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Rick Dyer Again

Guest Scout1959

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I would like to know WHO is Musky Allen. I found his FB and he joined in 2010, added RD as a friend in Oct 2012. This might be irregardless information, who knows.

Here is a recent podcast where sharon lee has Musky Allen and Jack Barnes on the show. ( jan 3 2013 ) From listening to the podcast, I'm assuming Musky gained credence from being an early on vocal skeptic on FB/FB. Apprently he use to be a believer who was in the field many years and turned skeptic.


Edited by simplyskyla
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Interesting. It is a strong endorsement. On the other hand ... remember Enoch? People with good reputations can be duped. Come on, if the RD story is true and Chris has seen good evidence that it is true, it would overshadow anything else in his book, not be just another number in the Table of Contents.

I don't believe it either. I'll eat my shorts if it is. I'll ask again ... when (and how!) did the BF get to Vegas? I'm guessing that 'fact' was coincidentally revealed right after Cisco, who is IN San Antonio, offered to go. Yeah, how did RD get the BF to Vegas? A freezer containing an 8 or 9 foot tall BF is gonna be mighty heavy to transport. (let's not start talking helicopters again please)

a 747 hehe
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Skyla, didn't you know? He's "the biggest skeptic in the Bigfoot Community!"

Personally? Never heard of him, and I've been following the BF community for years.

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Wow, I've been busy at work so I have not had the time to check the forum since yesterday. Lol...a lot can happen in 12 hours!

Well, Chris Noel standing behind this story has really stumped me. I have not looked at his statement on FB but, for him to stake his reputation on this, is more than surprising. However, I'm still not buying it. Chris didn't say "I watched the video and I could clearly see RD shooting and killing a Bigfoot." He still has not said why he thinks the story is real. He also knows that the BF community can be very forgiving for those that have been hoaxed or deceived. Otherwise, Matt Moneymaker would already be out of business. There are many well recognized Bigfoot "celebrities" that have been victims of hoaxes in the past and their reputations are untarnished. As Belmar pointed out, Autumn Williams is still respected and she got completely rolled over with Enoch. If this is proven to be a hoax, Chris can just say that his best friend swore to him the story was true so he had no reason to doubt it, and that would be that. Chris would walk away unscathed.

I'm curious about the body being "moved" to Las Vegas. Moving the body would not be difficult as you can easily rent a freezer truck. Of course, the body would have to be covered so the driver didn't catch on. However; why Las Vegas?

What happened to the university in Texas? Won't they be upset about losing the greatest find of the 21st century?

Perhaps RD is planning on opening a new attraction in Vegas and he's using the BF body as a way to promote it?

I have no idea who Musky Allen is but, from what I have seen online, he's just a guy that is hyper critical of FBFB. Other than that, he's just a normal person. He's not a famous skeptic and nor does he have a background that would lend credibility to his opinion.

Whatever Musky Allen says will be suspect, just because he's not established in the BF, scientific or skeptic community.

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Wow! I need a sanity check here!

I googled Las Vegas promoter Bigfoot.

I found an article that a LV promoter in late 2011 says he was close to capturing BF and has been working with a director of a British film crew. Morgan Mathews with Minnow films.

Sound familiar?

Edited by lhlyda
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Hi, wudewasa (and everyone).

I think the answer to your question is, "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is."

I’m new to the forum, as a member, but have been following this thread since it was created, and have been following Bigfoot things in general for a little less than a year. I’m not the best researcher in the world (and I mean “regular researcher†here, not “BF researcherâ€), but I’m not the worst, either, and I like to think that I’m pretty familiar, at this point, with some of the more famous controversies and controversial people. Just for the record, I also consider myself an experiencer.

Like many of us here, I have enormous respect for Jacki and Violet. They patiently continue to point out that there are many things in this story that can’t be known, which means that, at this point, this story could still be true. And clearly all of us know that, or we wouldn’t be here (and many have been brave enough to admit they know this, despite their sometimes cynical-sounding posts).

I think it’s okay to keep an open mind. It’s okay to not know something. It’s okay to be proven wrong, in the end. Being “wrong†is part of being human.

But in this case, nobody has to worry about being wrong or right, if they can reserve judgment for just a little while longer, and not come down on one side or the other, before the story is over.

I can understand the people who feel they’ve been burnt by people and situations like this in the past. But as the financial people say, “past performance is not an indication of future resultsâ€.

If this is true of companies and markets – and most of us seem to understand that it is – then it’s even MORE true of human beings. Human beings are organic, living, growing things. They change, sometimes over time, and sometimes quickly. They upset our expectations of them all the time.

Change (as they also say) is the only constant in life.

So the fact that Rick Dyer is at the center of this story is not relevant, except in this sense: That it challenges us to exercise our analytical skills to the max, and to resist the pull of fear and judgment.

Good luck, everyone. This has been a really, really interesting ride. I have a hunch that Jacki’s and Violet’s hunches are right on, but I guess we’ll see – and if my hunch (and theirs) is wrong, I’m happy to be wrong! (Or I’m gonna pretend to be – fake it till ya make it.) But really, I have to be willing to be wrong; because as a human being, I’m wrong a lot. And it’s just too tiring to go through life resisting and fighting the inevitable. I want an easier life – so I’m going to try to be at peace with the outcome of this story, whatever it is.

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Guest WldHrtRnch

British director Morgan Matthews said his documentary, tentatively titled “Of Monsters and Men,†will be a portrait of several men like Biscardi, who devote their lives to chasing mysterious creatures.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: http://www.sfexaminer.com/local/bay-area/2011/10/redwood-city-bigfoot-hunter-hopes-make-giant-capture#ixzz2JZsLYdp2

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P.S. I am not "pro-kill". The intentional "harvesting" of a Sasquatch person is, in my view, a tragedy. We humans are, in my view, insane to insist on killing as a way to get information. But this happened (if it did!), and can't "unhappen" (if it happened!).

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