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Oh Dear, Another Body...

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Roblester, you made an awesome career choice. I'm envious!

Guest roblester

What I still don't understand is that Ed claimed he has no involvement with the Quantra group and was restricted from all their data ...

Yet here he is right in the middle of it. Even said he went to Houston for this meetiing.

Seems a little strange don't you think? Perhaps Ed could share his involvement with what is going on because it seems to conflict with what he said previously.

Oh and ask him how much longer this whole charade is going to go on. It is starting to get a bit ridiculous.

" starting to" ???

I am new here, so not sure who is who, and how many actually go out looking. My question ( I have asked a few now ) is :

If you found a dead Bigfoot, or captured one, what is the first thing you would do?......Besides be changing your underwear.

If you had any type of protocol, would it include hiding it from public?

Wouldn't Ed be someone coming out ? Or do you mean someone else?

I mean one of the 42 members that were on the team, that are not anymore. ( his words )

Roblester, you made an awesome career choice. I'm envious!


BFF Patron

I think that a lot of folks are very bored with their lives, and like to blow smoke to feel important. Every time something like this happens the same handful of peo;le start talking about their "inside sources".............blah blah blah............those who WANT to believe argue vehemently that they somehow KNOW it to be true, but nothing ever materializes.

And for the record NOTHING trumps Texas State Law. Any other opinion is just that. That is why they will NEVER disarm Texans.

Man the smoke sure is thick in this place, I'll go with theagenes any day of the week, no offense to Texans, but a well formed posse could sequester the majority of the state, no matter what their nationality or state or federal allegiances.

Incoming........ :orc:


I'm trying to quit smoking as a new years resolution. Between Ed Smith and Rick Dyer, it's getting really hard! lol...just sayin'.

Guest roblester

I'm trying to quit smoking as a new years resolution. Between Ed Smith and Rick Dyer, it's getting really hard! lol...just sayin'.


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Guest Theagenes

Was not aware of that, or would have avoided some of the wiki stuff, etc....

I am sure neither of us have to worry about a crow dinner. :)

:lol: now that's very true.

And truthfully, if BF is real and becomes accepted as real, it will take the federal agencies (likely partnering with academic institutions and primatologists) stepping to protect them. In fact I would imagine there would be a number of federal job openings for primatologists popping up very quickly. I know a lot of people have a mistrust of the government fairly or unfairly (not a topic to get into here), but this is exactly the sort of thing that government is perfectly positioned to do.


Glad we have somone from the NPS on the forum. BF is real, and it's just a matter of time before one is brought in so get your ducks in a row.........jmho

The Quantra group most likely knows the problem with federal laws and wildlife so they might stay underground if possible. They are probably not happy and disturbed about this leak which may be the purpose of the meeting.........damage control. BF is probably on a semi headed for South America.

Guest reelback

Has anybody been able to track down any info from last nights meeting in Houston?

I think I would be just satisfied if a meeting happened.

There we go. Folks, we're just trolling ourselves. Yes, its fun and yes we can't help ourselves. But, frankly my friends... we're just encouraging the community to behave this way regardless of whether there is any truth to this story, which there almost certainly is not.

We should do ourselves a favor... and since everyone knows we're like crack adicts in this thread, someone should arrest the dealer... kill the thread in the interests of the intgrity of our community.

Sorry, just sayin.


^^^ did someone say trolling ourselves ?......a shot of this old standby should do it.. ;)

trollspray_zpsd7fd088e.jpg yep, the smoke is getting thicker on this one, & thats about the only reason i'd hold my breath while waiting on this episode

Posted (edited)

Man the smoke sure is thick in this place, I'll go with theagenes any day of the week, no offense to Texans, but a well formed posse could sequester the majority of the state, no matter what their nationality or state or federal allegiances.

Incoming........ :orc:

I was just having a bit of fun. In a couple of threads I have participated in there were several negative generalizations made about Texas, and/or its' inhabitants. As an unrepentant defender of the my beloved Lone Star State, I thought it was good for a few grins. I want these things protected as much as anyone. I just think that unfortunately it is going to take an actual body (or two) to get any legislation on the books. It's easy to say that they are doing well on their own, but we don't necessarily know that to be true. They may be on the verge of extinction for all we know. I highly doubt there are as many as some folks seem to think, or else they would probably be an officially recognized species already.

Edited by Irish73
Guest Theagenes

I was just having a bit of fun. In a couple of threads I have participated in there were several negative generalizations made about Texas, and/or its' inhabitants. As an unrepentant defender of the my beloved Lone Star State, I thought it was good for a few grins. I want these things protected as much as anyone. I just think that unfortunately it is going to take an actual body (or two) to get any legislation on the books. It's easy to say that they are doing well on their own, but we don't necessarily know that to be true. They may be on the verge of extinction for all we know. I highly doubt there are as many as some folks seem to think, or else they would probably be an officially recognized species already.

I chuckled at the Texas comment. :P

Of course this side conversation about a government response was prefaced on the idea that this (fictional?) group was going to present a live specimen. We all know that's a load of BF scat, but the topic of how state and federal officials would deal with such a situation is an interesting one, particularly for someone like me who could become tangential involved in such a response. This other thread is probably the place for that discussion though:


OK, just one more point about Federal or State regulations regarding a dead or captured Bigfoot...

If I wrote some Federal or State agency and told them that I had captured a Bigfoot on public land; what would they do?

I bet you they would not do a **** thing because they would simply not believe it.

Guest Theagenes

That's a good bet. :)

But if something happens that makes it clear that BF is real, whether it's the DNA studies, or a body, or live specimen, then the response would be very different.

Posted (edited)

What are we going on with this thing? 1 week ?

How long do you think they will push this thing before something finally gives and makes everyone involved look bad ?

Ed Smith posted in the MABRC chatroom that he is doing spring cleaning.

Ed Smith « Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:24 am » Doing some early spring cleaning some times you just have to do it!

How wonderful. Sounds like things are really busy with this captured speciman.

Edited by rockiessquatching
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