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Where Would You Look If You Were Hunting Sassy?

Guest Nalajr

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SSR Team

Ok as we are going down this road, as DR gave the Olympics and Pac gave the GPNF, I'll chip in and give the North Cascades National Park.

Statistically, there is no place in North America ( publicly anyway ) that have a better chance of having a Sasquatch encounter than in the North Cascades National Park when you break the sightings down.

Add to it that its one of the most beautiful places on the planet ( as is the Olympics and the GPNF ) and its a win win situation

anyway even if you don't get an encounter.

Either that or a certain Island in the southern portion of Puget Sound, in the winter..;)

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The Harstine Island #'s are interesting. I know a few people that have property out there.

I wonder what % of people actually make a report nowadays? I know quite a few people who claim to have seen them that have never reported anything. Is the data you linked based on both class a/b sightings?

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SSR Team

A's and B's yes Sir, and a reliance on the BFRO's database of course which I'm cool with.

Have no real idea where sightings are not reported, not accurate anyway, but I would imagine its pretty high.

I never reported mine for example, don't think you have either, etc etc.

Edit : Of course it could always be split between A's and B's as I know a few people, including myself, sometimes have a bit of an issue with their B's.

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SSR Team

Haha, give them our love DR...;)

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Went to that Island today to give and estimate to a couple that wants their home landscaped. We got on the subject of Bigfoot and they saw the Olympic Project logo on my truck window. Long story short, he's had a sighting and they believe they heard one a couple years ago in their driveway. Possible camera going in next week.

Cool day :D


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Guest Nalajr

What about hanging out in Siberia for a month? I don't know if it's true, but I once saw a report on TV where they said in Siberia there is an area that is as BIG as the Continental USA that doesn't have a paved road. If that is true, think about that for a minute. That is just incredible to me. I'd say there's that kinda place in China too. Both of those places could easily harbor multiple SASSY's. No one would ever be the wiser too.


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as BIG as the Continental USA that doesn't have a paved road

That would be AMAZING. Quite difficult to wrap my mind around that, actually.

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Derek, Just so we don't get slammed by the SEMANTICS police.... We the, Olympic Project are definitely a NO KILL Organization. So the term "Hunting" for US means.... Researching, Documenting, placing ourselves in locations and situations that have previous activity.

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SSR Team

Check out a place called " Kamatchka " Guys and Girls who talk of Siberia, and the other Peninsula's in that part of the world.

It's the PNW on steroids..;)

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Did any of you watch Wild Russia last year? I can't remember what channel it was on, but it covered the various wilderness/mountain areas of Russia, and it was mind-blowing how desolate these areas are.

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siberia is alaska its roadless and only accessable by bush plane...... well at least the russians built a railroad. most large supplies come by barge in both places. the only exception are a few roads.

the long way round motorcycle doc showcases siberia

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