Guest Bigfoot Proof Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 You won’t find these reports on any BF website because they are NOT reports. I decided to peruse Hiking, Camping, and Hunting forums and below are a sample of stories taken from theses various forums, they read like Bigfoot Reports yet not one of them is! Instead they are from threads titled ‘Strangest thing that happened to you while camping or hiking, etc…’ If one person dared to remark ‘it could be a Bigfoot’ ......either no one responded or they were laughed at. This is how our big forest dwellers manage to REMAIN undocumented in plain sight, simple human ignorance and denial. It really blows my mind that we have this many illogical people running around in our world. They are the ones to be afraid of. Thought of the Day: Juries have convicted murders with less evidence or no tangible evidence what-so-ever, just a plausible story dreamed up by the prosecution, which the jury bought, hook, line, and sinker… than there is tangible evidence for our large forest roaming giants, yet denial continues. Probably the most amazing phenomena is how they explain away the incident. THE BOLD REMARKS ARE MINE Enjoy the Read and let’s Rock… (I cleaned up the spelling errors and corrected the grammar) ============================ LETS BEGIN While living in Vermont I was paid to help a guy build a log cabin on some remote property he had purchased. He already had an old trailer there to stay in, and we added a log room 10 feet by 20 feet off the front of it. We built it strong and used squared logs for roof beams, and pressure treated plywood over that and began working on the log cabin as soon as we finished the roof on the addition. Several times I would get the "someone's watching me" feeling, and the timber-shepherd I had would cringe and stay close to me. I looked all around and never found any tracks, but there were a few deep streams at the edge of the property and I never crossed them. One May night we were just getting ready for bed when something big landed on the roof. The next thing we knew there was a weird howling sound outside and the dog was practically in my shoes with me. More crashes on the roof followed until I went outside and fired a few shots out into the woods with my 12 gage. All was quiet for about 2 hours then it started again, and the thumps lasted until morning. When we went outside the next day there were dozens of rocks on the roof ranging from baseball size to microwave size, and several of the logs we had lifted into place on the cabin were tossed around like they were twigs. I collected my pay that day and never went back. I do not know what it was, but whatever it was did not like us building there. ++++ Western Pennsylvania is where my family has land and where I grew up. I grew up in the woods and spent nearly all of my time out there digging bunkers or building bridges or whatever my boyish adventures got me into. Bottom line is, I knew my way around the woods and most of the animals it contained. That feeling you guys say you get where there is something WRONG is for sure something I am quite familiar with. On some levels I think my senses are heightened in areas others lack and I can "feel" every movement and sound even if I am not looking around. I cannot explain it, but I can literally "map" out areas in my mind and see them and see where sounds are coming from. So my brother and his friend and I are out in front of my dad’s house standing in this giant grassy field. I was a young teenager and smoking cigarettes while we all crouched in this tall grass. We were talking about nothing overly important when we heard this god awful shrieking/screaming/demon type sound. We all went dead quiet and I immediately stood up and shined my light toward the direction of the sound. We were all dead still with them peering over the grass level and I standing up dead still with my spotlight trained dead on where the sound came from. We stood there for what seemed like an eternity with nothing further happening. I turned off the light and got down to peer with them over the grass level. After only moments of looking, we all saw this human shape with glowing eyes. I was immediately up and shining my light right on the thing and it was JUST out of the light beam. I tried to move toward it a bit to get it into the spotlights beam and it suddenly turned and ran through the woods like nothing I have ever heard. It honestly sounded like a 2 legged animal running as fast as it could through an area I knew to be dense jagged bushes and small trees. That thing crashed through the woods and snorted/screamed the entire way. Craziest thing I have ever seen in my entire life and I still have no idea what it was. We all saw the same thing, and that just makes it make less sense. Listening to it stomp through the woods and hit that creek full speed was terrifying to say the least. ++++ Pennsylvania, woods... I was home alone and it was 11:00 p.m. or so. My dad was playing pool at a bar a few towns away and would be home in a few hours. I was sitting around listening to some music when I heard the most terrifying noise I have ever heard in my life. I turned the music off and listened to it for a few seconds before running for my dad’s shotgun. I am not going to lie, it sounded like hell had opened up and everything below was escaping right around the house. I scrambled to the back of the house which was the easiest to defend if need be. The noise got louder and louder as I got to the back door and there was nothing outside the windows that I could see although my visibility was limited due to the giant garage 10 feet outside the back door. I stood there forever trying to decide what to do and finally just opened the door and started looking outside. I could not specifically pinpoint the sounds location because it was EVERYWHERE around me. I looked around the sides of the house and garage and saw nothing. I turned on my flashlight and as I was putting it on the end of the shotgun, the beam happened to shine above me. There were hundreds of winged animals in the sky! They were everywhere. I want to say they were bats, but I think it was bats and/or owls. I do not know if they were migrating or something, but man that was the most terrifying experience of my life right there. It literally sounded like all the demons in hell were yelling as they ran past my house! ++++ They lived out in the boonies in Virginia, and their driveway was about 100 yards long, twisty, curvy, and lots of trees. Where the driveway met the road, there was a convenience store. One night the daughter was on her way out in her VW bug. She left the house, and about 30 minutes later, they received a phone call from the convenience store at the end of the driveway. It was the daughter and she was crying hysterically. She had been driving down the driveway, in the dark, when she looked in her rear view mirror and saw gleaming red eyes in the back seat. Then she felt something pull her car 'backward' as she was trying to drive forward. We don't know much about what happened in the 30 minutes or so between the times she left the house and when she made the phone call, because she won't talk about it. What we do know is that when her family found the VW bug, it was wedged in between two trees--one tree at the front, one at the back. There were no marks on the ground that would have been made if someone had driven or pushed the VW. They had to bring in some heavy equipment to get the car out. ++++ Me and some teenage friends decided it would be fun to go out into Cramer’s field in Alaska one dark fall night which is a maze of wilderness trails and wooden little bridges over a swampy like area, well we got deep in there without losing our nerve until we heard a loud scream like nothing I've ever heard it was like a women being murdered. All 3 of us freaked out it saying "LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!", was extremely creepy, we had no light, we were disorientated, and almost started running off blindly in any direction just as long is it was in the opposite direction of the scream, it felt like at any moment you might start hearing something running behind you and then stabbing or clawing you in the back, it took a few minutes for us to calm down and figure out which way to get out of there... after we did we phoned it into the police. ++++ Lincoln Gap area in Vermont... saw some shadowy figures in the woods at night, human shapes...many others have reported the same, I didn't know it at the time... also had a weird experience at Silver Lake in Vermont. Felt like I was being watched the whole time I was there even when no one was around me. I haven't experienced anything there yet, but the so-called Bennington Triangle in VT has been the site of many people disappearing, strange lights on Glastonbury Mountain, and, notably, a big creature has supposedly attacked people there in the past...the Indians considered the place to be bad and avoided it. ++++ About three years ago, when I was 16, I was taking a walk through one of the timbers a few miles from my grandparents' farm. I had been there for a few hours, just enjoying the peace and quiet, and decided to head back for supper. I was about 1/4 of the way through the timber, when I suddenly got that "hairs on the back of your neck stand up" feeling. My heart rate went way up, and I could barely suck in a breath. For a few seconds, I didn't dare move. I wanted to run like hell, but my instincts told me not to. I had a strong feeling I was being watched by multiple "something’s," from different directions. I didn't know if they were people, animals, or something else. I just knew I didn't want to be there anymore. Here in northwestern Illinois, the most dangerous thing you're likely to run into in the woods is a pack of coyotes, which is usually no big deal, as they will likely leave you alone if you don't mess with them, they're not starving, or they don't think you're a threat of any kind, so this was definitely weird. I had my bolt action .308 Spanish Mauser with me, so I un-slung it and jacked a round into the chamber just in case. I gathered my nerves, and slowly walked out of there with my head on a swivel and my rifle at low-ready. Never saw whatever it was that gave me that feeling, but I'm 100% certain I wasn't alone in the woods that evening. I've taken a lot of walks through that timber since, but I haven't had that feeling again. ++++ The creepiest thing that happened to me was I had gone to visit my father in Newport, Washington and while sleeping one night; his 2 dogs were in their kennel behind the house. I woke to hearing noises like someone was tearing them apart with all the howling and yelping. These were 2 big Newfoundland dogs. My father was dead asleep and snoring, just dead to the world. So, I got up and went outside with a flashlight and walking staff with a sharp point. I walked toward the kennel and shined the light at the kennel enclosure. At the side I saw the biggest pair of yellow eyes staring back. As soon as the light hit the eyes it turned and ran into the woods. I thought that had to be one big ass mountain lion. I told my dad in the morning and that’s what he thought too so he called the sheriff and reported it. No problems after that the whole time I was there. Even though I only saw the big yellow eyes, it had to be the biggest mountain lion on record? ++++ Well on Monday night we set up camp at a pretty nice random campground in West VA that was more of a permanent living place for some but the lower half beside the new river was all for tent camping. We got everything together and put up the tent and cooked dinner and all was well. It was a REALLY nice night. The temperature wasn’t bad at all, no rain, and just enough wind to keep the bugs away. Well we went to bed and right around 5:00 a.m. the sun was just starting to rise and I heard a cracking noise that woke me up. Well I didn’t hear any more after a few seconds so I figured I would be fine going back to sleep. Well about that time I heard an even louder crack and this time I could tell it was coming from the right side of the tent opposite of where I was. I sat straight up along with my friend who was on the other side of the rather large tent and sure enough we hear a HUGE crack and a WHOOSH so my friend unzips the window and the tree about 10' away had a large branch literally split in half and the end was laying on the ground while the two split halves were still attached to the tree. It was pretty intense and really random since there was absolutely NO wind when this happened and the tree itself was full of green leaves and appeared to be healthy as can be. ++++ We decided to walk to the other farm. We didn't get far before we both heard something walking in the dark to the side of us. I've been in the woods all my life and I've had plenty of deer follow me but I wasn't going to tell him that. It was clear he was getting spooked. We climbed a fence and continued on. Then we heard something else climb the fence. Deer don't climb fences. I tried looking around with the flashlight but he wanted none of it. We could see the house lights of the place we were going to and he ran off on me and beat on the guy’s door until they let him in. By the time I got there Mr. Barber, (the land owner), and his wife was out on the porch and wanted to know what was going on. Mr. Barber and I went back and had a look around but found nothing. My friend refused to walk back and Mr. Barber gave us a ride back to my place. We never did find out what or who it was that was following us. ++++ One time while backpacking alone in a wilderness area in Colorado I was sitting in front of my lean to at night watching the "wood burning TV" when i had that same "hair raising" fear that something was watching me...almost drove me to a panic! After a few minutes I heard something tear out through a stream & scatter rocks! Hoof, paw.. I don’t know but it about scared me to death! Checked for tracks the next morning but never did know what it was. ++++ While I was still in High School (1881) some friends and I had gone camping and I had brought my dog with me it was a large American pit bull that we had rescued from some people who had been fighting him. When we went to bed that night we had the dog in the tent with us around 12 or 1:00 a.m. the dog woke us up growling he was standing up looking out into the night and all the hair on his back was standing straight up. as whatever it was moved around our camp the dog would turn and keep its front to the sound after what seemed like forever but was only 2-3 min he laid back down and snorted and went back to sleep . The whole time it was happening the hair was standing up on the back of my neck as well, it turned into a very long night. It was sleep a while, then wake up and check the dog sleep a while wake up and check the dog, the dog slept good we didn't. ++++ Since my watcher wasn't in any hurry to give up their identity, I decided to change tactics. Drawing my bowie knife I sprang to my feet. Hearing the slightest whoosh from the ridge above, I turn just enough to catch a shadow with the corner of my eye. Cautiously and quietly I pursued the form. Catching fleeting glimpses here and there as I followed it to the top of the ridge. No color or definable shape to give its identity. No tracks left in the soft dark muddy ground, just the shadow. The top of the canyon wall opened to a small clearing and the remains of a turn of the century cabin. The shadowy form disappeared into the structure that was still standing. There was an old iron stove and part of a stone chimney. There was