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Rick Dyer Again (Continued)

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C- I am glad we agree it is interesting ; D

no problem Frosty, I don't expect any of you guys to jump the fence without proof. Although some of you may land there if there is a yey from Derek.

Mabey so Mabey no, I don't know Derek, i'm sure he's a hell of a guy, but for me, no body...no proof. Sorry the word of a 3 time major hoaxer just don't do it for me (RD not Derek)

I meen in all reality V, please, RD says he has a body. He invites a person off of FB/FB that claim's to be the leading sceptic (which by the way nobody's heard of untill now) Then (again no offence Derek) he invites a guy from this site to look at the body. That dosn't hoist a red flag just a little bit for you? A find like this you don't invite people that post on blogs you bring in scientest that specialize in the subject.

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Guest VioletX

I only caught a small part of last nights radio show, apparently RD was talking about what was going on with Meldrum's invitation, yes his "people" were working on it, but I think he said something about Meldrum's thoughts or response??? Anyone recall?

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I only caught a small part of last nights radio show, apparently RD was talking about what was going on with Meldrum's invitation, yes his "people" were working on it, but I think he said something about Meldrum's thoughts or response??? Anyone recall?

How long has he been stringing out the Meldrum invitation? that little red flag should be raising a little more.

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Well let's see now, eyewitness testimony from someone who has no credibility. What about Steve Byrne's eyewitness testimony? We have no reason to think Steve Byrne is lying except that it doesn't fit into the 'wait-and-see-ers' narrative of the story.

Homeless dude hearing a gunshot - what date was it? was it in the middle of the night? did he see the resultant dead BF? Maybe RD killed a mountain lion for all we know. The homeless dude bolsters my story as much as your story.

Minnow filming RD, the known hoaxer. Do you really think they would hire RD if hoaxing wasn't part of the movie? There are any number of other 'men who are obsessed with monsters' that they could have featured and 'their adventures to find them.' Why did they choose RD I wonder? Please don't say it's because he's the world's best BF tracker.

Hearsay from 3rd parties. I'm sure Chris Noel is a very nice person, but not everyone agrees with what he says or what he sees (woodpile footage?). FBFB, I don't need to go any further. What makes you doubt Mark though?

I only caught a small part of last nights radio show, apparently RD was talking about what was going on with Meldrum's invitation, yes his "people" were working on it, but I think he said something about Meldrum's thoughts or response??? Anyone recall?

How long has he been stringing out the Meldrum invitation? that little red flag should be raising a little more.

It would be very simple to get Dr. Meldrum to go see the BF. I wonder why it's taking so long to convince him. :rolleyes:

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Guest VioletX

How long has he been stringing out the Meldrum invitation? that little red flag should be raising a little more.

What is Meldrum saying about this?

@Belmar- I do not doubt Mark, he says that he know someone with ties to the film who said somesuggestive things but did not verify anything to him.

Mark can say more I am sure, I do not remember his full statements.

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Thats not the same argument Skyla? I am talking about how whoever made the 'prop' or 'costume' would have to be made to keep quiet?

Why would the person who made the prop or costume have to be made to keep quiet?

Making a prop for a film isn't big earth shattering news.

Now, if there really was a bigfoot body, that's where keeping people quiet would get difficult.

Having the body of a nonhuman primate would be BIG NEWS.

The fact that the only people that care about Dyer's body are bigfooters heavily suggests that there is not a big earth shattering story. Wherever this supposed body is kept, people already know that it is just a prop, so nobody is talking, because movie props are rather commonplace, especially when it comes to the LA/LV region.

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What is Meldrum saying about this?

@Belmar- I do not doubt Mark, he says that he know someone with ties to the film who said somesuggestive things but did not verify anything to him.

Mark can say more I am sure, I do not remember his full statements.

enlighten me, just what is he saying?....seems everytime RD starts to get backed into a corner about proof Meldrums name comes up.

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It's in the first thread. Maybe search for Mark's posts in that thread. The most intriguing parts are that RD got canned and that Mark's source, who was present, did not experience a life-changing event on the night in question.

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Well you seem to return to this thread regularly and have contributed quite a lot - so I am asuming that you too are interested in this story?

I'm interested because I am a bigfooter who knows who Rick is and what Rick is doing. As long as he perpetuates any hoax, I will keep calling him on it.

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Mabey so Mabey no, I don't know Derek, i'm sure he's a hell of a guy, but for me, no body...no proof. Sorry the word of a 3 time major hoaxer just don't do it for me (RD not Derek)

I meen in all reality V, please, RD says he has a body. He invites a person off of FB/FB that claim's to be the leading sceptic (which by the way nobody's heard of untill now) Then (again no offence Derek) he invites a guy from this site to look at the body. That dosn't hoist a red flag just a little bit for you? A find like this you don't invite people that post on blogs you bring in scientest that specialize in the subject.


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I only caught a small part of last nights radio show, apparently RD was talking about what was going on with Meldrum's invitation, yes his "people" were working on it, but I think he said something about Meldrum's thoughts or response??? Anyone recall?

RD said his people invited Meldrum,but Meldrum has a huge list of demands.
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RD said his people invited Meldrum,but Meldrum has a huge list of demands.

In other words he's to busy to see a real BF body?......WOW the demands on Meldrum must be unbelivable. He really needs to hire some more help so he can break away for events like this.

just sayin

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