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Kill A Bigfoot Or Capture One For Proof, A Better Non Lethal Way


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Guest Mudder

So far though, proof positive, we're not all coming together as a team. Human differences and opinions and jokes are the reason why bigfoot is such a taboo topic and "nobody" wants to discuss it with the general public -- Modern science and physics and philosophy has always been that way with any extreme thinking -- Sad. Take, for instance, The String Theory back in the 80's.

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Guest poignant

Think about trapping a human, only that human has heightened senses and has lived its entire life in the woods. Not many options in terms of the traps u can covertly construct and deploy. Better off with using a vehicle as an observation blind.

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Guest Mudder

^ Twilight Fan: "How would humans like it if aliens started beaming us up into their spaceships, taking us from our families and putting us in "study cells?" We'd hate it. And so would Bigfoot."

They already have, and we're living with it. :)

I don't want this to be an ethics thread, but I can't control that aspect of it.

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Guest Twilight Fan

With all due respect Mudder, the very nature of "trapping a Bigfoot" is an ethical issue. If you didn't want people to discuss that side of it...why did you post it? (just wondering).

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Guest Mudder

With all due respect Mudder, the very nature of "trapping a Bigfoot" is an ethical issue. If you didn't want people to discuss that side of it...why did you post it? (just wondering).

I have no problem with you discussing ethics. I respect everyone's opinions but, I will ignore them for the most part. I just didn't want this thread garbaged up with ethics posts for a future reader to filter through whom actually wanted to read about trapping bigfoot. That's why, personally, I don't read long threads because they're usually full of garbage stuff and whatnot & not what the original post was intended for. But it's a free country... Blow it up (not the country).


Edit: (For example, this exact post of mine right here responding is a garbage post, in my opinion.)

This was already attempted to no success other than bagging a few deer and an occasional bear. The 'bigfoot trap' built in 1974 in the low accessed (at the time) Applegate Road to the dam. It is no longer in service and is in bad disrepair as no one is responsible for taking care of it. Other than the trap gate being welded open, it remains as it was when constructed except heavily vandalized. It was a thick timber built room, roughly 8 x 8 x 10h. Trap worked precisely as you describe. The gate opens much higher than shown in this picture.


For one, that couldn't hold a 800lb bigfoot if one was lucky enough to get one that large. Not a chance, dude.

For two, it's short enough for almost any game. I bet a raccoon or fox or coyote could find a way for the bait.

For three, my original post was attempting to suggest other ideas, other than my "dumbarse" ones. Like I said, I can't think of a "professional" lure mechanism yet. That trap in that pic looks like something that a poor homeless dude would make (no offense to the owner - North American Wildlife Research Association based in Eugene, Oregon).

I'm speaking of thousands of dollars and concrete or steel (smooth sided so nothing can crawl up and get the bait) -- Not some logged up shelter with a "chicken wire cable door." Just saying. :)

Again, I'm boggled of how to detract birds and insects and big cats. Also, again, non-bear country.

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Guest Kronprinz Adam

I realize that a lot of us are against the idea of luring and trapping one of these fantastic related creatures but I haven't really seen a thread about this specific idea noted below.

Let's put our heads together one more time and talk specifics of luring and trapping.

I have a simple (and perhaps dumb) idea that I'm sure many of you have also thought...

Dear Mudder.

I think getting a clear photo with some technological device should be less difficult than trying to capture a creature which should be 5-10 times stronger than a human...

Best Regards.

K. Adam.

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Guest Mudder

^ Agreed. I have another thread for that.

Edit: ... Yet not so agreed. I think there's many ways about this but, in this thread for now, I'm speaking of actually trapping.

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Guest BFSleuth

Mudder, I know some topics do tend to get buried and are difficult to find with the search feature.

This thread discusses the possibility that a well financed group has already captured at least one hominid and are being very secretive about it.

This thread seemed to be trying to put together a more modest plan, with plenty of back and forth discussion.

These might make for good reading.

IMHO the idea of capturing a live bigfoot would require a highly trained, coordinated, and funded operation. Securing a BF without harm to either itself or a team member, protecting the team from possible/likely response from others in the BF family group, etc. are all something that needs to be considered.

