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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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Guest gershake
Posted (edited)

This is the same guy with the deformed ape with a yellow collar isn't it? The one that could say anything more because it wasn't his monkey?

Tim B.

No, the guy posting about the subject in the yellow collar is a forum member saying it wasn't his subject but Ed Smith's. Edited by gershake
Posted (edited)



Posted Today, 08:38 AM

If a bunch of trust fund baby yahoos actually succeeded in capturing a live BF I would hope very much that someone from a Federal agency like USFW would swoop in and take it immediately before it is harmed or dies.

They sound like movers and shakers who have that base covered with a team of lawyers......................besides they seem to have plenty of money to hide and feed BF for a long time while government wildlife people sit on the sidelines complaining.

Edited by georgerm
Guest roblester

If a bunch of trust fund baby yahoos actually succeeded in capturing a live BF I would hope very much that someone from a Federal agency like USFW would swoop in and take it immediately before it is harmed or dies. :rolleyes:

You have not been reading what I have been posting have you?

So far, 2 States have answered this. I am 99.99% sure, by what I know, and what I have recieved so far to verify, no Government agency will do this.

Guest Theagenes
Posted (edited)

You have not been reading what I have been posting have you?

So far, 2 States have answered this. I am 99.99% sure, by what I know, and what I have recieved so far to verify, no Government agency will do this.

I read what you posted and found the Washington official's response to be interesting and refreshingly open-minded. But honestly you heard back from a couple of state officials that were bored enough to humor you and now you're 99.9% sure what the federal response would be? When one of those state officials admitted that he didn't know what the response would be?

If these guys go public and have a press conference with a live a BF in a cage, you really think that law enforcement isn't going to step and rightfuly so? These are the things that should be going through the minds of LE: What if it's imported ape? Do they have permits for a exotic species? What if it's mentally handicapped kid with hirsutism that they're exploiting? And if it is actually BF it very well could fall under the Endangered Species Act in which case USFWS could claim it under eminent domain---as well they should (and you better believe it would get an emergency classification). Think about the real world ramifications if something like this were to actually happen. Do you really think all of the state and federal agencies will just ignore it? And why in the world would it be a good thing if they did?

Edited by Theagenes
Guest roblester
Posted (edited)

I read what you posted and found the Washington official's response to be interesting and refreshingly open-minded. But honestly you heard back from a couple of state officials that were bored enough to humor you and now you're 99.9% sure what the federal response would be? When one of those state officials admitted that he didn't know what the response would be?

If these guys go public and have a press conference with a live a BF in a cage, you really think that law enforcement isn't going to step and rightfuly so? These are the things that should be going through the minds of LE: What if it's imported ape? Do they have permits for a exotic species? What if it's mentally handicapped kid with hirsutism that they're exploiting? And if it is actually BF it very well could fall under the Endangered Species Act in which case USFWS could claim it under eminent domain---as well they should (and you better believe it would get an emergency classification). Think about the real world ramifications if something like this were to actually happen. Do you really think all of the state and federal agencies will just ignore it? And why in the world would it be a good thing if they did?

Yes, I am 99.99% sure. Because I have asked before. I am just now trying to get it in writing to get " some people " to believe it. But obviously, that does not work either. I also trust two wildlife officials over 100 strangers posting opinion.

You may want to re-read the Washington one, and the laws. ( look at smilies )

It does not fall under the endangered species act....It is not even proven real, let alone endangered.

" If these guys go public, and have a bigfoot ", I will eat crow and film it for you tube.

Do this please......Start contacting places yourself, like I am. Including federal. Post your findings ( verifiable ), then we can debate it. I can not, and will not, use opinions as facts. I do not expect anyone top do that.

How does a species get on the Endangered Species List?

When the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service is investigating the health of a species, they look at scientific data collected by local, state and national scientists.

In order to be listed as a candidate, a species has to be found to qualify for protected status under the Endangered Species Act.

Whether or not a species is listed as endangered or threatened then depends on a number of factors, including the urgency and whether adequate protections exist through other means.

When deciding whether a species should be added to the Endangered Species List, the following criteria are evaluated:

  • Has a large percentage of the species vital habitat been degraded or destroyed?
  • Has the species been over-consumedby commercial, recreational, scientific or educational uses?
  • Is the species threatened by diseaseor predation?
  • Do current regulations or legislations inadequately protect the species?
  • Are there other manmade factors that threaten the long-term survival of the species?

