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Finding Bigfoot


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Guest Schmiml

I'm still kind of on the line with MM. I just find it absolutely funny that what was it--one or two weeks ago, they were doing calls back and forth and Matt just kept rambling on and on, on the radio and Bobo said something to the effect that he just kept on yapping and stuff...then this week, Matt got thoroughly PO'd because Bobo did the exact same thing. Guess it just depends on who is doing the yapping.

All that aside, I also wish there was more looking for tracks/stuff that could be possible evidence. I also wish they'd look at some of the older stuff--such as the Fouke monster, Copalis Beach, Ape Canyon, etc.. (but that is just me).

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Guest reelback

As a Biologist I think they are doing the right thing by jumping from site to site and not wasting any time. They may come across one that is naive enough that they will be able to get close to. I also like how they try different tactics like marking their territory. At this point nobody knows what it's going to take and we need different ideas like that.

I suspect this is not really correct. The show has a format, and while they try new things within the format like disco lights, etc, they are not necessarily trying anything that breaks that format.

Something MM said a while ago kind of rings true here: he said he didn't want people making calls and howls and knocks in the woods because it would habituate the BF to ignore them.

I guess what I suspect is that they are not using their most effective techniques and putting them on national TV.

I can relate, I guess. You get a few hundred yokels out there knocking and calling and you'll lose the value of the technique.

Unfortunately, I'm the opposite of most viewers who need some action every episode. I'd be happy with a 3 episode curve that ends with some better results.

Lastly, Ranae is paid to be sceptical. Bobo admitted that on a webcast a while back. Its just done for balance.

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I've attended many BFRO expeditions and there are other techniques that are used but they don't translate very well into compelling TV. Lots of sitting in cold dark places, lots of listening, lots of scanning, and usually lots of inactivity.

MM may not "want" folks whooping and knocking, but that isn't going to stop anyone from actually doing it if they so desire.

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Guest reelback

Agreed, but why dont they go on more expiditions with folks that know certain areas? Its been done once or twice but it would seem to me to be a good way to work.

Or how about send 2 expeditions, one with locals, another with the team? Increase the numbers of eyes and ears and increase the chances.

Or another intersting way to do this would be to have a guy (or a few) out in the woods on a long term expidition, like 3 months, and have that occasionally report into the show when something comes up.

Lastly, I wonder how often a BF will visit the area the team was AFTER they leave. Seems like a logical thing to do. Why not leave a few trail cameras behind and check?

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It's reality TV, which means it isn't real in any sense. It's about the personalities of the people on the show, not about the topic. They have no desire to find anything, only to bring in ratings and boost revenue. When I say they, I mean the production company.

Edited by Northern Lights
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The Mogollon monster stealing a soda from the cooler ranks up there with the Daniel Boone Forest video. They're running out of ideas for their episodes.

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I think Bobo is too far gone. He may hurt himself if they can him. They need another person similar to Rene, to offset the clowns. Also, make the season shorter, with good episodes where they stay out in the forest for several weeks. Sort of a combination of Finding Bigfoot and Survivorman.

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Guest wudewasa

Sometimes I think that this entire field is too far gone lol!

What's with MM's trekking poles? It doesn't seem like he's doing any hard core hiking on the show.

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To keep from falling down? He might have an inner ear infection or a hangover or something. They haven't came out with an all terrain Hov a Round yet!

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They get an interesting lead go out in the wildernes and do woodknocks and howels. The sad thing is, they do the exact same thing in every show! Here and there something comes up thats of value to me, but that would be like 5% of the shows content. I wonder what Les Stroud is gonna do on his BF show!

Edited by hesse
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They get an interesting lead go out in the wildernes and do woodknocks and howels. The sad thing is, they do the exact same thing in every show! Here and there something comes up thats of value to me, but that would be like 5% of the shows content. I wonder what Les Stroud is gonna do on his BF show!

What? Hopefully something epic .. But better yet.... When is he going 2 do it??????

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