collapsing walls of decomposed logs sitting on a crumbling foundation. I circled around giving a wide birth to where I could see inside. There was nothing. Slowly I approached and went inside. As I stood in the skeleton of that old cabin the feeling of that unseen presence being "somewhere out there", changed to a feeling of it being all around me. I put my knife away believing it was no bear or lion that stalked me. And then I ran like the wind. ++++ When i was camping one spring in the Adirondacks, we were climbing a hill and stumbled onto a small cave opening in the rocks and we peered in and it was pitch black but we both heard some sound like a baby crying. We didn't have a flashlight or enough beers in us so we went back to camp. Back at camp we looked at my camera and saw in one of the pictures I took of them in front of the cave was a white shadowy figure behind one of them. The next day, the picture was missing from the SD card and camera, it just disappeared. ++++ Anyway, we went hiking up a wash and eventually came to the remains of an old cabin with a cement floor. Really, the only thing left was the floor and the chimney, an old refrigerator now all shot up and a stove. The cabin was set on a low bluff above the wash and as we approached we noticed a "basement" of sorts under the cement floor, the outer walls of which were of concrete. The door way to this basement was only about 4 feet tall and the door was missing. It was dark inside. I mentioned to my wife that we should be careful as it would make a perfect den for a cat (lion). I pulled my sidearm and stood to the side and called my dog. He came up, took one look at the door and backed away several feet. After several tries I got him to go inside. He took one step in, turned to the right peering into the darkness for a moment, and then turned and ran out. Since I carry a flashlight my wife said "Are you going to try and look with your flashlight?" I took one look at the door, and my retreating dog and replied "No, I'm not going in there." I do not know what, if anything was in there, but I realize how stupid I was to go up to the door, even with revolver in hand (Colt 45) since as mentioned it would make an ideal den for a mountain lion. Sometimes we do foolish things and are lucky enough to survive without incident. What was in there? I don't know, and I doubt I will ever find out. ++++ When I was 23 (15 years ago) I decided I was going to go camping by myself up around Chilliwack Lake, BC. There is a valley that runs off to the east of the lake half way down, are old logging road mostly overgrown and washed out. I had walked in a number of times hunting coastal black tail deer and bear, this was going to be a scouting weekend. I had a canopy on my truck and was going to camp in it and the Saturday was a beautiful day and I walked a large section of the valley and had gotten back to my truck around 6:30 p.m. and started making supper, not long after I started to get that feeling of being watched and that I wasn't welcome there. Now this is the west coast and the forests are thick and I was by the creek with lots of willows around my campsite about 50' away and surrounded by peaks. I built the fire up and finished supper and some more Rye as I was starting to feel more uncomfortable, when I had shown up in the morning I had drug allot of wood in from the creek bed so I had a big fire going and my 30-06 loaded and ready to go. As the night went on I was hearing noises from the willows around the campsite and thought it was just some animals but I still felt I was unwelcome. At around 9 I started to hear some bellowing from the hills around me now I have spent all my life camping and hunting in the bush, I have heard cougar mating calls, wolves and coyotes and I have never heard this, it was a deep yell and the closest I can describe it is like the sounds a gorilla makes. This went on most of the night and I was woken up a few times that night with sounds in the campsite of someone walking around. In the morning I got up and looked for tracks but it was all gravel and hard to make out, I spent the day hiking the valley again and I spent many more nights there with friends but never without a rifle and never with that feeling again or the howling. ++++ When I was younger, a few friends and I headed up into the Catskills for a weekend, and we stayed in one of the lean-to cabins that the state maintains. We sat by the fire until well after 2:00 a.m. talking, and then went to sleep. I had a hard time sleeping, so I sat against the back wall and watched outside hoping to see some wildlife. I was taken back as I saw the glow of a cigarette about 50 yards away. It did not move at all, and I had no idea of how long he had been there. I figured that somebody came in late, and set up camp over there because we had the cabin. About five minutes later, I saw a quick flame, and the ember of another cigarette. I had the strange feeling of being watched come over me. One of my friends who had not fallen asleep yet had the same eerie feeling. We figured this guy did not bring a tent, so we both decided to walk over and offer him some space in the cabin because of the rain we were supposed to get that night. I holstered my sidearm and we started walking over (never leave without it). We got within 20 feet, and the guy sprints off as fast as he could into the woods. Never saw or heard him again. ++++ I remember one time i was walking way out back of my parents property, about a mile from the house in an old abandoned pasture. i was on top of the hill and could see across the valley to the other side. The valley was small so the other end was only about 300-400 yards away and as I sat there watching the forest line a herd of deer came running out followed by a huge brown animal to me it looked like a brown bear, but may have been a large stray dog or something, but we do not have brown bear here in Ohio. Needless to say it scared the crap out of me and I high tailed it back home. I didn't go outside for about a week after that. ++++ I put up my stand and sat in the mid October coolness of the night, listening to the night sounds of the woods. I know the death scream of rabbits, I know the lonely calls of feral dogs and coyotes. I have heard most everything in the woods at night that swims flies or goes on four feet. I remember getting this slow unease creeping upon me, my sweat ran cold down my spine and I began to look around, trying to identify what was making me tense. My mind began to put form and shapes to every tree and clump of bushes, my heart rose into my throat. There were no animal sounds, the night was so still, and then the half moon came from behind the clouds. The sound started immediately. Behind my stand about twenty yards out, it sounded like screams, but not ripped from anything human. It slowly moved through the woods, but not crashing or breaking sticks or rustling the leaves. The screams slowly moved around me coming from ground level, but nothing was visible, always just out of sight or invisible. I was terrified to the point I could not move. I wanted to get down out of that stand and run away, anywhere but there, it was driving me mad I had to get away, I wanted to jump the twenty feet to the ground and risk a broken leg just to get as far from it as I could. The scream continued, it seemed forever, slowly half circumventing the small clearing I had my stand in. rising and falling, sometimes choking off then resuming a second later. It moved slowly down the hill toward my brother’s stand, not abating or ceasing. There were no sounds other than the screaming, no sounds of struggle, only the unbelievable loud screams of terror and torment. I heard it go down into the hollow where my brother was, then up the far side of the gully and up the mountain, then fade away to nothing. When the sounds ended I realized that two hours had past, and it was coming up to shooting hours, I could move again but I was shaking. I opened my water bottle and drank some water nearly choking on it. I waited, trying to calm down. Finally I was calm enough to get down out of the stand tree; I waited with my gear, ready to bolt. My brother came up from the bottom just as I was finishing. The sun was just poking over the horizon, it was still prime hunting hours but he had heard it too. "What the hell was that?" he asked me, “I do not know and I am not hanging around to find out" I hefted the stand to my shoulder and started up the deer path that ran behind my stand tree. I told my brother "It started just over there". ++++ I was 18 and still living with my folks. My girlfriend at the time was in a similar situation so we would drive to this local beach/park and hang out just to have somewhere to go. We were sitting there in my firebird just after dark everyone else had left the park. I heard a loud low growl right behind the car and the car lifted as if from a strong wind but there was no wind. ++++ There is an outdoor rifle, pistol and shotgun range in Cecil County in Elk Neck state park here in Maryland. Now keep in mind that I usually am armed to the teeth as any shooter would be. I pulled in on a Saturday and there is not a soul there at 10:00 a.m. Odd, it was very odd, but OK. I am a soul of caution so I loaded my .45 and my 9mm and holstered both of them and let my shirt hang loose. I went to set up my target stand and just felt odd, hair on my neck standing up, nauseated, you name it. I looked around and did a complete 360. I started sniffing the air without knowing it. I walked back to the shooting tables backward and just waited. About 20 minutes later a Ranger I knew pulls up because he saw me come in but heard no shooting. He asked me what was wrong since I was sitting with a loaded AR15 in my lap pointed downrange. I told him something is just not right, and I felt like I was being watched, and he was the one that finished that sentence. He went back and pulled his jeep into the shooting area and turned on the light bar. Then he said to follow him and bring the AR, and if anything happened to haul ass and get help. WE made a full trip around the perimeter of the range and nothing. Two experienced men, both with the same gut feelings that said something was not right, but could find nothing. Still we could not shake that feeling. I gathered my stuff while my friend the Ranger watched. Both of us left at the same time, and he closed the range for the rest of the day. Even armed as we were, it was best to call it a day without firing a shot. ++++ We were fishing with a small group of extended family. We had a small tent while the rest of our family had a big camp trailer. To top it off, my dad wanted to be a bit away from everyone else. We settled on the side of a small lake in the upper Uinta Mountains. The Uinta Mountains have small lakes dotting all over, some are very hard to come by. This particular lake didn't require 4-wheel drive, but we were the only ones there. That night we went to bed. My dad's legendary snore kept me up and alert. We used to joke that his snore would scare away most wildlife. And to be honest, it usually did. But this particular night, something was very different, while my dad was snoring away, oblivious to all this, something or someone crept by our tent. It was a slow, steady pace. The footfalls sounded like small damp rocks "squishing" together. It had almost a crunch noise to it that you'd more often hear during winter. At first I thought it was other campers. I called out to them, only to hear the footsteps stop momentarily. After I got quiet, the steps would start again. They would slowly pace behind our tent, back to the lakes edge, and then back again. All of this while my obnoxious father snored his brains out, clearly indicating we were there and totally unprepared for a confrontation. I THINK SNORING ATTRACTS BF'S ++++ Wow! This sounds similar to my experience last year at Knoll Lake in AZ. Me and a buddy went camping in this area and we expected to stay around three days. First day/night was uneventful and peaceful. On the second day, around mid afternoon we got a whiff of something foul. Kind of like a garbage can on a hot day. It came and went suddenly. We joked to each other accusing the other of passing gas. About an hour later I was at the shoreline of the lake fishing and I got a whiff of that foul smell again. So I looked around very annoyed, but I didn't detect anything. My buddy was about 75 yards away at camp as you follow the shoreline. So I grabbed my gear and headed back. In the evening we were cooking, and we heard what sounded like someone chopping wood about 200 yards up the hill behind us. We just stood up and stared in the general direction. It lasted about 10 minutes with intervals in between. I don't remember what we said to each other, but we sat back down. I only had my machete and a boning knife. No guns. We were talking and drinking when we suddenly hear this deep throaty bellow. This sound was so loud that it echoed through the hills above us. We about **** our pants! I know for a fact we don't have any wildlife that can make that kind of noise in AZ. Me and my buddy decided to drag the tent and stuff right up to the shore. Whatever was out there was not going to be able to sneak up from behind. We mulled packing up and head for the truck, but it was on the other side of the lake by the forest road. It took us half an hour to hike to our campsite on day one. Then a little while later we heard the chopping wood sound but it was further away than the first time we heard it. At this point we were on edge. We were trying to rationalize what we were hearing but it didn't make sense. Then about 10 minutes later we hear footsteps approaching us from our right along the shoreline. We shined our flashlights in that direction and we saw a guy and a girl heading toward us and they shouted "Hey guys!". They reached our camp and they looked scared. They immediately asked us if we heard a strange sound, and replied "Yes†So after some conversation we decided that we should ban together and hike back to the forest road where our vehicles were. We got our stuff together and headed out. Right before we got to the road we heard a massive branch break and the guy's girlfriend started to run ahead of us, and we followed her. We got out of there around 2:00 a.m. and we headed to Payson. I've been stalked by a mountain lion before and chased by Javelina, but this was one nerve-wracking experience that I will never forget. I do want to return because it is a beautiful place but won’t. ++++ I got reloaded for the trip home and found a truck stop in Slidell La. I slept for about 8 hrs got a shower and good meal. I was going to run hwy 59 north to b-ham. I was maybe 30-45 minutes out of Slidell; it was 2:30 am. I was well rested and ready for the 8 hr run home. I was running fast as there was no traffic, none, no cars no exits nothing. I saw someone standing on the side of the road just out of the woods. I started to slow down; my first thought was hitch-hiker. I had my bright lights and fog lights on, he was lit up real well, I was still 1/2 mile out, I thought, ****, he is big. Then I thought he is really hairy. I put the brakes on hard as he took about 2 steps toward the road. I never stopped completely but came to a crawl; he was about 6-7 feet tall, all hair, no neck, massive shoulders. The hair on his head blended with the hair on his body. It was either some idiot in a suit or a creature I have never seen before. It would take a complete crap for brains to dress up and stand on the side of the road. In that part of the country, Bubba will shoot first and identify later. Everybody has a