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Where Would You Look If You Were Hunting Sassy?

Guest Nalajr

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Guest Nalajr

Hey all,

Lets say some ultra wealthy believer comes to you and offers you 10 million to bring back video evidence that Sassy is real. You can go anywhere you want and you've got 1 month to do it.

Where would you go?

As for me, I think I would stay close to home, around Houston, Texas. Ii say that because last week on the evening news there was a report where they interviewed a guy from the Texas SASSY Group and he talked about all of the sightings that happened in a couple of Wildlife areas namely Sam Houston National Forest and they showed a map of sightings in Texas and sure enough, SHNF was loaded with reports. That was pretty exciting as that is one of the areas that I have been planning to start hog hunting in a month or so. Kinda eerie thinking I could be walking around looking for feral hogs and SASSY could be watching me the whole time.....

What say you?


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Guest BuzzardEater

I think you would have a better chance uncovering existing evidence in that time frame. To actually generate evidence is more involved, I think, than merely taking a month of serious inquiry. Even unlimited finances would not ensure success. You could spend your whole life running down sure things and reliable reports without ever encountering an example.

I think evidence, compelling enough to suppress, does exist. I wonder what is so horrific about the footage? The Bigfoot folk are fearsome but not overly so. Anybody that's seen the Patterson footage knows what to expect. They didn't bother quashing Patterson. What have they got on film that cannot be shown to the public without serious consequence? It isn't just a Bigfoot, up close. It must be more.

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I am thinking OH, but maybe cause thats where I was born as well as its history. If I ever win the Lottery, I will surely buy the biggest chunck of Land in OH I can find.................However, I dont see how you could rule out going to the PNW

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Guest flycatch

It is like finding gold. You go to here it has been found before. According to the OP time is against you so you most take the easiest course. Not to long ago a person claims to have done just that and has the evidence to prove it so we are being told.

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hah Dmaker..plussed

I struggled with bigfoot forever..and of course according to Cliff and Thom shouldn't capitalize it...so I just use BFs now....waiting for that romantic and beautiful taxonomic name! Homo indomitus... I tried to make it stick...but Bigfoot has a lot of momentum...

Is Spike Tv only giving contestants one month?

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Just judging from the frequency of the sighting reportsf from around the U.S....S. Illinois. But, if TX is where you are, sounds like you've got all the information you need.

I'm sure you've thought about it a lot Norseman, but if you take down one of these animals, that will probably be the easiest part of it. I'm not willing to believe that killing a two-legged doesn't require extensive emotional preparation, not only to actually squeeze off the shot, but to deal with the consequences. I'm sure you don't think that either. As you know, many have had the opportunity, but couldn't or wouldn't take it. What discipline will you bring to that moment, if it comes, if you don't mind me asking?

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I really like this topic and have already designed a full plan on how I would do it in a 1 monthe field study for footage collection, in fact it is a bit of a fantastic dream of mine, I hope to do this one day.

I would not want to get rich off of this plan either, I would just like to be provided with equipement, food, water, electricity and 100 bucks a day, to support me and my efforts, not a hourly wadge or anything like that.

Also I have designed a more long term setup where I would buy and live on a certian piece of land I have already selected that has on going activity, I could be there and fully document the area with the full range of high end gear and not only try to get footage but observe behavior and learn about thier social structure.

I would setup a intensive field study for the entire monthe, fully rigged to record audio ,high reso thermal and high reso daylight video from every angle. I would collect an elite team of well trusted researchers who I have worked with in the field to aid in my field study. We would employ new techniques I have been designing , evry member of my team would be fully equiped with high Reso thermal , audio and GPS units. I already have a location but I would not share where it is due to the risk human fakery and contamination.

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Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle. It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat. Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead marines and then you will be in a world of **** because marines are not allowed to die without permission. Do you maggots understand?


Im not a marine but the qoute above from r lee ermy's character is so very true.

It is a hard heart that kills. And you dont have to be a combat vet to understand that. any 4 H kid that has butchered his own steer he raised understands that as well....

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Indeed it is Norseman. It is something you are either inclined to do, or you're not. I think one of the failings of the U.S. military is the belief that the killer instinct can be taught. (I don't share that belief, and the back-end consequences of trying to do that are already rippling through this society) If you say you are one, I certainly believe you. If you find yourself in the situation you're asking to be in, that will be put to the test. My wish for you is to not realize too late you hadn't considered what you were asking for. But then I guess none of us really would know until we are there, and how could we?

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I hear what you are saying. There is prepared and then there is the moment of truth. Taking life isnt a small matter nor should it be.

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