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The Recent Dna And Ancient Alien Theory


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Eh, I have Sitchin's books, and I agree with you. He makes wild leaps of logic and states things as fact when in fact there is little corroborating data. If he had to actually back up all the things he states as fact, he'd have to write another whole book to contain all the annotations. But it's fun reading if you take it as fiction.

My ideas on the ancient astronaut theory have little to do with ZS and a lot more to do with megaliths and worldwide mythology and religious ideas that give tantalizing hints.

Edited by madison5716
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Like I said, Madi, I am not disagreeing with aliens visiting Earth, but just with about anything regarding Sitchin and his translations. I used to have such high regards for him when I would listen to C2CAM every night, and hear him spoken of so highly... It was such a drop off when after doing some research I found that so much of what he said didn't make sense or was likely not translated correctly.

St. G-

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Hey St. G,

If you want to read a trippy book that completely freaked me out, go read "2012" by Whitley Streiber. His book ties in reptilians, alien abductions and experimentations, little witches houses in the woods in fairy tales, inter-dimentional universes and all sorts of stuff in a really great read. Didn't sleep for a week. The guy can write a scary story as well as Stephen King.


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Nick Redfern has produced a book about Bigfoots in England..yeah...and the jacket cover seems to point to the same phenomenon we hear about from what is derided as the woo-woo crowd regarding Sasquatch here. If the witness accounts point to such phenomenon are true, then it's no wonder we aren't figuring it out using trail cams!

Just a thought, having been out there so much, and witnessing so many strange things, it does push the belief boundaries on what an evolved H. erectus might be....I can envision an evolutionary path that gives them psychic ability (in that we seem to have as well, however poorly understood or untested in Scientific Method) and also intense eye-shine (say they evolved with a night hunting niche, or even caves) could be explained in ordinary biology.....so?

Well, even that small witness of telepathy, or glowing eyes, seems to get ridiculed by the very people looking, and loudly! ....and those witness voices shut down as bonkers.

What I notice is that people who go out looking, and change methods in response to field data, end up with radically different views of who/what BFs are than they initially begin with.....I won't bother with all the names, but many we recognize.......(and those that don't change methods, seem to stay in the same "loop").

And, the last trip I stayed five weeks, and put down gear for the most part. Things got very interesting..and just when I thought (a long time ago...) that they were "homo indomitus" rather than ape...I wonder now if that even explains it....so much we just don't know! It's like this: in the beginning I thought "ape" and figured they are smart (existing primate studies) as things progressed they seemed too smart and so much like us it pushed me to genus Homo (among other pieces of evidence)...and I sat there for a few years...and now? They are too smart...! So, I must adjust how I view them once again...and I don't have a category to put them in!

Edited by apehuman
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