pickup with long guns in the rear window. All I carried when I drove was Colt Mustang Pocket Light in .380. Had I been stupid enough to stop I was seriously under armed. This thing was huge. I was wide awake…. NO REPLY WAS MADE TO THIS OBVIOUS BF SIGHTING ++++ I guess I'll share my spooky outdoor encounter. I was camping at Provincial Park in Ontario during the summer with some friends. We had canoe and portage really deep into the interior of the park and chose to camp at a peninsula that had a rocky shore on one side and a sandy beach on the other. During the night one of my friends decided to shoot off fireworks, we told him to cut it out since it's not allowed and we didn't want to get kicked out. Considering how deep in the interior we were I doubt any rangers would have found us. A few hours after heading into the tent to call it a night, I heard some footsteps or something moving about in our campsite. Black bears are abundance here so of course all our food was hanging off the ground. I awoken my friend and we both just listened to the sound of the moment from within the tent. We debated if it was maybe a park ranger who finally reached out site to talk to us regarding the fireworks shot earlier. After awhile the sound and rustles disappeared and I feel back to sleep thinking it was maybe a raccoon or something. The next morning when we awoken we found that some things had been moved around, the strangest was a garbage bag we had left on the ground. During the night someone had picked up the garbage bag and tied it to a string we had strung between two trees to dry our clothes. Asking around no one had done it, so we reasoned it was the sound we heard last night. We considered maybe a ranger arrived and did it, but we highly doubt a park ranger would be investigating sites in the middle of the night unannounced and without using a flashlight. It wasn't so creepy but more like a mystery that happen that I have no answer for. ++++ Creepiest thing I've encountered outdoors was at work 2 years ago. It was very early in the morning around 2-3:00 a.m. and I was in a very open area waiting for my boss to return with some equipment. As I was waiting I got that feeling like I was being watched by something that didn't want me there or had some intent on harming me. I stood up and looked around. The moon was very bright that night and I could clearly see all the way to the tree lines probably 50 yards on both sides of me and there was nothing around me. I calmed down a bit and took my pack off my back to get my drink out. As I opened my drink I hear this whoosh, whoosh, whoosh sound flying through the air from behind me. It was like the sound that a stick makes if you throw it overhand. I literally dove out of the way with my bag falling to the ground and my drink flying through the air spilling as I jumped away. I recover from my diving experience and take my radio out of my bag to radio my boss. I go "I'm not trying to freak you out or anything but I'm on my way back to the shop. I just had something thrown at me." As I'm talking to him I'm looking around on the snowy ground for anything that could have been hurled at me. There was nothing on the ground but snow. I had no idea what the hell was going on at this point. His reply of "I've already got a head start on you I'll see you there" sounded out of breath like he was running. I gather my stuff and start hauling ass back to the shop. I get back and meet up with my boss and he's pacing back and forth in our shop freaking out. I get him to calm down and he tells me he was on his way back up to me when he got the same feeling I got before something got thrown at me. He said after he got the feeling he stopped to look around and something clearly 2 legged started walking toward him, barely crunching in the snow. Then he said it started running at him but there was nothing around him in sight. All of the sounds of movement stopped and he froze to listen for more sounds. Then he said a "hot breath" was hitting the back of the neck and he proceeded to freak the **** out. He said he ran the whole way back to the shop and about halfway back is when he heard me on the radio. The crazy part about this whole thing is the area where we were working has several burial mounds in the woods from Native Americans. Apparently there also used to be an 'alter' of some kind made out of stone that was buried during a construction project a few decades ago. I have a theory for this incident: We both simultaneously had a 15 minute trip on acid. OK ++++ I had a bad hiking experience September 9-10, 2001. I and my cousin decided to go hiking around an awesome place we go trout fishing in Somerset County, PA. No trails, we wanted a new experience so we blazed a trail into a very remote area. My dad dropped us off at the creek on the 9th and was going to pick us up at the same location on the 10th. The day was awesome, good weather, although it was hot since the hiking was all uphill and steep. We had our goal set for the top of the mountain. But due to the thick vegetation we had to whack through most of the way, we didn't make our goal. Come evening we had made it to a part of the mountain that leveled out so we decided this was where we would stop for the night. We didn't have tents. Instead we made shelters from tarps and rope that we had taken. We made our fire and cooked up some of our freeze-dried food. By the time we got done eating it was probably around 10pm. We were sitting around the fire just relaxing from our grueling hike to this point. The insect noise was deafening that night. But I started to hear this odd noise off in the distance. It raised the hair on my neck. I didn't say anything at first; I was just trying to listen closer. But soon I could tell it was getting closer. I said to my cousin, 'do you hear that?' but he couldn't yet. I said 'it sounds like people talking loud and making noise out there'. There is NO way there are other people way out here and walking around at this hour. And all the while, it was getting even closer and he could now hear it also. And it was now clear that it was a pack of dogs or coyotes and they were headed our way. We could hear them barking, yapping, snarling and just making all kinds of noise. At this point we were both very frightened and were piling more wood on the fire hoping that would help keep them away. They got so close that I was thinking any second I'll be able to see them. They must've run by within 20 yards of us but never came into the light of the fire. And just as quickly as they came, they went. Off into the distance until we couldn't hear them anymore. That was really scary. We didn't know if they were going to come back. Neither of us slept in our shelters that night. We even contemplated packing up and trying to find our way back down the mountain but decided that was not a good idea at all. We just sat around the fire and leaned against some trees dozing off periodically throughout the night. As soon as it was light enough to see we packed up and hiked back down. And the dogs weren't the only thing. All throughout the night I could just hear things from further up the mountain. It was the loud sound of trees crashing down; something very large was pushing through thick brush. I won't go there again without a weapon. ++++ Around 2 AM I woke up with a feeling of intense unease. Wide awake I sat up in the tent and instinctively grabbed my machete. As I listened intently I could make out a woman's shrill voice drifting in from the direction of the river. It sounded like she was screaming but I couldn't make out any words. I woke the others up and they heard her as well. Of course the water could have been carrying the sound from someone's river house from down the river but that was just a downright creepy place. I have no explanation from the intense feeling of danger I got as I woke up. My friend's theory is that occultists use the bank we unwittingly camped at to sacrifice animals! Ridiculous-sounding I realize but who knows? ++++ Well we arrived just as the sky was starting to lighten up and we tied the boat about 100 yards from the blinds and proceeded on foot, all the while still no sounds at all except for the sounds of us passing, then it hit us both at the same time, a feeling of dread, dad looked at me and I at him and we just both shrugged it off as the jitters of a new hunting place that we didn’t know, and left it at that. When i found the blind that I had set up or what was left of it. I became keenly aware that we were not alone in these woods. There were tracks all over the place, what kind I don’t know because it was in looser gravel being on the shore line, but I knew that they had not been there yesterday, at my father’s blind was the same thing, all strewn around like a warning to leave now.....and not to come was really riled now as I was We decided to head out and like now, as we got closer to the boat we noticed that something was wrong, it was setting deeper than usual, and when we got to it we found that someone or something had punched a hole on the bottom with a big rock that was still lodged in the hull. This boat was a Bass Tracker Aluminum Hull and pretty well built, dad crawled into the boat and turned on the bilge pump and it seemed to help, all the while we felt eyes watching us although we didn’t see anything. Dad pumped enough water out to get the boat to get it further on shore so we could patch the hole with a life jacket and duct tape (thank god for duct tape).we cast of and went back to camp and packed up really fast, mom was wondering why the rush and we didn’t dare tell her what we found (she would really freak out) so we told her it was dads driving and the hole in the boat, but we knew the truth and have never been back there since. ++++ This happened about 30 years ago. I went hunting with my dog a Sheppard, at that time was about 6 years old. Really didn't give a hoot about the hunt more of a walk with the dog. He is out about 20-25 yards ahead doing his thing, when he stops looks into the woods to his front. I move up to him saying "what do you see?" We start moving in the direction he is looking with him right beside me about 10 yards or so he stops so do I looking where he is not seeing anything. I continue for about 5 to 10 more yards he is behind me not moving or coming when I call. I have a single shot 12 gauge I get this really weird feeling, not seeing anything or hearing anything I back up to where he is we then move away from the area with him right beside. After about 60 yards or so he is out in front doing his thing again. Same area about 15 years earlier, I and a buddy are out with our .22’s having a good time shooting bottles and cans in the river. Well we move into the woods we hear this loud scream never heard it before or since. We move through the woods not seeing and bird’s chipmunks or any sound we come to this old tram road cross it and the wildlife is there. I have been to this area since many times with other dogs never had any problems. ++++ Back in the 1980's I was something of an adventurer and did a lot of rock climbing and caving in WV. Amazingly with all the rough camping I did in WV, nothing weird ever happened there. Near one cave we used to visit frequently there was a property where a cult we loosely called "the Lobelia Devil People" met. We never met any of them but I'm kind of glad we didn't LOL. My story takes place far from WV. One of my caving buddies and I went on a 3 week trip out west to do some caving and backpacking during this time. One night in the Tetons near Driggs, ID we were camped above the snow line on July 4th - 5th. In the middle of the night we were awaken by a really, really weird crying/sobbing/snuffling sound in the distance. It was so unusual we were wide awake instantly, listening intently for it to stop or go away. Instead this sound gradually got closer and closer to our tent. It went on and on without pause and got louder and louder. I mean, here we were at over 9000' in our tent in the dark with this ... creature, coming at us. We weren't armed. Neither of us had been raised with guns and had never owned any. Our food and food-prep clothing were in a bag hung from a tree, just like you're supposed to do. This **** thing came right up to the tent, literally within a foot of the fabric still making that spooky noise. We were truly terrified by this time, figuring the tent fabric would part at any moment and we'd be grabbed and eaten by some hungry carnivore. The sound was very loud. It circled the tent. just left. Just like that. Still making the original sound, it headed upslope into the snow among the scrub pine and eventually we stopped hearing it altogether. Needless to say, one or the other of us said to the other, what the **** was that? We asked locals in town about the animal we encountered but there were no firm suggestions as to what it was. My buddy and I are both trained as scientists and are not superstitious at all; it certainly wasn't anything supernatural. It had to be some kind of critter like a skunk or possum since it didn't seem to be that high off the ground. It wasn't a bear. A SKUNK OR POSSUM WAS THEIR DEDUCTION… LOL ++++ I might as well add my story. Several years ago my Dad and I went to a place called Gore's Landing on the St. Johns River here in Florida. We used to get together every couple of months and camp out over night and just hang out together. Well this night we decided to just take my van and sleep in it instead of setting up a tent and dragging all the gear out there. We were sitting around the fire just talking and he said that he had not brought his gun. He never goes anywhere without his gun. I had left mine at the house because I figured he had brought his and neither one of us brought flashlights so if something did happen we could not see anything. We were sitting around the fire just talking when 50' or so behind us heard something big moving through the bushes and palmettos. We both stopped and looked at each other regretting not having a flash light or a gun. I asked if he heard it too. I could tell by the look on his face he had. We both have grown up in the woods and know what a deer, armadillo, raccoon, or an opossum sound like. This was not anything like that. The worst part was it was just outside of our vision. Then it stopped. We were trying to see what it was but couldn't make anything out of the darkness. We started to walk toward the area and then whatever it was took off beside the river and JUMPED across the boat landing area, a good ten feet. I heard one foot hit the left side of the water and then another foot hit the right side and it took off into the woods. It was so big that you could feel the ground shake when it was running. It was definitely on 2 feet. I am 6' 2" and 230 lbs and I am not afraid to say I was scared shitless. My dad was pretty shook up and we decided it was best to get in the van for the night. Later on that night about 2:00 AM we were laying in our sleeping bags when the most god awful scream woke us up. I sat up and asked my dad if he heard it. He said, "What do you think?" I was looking out of the windows trying to see what it was but couldn't see anything. ++++ A few years ago we were camping on the Ethan Pond trail right near it's junction with the Willey Range trail. It is winter time and the only other person we saw all day was one guy going all the way to the shelter to spend the night. We pretty much know there is no one out there since the lone guy we saw had passed us hours...HOURS ago. So we are all just sitting around by candle light when all of a sudden we hear, somewhat close by, a person shout "Hello!" We all turned.....yelled back but got nothing. A few minutes later, less loudly, we hear it again...."Hello!" We can't see any headlamp in the darkness, so Hiker fast turns on his headlamp and heads up the trail a decent ways, maybe a hundred yards or so, returns and says he didn't see anything. No person, no headlamp shining in the night, no footprints save for the guy from the previous in the day and heading only one direction...away. We all heard it, we all agreed it sounded like someone saying Hello, it was that clear and crisp but no explanation. Perhaps the Willey family was roaming the woods that night. ++++ A few years back when hiking I would occasionally hear a rasping, animalistic wheezing noise. The sound sped up when I sped up and slowed down when I did. I would stop to listen and the noise would cease. I was sure something was stalking me through the woods. I'm always hearing voices when I’m on the trail but nobody is ever there. ++++ Yesterday evening while I was taking the dogs for a walk in the woods, I heard animated chatting, like a cocktail party. ++++ I had a similar experience near the Ethan Pond Shelter/Trail junction area mid-afternoon on a nice sunny day about a month ago. I had returned from the shelter to the trail when I heard a voice say something like "Hello" or "Wait" - I cannot remember exactly. I answered back, thinking I left something at the shelter (there was one guy there). I didn't get a response back, so I took off my pack and checked that I had everything. Then I figured maybe it was somebody on Ethan Pond trail but there was nobody in either direction. I never caught up with anyone as I went west on Ethan Pond Trail. It was windy out, but the voice was SO distinctive. ++++ I heard the "hello" sound today on the Algonquin Trail. It was a pretty distinct sounding hello, perhaps with a slight speech impediment. There was a strange story posted a few years ago about a mysterious looking 'hiker' walking up a trail in the Great Gulf all bundled in a big down jacket in the summertime. ++++ We were hiking up the Newbury Trail (Mt. Sunapee) in early winter snow and following some noticeably HUGE footsteps. Suddenly the footsteps just stopped. They didn't step aside, and they didn't turn around. They just dead ended, like the person who left them had been lifted skyward. ++++ In October 1991, I camped about two miles from route 302 on Nancy Brook. The night was clear and calm, but cold with a large full moon. Near midnight, I heard an eerie howling in the distance. It sounded unfamiliar howling type sound, something that I’ve never heard before. I thought it sounded like a human trying to make the sounds. But I had not seen anyone hiking on the trail, and there were no other cars but mine at the trail head. I believed I was alone. For the next few minutes I lay there in my tent breathing quietly so I could pay attention to the sound and try to make out what I had heard. The sounds repeated a few more times and then silence filled the forest once again. I had to conclude that it was only the night woods accompanied by the flow of the brook toying with my imagination. As I was approaching Stairs Column last month I was certain I heard voices off to my right. Passing that same spot again later, on my way back, I could swear I heard voices again. I don’t think there was actually anyone there, it was probably just a couple trees scraping each other, but it was still strange. GOOD REASONING! ++++ On a winter solo hike of Mt Waumbe, the mere thought of this sends shivers up my spine but that’s not the scary part. I knew that trail would be broken out because I knew of some others who were there the previous day. I was the first one up the trail and it was a mild early morning. Everything was fine until I got a short ways past the summit of Starr-King. Suddenly I felt like someone was watching me. I didn’t hear anything to precipitate this feeling; no voices, no footsteps, no equipment noises, just the quiet of a windless winter day. I just felt like someone was out there watching me. As I got closer to Waumbek’s summit the feeling diminished and I began to feel better. However upon returning the feeling got stronger again. I kept stopping and looking around, nothing; just silence. I continued my hike, muttering to myself “This is crazy. This is crazy.†++++ John and I hiked up to Starr King starting at 10:00 one night a few years back in late may early June. I need to be up between 4:30 - 5:00 am for a bird census. I love the night woods because of the animal life. I get excited with the anticipation of seeing a porcupine fox, marten or whatever. But that night I had a creepy feeling that something was watching or following me. At one point I called out. Another time I was at Shoal pond in late Nov. It was very still. I saw this small sapling sway as if something had just hit it. No other tree or leaves showed any motion. No bird had taken off from it. At that moment I coyote started to howl. I relayed this experience to a Jamaican friend who got spooked by it. He said it was a duppie. So that’s my answer, it was duppie. OK GOOD ANSWER ++++ Early last summer I posted here about finding blood, and then the freshly killed body of a fawn, on the Hammond Trail on Chocorua. Interesting speculation followed about what might have happened. Well, on Saturday, Brian and I were hiking up South Moat, when I again spotted blood on the trail. It was just below the section of trail that rises steeply and passes to the right of an open, usually wet area where soil has eroded off a sheet of rock ledge. First there was a spot of blood on a leaf (a brown leaf this time, not a green one as before). There were more spots along the trail for about a hundred yards. Then I didn't see any more. I picked up one of the stones that had blood on it and the blood was fresh enough when I touched it that it transferred off the rock. No corpses along the trail this time, and nobody I asked noticed any of the blood. I know it could have been an animal that had been wounded, since this is hunting season, but it was a long way from a road... +++ Many times while I’ve been hiking from MT. Clinton to Monroe or Eisen I’ve heard footsteps walking behind me. I could hear the snow crunching and it varied from 10 to 20 ft away, one particular time it was directly behind me, I would stop walking very fast and the steps behind me would also stop, that time they were right behind me, I became unnerved enough to turn around. I gave this much thought and came to two conclusions, either someone who perished up there over the years is still hiking around loose, or it’s something else altogether from a higher place. These occurrences only happened when I was solo. I would not make this up, this is the truth, take it for what its worth. I finally accepted the fact that it was harmless and it never bothered me again, although it did continue from time to time, only it began to happen in other parts of the Whites as well. ANSWER FROM IGNORANT PERSON - Whenever I hear noises like this, I realize that I am only hearing my own footsteps (or noises) and misinterpreting the sound. Whenever you are with someone else, you can easily explain away the noise as being made by your partner. Your biggest enemy can be your imagination. IMAGINATION ++++ One night after a long day in the PNVC kitchen I grabbed my gear and headed out for a late night hike up to HoJo's. It was 8:30pm or so in Feb so it was dark out, but the moon was almost full. I started up and maybe 5 minutes into the hike I started hearing noise in the woods to my right and it followed me the whole way up. I never figured out what it was. I have had someone tell me that fox occasionally follow people off trail, but I have no idea. It was very hum, for lack of a better word, scary! Thank god I was staying inside HoJo's that night. +++ Another time at night I was hiking out from Gray Knob. Again it was dark and the moon was near full. The hike was uneventful all the way down until the last 200 yards. I had the odd feeling of someone right behind me. I started running, yes running! I got to the road dropped my pack and ran to my jeep. Got in started the engine, drove over to my pack, got my pack in the jeep and drove fast until I reached hikers paradise. I never spoke of the incident until now. I know many people would say it was my imagination, but it felt so fringing real. It really felt like someone was waiting near the start of the trail to jump someone. I didn't like it AT ALL. ++++ On a winter overnight at Little Bigelow Lean-To, the campfire had died down to just coals as we settled into the warmth of our sleeping bags. A short time later, just as sleep had almost overtaken us, the still silence of the winter night was shattered by a LOUD high pitched-human sounding-blood curdling-wailing scream coming from the cold darkness out behind the shelter. This went on for what seemed forever, but probably lasted 15-30 seconds. At Black Mountain Pond in the Sandwich Range last year, except it was more of a war-whoop than an I-am-being-axed-scream, and it was from across the lake, this was startling for sure. My girlfriend pretty much lost it at that point. To boot, it was one of those silent nights, so you could hear every mouse in a 1/2 mile radius, so I knew she was bolt awake for the rest of night listening to every crunch. This winter, while solo, I too heard footsteps behind me. Except after careful study I figured it out: The snow and my gate were just about perfect so that my boots were throwing out snow about 10 feet behind me, and landing with a convincing wet crunch. It was cool once I figured it out. Anyone else here stories about old Vietnam Vets who live in the Whites and roam around? GOOD EXPLANATION LOL IN DENIAL ++++ I was hiking up a mountain to get to a hunting spot. It was around 3:30 in the morning. All of a sudden I heard a screaming sound; it sounded female (human); and it sounded insane, mindless. It was really scary. I suddenly thought that some old fairy tales were true or that some creature from the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual was about to share a Mike lunch with her friends. My knees buckled and I was shaking so much that I was unable to load my gun, a muzzleloader. After a few minutes of quiet I was able to regain my composure and continue up the mountain. I described the experience to a few veteran hunters and several of them said it was a Bobcat. BOBCAT was the solution ++++ My brothers and I were camping just north of Dix Pond in the Adirondacks one spring a few years ago. We were relaxing around the fire, having a nice conversation, when we heard something like a girl scream. It rose in pitch and intensity and lasted about 4 or 5 seconds. It seemed to come from a tree not too far from us. We all just stared at each other with eyes as wide as silver dollars wondering what the heck that was! Everyone said the hair on the back of their neck was standing straight up. (Odd how these primal reactions are still with us.) The light from our small fire got a lot less comforting in the moments following the scream! We never did figure out what we heard, although we speculated that since the sound was immediately followed by the sounds of an owl hooting, it may have been the death scream of some owl's dinner. Still, I can't imagine what small forest animal could make such a blood curdling sound! ++++ While sleeping on the ground between two parked cars in a trailhead parking lot (sleeping bag on mattress, nylon tarp laid over top like a sheet...) I was awakened by the most unusual sound I've ever heard before or since. It began as a very high-pitched, very loud moan-like sound which lasted for a few seconds, then went to a guttural gurgling that descended in pitch until it died out in a low rumble. This happened twice, I think, accompanied by leaves crunching and sticks cracking. It seemed to be only 15-20 feet away and was loud enough to wake up a friend sleeping in his car. (Yes, all of my friends were accounted for, so I know it wasn't a prank by anyone I know...) About 2:00 a.m. at a .5 mile point on the east bank of Tongue Range, something big jumped into the water, making a heck of splash for a quiet night. And about an hour later it got out of the water. I don’t know what it was for sure, but can only guess deer are very good swimmers. ANSWER: DEER OK ++++ (North of the SNP around Loudoun County, VA) I got real creped out and had a weird sense that I was not alone, a really spooky feeling. I hauled my sorry butt down the trail. I heard that there's a BF living near the Taconic Crest Trail. The thought of encountering it was bad, but that siren from miles off really scared me -- it was snowing that day on late April day the Crest. I had reached Snow Hole and heard this siren that just wailed for hours. NO ONE REMARKED TO THIS POST ++++ I've night hiked Black Mountain several times over the years for sunrise shoots. One time as I was walking the early part of the trail about a mile in (fall, 5am - very dark, no moon of consequence); I heard a terrible screech from a distance away. The mind plays wild tricks on you in the middle of a pitch black woods with only the tunnel vision of a headlamp; I froze and instantly turned off my head lamp. I thought it had to be an owl but it would have been the strangest sounding owl I've ever encountered. Then within a couple moments there was an answer but from still further away. It was too early for birds as there wasn't anything close to predawn light. I turned on my headlamp and continued when there was nothing more - besides, the cries were far away enough. I wasn't ten steps into the hike again, when I heard the screech again. Again, I turned my headlamp off and this time crouched down - instinct I guess. Then again, a few seconds later, there was an answer from further away. This time I waited several minutes - nothing. I continued my hike, reached the summit about a half hour before sunrise without incident. I never heard the sounds again that day or any other time I climbed the mountain. Like I said - i thought it had to be an owl - but it didn't ring right with me. I've heard owls and that was an odd owl(s) if there ever was one. +++++ My wife and I were hiking around North Lake campground (Catskills) and decided to bushwhack through the woods via a small creek. I was late afternoon - the creek bed was very dark and mossy...and creepy. We came upon a stone "hut" and for some reason we both freaked and started running past it until we came out onto one of the campground roads. To this day I can't explain why two adults would be so spooked by the place, but maybe some of you have seen this thing and know what I am talking about. Maybe I'll get up the nerve to find that place again! ++++ The worst sound was heard one night when I was bushwhacking and alone. I was sleeping in a hammock and I heard the most blood curdling sounds- only to be compared to the vocalizations of a demented ghost-coming from animals walking underneath my body. I was too afraid to move and too afraid to sleep. Another time I was awakened by the death cries of some animal. It went on for many long seconds-horrible. ANSWER BY IGNORANT PERSON I'm pretty sure that a screaming sound like that is a fisher cat. I live in the sticks in NH and a similar sound wakes me up in the middle of the night from time to time. My family has a chicken coop which probably attracts them. Luckily we haven't had one get in several years but we have neighbors that aren't so lucky. When they hear screaming sounds pets and small livestock tend to disappear. ANOTHER IGNORANT REPLY Could it have been that god-awful spine chilling sound of porcupines mating? OUTDOORS PEOPLE KNOW THESE SOUNDS and the guy knew it was no fisher or porcupine! ++++ It was clear and cool as the sun faded into the western slopes. We cooked up some fresh rainbows with garlic and butter and filled our stomachs. I leaned back against the cooler after pulling out a refreshing beverage. The boy was soon asleep by the fire as it had been a busy day. I sipped my beer and watched the moon light bouncing off the little waves in the lake. There was still a light glow on the western horizon where the sun had gone down and I could see the outline of the mountain peaks towering over the little lake. I slowly faded off to sleep with the sound of the lake waves gently lapping on the rocks. I awoke with a start. The fire was out, the lantern was out too. The moon was gone and it was pitch black. Something was wrong. