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N A W A C - Field Study Discussion

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I'm not on the scene, so this is conjecture. From the standpoint of initial scientific study of a type specimen, it seems to me that a mature adult of either sex would be preferable to a juvenile or adolescent. The reason being that overall species characteristics will not be fully expressed in a sub-adult sample.

Guest OntarioSquatch

Is it possible that some of the creatures that the group claims to have shot at so far have travelled to a point where the group can't find them before they went down?


If that were the case, and considering the prevailing conditions of heat and humidity in Area X, I suspect they would find them with their noses before a great deal of time passed.

Guest OntarioSquatch

Thank you, that sounds logical and it answers my question.

Guest Urkelbot

Do they have any photos to go with these claims?

With so many people seeing Bigfoot in this area and so much evidence of them around shouldn't there be some decent pictures or video?


Do they have any photos to go with these claims?

With so many people seeing Bigfoot in this area and so much evidence of them around shouldn't there be some decent pictures or video?

I'd refer you back a page to Bipto's post  # 176. This was also covered in more depth in the "Operation Persistence" thread which is now closed but available. One of the issues has to do with the lack of electricity in Area X. All of their electronic and electric gear, trail cams, video cams, thermal and night vision gear, flashlights, you name it, is battery powered and must be recharged  with solar, vehicle power, etc. Also, the climate plays hob with all things electronic.


Yes Urkel... As airdale pointed out, this is an extension of the Operation Persistence thread. Bipto has spent hours and hours of time over the 130+ pages of the 2 threads answering questions such as yours about their research in Area X.  He has been very patient with our new members in answering questions numerous times. You could do a search of the thread to find the answer to your question. If you are really interested in their research, I think you will enjoy at least skimming back over the threads.


I don't want to answer for Bipto, but I do recall him saying that in the early days, they did focus more on trial cams, however due to difficulties, which he explained, they are now focusing their efforts on other priorities.


I'm sure he would not mind to answer, however, I'm also sure he would appreciate it if you try to read back (or at least skim over) so he doesn't have to repeatedly answer the same questions over and over. I'll check to see if I can find specific pages, to help you out!

Guest Squatchologist

With the wood ape activity around and the want to take a specimen why not hunt like you would another animal. Tree stand, no scent approach? Love your efforts Bipto, especially a fellow Minnesotan. Just curious


With the wood ape activity around and the want to take a specimen why not hunt like you would another animal. Tree stand, no scent approach? Love your efforts Bipto, especially a fellow Minnesotan. Just curious

Are you insane???  Wood apes will kill you as soon as look at you.  No dice!

Guest Squatchologist

Didn't mean to bring thread to a screeching stop, I've listened to Area X podcasts, The BF show podcasts, am a believer and had squatchy activity happen on bluff mountain in Tennessee. Just curious why that tactic wouldn't work to take a specimen


With the wood ape activity around and the want to take a specimen why not hunt like you would another animal. Tree stand, no scent approach? Love your efforts Bipto, especially a fellow Minnesotan. Just curious


I've tried many different calling and decoy sets in the last two years........making sure to use camo and cover scent.


I've called in Bear and Coyotes, but no Squatch.


Hello Norseman,

Have you tried using a speakered recording of a supposed Sasquatch taped from a different area of the country? Regionally the animals may know what each member of the community sounds like. Sort of like the different dialects in the different regions of any Human area. Hearing a Sasquatch vocal that is not typical of an area might set up the curiosity/defend the territory instinct and bring one out to investigate the new intruder if there is a percieved threat to the local Bigfoot hierarchy's status quo for dominance.


Didn't mean to bring thread to a screeching stop, I've listened to Area X podcasts, The BF show podcasts, am a believer and had squatchy activity happen on bluff mountain in Tennessee. Just curious why that tactic wouldn't work to take a specimen

Where is Bluff Mountain?


I'm from East TN...


Hello chelefoot,

East Tenn. as a kid myself. Nine years in Kingsport until '58. Yeah, I'm a bit long in the tooth now. Pop worked graveyard shift, Company B at Kodak. I just remember that the bugs were huge there.


Hello chelefoot,

Bluff is southeast of Knoxville. My family used to take a lake cabin for a couple of weeks north of Knoxville at Norris Lake. I remember the destination as Rainbow Dock.

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