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Need Help In Central Texas.........

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The last image in post #449 that you refer to as a 'portal' looks interesting. More so with sound effects. Being growled at is always fun. Please do not crawl into dark areas. Humans are slow when on 2 feet and even slower when on all 4. I use a small point & shoot camera for burrows, under logs and debris piles. I fire off several flash assisted shots to see if any critters are in the dark areas. Handheld or on the end of a monopod, tripod with remote release.


This is unrelated to Bigfoot, but cool nevertheless........went up yesterday in my friends WWII B-25 Bomber to shot a video. We had some high-rollers who donate every year to the Yellow Rose Squadron, and they were all at a Golf Tournament that we sponsored. We also flew with the 'Kate' & 'Zero', and buzzed the golfers several times. Video is a bit long, but the action towards the end is cool.



I can't tell you how envious I am that would be a dream come true!!


Come on down Cervelo, or anyone else.......will hook you up with the ride of your life!


Lotta wet & damp ground everywhere from the rains, and is alive with tracks & sign of many critters. Looks like Mr. Banana-foot is back, been finding his(her?) right curved prints for years, but only during the cooler months.

Also, Lucy is always running free on my hikes, is constantly finding various bones, and bringing them back to me......how sweet. I see lots of bones, mostly White-Tail Deer, but this Scapula pictured looks larger than the Deer Scapula's that I usually find......can any of you hunters identify the species, or do you think it's just a large Deer?






Do you find that the cooler months lead to more activity over all Tex?

Thanks for posting the pictures of the wolf/dog skull btw, I find your pictures very interesting. I really like some of the older, and strange archaeological stuff you have posted as well, do you have another forum where you post more of that kind of stuff?

I think I need to vacation in Texas one winter soon lol


Hey JohnC, funny you should mention the archaeological stuff, that is one thing that I am always looking for! Take a look at the pictures below, found this apparent old walkway, no structure of any kind left in the area, forested now, but it looks deliberate. Looks like an old walkway, and leads to a relatively flat area that appears to have foundation stones. There is what appears to be an old road that goes on for quite a ways and is completely overgrown. There are no ruts in the road, so I doubt many cars ever ran down this, if any. Could have been some type of small pioneer settlement is my guess, absolutely perfect location with respect to the way it looked 200 years ago, and covers a pretty good area......long ago burned by fire, as many of the apparent structure rocks show heat. There are other aspects of this area that make me think something horrible happened here, my guess is Indians took this place out...........I need to get a metal detector over there for sure.






Back from The Cascades in Washington State, great trip, and fantastic weather. Didn't do hardly any BF'ing though, set up one trail-cam, but never got my recorder out of the suitcase. Spent most of the time working on the cabin, hangin' with friends, and enjoying the solitude.

Couple of shots, including a nice one of Mt. Rainier, and a print of some kind.

Will post more pics later.





Guest Thepattywagon

That rock formation/walkway is a great find! You should definitely check it out with your metal detector. Thanks for sharing all the pics!


Here's a piece of what looks like very old concrete of some type, with fist sized stones on one side, and smooth on the other. Found this near the walkway shown a few posts back, and up by the foundation stones.

Does anyone here know about these sort of things, and does this look like old concrete to you guys?

Here's something odd......was going through some BF recordings I have saved, including the 'Ohio Howl'. I played that clip with decent volume, and my Wolf reacted very negatively; she was instantly on her feet sniffing & listening, then made a speedy retreat to her Den, which is under my bed, and didn't come out for a while. She knew enough about the sound to want no part of it.......I found the reaction very interesting, will try again in a week or so, and will get her reaction on film.

Has anyone else ever played BF recordings, and observed the reaction from animals, wild & domestic?




The cooler weather means longer and more enjoyable hikes! Found these two Stag beetles doin' the nasty, and the male recovering afterwards.

Also a track of what appears to be a large cat running, probably a Cougar.





There's only one way to teach your dog(s) not to play with snakes......let them play with the non-venomous variety, especially the mean ones:)

My Ridgeback and Terrier will always mess with snakes, drives me crazy. The Wolfy knows better, and stays well away. Well today I let them play with Mr. 4-Foot Rat Snake, and poor Dunky-boy got nose bit, snake hung on for a few seconds too, and made him yelp.

All three went right over the snake and didn't see it. Of course, the snake had felt the on coming vibrations, and froze......as most snakes do. I was lucky to see it, but I have trained myself to notice irregular patterns, and not necessarily movement. Most snakes I come up on are totally still, either by ambush posture, or frozen with anticipation, like this case. I never looked him in the eye, so he didn't think I saw him either, but was quick to react when I grabbed his tail. The dogs saw the movement, and were over there immediately to play.

Also, found this nice muddy print......took some weight to make this one.






Yikes......one of the great icons for the State of Texas - Bigtex at the State Fair - caught on fire, and completely burned........better watch myself!



Read a story this morning about the burglar who ransacked the house in Philadelphia and turned out to be a 300 pound Deer. Made me think of my old pal Bobby, and how he would come in our house if someone left a door open, First time he did it, I was carrying groceries inside, and left the front door open. Came back through the house for another load, and he was just standing in the living room checking it out. He actually stayed a while, slowly walking around and sniffing everything, it was during the Rut, so he had huge antlers. This was years ago, and didn't have my dogs then, or it woulda been a scene!

Bobby the Deer was wild, but in some weird way we made a deep connection.......here are a few pics of him from stag to old man, he was my buddy for 6 years......RIP Bobby!






These are some Caves & possible animal dwellings I found hiking up in Washington;





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