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight out. I was paralyzed. I could hear my heart thumping as I strained to hear something in the bush, all was quiet. I had a horrible uneasy feeling. I gathered myself together and started kicking around the fire, a small flame came alive and I quickly threw on some wood. In the firelight I could see that the boy had awoke and was shocked to see his wide open eyes staring at me. "What’s wrong?" he asked. "Nothing, I lied. He crawled into the tent but even in the light of fire I couldn't shake my wariness. Something was out there in the bush, and I could feel it was watching me. I gathered up my light and flashed around camp. Finally, I began to calm down and crawled in the tent with the boy. Then again, like clockwork, I awoke completely tense. This time I couldn't shake the feeling at all. I finally instructed the boy to wake up and go get in the truck. I packed up all of camp and drove around to the other side of the lake and slept with him in the truck. At dawn I got up and looked across the lake where we were camped earlier, and another uneasy feeling came over me. I decided it was time to go home. I don't know what was out there, or what was going on over there, but I know my instincts, and something was bad wrong with that place. Whatever it was, I will leave it to your imagination, it creeps me out to this day thinking about that night. ++++ I was at starved rock training on top of devil's nose when i had the same feeling, but in broad daylight. I actually climbed down, and then ran directly into my most recent ex girlfriend’s last husband, and her Son. She and I had broken up, and I never got to say good bye to the little guy. I don't know how or why we ended up in the exact same spot, at the exact same time, 2 hours from home, but we did, and I got to say good bye to him. If I had not had such an intense feeling that I HAD to get of Devil's nose and climb down, exactly when I did, I never would have run into him like that. ++++ A friend and I had a similar experience, we had the foresight to head out and to this day we are still not sure of what spooked us. We both grew up spending all our free time camping/fishing. Needless to say we never told anyone as we were to macho to admit the "things go bump in the dark" whether or not we want to accept it. ++++ I was night hiking about a month ago. I came across a bend in the trail, and all I hear is like a big "WHOOSH!" running from the trail into the bushes. It had my heart pounding; since I couldn't really see it at all it was so quick. I was hiking by moonlight. Probably a giant cougar or a rabbit but I'll never know. YES YOU WOULD, IF YOU OPENED YOUR EYES ++++ I’ve had more than enough scary encounters in the woods. When I was out camping by Lake Erie i went fishing early in the morning thinking I’d go and see if I could catch any trout or something nice for breakfast. I was sitting on the little log I pulled up and i started to fish. 10 little perch n sunfish later ion about 6 or so i heard a loud crap about 20 feet behind me in the woods. I know it wasn’t a Bigfoot lol NOTE STORYTELLER MAKES BF JOKE It was a bear or something, had to be because the cracks were big. I felt u easy so i took off about 300 feet down the shore of the little lake. Again i started to fish and about 20 minutes later a heard more crashing behind me come from the area I had left. So I took my little catch and left. I came back about 8pm that night to try for fun. It was about 20 into sitting on the other side of the bay fishing and I heard a crashing sounding like a charge through the woods. I got the heck out of there and didn’t go back fishing, good thing our 5 day camp out was over. ++++ I try not to hike after dark but have a few times. Bears, mountain lions, owls and other night creatures are abundant after dark and I don't like to be in their way. I have heard huffing and grunting in the deep woods, which I think and hope, was a bear. One sort a scary thing is that I saw a large brown blur move off a large log in the deep forest. Well, it was on the edge of my mountain land where the national forest borders. I hoped it was a bear although the bears are supposed to be black but it could have been a rare cinnamon black bear. SURE IT COULD HAVE BEEN… LOL ++++ Once when I was about 14, I was deer hunting (alone)on an old log where I had hunted before with success but anyways it happened gradually all forest life ceased to exist no chipmunks, no squirrels, no birds, no sound but the wind blowing, oddly. I don’t even remember being cold (I’m sensitive to cold weather somewhat) but even stranger is the fact that I got sick setting on that log and stayed like that for the remainder of the day if i remember correctly, coincidence? I don’t want to know another time the similar thing happened that I’d rather not go into. OH SWEET JEZZ ++++ I stayed in a old hunting shack my friend Junior and his dad and I help build and after a long day of hiking and exploring and such. I lay down after eating fish that I caught in my fish trap, I was feeling really good just relaxing. The sun was setting, starting to get dark. I heard this great commotion; something big was moving toward the shack thru really heavy brush, this brush was thick, wasn’t much of it, just 100 by 50 feet. Why a animal would go thru it I don't know. I never tried, it’s too thick. I got this awful feeling that I didn't want to see what it was. I started banging on pots and pans, as loud as I could. Then silence, dead silence. I listened and I knew whatever It was must have to make sound even moving slowly thru there, but I never heard anything more. Could of been a deer or bear, but why I never heard anything more I've never know. I still wonder about it. I CAN TELL YOU ++++ This was back when it was ok to build permanent tree stands nailed into trees. I had scouted out a new area and settled on an area where an oak flat joined a big thick swamp. It was pretty open except one grove of head high palmetto's and brush that came from behind my stand and went into the swamp. I was able to climb into a fork of an oak tree by climbing a small dogwood next to it. After hoisting up my wood and nailing up a very stable platform and seat about 15-20' up, I dumped out some corn and left. This was in the summer as I was hog hunting. It was two weeks before I made it back to hunt. Everything was fine as I walked in before daylight and got settled in. I noticed the corn was gone and lots of fresh hog sign that I could see by my small light. After everything got quieted back down, as I sat in the dark and I kept having that feeling of being watched. Now I have hunted, camped, and grew up in the woods and am completely at home day or night in the darkest deepest swamps, and never felt this feeling. I wasn’t scared because I didn’t know to be. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. The feeling never changed but I couldn’t get used to it, i was just on edge I guessed. I never saw or heard any animals that morning that I can remember till I was climbing down about mid morning. I had lowered my rifle, and was in the process of slithering from the oak to the little dogwood when i saw something out of the corner of my eye about the same time i heard it! I heard the crash and just BARELY caught sight of something running through the palmettos parallel to me. Now I say barely cause it looked like a huge, (man high), brown dog. Honestly I thought buffalo instantly! How crazy is that?? It crashed through the thicket and i heard it hit water. Sounded like a heard of hogs plugging thru! I wrote it off as a deer that jumped and I me glimpsing it, made it look different. Well I thought about that sight and the feeling I had had all morning, as I drove back home to do a little work before hunting again that evening. Around 2:00 p.m. or so that afternoon I was again walking back into that stand still thinking about the oddness of the morning. It was only a 1/4 mile or so walk and i was there and settled in quick enough. Again, everything was oddly quiet. I had been sitting maybe an hour or so when I heard the faint splash of hogs I assumed, across the thicket in the swamp. As it got louder, instead of that excited, eager feeling you would normally get, I was getting nervous. It was so weird because I had never felt that way before. Well what I thought were a bunch of hogs turned out to be one single critter. When it was within a hundred yards, I could hear it so plain and clear. Whatever it was, was in no hurry and stayed out of sight on my blind side across the thicket. I had scouted all this out and i knew the water that it was in was waist deep on me and this thing was picking its feet or legs clear of the water as it walked. I could hear the "splash, drip...drip...drip...splash" as it put one foot in front of the other real slow like it was trying to be quiet. I thought it might be another person till I thought about how deep that water was. I would never point a gun at a noise or anything I wasn’t planning to kill dead, but as that noise got louder and got to the edge of the thicket, I was looking down the barrel! Still on safe and finger off the trigger but still, you got to know me to know how serious this must have been. I was actually shaking. Well it got to the edge of the water with about 40 yards of thicket before the open ground between us. It crashed about 10 or 15 yards and then went quiet. Deathly quiet and no sound, no frogs, no crickets, no birds, no nothing. I might have imagined it but i thought i could hear something every now and then like it was slipping in on me. It was getting dark by then and to say I was shaken would be an understatement. I never saw or heard anything else that evening but I walked out backwards right before dark! I was so put off by it, I had forgotten my bag (fanny pack today) hanging on a nail in the stand. I realized that while I was driving home. I told my grand daddy about it that night and he of course made fun of me. If all that wasn’t bad enough, here is the crazy part most folks don’t believe. It was two days later before I got the nerve up to go back after my bag. I carried a shotgun this time as I felt more secure with it though I doubt I could have hit anything at this point. It was an old rabbit ear and i kept my thumb on the hammer the whole walk in. And of course I went in mid day! I kept my eyes peeled as I slipped in toward my stand. Like I said it was pretty open except the thicket which would be on the other side of my stand from where I was coming in. I got about 35 yards or so from my stand and glanced up. It was gone! I don’t remember seeing it piled on the ground below, but it was not in the tree. ++++ My little encounter was in the middle of Washington State on a training mission in the military. I have been in and out the woods all my life and never had a creepy type feel more than that day when i was training, it seem to be tracking our patrol movements, when stop it stop and we move it moved with us. I could not help the feeling of being watched all the time when we were in the area next to the lake and the rangers that where chasing us had the same feeling about the area when they went though it later on after us. We where a 6 man reckon patrol and we had just got back from being down south in South America during the drug wars watching drug labs and searching for them and where used to moving though heavy jungle like ghosts but when the ghost feel like there being watch , well it was a strange feeling, knowing that something is out there that is good as you in silent movement. There was no sound at all during the time we where next to the lake and until we moved off from the lake area did the sound of the woods return to normal. Later on when talking to allot of the guys that were stationed there they said that area give them the creeps and did not like to training there. They used to keep live ammo in the pack for what was out there in the woods. I KNOW, I KNOW ++++ (2) Friends and I were riding our dirt bikes up and around a mountain trail that we knew well in BC in early spring. Dusk was coming in and with the tight trails it seemed darker than it actually was. To add to this there was about 12-14" of snow on this old forest trail. My bike had a headlight and the best rear tire to make a trail in the snow, so I led. I was riding ahead of them and stopped to wait for few minutes. I could hear them coming from further away than I thought, so I just sat on the bike and waited. Then the feeling of being watched came over me, it was not a fearful or in danger type of feeling, just that something was there nearby. It was undeniable, you just know. (As living beings we are energy, depending on the individual you may be sensitive to other energies and know that something is there). ++++ I was camped out in western Maryland on a hilltop with a buddy of mine and we heard a very strange chirping, whistling, whining, grunt sound around 2:00 a.m. The fire was reduced to coals and we were pretty tired at the time. But this alerted both of us. It sounded like a cross between an animal and a human, but all of the noises happened at once and ended with a whistle. The sound came from the bottom of the hill and I'd estimate it was around 800-1000 yards away. So we stood around for a couple more minutes before deciding to call it a night. 