If scientific research reveals that the answer to one or more of the above questions is yes, then the species can be listed under the Endangered Species Act.


I have written the NWF, and will be writing more. I will post if and when they answer, what they have to say. ( that they have all ready not above, and on other parts of their site )

This seems to be derailing the thread, I thought it fit in at first, as I was answering a reply, and a claim. If a mod feels like it should be moved, please do so.....Sorry.

Edited by roblester

Sorry if this has been covered before in this thread but has anyone given this capture scenario thought in terms of logistic,expertise and expense ?

I, like most here would love this to be the real deal but wow are there things to think about ;

  1. Capture method - from a technological and portability perspective. It would have to be super strong and light weight as well. Not to mentioned that a very,very intelligent creature would be fooled by this as science has a hard time getting one in front of a trail cam !
  2. Retrieval and sedation of specimen - this would have to be in an area that would allow easy access of large vehicles to transport the specimen in the "trap" unless the specimen was first sedated which brings us to the next level. This would obviously require a skilled MD.or veternarian team that would have legal access to the sedative and just so happen to know an effective dose that would sedate but not kill the specimen. I would asume this would be administered by a traq. gun or a very brave intern (lol).
  3. Housing and feeding safety of the specimen - If this specimen has been captured it has been in captivity for several days now. This means that a staff knows its feeding requirements and that it remains safely contained and healthy . This again would require quite a bit of capital from a staffing perspective and I would think that the containment area would need to be pretty much permenant. They were VERY confident that they would be successful in this area.. Other things to consider is a 24/7 security team and that this was performed so covertly that no one knew about or has seen anything to give it away. Not to mention any leaks from the large staff !

I am sure there are many other things to consider here and if Team Q has pulled this off...well they are some SMOOTH running team !

Hoping for the best


Guest Theagenes

" If these guys go public, and have a bigfoot ", I will eat crow and film it for you tube.

I'm with you there.

Do this please......Start contacting places yourself, like I am. Including federal. Post your findings ( verifiable ), then we can debate it. I can not, and will not, use opinions as facts. I do not expect anyone top do that.

Roblester, I am a federal official. I work for NPS. I have many colleagues in USFWS and USFS that i work with on interagency programs. I do have some understanding of how these things work.

[snip a bunch of cut-and-paste from Wikipedia]

I have written the NWF, and will be writing more. I will post if and when they answer, what they have to say. ( that they have all ready not above, and on other parts of their site )

The National Wildlife Federation is not a government agency.

This seems to be derailing the thread, I thought it fit in at first, as I was answering a reply, and a claim. If a mod feels like it should be moved, please do so.....Sorry.

It's also a waste of time as the chance of this incident being legit is zero. But in discussing hypothetical state and federal reaction to the potential of BF being proven to exist, you're right, there is already a thread on this page that is probably more appropriate - the Fish and Game Know about BF thread.


Big Stinky,

Nobody asked you for your sobering, reasonable, logical thoughts & criticisms. We are enjoying this fantasy "what if, wonderland".

I'm just kidding. You make very good points. I strongly agree with the whole timeline issue regarding housing & feeding of the specimen, unless its dead.


You have not been reading what I have been posting have you?

So far, 2 States have answered this. I am 99.99% sure, by what I know, and what I have recieved so far to verify, no Government agency will do this.


I have done some research into this, although it's been a few years. Like you, I live in Texas so I was primarily interested in the local regulations. As you already know, there are no Federal or State laws that prohibit the killing or capture of a Bigfoot. I have read where some counties, towns or municipalities do have laws in place that protect Bigfoot. However, there are very rare.

That being said, the bigger issue is "where" the Bigfoot was captured or killed. In Texas, if you own the land, then you own the animals on top of it as well. State and Federal lands are a bit different and there could exist the possibility that a state or federal agency could claim a right to the specimen because of where it was captured.

So, the smart thing for these guys to claim is that they captured it on land they own or lease.

Hypothetically of course.....


If O-6 had 42 members, wouldn't one think at least one of them would have come out now?

By the way, nice forums :)

Wouldn't Ed be someone coming out ? Or do you mean someone else?

Guest Theagenes


I have done some research into this, although it's been a few years. Like you, I live in Texas so I was primarily interested in the local regulations. As you already know, there are no Federal or State laws that prohibit the killing or capture of a Bigfoot. I have read where some counties, towns or municipalities do have laws in place that protect Bigfoot. However, there are very rare.

