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Operation Persistence


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@HairyMan: I think bip answered a question similar to this before, but in either last year's operation or this one, did anyone witness anything that would suggest the wood apes were on par with early hominids? Use of self-made tools, fire, shelter, clothes, etc.? And does the TBRC have an official position on where these creatures might fall genetically in comparison with us and the other hominidae species?

There is no evidence of any other "culture" being present there except modern human (ie., us). There is plenty of opportunity, if wood apes used tools, to steal items the land owner or us leave behind, but nothing has gone missing. They don't even bother the food that is left behind. We do not have an official position on where these creature might fall genetically, because only DNA can determine that.

I think answers would be interesting following up this line of questioning. Moreover, I guess my larger question, does the AIBR, Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers then follow this same Wood Ape stance in their screening for membership or interpretational philosophies and why, if so? since there is just as much evidence that Sasquatch is a wood ape (if not less) as there is that it is a hominoidal similar in appearance to some form of homo throwback.

What does the AIBR have to do with this discussion? We are talking about the TBRC here, not other groups.

I'm appealing to morality, not legality.

Could Hairy Man or Bipto confirm that no such proof has been presented to the TBRC?

Neither Dr. K nor anyone with any proof has presented such proof to the TBRC. And yes, if we were presented with proof that wood apes are some form of human, it would be taken seriously. But then you would have to ask yourself, why isn't that information published in a peer reviewed journal? What "proof" could one have that hasn't been verified by science?

Hairyman, did I read somewhere that someone heard tummy gurgles in area X as part of their experiences there with woodapes? I've recorded something similar in my field efforts and also associated with speech. Just checking my memory here.

Humm, I know people have heard gurgling, but I don't know if it was recorded or if anyone thought it was tummy gurgling. I'm pretty sure I don't want to be outside in the dark and hear THAT!!! (Although I would hope I would give him heartburn....)

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BH74, the "Woodapes" don't seem to mind the gunfire. If they are as intelligent as I think they are, they could have avoided the shooters easily. I have my own opinions as to who is in control at their site.

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Humm, I know people have heard gurgling, but I don't know if it was recorded or if anyone thought it was tummy gurgling. I'm pretty sure I don't want to be outside in the dark and hear THAT!!! (Although I would hope I would give him heartburn....)

LOL, I'm sure you would if you could,................ come hell or high stomach acid...... :D

The sound I'm talking about would be like this.


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Maybe we're giving them belly aches from all that junk food bait we're leaving out for them. People are putting out donuts, peanut butter, candy, and such. When I was researching with a certain person he was even leaving out fast food !

Our modern diet is bad for us, imagine what it does for a creature eating natural foods.

Before long someone is going to report a severely obese sasquatch! Poor thing got fat and diabetic on donut and zagnut bar gifts!

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Never ever leave any processed food. NO fast food, ever!!!!!!!!!! No fried food either. We leave fruit and stuff that is as wholesome as possible. I admit I did leave marshmallows once and a friend got them hooked on chocolate, but not now. No donuts or candy bars, least amount of sugar as possible. They will eat corn from the fields though, a friend does this and veggies from home gardens will be ok I hope.

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I'm not sure by what you mean here. Should I throw a fit? Throw them a bone and predict their results? Have Melba give them a call? Do you think she could trust them to keep their mouth shut until the paper publishes? I use to be a member of the TBRC ,been there, done that, even bought the ball cap.

Edited by AaronD
Edited to bring post to BFF rule compliance
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Neither Dr. K nor anyone with any proof has presented such proof to the TBRC. And yes, if we were presented with proof that wood apes are some form of human, it would be taken seriously. But then you would have to ask yourself, why isn't that information published in a peer reviewed journal? What "proof" could one have that hasn't been verified by science?
That's sorta my point...
I'm not sure by what you mean here. Should I throw a fit? Throw them a bone and predict their results? Have Melba give them a call? Do you think she could trust them to keep their mouth shut until the paper publishes? I use to be a member of the TBRC ,been there, done that, even bought the ball cap.
What I'm saying is this: I would expect anyone with a modicum of moral integrity who is twisted around the axle about the TBRC (or anyone else) attempting to kill a BF because they know unequivically, based on rigorous scientific proof, that the creatures in question are humans, to disseminate that evidence as widely as necessary to prevent the killing of a hairy forest person. I haven't seen any evidence that this is happening, which leads me to conclude that (a) either Dr. K and others do not have definitive proof that BF=humans as some have claimed, or (2) if they do have said proof, they are more concerned about their own agendas than to release what data they have to possibly prevent a murder (especially if the paper has actually passed peer review and all they are waiting on is publication).

SY, is it your belief that if the TBRC knew, I mean, really KNEW that their so-called wood apes were actually humans, that they would still attempt to kill one?

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Guest OntarioSquatch

Here's an animation of Patty without her hair:


What I'm trying to say here is our view of what is human and what isn't is greatly flawed. When we think of human we normally think of hairless people who create tools and wear clothing.

On a genetic scale between us and chimps, this is where I would place Bigfoot:

Chimps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Bigfoot- -Us

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That animation is a laughable 'artist's interperetation', and it assumes that the subject of the PGF is in fact a genuine sasquatch, which has never been proven to my satisfaction. You also assume to know what other people think of as human, and you give no evidence to support your chimp-BF-human continuum.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

The human chimp scale I typed is based on the DNA results Richard Stubstad got from Dr. Ketchum. Their mtDNA falls within modern human range. I'm not making this stuff up lol :)

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From God's lips to your ears...

Until the report is published, all of that is unsubstantiated. Hearsay, as it were. Was it Stubstad who told you there were 50-odd hyphens between chimps and BF, and only 2 between BF and humans?

I don't think you're making this stuff up, but someone is lqtm.

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OS, If you had read the entire Ketchum thread like I did you would find where Stubstad stated that the samples you keep talking about were not included in the final study. If they weren't included there is usually a good reason, but it is not because those tests indicated bigfoot has human mtDNA.

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Guest OntarioSquatch

Richard Stubstad posted info from his results. So there's no way they would be included in her study. But it's not just Richard Stubstad's three samples that came back as human. There's also the snelgrove lake blood sample and the hair sample from David Paulides. I'm not aware of any Bigfoot DNA sample that hasn't come back as human. My guess is they will continue to come back as human :)

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