15 minutes later I heard the same noise 40-50 feet away from my tent. It was loud and scared the hell out of me. I got out with the spotlight but saw nothing and heard nothing. My friend stumbled out of his tent 10 minutes later with his single shot rifle and asked, "Did you hear that?" I said, "Yeah, great response time with the rifle by the way". +++ When I was a boy my parents used to take me and my older sister to my relatives house in Eastern KY near Letcher County. The closest city is Whitesburg. My uncle (who taught me everything I know about the outdoors) lived in a cabin nestled in a holler way back up in the mountains. His place was at the base of a big strip mine seam up on the mountain side. As a boy he and I used to go sit out on his back porch at night and use predator calls to try and call something down out of the hills. Well one night he and I were out there using one of his tapes. We'd been out there for a good 2 hours and seen nothing so we were thinking of calling it a night. We were about to pack everything up when he realized his squirrel feeder was empty. He then decided to go fill it back up with seed. His feeder was about 50 yards away from his cabin on the mountain side and bordered the tree line. He walked up the hillside about 25 yards when his wife came out to see why we were still outside. The only light out that night was the light from his porch. He was about 35 yards up the hill and he called back and said he forgot his flashlight so his wife (my aunt) went back inside and got one of his spotlights. We had forgotten to turn of the tape with the predator calls on it so I reached down to the tape player to turn it off when I noticed my aunt was as stiff as a board. I hit the off button and looked up at her and she had the spotlight shining straight up to the squirrel feeder where my uncle was at. I heard her say "It's coming to you Jim". Jim is my uncle’s name. He turned back and goes "huh?" Then a little louder that time she goes "It is coming straight toward you Jim." That's when I looked up and saw a set of eye shines about 15 ft away from where my uncle was standing and closing in. Whatever it was it was massive. The eyes were about 4-5 ft off the ground. Also whatever that creature was completely and totally got the drop on my uncle who has pretty much spent his whole life in the woods studying and tracking predators. Well, he was turned around looking at us with his back to the woods so we told him to freeze. We all just kind of stood there for about 3 minutes which seemed like a lifetime. It was dead silent no crickets, no sounds of the night. It was the most eerie and creepy 3 minutes of my life. It just sat there at the tree line staring at us all and us staring right back at it. The brush at the tree line was thick so we could not see what shape it was...just the eyes and where they were in relation to the ground. After those three minutes my uncle slowly turned around to see what about 15 ft away from him but couldn’t see it. Whatever animal or creature it was did not make a single sound coming down the side of that mountain. It never made a sound until it took off. I didn't sleep that night and neither did my aunt or uncle. ++++ Here is the freakiest of the experiences was while on a trip in 2004. I remember the year because it was the year before Katrina hit. I had taken my son on a trip to the Gulf. On the way home, I got tired of never ending road construction on the route I'd planned and scooted over to the Natchez Trace Parkway. I was pretty tired, and it was late. We stopped at a campground and figured on sleeping through the rest of the night in the cab of the truck. I didn't want to bother with the tent for a short night's sleep. From about ten minutes after we pulled into that campground (about 6-7 sites filled) every hair on my neck and arms stood straight up. I felt chilled even though it was a hot summer night. I have absolutely no good explanation about why I felt this way. I truly tried to sleep there that night. I tried to settle into the cab of the truck with my pillows (I wasn't about to get out and set up the tent!) and get some rest, but nothing doing. It simply wasn't going to happen. My feelings only grew in intensity, until I knew we just HAD to get out of there. We left and I have NEVER been back. I doubt I ever will, since it still freaks me out to think about that experience today. There is no sensible reason, but I'm not about to ignore such a warning. ++++ When I was in my early teens, my family and I began to notice small dead animals appearing around our home and property. After the first week of this we began to become a little paranoid about whom or what was doing this. Within the next few weeks we began to spot small piles of rocks forming near our home and in the community. One day I happened to be ¼ mile from my home on dirt and gravel trail along a large creek. While I was milling around, I caught a glimpse of something very peculiar. In the middle of the creek, on top of a large boulder, there was a stack of rocks about three feet high. It gave me the willies to see that, knowing what it might be symbolic of. Another time my dad happened to look out of our back porch window and saw among the scrub grass and underbrush, a pile of stones about two feet high and positioned so there would be a hole in the center of the pile. My dad investigated it and looked through the hole – our house was perfectly centered in it. By mid spring I decided to take a video camera and do a little investigating in the woods behind my home. Dressed in my woodland BDUs and combat boots, I headed off to see what I might uncover. Before entering the forest I saw a dead garter snake with its head pulled off. It was a little spooky. Fifty yards into the wilderness I found what appeared to be a bird that looked like it had exploded. Feathers, blood, and body parts were scattered. I ended up going down into a marsh to check the soft ground for tracks and could not find anything for the first hour of trying. Getting a little tired, I went over to some hard ground, plopped myself down, and took a breather. There were still a few patches of snow in the area and I happened to look down at the one next to me. What I saw sent chills through my body. A human footprint, sized larger than my 10 ½ “ boots, which I would estimate was 11†to 12â€. I could see the toes, arch, and heel. Plopping my dad’s VHS camcorder on my shoulder, I filmed the print next to my foot for a comparison. Seeing that print spooked the heck out of my and I quickly left the area and showed my video findings to my dad, mom, and sister. They quickly thought I was making up the entire story of the footprint, even when I showed them the video tape of it. I asked how I could make such a large foot print with my own foot, considering my foot was smaller. They had no explanation and began to wonder if something was really out there. Over fifteen years later I still have not been able to explain the large foot print. Why would someone travel all the way out into a marsh just to put their bare foot into the already melting patch of snow? Was it a joke? Was someone watching me and managed to determine what direction I was heading in and placed the track? Or maybe it really was “something elseâ€! The dead animal occurrences tended to cease after that day and have not returned. READ REPLY TO THIS STORY Just to play devil's advocate. As snow melts the foot print expands, it could have been your sisters or even a neighbor kid. It may have been there for some time. If you’re sure it was actually a footprint, I really have no reasoning for that. As for the animals, sounds like you had a active cat in the area. My parent’s cat leaves multiple little critters about, daily. And finally as for all the rocks, I have no good answer for that either. Could have been markers, kids, hippies, I don't know. Some of it could be explained, some not so easily. Do they still live there? Does strange stuff still happen? HIPPIES OH YEAH ++++ I was ten years old and on a canoing trip in northern Wisconsin at a cabin owned by my oldest brother. The nearest people were an old farming couple that had a place two or three miles down the road. We used to draw water from their well. We had just arrived at the cabin and unloaded, and my brother told me to stay and continue unpacking while he went to get water. We had brought our pointer along, and shortly after he had left I got this strange uneasy feeling like I was being watched. The dog then gets up from a bunk and starts growling and slowly pacing between the window and door. It was getting dark and as I peered out of the only window, I could not see anything, but I was scared and I could not calm the dog. Something was out there watching and circling the cabin. I grabbed my brother’s single action .45 and the dog and climbed into the bunk placing my back against the wall. I was just a scrawny little kid and could barely hoist the pistol. I had my thumb on the hammer and finger on the trigger resting the barrel on my bent knees. The dog continued with her low growl and we sat there for what seems like an eternity alternately watching the window and door. Finally, I heard the J-20 bouncing down the fire trail so I eased the barrel away from the door. My brother walked in and was shocked to see me backed against the wall sitting on the bunk with my dog and the hog-leg, and in his words "White as a Ghost". The next day we visited another neighboring cabin located five miles or so in the opposite direction of the farmhouse to see if the owner’s were there. No one was there, but something had recently torn into all four corners of the cabins exterior walls to a height of six or seven feet, most likely a bear. OK ++++ Some friends and I were doing some night cat fishing from shore on the James River and periodically running our trot-lines. We were sitting along the shoreline with a nice fire going accompanied by the usual idle talk and a few beers, when suddenly everyone just stopped talking like a switch was flipped off. We were all staring across the river and felt as if something or someone was staring back. It was a very uneasy feeling, to which some of the group tried to shake off with the typical macho humor, when a bloodcurdling sound erupted from the other shore that froze everyone in their tracks. This sound was unlike any other that I had heard and it made every hair on my body vibrate and tingle. The only way I can describe it is it sounded like a wild person with no language skills was being gutted alive. No words, just this high pitched bloodcurdling noise/scream. Nobody moved or said a word; we all just sat there fixed in our stare, when just as suddenly a second noise/scream was let loose with even more force than the first. By this time several of us were sprinting to our trucks that were parked within 20 or 30 feet and retrieving various firearms. We all sat there quietly with our eyes fixed staring toward the opposite shore watching the light from our fire reflecting off the rocks. Hours later we packed it up and left feeling very unsettled. We never did figure that one out or even hazard a guess as to what was on the opposite bank. HA HA HA ++++ THIS ONE ACTUALLY SHOT A SUBJECT When I was 20 my girlfriend (ex now) and I decided to take a week long camping trip to some property that belonged to her father’s friend with my Australian cattle dog Wrangler and her German Shepherd Zero, it was about 4 thousand acres of undeveloped ranch in the northeast Texas woods. The plan was to be taken by 4wheeler to a point on the property unknown by us, and then we would hike back to the main gate over the next week. I had a GPS for an emergency but we planned on doing the trip with maps and compass only. We were well equipped for the trip and had enough food for 3 days, (planned to hunt the rest) water for 3 days and water purifying systems. We also had all the necessary camping gear, and she had her bolt action .223 and a Taurus judge. I had my .22 rifle and my .40cal baby eagle. We arrived at our destination and bid farewell to the friends that dropped us off on the 4wheelers and our first day we mainly wandered around exploring and figuring out our plan. Our first night was very pleasant for the most part. dinner by the fire with the dogs chit chatting all night till about midnight when we decided to turn in. I woke up around 230 with a strange feeling. I saw Wrangler and Zero at the door of the tent very tense but not making a sound and I knew right away something was up. Both of these dogs were well trained and very loyal and protective of us. I stepped out with a light and the .40 to look around and left the dogs with my girlfriend just in case (she’s a deep sleeper). I made my rounds around camp and found nothing, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching me. i passed it off as a pack of coyotes and went back to bed trusting the dogs to watch out for us. We woke up the next morning and I told her what had happened. We just blew it off and began our day. Well the second night we set up camp near the creek and things got a bit hairy. While sitting around the fire we heard a very strange sound. Something I’ve never heard before, the dogs began to growl and snarl facing the woods north of us. We quickly drew arms and began to sweep the camp sight. Found nothing but the sound persisted around camp. It was like a snarling/gargling/sniffing sound. We didn't sleep that night. No matter how much we looks and checked we could never find the source of the sound and the dogs were restless the whole night. By the third night we were very restless, when night fell we sat by the fire with arms at our sides. We were going to stay up in shifts to keep watch just in case. While i was asleep I heard the dogs go off and when I woke up i saw my girlfriend standing with Zero at her feet and her judge drawn. I quickly took arms at her back. Something had apparently run very rapidly behind the tent. She couldn't describe what it was. Then it ran by again. I caught a glance under the light of the fire behind us; it was big and very fast. Ran on all fours but that’s all I could make out. It sounded like more than 1 creature this time. They weren't coyotes, just too big and much too fast. Heather spotted 1 again behind the tent and fired. We heard the nasty snarl again and wrangler broke away from me and gave chase. I love my dog but didn't dare go after him. I just called and called but he didn't return. We stood there guns drawn for an hour after she had fired. Everything was quiet. Then we heard rustling. We had our sights on the sound and wrangler came out of the woods. He wasn't hurt, but he had blood on his back. After this we decided to bug out at sunrise. We packed up and started hiking. We were about 2 days hike nonstop from the gate and we were ready to do it. The third night we didn't camp. We broke out the headlights and kept going. Whatever was in those woods was back. Following us but at a greater distance this time. They followed all night. That was one of the most intense hikes I’ve ever had. We hiked with our guns in front and the dogs in back. Whatever was following us wasn't stupid. It stuck to our sides. Usually it was about 40 yards out into the woods always out of sight. We stopped to rest for a few minutes around :00 a.m. they stopped too... from what we could hear it sounded like maybe 3 things out there. They got closer when we stopped and I thought I saw something and fired the .223. I didn’t hit anything, probably my mind playing games with me but the shot scared them back to a much greater distance. By sunrise they were gone again. We made it to the gate before dark and high tailed it out of there. We returned the next day on 4wheelers and with several other people to have a look around. We went to the site of our 2nd camp and found a blood trail from whatever the hell heather had hit with the slug shot loaded in the judge. The trail ran for about 200 yards before we lost it. We found nothing else and headed back before darkness caught us again. We never found out what they were. And no one had any experience like that on the property before. To this day I try telling myself they were coyotes with mange or mutated or something. There are not too many creatures out there can take a 410 slug and bleed that much without going down, especially not a coyote. All I know is that I won’t camp on that property anytime soon. THIS IGNORANT ******* SHOT A BIGFOOT ++++ Where we like to camp is high desert and there are free range cattle around at different times of the year. A few years ago we were camping out and we normally hear coyotes every night- a pack that roams the night from north hills above us to the south looking for prey. They always yip and howl like it’s a circus but on this particular night there were no sounds, not one coyote, no night hawks, not even bugs. Not one cow bellowed in the night, and that is not normal. It was really dark that night. The next morning, on the way out, I saw a cow lying down in the field and not moving at all. I looked closer and