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The Sykes / Sartori Report - Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project

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I would certainly not call ancient polar bear DNA in the Himalayas as nothing. I would call that a lot of holy cow awesome.

Posted (edited)

Kit, we're talking about Sykes holding information back on the Bigfoot study. The Yeti/polar bear is old news.

Edited by roguefooter

Yes, the polar bear DNA is not fresh news, but stunning nonetheless. The real world is full of wonder. I missed the part where people were discussing Sykes sitting on Bigfoot truth. People really thought that was happening? I don't believe it. Wait, yes I do...



There's another dominant, humanoid, species on this planet. Do the research, humble yourself, and it becomes quite obvious. This dominant species created BF either in a lab or some.....other means.


BF has help on this planet.



And yet some rather salient points...



There's another humanoid species on this planet which carefully overlooks our precious "science" and steers us in a slightly ineffective direction in order to maintain their dominance. After all, they have probably half a million year head start on us. I suspect their numbers aren't many and their reproduction is slower than ours.


If BF is as flesh and blood as we suspect, and simply a archaic hominid or wood ape, we would have solved this mystery long ago. No matter how shy and reclusive a lesser species is, it will be well documented by this time. Especially something as large and common as BF. Just as we seem on the cusp of a major break through...it crumbles to nothing. This mystery is comparable to a kitten chasing its tail.


At some point the responsibility of discovering BF must be taken from the hands of science and placed into the hands of people who aren't so mired in dogma and controlled academia.


We can't choose to simply discount the connection reported by some witnesses of BF and UFO's...UFO's another phenom science has no power but to throw its hands in the air. I haven't followed UFO's closely for some time now, but I hope science has shifted from "they don't exist" to "they are beyond our power of explanation". A more humble reply.

Guest spurfoot

Just published:


  • Bryan C. Sykes,
  • Rhettman A. Mullis,
  • Christophe Hagenmuller,
  • Terry W. Melton,
  • and Michel Sartori

Genetic analysis of hair samples attributed to yeti, bigfoot and other anomalous primates Proc. R. Soc. B. 2014 281 1789 20140161;


Only one specimen was human mitochondrial DNA, the others various animals.   That does not confirm nor deny the bigfoot existence.  The human dna specimen was not a whole genome analysis.   Sykes correctly concludes that more work is needed by the bigfoot community to collect more specimens.


Time to change the eligibility when gathering.  Chest high or better. 

Fences, low brush = anything.


Just published:

  • Only one specimen was human mitochondrial DNA,  The human dna specimen was not a whole genome analysis.  


Is there a more detailed link to this part above? Is the provenance of this sample shared (location,etc) ?


"Hair!" (Must be bigfoot!) "More hair!" (Has to be bigfoot!)



What part of this study is going to 'change the way we look at humanity'?

(Wasn't that a Syke's quote?)


That what he said alright...


----The Quest for the Yeti will describe Sykes' hunt for genetic traces of species whose existence remains scientifically unconfirmed, including the Yeti, the Sasquatch and Big Foot. For the most part the samples he has tracked down for analysis have turned out to be known species such as humans, bears or apes; however two samples taken towards the end of his quest will "change our understanding of human history," he says.----

Wonder what those two samples were?

An extinct raccoon?

  • Upvote 2

Thanks Slabdog!

Something still ain't adding up.


That could be hinting at the Zana DNA.   Sykes speculated about it being modern human but of a much more ancient migration out of Africa than is currently accepted.  Maybe he's got confirmation.   That would rewrite history a couple of ways because 1) it refutes our beliefs about the timing of such migrations and 2) it demonstrates the presence of remnant ancient peoples.


It could also be bigfoot.   If I counted correctly, there were two fewer samples' results reported on from north america than were discussed being included in the study.   Maybe that's just film that died on the cutting room floor and has no significance, but maybe it isn't, too.  


Theoretically we find out some time today.  




Well, when he said 'Change humanity' or whatever, he probably knew that some of the Footers would see Homo sapiens as one of his results and say "LOOK!! BIGFOOT IS PEOPLE!!"

Posted (edited)

Sykes puts another nail in the BF DNA fantasy. 

Edited by summitwalker

No surprises here, I expected this to happen.


Yeah, he really didn't even get a sniff of a possible Bigfoot in any of the samples, did he?

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