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Makes No Sense...

Guest Grifter9931

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Well, this is what really "makes no sense" to me.


Now I am not buying anything a habituator sells me.  I'm not down for i-have-proof-and-I-sell-you-smoke.  I better see the proof before the money goes down.  But other than that...oh, I get it.


Nothing in this whole post makes any sense as far as I can tell.  But if you can show me someone on here, (with the exception of a certain person who has a body but won't show it), that says they have proof, please point them out.


I'd like to have a long talk with them.

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For those whose every typewritten word is directed towards the dearth of evidence, to advocate [against its collection] is much more than passing strange. - WSA
Me personally, I'd rather put my money with all those normal people who just say they've seen a perfectly plausible animal.
I mean, while we're on sense and all.


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So....are you saying "Mike" is the only person on this forum that's claiming to have proof?

Edited by Sasfooty
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I'm saying I don't care about anyone who claims it. 


I only care about someone who does.


And I have to see it first.

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I think you could attribute all kinds of supernatural stuff to BF Dmaker, yes. We know that happens a lot, and I just chose to ignore it as something hard to engage with on any substantive level. Lots of historical precedent for that as well. If you read some of the accounts from the 19th Century describing the tracking/stalking abilities of certain Indian tribes, they seriously believed they were invested with supernatural powers. What that did have, of course, was "just" an incredible degree of knowledge of their environment and how to navigate within it. If BF exists, it has this capability, in spades. For a race now almost completely divested of our outdoor acumen, this would naturally seem other-worldy. That disjunction is also bound to increase, the way we are trending.


And I do think you miss DWA's point, or mine at least: We don't back a horse. Well, not unless the horse is "Hmmm....let's keep this topic open for consideration, shall we?" then yes, yes we do. Beyond that? Don't think so.  For how long? Well, I've got no idea. My investment, as I have always said, is minimal.  This wheel turns slow, and I'm very much down with that. DWA likes to put the spurs to science, but I figure science will have to look after itself or be embarrassed (yet) again.   

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 It moves and leaves no trace. Every kind of sign any other animal leaves.  It is there one second, gone the next.  List of animals I have seen do that is long as your arm.   It is everywhere, but no where.  Really?  Show me your proof.  It's poop vanishes into thin air.  But so many people see it well before it does.  Hmmmm.  Upon death, it's corpse somehow disappears without leaving any trace behind.  True of most organisms.   It has an almost infinite color and feature variation.  Nope.  One hand, pretty much, lists 'em all.   It can sense man made devices and avoid them.  Well you just listen to any ol'body, doncha.  Except for when it doesn't, but even then it can make itself blurry so that pictures are guaranteed to be unclear. Actually, people are the animal kingdom's champs at that.  It is bipedal and 12 foot tall. Well you just listen to any ol'body, doncha. It is shy and aggressive. Depends.  True of bunnies, too.  The list of extraordinary abilities and contradictory behavior and attributes is pretty long for this simple forest creature that really breaks no laws of biology or physics.  Well you just listen to any ol'body, doncha.  Sure maybe not, but it stretches quite a few of them imo.  Well you just listen to any ol'body, doncha. 




At least you made an effort to engage on the evidence.  Points for that.

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I have to run off to a meeting, but one quick comment: you are saying that people see BF poop, but are just incapable of picking some up for analysis? Or the people willing to do that are, unfortunately and coincidentally, not the ones seeing it? Even it's pooh can be seen but not collected? Amazing...

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Guest LarryP

violate the laws of physics,




Here we go again.


SPECIFICALLY which "laws of physics" are you referring to?

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Making extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence if one expects to be taken seriously.  For instance, I was driving across a bridge on the Mississippi river near St. Louis about a month ago and I saw a pelican fly by.  Now everyone knows there aren't pelicans in St. Louis - right?  I shared my story with several folks who were skeptical and mostly thought I misidentified the bird.  A couple of weeks later a local paper featured an article on the arrival of migrating pelicans to the area.  When I made the initial claim, I wasn't offended by those who though I hadn't actually seen a pelican, but I sure felt vindicated when I read the newspaper article and saw the pictures.


It seems very problematic to me that some habituators get defensive when they are asked for evidence.  In my situation, we're talking about a known species, and even though the presence of the birds was documented in my area, that still doesn't "prove" that I saw one.  Those are the facts.  I recognize that even though I believe I saw a pelican.  When people make claims of repeated visits by BF and various interactions with them, they shouldn't be surprised when others insist on seeing good evidence before they affirm the events.  IMO the claims of habituation without good evidence are detrimental to raising awareness and interest regarding serous scientific research of BF.


I'll leave you with a poem:


What a wonderful bird is the pelican.

His beak holds as much as his belican.

He can hold in his beak

Enough for a week

And I don't see how in the helican. 

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Oh those pesky critters! Just when will they learn to read, follow maps and respect boundaries! I got that reaction when I saw the cougar not acknowledged in our state. I know what I saw. And thenI turned around and gave my father the same reaction a few winters ago when he told me he saw a snowy owl. Impossible said I....VA is way out of their range. And then just like happened for you a few weeks later, the media reported snowy owl sightings. LOL Something about a decrease of normal lemming populations and so they were moving south? Hmmm....darn critters better start paying attention to where they are supposed to be! :)

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I have to run off to a meeting, but one quick comment: you are saying that people see BF poop, but are just incapable of picking some up for analysis? Or the people willing to do that are, unfortunately and coincidentally, not the ones seeing it? Even it's pooh can be seen but not collected? Amazing...


I know of an instance where myu pal came across what he felt was several piles of it, and well, got 'escorted' out of the area (allegedly).  Double that with the fact most folks won't grab piles of un-ID'd poop to try and get it evaluated I can see where a lot of instances it ends up with being nothing more than "what the heck left a pile like THAT". 

Now everyone knows there aren't pelicans in St. Louis - right?  



Interesting comment which I think sheds some light on the subject at hand.


Everyone SHOULD know that pelicans frequent St. Louis.  However, the uninformed consensus is that they don't, an incorrect one.  However, said consensus is taken as fact by those that have not done their due diligence.

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There's a real jumble of conflicting viewpoints on this board, and I try like the rest of you to sift through them and shunt them to the right pile. Habituators are in a club I don't belong to, and I doubt I ever will. Do I find their discussions interesting? Oh yeah, for sure. One day they may be getting govt. grants, for all I know, but for the time being their reports go on the appropriate pile for me.


Those who brand themselves as Opponents to the idea, or who argue in that vein, are the most baffling to me, as they are to many here, I know. It isn't just that they come to a board dedicated to BF evidence and trumpet loudly and persistently that there is none.. although I'll grant you that is pretty strange indeed and a puzzling waste of productive time... but rather their (often) unspoken directive to others here. It is, in so many words: "Stop all this, the sooner the better."  For all the world, as if the very discussion is a personal affront to their core beliefs. Never mind the fact they are often stating this to others who affirm they've seen the proof with their own two eyes, this deters them not in the least.  Their motivations may be as big a mystery as the object of their incredulity. 


I may shift my interest in the evidence of the putative Sasquatch to study the above described individuals. Couldn't be any less compelling a quest, could it?

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