saw it had been cleanly cut in the lower gut, and something had also been eating at it. I talked to the local cowboy later that day who saw it and told us it was a mutilation, this was like the one that had been dropped a few miles away two years before in a remote gully. No tracks around it, no blood, nothing. Like it fell from the sky or was placed there. ++++ My dad and I were hiking back in late November 2005, in a place called the UBC research forest north of Pitt meadows, BC, Canada (about thirty miles east and a bit north of Vancouver, Canada) it’s on the edge of the mountains, with several logging roads and trails... ... anyway the day was already getting late when we headed out, the weather horrible. no wind but there were showers and hail and slush (about 3 degrees it was out). We were the only ones in the area hiking (parking lot was empty both when we arrived and left) After about an hour of hiking randomly up logging roads and trails we were a good several clicks into the "area" when we take a break by a small stream in a small gully. Anyways we smell this horrible scent (sorta skunkish, with a human and fish scent mixed in) neither of us has ever smelt anything like this before and we both have encountered every large animal there is out here on the coast because there was no wind, we knew it was close. We keep going along this hillside. Above us fifty feet is an old overgrown logging slash. Below us, a thickly wooded slope (could see maybe a hundred feet down the slope). Anyways we get this feeling we are being followed, the forest becomes too silent. Even the local ravens didn’t make a sound. We smell this scent another two times, stronger and begin hiking faster as we come out of a small gully we hear a crash. Spinning around we race back to the crest and look back down. Something large and tall (easily taller than my dad who is six foot), disappears into the bush. OH GEE WHAT WAS THAT LOL We just catch a glimpse of dark brown and because neither of us is armed we continue on at full pace, knowing there is a logging road ahead, again we smell this weird smell. We heard noises from the old logging meadow above us. Whatever it is moving VERY silently. Anyways, I’ve been followed by bear and cat before, neither moved like this. It was way too silent to be either (just for the record, grizzlies aren’t in this area but I have encountered them before too...) After we round a bend in the slope, we hear movement again. It was on the lower side of us now, or so it seemed after another few minutes we hear it again (and smell it). Now it was moving on the upper side of us, just over a low ridge (maybe a hundred feet away). By now we can see the logging road a hundred or two hundred feet ahead, and then this thing let out a cry... it sent a shiver down my spine. My dad who I have never seen afraid before went cold. It sounded the cross between a 'woop', a human, and something unknown. it lasted for about five seconds. we turned and ran to the road. Running down the road we pass a junction and continue heading south. I dropped something a few seconds later (about two hundred feet past the junction). I stop, turn, and pick it up. Up among the trees something tall and dark ducked out of sight. What it was i haven't a clue. But it was tall and it was too dark to really tell what it was (getting close to dark). And so we run back to the parking lot and leave fast. LOL LOL ++++ At a similar locale (deer lease, Eagle Lake area) but a few years later, my cousin and I went out to check deer feeders/stands. As we were crossing a field to get to a deer stand that was set up on poles 8-10' off the ground, we noticed what we presumed to be a head peering over the top of the wall watching us. We were a good 100 yards off, but it was obvious that SOMETHING was in the stand. My cousin wanted to go check it out but I got spooked; I don't know if it was that "uneasy feeling of predation" or my past encounter with vagrants at our lease, but I talked him out of confronting whatever was up there. We hustled back and told our dads what we had seen. We went back to the stand but didn't see anything watching us this time, so we crossed the field, climbed the pipe ladder to the landing....and found opened cans of soup, some dirty clothes, and a mutilated fawn. Who ever had been squatting in our deer stand had killed and was eating a young deer without benefit of cooking (as far as we could tell). There was blood everywhere. It was grizzly. We never did run into whoever was surviving out there; fortunate for him, because I was ready to shoot anything that moved after that. NO CORRECTION, FORTUNATE FOR YOU ++++ My family has a farm near the Missouri/Iowa border, and I’ve had a few experiences where I felt like something was following me and the flight instinct of "fight or flight" has set in. We’ve found some freshly killed deer, and they recently shot a young cougar on a farm a few miles away so we know there’s a fully grown one around. i had one experience where i was scared to the point I won’t go there again. ++++ Location was Fort Leavenworth, the Missouri river and miles and miles of swamp and forest that people aren’t allowed into. One night we were camping a few miles downstream from the fort and we had one of the high powered million watt candle power spotlights, and we were shining it toward some points that jutted out into the river. On one of the points something reflected back, like 2 yellow eyes. As soon as the spotlight hit the reflections they moved back into the forest. About an hour later we were sitting by our fire fishing when a rock sailed over our heads and into the water in front of us. We got out of there and went into the city park where all the rest of the campers were. The next morning we came back and found the rock that almost hit us. It probably weighed 25-30 pounds, and the place we were sitting was up-hill from where it had to have been thrown. ++++ I have occasionally heard 'garbled' voices, 'whoops' and yells, and loud wood knocks coming from places along the trails that no one would ever try to walk into. Don't know what it was? ++++ Around the beginning of summer, me and friend loaded our gear on our four wheelers and headed into the back country to do some riding and camping. After setting up our camp we gathered fire wood, and did the normal stuff. It was awesome weather to be out in. At around about midnight we decided to ride to an overlook about five miles away, the trail to it was a long winding trail with lots of sharp turns, washed out areas and thick with trees. Around 3:00 a.m., after sitting and watching the stars and talking we decided to head back. Enjoying the night and the ride I slowed down and let me friend get ahead of me round a bend and out of sight. I rode along slow and easy, when I heard something over the sound of the engine. Still to this day can’t describe it. It was like a growl but not, a loud growling wail, that’s the closest I can come to it, something that made the hair on my neck stand up and my skin to prickle. I looked off to the left into the darkness, trying to spot whatever it might be, and hit the brakes. OK yes stupid horror movie move I know.. But I was armed and not really worried about it at that moment. Well as I hit the brakes, I see something large and dark move across the trail behind me in the wash of the brake light. It wasn’t a bear, that I’m sure of. It was too tall and moved fast. For about a split second I thought about finishing that stop and looking back. But this feeling of dread washed over me and every fiber in my body was screaming at me to get out right then. I knew if I looked back, I wasn't going to like what was there. so instead I hit the throttle, and shot up to sixty five down that trail. Sliding around corners and rocking up the cuts. It was a wild ride and didn’t slow down till I caught up with my friend. Whatever it was he had heard it too. Rode back there the next day, and couldn’t find any tracks or sign in the area. But there wasn’t the usual turkey and deer tracks either.. Who knows.... I haven’t heard or seen a thing along that trail since then. But there was something there that night. ++++ We made camp the second night a little ways back from the river among the trees. It was a fairly open area with scattered trees and knee-high grass. We made a fire, cooked and ate dinner and were all about to go to sleep when we heard something walking toward our camp. As we shined our flashlights in the general direction that the sound was coming from us saw a large, dark shape just at the edge of the light, its eyes glowed red. It was only there for a few seconds and then it ran off. All six of us were pretty spooked at that point. We stoked the fire until it was probably visible from space and all started fashioning spears out of saplings. We never saw or heard whatever it was again that night and we eventually fell asleep. Later on we learned that there were feral hogs in that area and I'm pretty sure that's what it was. The only thing that doesn't quite fit is the eye-shine. I've done quite a bit of feral hog "management" at night and I'm pretty sure that their eyes don't shine red. As I'm typing this, I'm considering that it might have been a black bear. I'm not sure what their eyes look like at night and back then no one in the area ever talked about seeing any bears. ++++ We were camping out being my uncle's farm in Ontario, out in a field down near the local river. It was dark, suddenly noise, movement then eye shine. Bright red/orange eye shine looking out from behind a gnarled oak tree. We yelled and ran for the house (about 300 meters way) and never looked back. Anyways, the next day, morning, we went back and figured that those eyes were 7 or 8 feet off the ground. I never did figure what created that glare. Still gives me the creeps thinking about it. ONE PERSON REMARKED IT WAS A RACCOON CLIMBING A TREE, OK ++++ I had something like this happen when I was camping in the outdoors alone. It was a ridiculously cold night, way in the negatives. It was my first time camping in these conditions and I was pushing my gear and experimenting with these conditions. My vehicle was not too far. I didn't have a watch on me at the time, so of course I'm not sure what the time was. I dosed off as intended and was in a great sleep, until, I hear a loud KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK as if someone where knocking on a door! It was succinct, and intended. I was waking up! Noticing I'm cold, I get myself together thinking a park ranger may be trying to get my attention. I ask, "Is somebody there?" No answer! "Is somebody there?" No answer. I'm thinking, what the heck was that?!? That was ridiculously strange. I'm doing a self assessment. Am I too cold? Was I dreaming? Do I have what I need? Is hypothermia catching on? The trees are popping as they sway in the wind. I realized it was way too cold without any extra heat. So I created my way of producing heat, and was thankful I woke up, because it was getting COLD. I don't care what it was but I'm glad I woke up and it got my attention ++++ I was young and my parents were out, it was pretty late and we were home alone, playing and having Lego "battles" and being kids when all 3 of us heard a scream. I still remember the sound. It sounded like a woman screaming and it was just unreal how loud it was. As soon as we heard it, we all just froze in disbelief. I could have sworn it was from inside the house. We checked all the doors and windows, with broomsticks for protection. We didn’t find anything but it really freaked us all out and still have no idea what it was. And we’ve never had anything like that happen at the house since. ++++ I invited a coworker over; I’ll call her Sarah, to watch some movies because I hated being home alone. This was summer and the neighbors on both sides of the house were out of town, one house had a 30 acre forest next to it. I had a third neighbor that lived ¼ mile away through a thick stand of white pine. My friend and I were pretty isolated. It was getting dark and we were watching TV, had made some popcorn. Melody was in the living room with us sleeping when she suddenly jumped up and looked out the window growling. I had never heard her make noises like this before, horrible growling. Her hair was up from her neck to the base of her tail. I looked out the window but couldn’t see anything and closed the window and the curtain. I was a bit nervous because Melody was acting very strange. Sarah though the dog had heard a coyote. While she went back to watching TV I checked the locks with the dog. Melody calmed back down and went to sleep so I calmed down too. I figured if the dog was relaxed all was good. We watched TV until almost midnight; I wasn’t ready for bed because of the scare. Suddenly the dog went crazy again. She was growling, barking, hair on end. This time it was enough even my friend got freaked out. I didn’t want to call the cops because my dog was barking weird so I said first we would look around a bit. I turned out the lights in the room and then looked out the living room window; nothing was on that side of the house. I wanted to look out the back of the house but to do that I would have had to go downstairs – the dog WOULD NOT follow me. I decided to go look out from our back deck; it didn’t have any stairs so I figured I would be safe. I turned off all the lights and the outdoor floods so I could get some night vision (my dad’s house is very well lit at night). Then I slowly opened the door and crawled out on the deck. It was quiet outside, the driveway was empty, the area by the barn was clear. My mind was telling me to go back inside. Then I crawled to the far side of the deck and looked at the neighbors by the woods. Under their deck was a shadow, a tall shadow. At first I thought it was a man standing by the deck support. Then it crouched down and looked up at me and it had these EYES. I am freaking out just writing this. How could I see its eyes when there were no lights but the moon? All I could see were the eyes. I had this feeling of pure evil looking at me. I was back in the house so fast, locking the door and grabbing Sarah and the dog. I pushed her down the hall to my parent’s room, shutting and locking the hall door and then my parent’s bedroom door. I got all the guns out of my dad’s gun safe in the room and loaded them (he has quite a collection of newer pistols) – Sarah was freaked because I wasn’t saying anything, just loading guns she didn’t even know I had. Then I got them into the bathroom and locked that door. We sat there with guns pointed at the door. Neither one of us had enough courage to leave the room for the phone. We stared praying. Eventually the dog calmed down and we slept in the bathroom on the floor. The next morning I called my parents and told them they had to come home that day. This story still freaks me out so much to this day. I love backpacking and the outdoors but I will never solo camp – whatever that was is out there and I do not want to meet it alone, unarmed. ++++ Where I live it's hard to go into the 'wilderness' and actually feel like you're alone. But I have gone hiking locally in Cold Creek Canyon and have had the distinct impression that something was just not right further ahead on the trail down. It made me believe someone or thing was either watching or that I would meet up with it ahead. Paranoia or not I ended up turning around that day. I think next time I'll see what it is. ++++ I've heard of bow hunters get spooked by cries under their stands at 5 am. Probably a red fox or fox in general. ++++ Anyways, I wasn’t even camping out in the bush I