caveat on page one about parameters for litigation in discussing elements of the project (seems to be directive in nature).

Perhaps the blogosphere should take notice.

Very interesting.

Edited by bipedalist
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BFF Patron

Hmmmm........still don't see a trailer?

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BFF Patron


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From what I gathered from the website is the following: There will be no movie released this summer. The statements made by Robert Lindsay are inaccurate. The project does not believe in the validity of the "sierra kills". The site indicates that they are aware of only two sasquaches being shot which occured several years ago. They have showed their evidence to scientist most of which are not convinced by the evidence. They have samples but they cannot verify the speciman that provided the samples. Ketchum has not completed her analysis of the DNA and is not ready to publish her results. Finally and most importantly. Dr. Ketchum is indeed tied to the project financially and stands to make financial gains if the pending documentary is successful. She has a financial motivation to conclude that the DNA tests positive for bigfoot.

"The DNA of these samples are presently being tested.

The completion and any release of a documentary as part of the Erickson Project, has been put on hold for a variety of reasons, most importantly pending the release of sasquatch DNA results by Dr. Melba Ketchum, who is testing DNA samples from different parts of North America, including multiple samples collected by The Erickson Project.

We know of two sasquatch that were mistakenly shot by hunters decades ago. In both cases, upon discovery, the men ran off, afraid to tell anyone until many years later

To analyze this amount of information is a huge undertaking without a 'type' specimen on file to compare it to.

The mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA of these samples are presently being analysed.

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My goodness......I read the same website, carefully, and wouldn't have leapt to any of those conclusions! You may just have been given an inch, but you've taken a mile. IMO, mais naturalement.


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Guest Bipedal Ape

"Expanding to more study sites in both the USA and Canada, the team eventually achieved greater success, and recording extensive video and audio evidence, as well as collecting a host of other physical evidence including footprints, hand prints, and hair."

Can I see this extensive video please? Thank you.

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From what I gathered from the website is the following: There will be no movie released this summer. The statements made by Robert Lindsay are inaccurate. The project does not believe in the validity of the "sierra kills". The site indicates that they are aware of only two sasquaches being shot which occured several years ago. They have showed their evidence to scientist most of which are not convinced by the evidence. They have samples but they cannot verify the speciman that provided the samples. Ketchum has not completed her analysis of the DNA and is not ready to publish her results. Finally and most importantly. Dr. Ketchum is indeed tied to the project financially and stands to make financial gains if the pending documentary is successful. She has a financial motivation to conclude that the DNA tests positive for bigfoot.

Maybe you can show us how you came to this conclusion from what was on the website? I didn't see anything about her benefitting financially from the success of the documentary.

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