That being said, the bigger issue is "where" the Bigfoot was captured or killed. In Texas, if you own the land, then you own the animals on top of it as well. State and Federal lands are a bit different and there could exist the possibility that a state or federal agency could claim a right to the specimen because of where it was captured.

So, the smart thing for these guys to claim is that they captured it on land they own or lease.

Hypothetically of course.....

If it's killed or captured on federal land it would absolutely be illegal, regardless of Texas state law. If it were to be registered as an endangered or threatened species under the ESA (which could be done very quickly if it were considered an emergency situation) then it could be confiscated by the USFWS through eminent domain even if on private land (they would be compensated though). The ESA also trumps Texas state law.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Trying to write a email to State Wildlife agencies about Bigfoot, and trying to make it taken serious is not easy.

(Especially if you don't use spell check or structure your sentence's in a professional way)


This is going to sound like a joke, but it is not...

If a Bigfoot, or any large new species or animal were caught or killed, is there a law,

or protocal from the Governemnt, or any local agencies to take it?. What keeps

coming up all over the place is how Government agencies would

take it away and such.

So, can you please either tell me, or lead me to the right

place to find out if ( very big if, and just a question ) a new

large species of animal were caught, or even killed, what should

the protocol be for the person that caught or killed it?

We are taking a new species no one new exists, like Bigfoot.

Are there laws for this?

Is it the property of whomever killed or captured it?

This information is impossible

to find, other then hear say, or opinions.

Please let me know.

Thank You,

Robert Lester

I would suggest contacting the Biology department of a nearby university to ask about typical protocol if a new species were discovered. I will say that new species are being discovered all the time and government agencies do not take them away. We have had several species of salamander discovered right here in the Austin area, they remain in the wild or with those who discovered them.

( They are talking about a new species of an existing animal/reptile, All they need to do is go to the creek these new species live in and turn over a rock and see them. Not gonna happen with a squatch, a salamander, an owl or even a new species of fox would not change the landscape like introducing a squatch. I would bet the revenue from camping in our national parks would immediately drop to 50 percent. A huge hit in an already struggling agency.)

Mark Klym

Information Specialist

Wildlife Diversity Program

Austin, TX




Response via email from Washington State:

I am guessing that if the critter was captured unharmed and turned over to “scienceâ€, we would exercise officer discretion and take no action.

( IF you turn over the creature they MAY use officer discretion in your favor.....But what if they want it turned over and you DID NOT want to turn it over? Guess officer discretion could turn ugly real quick.)

Anyone is free to verify this, and contact all other States also.

Edited by driveroperator

What I still don't understand is that Ed claimed he has no involvement with the Quantra group and was restricted from all their data ...

Yet here he is right in the middle of it. Even said he went to Houston for this meetiing.

Seems a little strange don't you think? Perhaps Ed could share his involvement with what is going on because it seems to conflict with what he said previously.

Oh and ask him how much longer this whole charade is going to go on. It is starting to get a bit ridiculous.

Posted (edited)

Well luckily (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective) less than 2% of land in Texas belongs to the Feds. Unless it happens at Big Bend Nat Park, or on a Military installation, the Feds wouldn't have clear jurisdiction. That being said, if one was captured alive, I GUARANTEE you that some Federal Agency would step in immediately and (forcibly, more than likely) relieve you of possession. Whether they would be immediately equipped to care for the animal better than its captors is up for debate.

I think it is a pointless to speculate. I give this story the same probability of being true as when the rumor came out that someone had a badly burned BF in their garage, and everybody was all excited talking about a press release from a major University. I laughed and laughed because it sounded so improbable. I would speculate that if/when a specimen is acquired, you will probably hear about it on the news before this type of scenario, where rumors circulate for days with no apparent proof. Didn't these same guys claim they caught and released one months ago? Something about a yellow tracking collar?

I think that a lot of folks are very bored with their lives, and like to blow smoke to feel important. Every time something like this happens the same handful of peo;le start talking about their "inside sources".............blah blah blah............those who WANT to believe argue vehemently that they somehow KNOW it to be true, but nothing ever materializes.

And for the record NOTHING trumps Texas State Law. Any other opinion is just that. That is why they will NEVER disarm Texans.

Edited by Irish73
Guest roblester

Roblester, I am a federal official. I work for NPS. I have many colleagues in USFWS and USFS that i work with on interagency programs. I do have some understanding of how these things work.

Was not aware of that, or would have avoided some of the wiki stuff, etc....

I am sure neither of us have to worry about a crow dinner. :)

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