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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

Guest Admin

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I just want to stop and take stock for a minute. Why has this film just caused a riot? I dont understand? What was contained in it that would cause people to throw insult at eachother?

Alot of it was boring and same old but as the whole film was basically saying they confirm that there is indeed a body, then I couldnt see anything but positivity to me.

Why is everyone getting so cross?

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Adam, you get a plus 1 for that.. I am sure many are doing just that. LOL.

Simplyskyla said:

How do you own "half" of a body of a creature that doesn't technically exist to the rest of the world. If you did own "half" the body, wouldn't you have to get approval from the other half who on was going to see it along with more NDAS? Why is FBFB so special they don't need an NDA? ( FBFB not signing NDA's )

Question I have is -- which end of the body does he own?? Or is it equally divided down the middle.. :o

One for you, and one for me.. LOL.

Edited by Melissa
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Guest VioletX

My thought is that Musky initially needed an NDA because Rick did not want the location and or info leaked. Musky was not on his side...yet. FB/FB was all ready on Rick's page and alligned with him, there was not the worry about indescretions.

I wish Musky could let us know for sure.

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Violet -- the NDA's came from Minnow films - according to Dyer he had to get permission for viewing (yet RD claims he has sole possession of the body) FB/FB is nothing to Minnow Films - AND they have a large public venue. It simply stands to reason - they would and could cause more damage to this story than Musky ---- yet no NDA for FB/FB guys??

Sorry, it just doesn't make sense at all.

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Guest VioletX

Violet -- the NDA's came from Minnow films - according to Dyer he had to get permission for viewing (yet RD claims he has sole possession of the body) FB/FB is nothing to Minnow Films - AND they have a large public venue. It simply stands to reason - they would and could cause more damage to this story than Musky ---- yet no NDA for FB/FB guys??

Sorry, it just doesn't make sense at all.

Sometimes things are not what they seem...

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My thought is that Musky initially needed an NDA because Rick did not want the location and or info leaked. Musky was not on his side...yet. FB/FB was all ready on Rick's page and alligned with him, there was not the worry about indescretions.

I wish Musky could let us know for sure.

There are no "sides" when it comes to the legality of the situation. ( speaking hypothetically of course, because I dont believe the story in the first place )

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Things are not what they seem? oh boy! Nothing is what it seems with RD, so I guess we might actually agree on something V. lol

Who wants money on that RD will call a radio show tonight?

He sure is doing a good job being quiet and waiting for the film right?

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Musky said: "Just to clear something up asked by many... I had legal permission outlined in a NDA what i could talk about given strict parameters on what i could disclose after viewing the body. The FB/FB Founders Jack Barnes and Jeff Anderson do not. They choose not to release anything including private information which people are not privy too. They are NOT hiding anything, they are being professional on the matter!"

To me it looks like Musky is saying they ALL had NDA's, but Jack Barnes' and Jeff Anderson's NDA was more restrictive.

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To me it looks like Musky is saying they ALL had NDA's, but Jack Barnes' and Jeff Anderson's NDA was more restrictive.

Yeah! I reacon they thought 'why sign loads of complicated stuff just in order to give a statement that no body believes anyhow'. Makes sense. I expect Musky wishes he had done the same!
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Yeah! Bigfoot fight!!! LOL :o

..yeah and you have PARTYTIME embroidered on your underpants..hehe

From the Finest Textiles found on earth. Perhaps I will ask Rick for a swath of Sasquatch fur for my Vegas Pair.
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