I'm not a fan of the plan(s), either. I'm of the opinion they should not be held captive.

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In order to trap one-which I personally think is very close to impossible and extremely dangerous-you would have to have something to lure them into the trap. They already have all they need to live and survive. IMO, I see any trap just a big waste of time. Case in point: Look at the very limited success camera traps have had just getting them to walk in front of a small camera in the wide open....

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Guest Mudder

^ A hungry sasquatch can't resist a full dressed chicken. Would you? Hide the sliding door.

... Case in point: Look at the very limited success camera traps have had just getting them to walk in front of a small camera in the wide open....

I don't wan't cameras, nor any "electro-whatnot" signal what-crud, except for a simple radio/or-whatnot system. I just want a simple alert-system, hello. The forum is editing my speech.

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Once they are proven to exist, it's going to happen eventually, that's a given for scientific analysis. As for me or the next person going to capture one, I'm slightly game, but is seems disrespectful in a way.

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Guest JiggyPotamus

I've had the same idea for a while, and I've tried to explain it once before here on the forums, although I'm not sure I did a very good job, lol. It would probably be too difficult to actually do deep in the woods, which is always the problem that will have to be overcome for this to succeed...Or one of the big problems, as there are many. It would be a cage that would be placed in the ground. The cage itself would be constructed as follows: A flat floor, barred walls on two opposite sides, and the walls are hinged at the bottom to be able to swing inward.

The other two sides would be shaped like a triangle, and would not reach quite the same height as the other two sides. These sides are also just barred, and are fixed in position. The idea is that the two full sides can close via the hinges, coming down to rest on the triangular sides, forming a closed triangular-box-like structure. Now above the floor is a platform, which is connected via chain from the 4 corners, connecting to the two full sides at their top corners. Whenever a sufficient weight is applied to the platform, not only will the weight cause the two full sides to close down, sealing the main opening at the top, but also the weight on the platform will prevent whatever is inside from pushing open the top due to its own weight. This may need a bit of modification, probably a latching system, just to be safe. And the barred sides may need to be solid for safety's sake as well.

The top of the cage will sit flush with the ground, and can be covered with some type collapsible hatch, which breaks away or opens when sufficient weight is applied to it, like a sasquatch standing on it, lol. Hopefully, the sasquatch will fall through the floor to the semi-free-floating platform inside the cage, and will be trapped. Then the cage can be winched or hoisted via heavy machinery out of the hole, on to a waiting flatbed truck, or any truck of sufficient size to carry the cage...Obviously, lol. I don't expect someone would go through all this trouble just to forget to get a big enough truck to carry the cage. Anyway...

That's my not-so-brilliant plan. The reason I think trapping is more viable than killing or tranquilizing a sasquatch is that it minimizes the risk to all parties involved. Trying to tranq a sasquatch leaves you either with a groggy, angry sasquatch, a dead sasquatch, or a limp sasquatch...The latter being extremely difficult to move without injuring it, and extremely volatile if it awakens during the operation, before it is safely enclosed in an adequately sized habitation. With trapping one, yeah it will be mad, but it will be in the cage, lol. If you give it a banana it will probably calm down though, just an FYI...You can tell I'm a primate expert right? ;)

I used to think that we would never have to address this problem, because DNA would probably prove they are there. Now I'm not so sure. But even if we could prove they were out there without a specimen, dead or alive, the need to capture one will still probably be on the agenda of some organization that will be allowed to proceed with the endeavor legally. It is so difficult to learn about these animals in the wild that a live specimen will be invaluable to understanding them better. I would hope that any sasquatch that is captured would only be held for a short time, and then released around the same area. This will minimize the damage done to the animal psychologically, and will give it a chance to find its family and re-establish its normal life. It probably will never be the same, but hopefully it would have been treated nicely, and from that point on maybe understand that humans are not out to hurt it and its kind.

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Any sort of trap that isn't completely camouflaged or blended perfectly within the surroundings I just don't think will work.

Would you crawl into a concoction like what is pictured above if it was placed in your front lawn?

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Merging this with a previous capture related topic. Similar topics probably exist already so use the search feature first.

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How about we all form a huge line from the West coast to East and start walking South? If we still can't find Bigfoot that way, then I think it might not be real..

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