was just walking my dog on a dirt road track with my very good friend. We were far in just casually walking through the outdoors when all of the sudden my poor pup stops dead scared in his tracks with his tail between his legs, now my dog was raised as a mummy's boy but would still protect us from any unwanted intruder. He is a staff cross King Charles cavalier, a very funny and unique looking dog. ONLY DOGS TRAINED IN PROTECTION KNOW HOW TO FIGHT A HUMAN & PROTECT THEIR PACK LEADER, another very misinformed dog owner! I thought a snake had struck him or maybe a spider. But he did not yelp, me and my friend were very confused of our situation. Something very close by had made my dog cower and we were both looking around trying to find out what had caused it. Then we realized that nothing was making a sound in the bush at all, no wind, no birds, and no insects. That’s when a surge come over me and my mate of being watched, and all three of us could feel it. We gave up and turned back the way we came, and it was me you guys not my pooch had his tail between his legs until we got back to civilization. This has not happened to me since I use to regularly train in there with another mate for the army doing our 2.4km jog through the tracks and back and I’ve done it alone plenty of times with no incident. +++ Our property backs up to the Kal-Haven Trail, which goes over much of the southern end of Michigan and ends in South Haven along Lake Michigan. Most of it passes through pretty bare farmland, but one area has lots of abandoned buildings from the town of Mentha on the sides of the trail. One of them looks like an old Train Station, one is a creepy old tower, and there's a few barns and stuff too. As we walked along the trail in what was a pretty desolate area (except for bikers that periodically passed us) we heard what sounded like singing coming from behind the ruin's walls. I and my brother marched through a bunch of high plants and sharp weeds when we caught wind of a horrible smell, and perhaps it was nerves, but we felt we were being watched and my brother reported hearing voices. We both felt panicked at the same time, and ran as fast as we could out of the brush and back on the trail. BY NOW THE GIANT FOREST DWELLERS MUST BE LAUGHING THEIR ***** OFF AT US STUPID HUMANS ++++ I was in the Smokey’s for a three day hiking trip and the first night alone in the woods I was hearing all kinds of things, seeing people peeping at me from behind every tree, kept hearing someone whispering. ++++ Mine just happened October 30th of this year a group of us decided to go up to the Gettysburg battle fields for the day. Well November 1st is the last day of being allowed out there after dark until spring. We ended up staying until 10 pm closing time. We took off for the memorial right away when we got in the field the wife I felt uneasy. The friends decided to go deeper in the field my wife just looked at me and said I want to go to the car. So we took off for the car with our friend's ten year old daughter right on our heels. Well as soon as we got on the road the uneasy feeling was gone. The other strange thing is there were no wildlife sounds and it was very still strange because it was a breezy night otherwise. We went back a week later to get photos of the color change that was one place we skipped. ++++ Bad Creek - I have family buried up there. My dad wanted to give them all a proper headstone, so he built a mold and poured his own concrete headstones. When him and my mom took the stone he had made for my great-grandmother up there, they had a creepy experience. Something stalked them all day, staying just out of sight. Probably some kind of wildcat, but that got my dad remembering some other bad things that happened in there when he was a boy. ++++ During deer season in this County there was almost no Deer to be found anywhere and the few times I went out, I noticed that all the little chipmunks and birds that usually make noise to scare off any game in the area that you are in, wasn't making any noise. The woods seemed to be silent which by itself was an eerie feeling, but I also had that feeling like I was being watched. It was like that every time I went hunting that season. I just thought maybe it was my imagination, until I went to the Barber Shop one day and several other hunters where talking about the same thing happening to them. No matter where they were hunting in the County the same thing was happening everywhere at the same time it seemed. That year, there were hardly any Deer taken and hardly any other game taken either. The next year everything was back to normal and has been since that year. Some folks still talk about that season, it was weird. You have no idea how noise the woods really are until it goes silent like that.
Guest ShadowPrime Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 Great stories. I honestly dont know what to think of the purported range for BF, but it makes sense that when outside what most would consider the "typical places", all but the most unambiguous events (I saw an eight foot tall hairy man-ape run across my yard!) would tend to be assigned non-BF explanations, by all but those who are truly "into" BF. and even in a few of those cases, the witnesses might well convince themselves "HAD to be a bear/prank/something" versus a BF. VERY interesting thread! Shadow
Sasfooty Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 There's some good stuff here!!! One that caught my eye was this one: I had a hard time sleeping, so I sat against the back wall and watched outside hoping to see some wildlife. I was taken back as I saw the glow of a cigarette about 50 yards away. It did not move at all, and I had no idea of how long he had been there.I figured that somebody came in late, and set up camp over there because we had the cabin. About five minutes later, I saw a quick flame, and the ember of another cigarette. I had the strange feeling of being watched come over me. One of my friends who had not fallen asleep yet had the same eerie feeling. We figured this guy did not bring a tent, so we both decided to walk over and offer him some space in the cabin because of the rain we were supposed to get that night. I holstered my sidearm and we started walking over (never leave without it). We got within 20 feet, and the guy sprints off as fast as he could into the woods. Never saw or heard him again. I wonder if my "smoker" has been to the Catskills.
Guest Bigfoot Proof Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 After I complied all these random camping, hiking & hunting stories from people who are sadly in denial, I could then read them back to back, and was able to glean a few things about the giants.... IMO Many, if not all are capable of a language communication.... In other words they have speech capability and learning is probably dependent on where they geographically reside. They deploy text book maneuvers; - suspect enemy has breached the area, now on alert - scouts move in to visually confirm enemy presence - scouts then move back to safe perimeter line for cover - scouts now warn others with loud wood cracks or whoops, whistles or mimicry of other creatures - enemy continues to breach, covert surveillance methods now deployed - flank and watch as the enemy proceeds - enemy gets too close; time for scare tactics with screams and object throwing If you live near any of these story locations you may have a likely research area!
Guest tracker Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 Witnesses who believe they are avoiding the fear of ridicule still live in fear. Happy dreams.
Guest Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 Absolutely fantastic anecdotal stories BigfootProof ! Thanks for gathering them all together. I agree looking thru Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Mountain Biking, Canoeing Forums yields tons of information. It may not be as specific as a reported sighting but it does give folks a clue as to what's going on in different locations and a possible starting point for someone to look into it further. As far as writing off obvious BF behavior to "It must have been a haunt", pranksters, bear or something else I've been just as guilty as anyone else. Grin! If I thought a area didn't have any previously reported sightings, despite hearing typical BF vocals, decided quite firmly it was "something else". Lol !! At least until our stay was over. I always figured if I couldn't process it, it was my brains way of dealing with the unthinkable. It stops the fight or flight response cold. In the northwoods I leaped right to "So that's what a Wendigo sounds like!" and stuck to that story till years later when I was ready to listen to recorded BF vocals. Confident during that trip that our group hadn't breached any Indiginous Protochols and it therefore had no issue with us. Funny how one's mind works. Years later finding out the area did indeed have plenty of documented BF reports and sightings, and being a hot 800miles away back at home THEN it was ok to begin to look at maybe that wasn't a mythological event. Just a unhappy BF announcing itself. DUH !!!!
WV FOOTER Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 Thanks BP for those stories. Great reading. Maybe I need to just build a fire and sit tight instead of trying to entice a Big Black Shaggy to respond. Yea, open up a bag of Jacks Links, put out a bowl of Zagnuts, and sit tight with a cold one. Cameras on the perimeter and just wait.
Guest Bigfoot Proof Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 There's some good stuff here!!! One that caught my eye was this one: I wonder if my "smoker" has been to the Catskills. I'll tell your this, you really don't need known sighting locations, I swear they are everwhere, just park it in the woods somewhere and wait with gifts, healthy treats, some music, a good book and learn a few words of whatever the indian language in your area use to be. You may get very lucky. These are a few of my favorites, I actually laughed outloud: I had a hard time sleeping, so I sat against the back wall and watched outside hoping to see some wildlife. I was taken back as I saw the glow of a cigarette about 50 yards away. It did not move at all, and I had no idea of how long he had been there.I figured that somebody came in late, and set up camp over there because we had the cabin. About five minutes later, I saw a quick flame, and the ember of another cigarette. I had the strange feeling of being watched come over me. One of my friends who had not fallen asleep yet had the same eerie feeling. We figured this guy did not bring a tent, so we both decided to walk over and offer him some space in the cabin because of the rain we were supposed to get that night. I holstered my sidearm and we started walking over (never leave without it). We got within 20 feet, and the guy sprints off as fast as he could into the woods. Never saw or heard him again. POOR UNSUSPECTING CAMPER SAW SASSY EYES, sas didn't bring a tent!... hahahaha Several times I would get the "someone's watching me" feeling, and the timber-shepherd I had would cringe and stay close to me. I looked all around and never found any tracks, but there were a few deep streams at the edge of the property and I never crossed them. One May night we were just getting ready for bed when something big landed on the roof.The next thing we knew there was a weird howling sound outside and the dog was practically in my shoes with me. More crashes on the roof followed until I went outside and fired a few shots out into the woods with my 12 gage. All was quiet for about 2 hours then it started again, and the thumps lasted until morning. When we went outside the next day there were dozens of rocks on the roof ranging from baseball size to microwave size, and several of the logs we had lifted into place on the cabin were tossed around like they were twigs. I collected my pay that day and never went back. I do not know what it was, but whatever it was did not like us building there. **** RIGHT - UNDER SAS ATTACK .....and all the ones describing a we heard a loud scream like nothing I've ever heard it was like a women being murdered. THEY KNOW NOT HOW LUCKY THEY WERE! As I sat there watching the forest line a herd of deer came running out followed by a huge brown animal to me it looked like a brown bear, but may have been a large stray dog or something, but we do not have brown bear here in Ohio.Needless to say it scared the crap out of me and I high tailed it back home. I didn't go outside for about a week after that. SASSY WAS A HUNTIN'
Guest ThePattyArcade Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 You found a goldmine! Good work
bipedalist Posted February 26, 2011 BFF Patron Posted February 26, 2011 Nice treasure trove of reports. Thanks for sharing. I holstered my sidearm and we started walking over (never leave without it).We got within 20 feet, and the guy sprints off as fast as he could into the woods. Never saw or heard him again. Squatchy knows a holstered side-arm when he sees one........even in pitch black. I saw a quick flame...I was taken back as I saw the glow of a cigarette about 50 yards away. Flaming eyes huh? How did he know it was a cigarette?
Guest Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 Jimmieny Crickets, Now I'll never go camping again! For Sure. I should not have read those reports. I really had enjoyed camping with my guys. Now, between the Cougars, BF, and illegal pot growers, I'll just stay home, and convince my guys to do the same. Unless we are carrying military assault weapons, and I don't think that they are legal, plus, to my knowledge, we don't have any of them, just some good hunting rifles and handguns, but I would truly want something that could protect us from predators, human and otherwise.. I wonder if hubby would notice if I sold our tents and camping equipment? Can our son in the military purchase heavy duty, big strong weapons that we civilians can't purchase??
MagniAesir Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 (edited) I may have posted this link before but there are a few Sasquatch stories on this thread. If you guys can't read them without registering let me know and I will copy and paste some of them. Edited February 26, 2011 by MagniAesir
masterbarber Posted February 26, 2011 Admin Posted February 26, 2011 Thank you MagniAesir for posting that link. Bigfoot Proof, It would be beneficial to the membership if you would also provide links to your stories. Some folks enjoy looking at the sources for this type of information.
Guest Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 (edited) ; 762 rifle calaber 30 round magazine 762 semi-automatic 762 with a large magazine capacity,over 15 rounds, and carry several magazines. 50 calaber weapons would deafen you. My soldier son recommended these weapons. I have no clue what I'm talking about with these weapons, but I asked my son what would take down an 800 pound animal. He said it would be sad to kill BF, my thought is that BF could become a protected species with a confirmed kill, so I'm torn. Protect, or leave alone? Edited February 26, 2011 by Susiq2
Guest Posted February 26, 2011 Posted February 26, 2011 (edited) I may have posted this link before but there are a few Sasquatch stories on this thread. If you guys can't read them without registering let me know and I will copy and paste some of them. You are so sweet to do this for us. Thanks.. BTW, I just joined that website for hunters, Yikes, like I'd really kill something unless a human life was at danger. Edited February 26, 2011 by Susiq2
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