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Need Help In Central Texas.........


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Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:)!


Stay tuned......2015 will ROCK, got some cool stuff planned, and some new gizmos to field test.

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Greetings.......and hope everyone got a visit from Santa:) I got a brief sighting for Xmas........perfect, or at least think I did, and can only put it in the maybe category. Time was about 10:30AM, clear, and about 45 degrees. I was hiking in an area where I had often found prints, and near a good water source. The dogs found the 'unknown' first, flushed it from hiding, and gave a brief chase. This is where I saw something a uniform dark color rise from its hiding place. In a flash, it was over a brushy embankment, and down into a thick swampy area. At the time, I was thinking human for sure since it was on 2 legs. The dogs had stopped dead in their tracks, and stood quietly on top of the embankment looking down into the swampy area. There wasn't a sound, so whatever went down there was hidden close by. I began to get an uneasy feeling as I realized the speed and silence in which this individual had moved. I called down there for whoever it was to respond, and said I was coming down there with the dogs if they didn't. Not a sound, not even from the dogs as they were sniffing the air, and looking down in there. I decided to make a loop around the swampy area, and come in from the backside half a mile down stream. I found a few older prints, a Deer kill, and what I think was a Badger, and all shown below.








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BFF Patron

Nice that you had an encounter. Your dogs are a great help. I wish I could borrow them now and then. My daughter has a great dog that would be perfect in the field. Problem is she is in Colorado.

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Here's another pic from the other day while hiking my very old, now new hiking area. I had quit hiking this area years ago because of the hogs, and you can see there rooting sign as they moved down the trail shown. Also, it's hard to get a count on the number of piggies moving down a trail, as they always seem to travel single file.


Here's a picture of wolfy doing her thing, always finding a good snack along the way. She loves to chew up and eat bones, the calcium I guess, plus there are 3 particular plants she eats the heck out of, and her favorite is Heals-all......smart animal, and knows where to find all the medicinal plants. I eat the heck out of the Heals-all too when she finds it. I have searched Heals-all, and only the Native Americans embrace it's healing properties, and is the #1 medicinal plant to them.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Happy New Year to all!!


I have some great things planned for 2015, and a very exciting weekend planned in a hot area in February. This year I have a lot more planned in some great areas, and will make a full report here afterwards. I won't be saying when, where, and how though until after the fact.......best to do it that way so I don't run the risk of being compromised in the field:)  

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No kidding Cotter.......I think it was a Badger, there wasn't much left of it. It blows my mind how much stuff is continually getting killed out here in The Kill Zone.

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BFF Patron

Just be careful out there.

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I've been hiking lately around 1:00 PM, it's been amazing out there, lots of rain, the creeks are running, lotta sign, but the time of day is totally wrong for pictures. The shadows, and contrasting bright spots are not good at all for detail. All the pics I took last week got deleted, not worth posting. These are not mush better, but will post a few anyway......don't want you guys thinking I'm getting lazy:)


Came upon another 'Shake Tree', where it appears some smaller critter was shaken out of a Juniper. It must have happened the night before, fresh greenery on the ground, and the disturbed bark area was still a lighter color from being grabbed and manipulated, not a darker color from being wet. Pictures aren't very good, but hopefully show some detail of this......it was quite amazing to roll up on this 'live'. Has anyone else ever noticed something like this?


Here are a couple of newer Deer kills along the way.








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Yes I believe that shaking trees goes on frequently when little ones are playing, being kids, etc.  A friend was on the phone with me and described such an event as it was happening.  Two adults were shaking a pine tree while looking up and sure enough a hairy kid was in fact at the top.  Mama bears do the same but this was in an area of extreme activity from the hairy people and not a bear zone.


I suspect that some of the downed trees might account for a few hairy kids refusing to come down,. Then mom or dad shoving the trees over to show them "who is the boss of the woods" at least temporarily until it's their turn as a parent.


Be careful and thanks for the pics.



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Always careful and respectful out there......thanks Sunflower.


I found several smaller prints, but the pictures didn't come out very well, this one being the best, but much of the 'live' detail lost in shadows.


And a picture of my pool, finally full with waterfall.......gorgeous!



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I've been trying to get some better pictures of my recent sighting location, but light & shadows have been playing havoc on recent attempts, however Saturday was perfect for photos with a light overcast.


Here are are couple of photos of the area......the first two show where the BF had been hunkered down in a ditch, probably after hearing my approach. The green 'T' highlights are where I was standing when first observing this individual. The blue highlights show the large water source, and the red highlights show where the BF was crouched down, and his trail after he stood up and ran, both disturbances still clear in the leaf litter even after a few weeks. 


The next two photos show the area where he jumped from the earthen mound down into the swampy area. The first photo shows in red where he landed & trail after he took off, the highlights in green are my tracks going down there to inspect closer the other day. What's really impressive, and the photo does not indicate true scale, is the leap was approximately 22 feet long, and losing 10 feet of altitude from jump to landing, truly impressive, and not something a human could do without probable injury.





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Also from the other day......a new and rather odd tree formation-manipulation.


Pic 1 - As seen walking up, located on remote fence line, and the 'house' borders in red

Pic 2 - The front door?

Pic 3 - Uprooted-pushed over live Juniper, root ball shown highlighted in green

Pic 4 - Another angle, outer edges of 'house' inside red arrow

Pic 5 - Close up of pushed over Junipers, root balls highlighted in green


This just looked so deliberate 'live', with trees being pushed from different angles to a central location.......if it was BF, why do this on a fence line, remote or not?


There are NO TRESPASSING signs all along this fence, so I did not go in there to get pics from the other side.






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