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Melba Ketchum/ Erickson Project Press Conference


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it sure is funny that everyone is commenting and criticizing a video that they've never seen in its entirety.


I've seen enough, thank you.

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it sure is funny that everyone is commenting and criticizing a video that they've never seen in its entirety.


I'm not laughing. I'm just once again embarrassed that THIS is what bigfooting has come down to. I don't have to see more to know it's bogus. If you're going to host a press conference to validate some new, ground breaking, earth shattering news, you don't put out your weakest piece of data or evidence. You WANT as MUCH attention as you can get. You play your best hand.


That was their best hand, and they bluffed.

Edited by GuyInIndiana
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Absolutely pathetic.. I was planning on going to the MABRC conference in Stilwell this weekend and the Honobia deal.. Now, not so much! This is very depressing.

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BFF Patron

it sure is funny that everyone is commenting and criticizing a video that they've never seen in its entirety.



And, if they have any sense they won't pay to see it in it's entirety.  But you and I both know that the same people that lapped up Enoch will be slurping this one up more than likely. 

Edited by bipedalist
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BFF Patron

^ and I winced all the way through the opening of that scene......

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We at MABRC have nothing to do with M.K. or A.E. nor anyone at press conference. come on to Stilwell, two day symposium 5th-6th

Should have been more clear.. I am not implying at all that MABRC is involved in this spectacle. My apologies. What I mean is, if this is the kind of proof that is being put forward in the mainstream by so called "experts", my overall hope that real tangible proof of life will show itself is at an all time low.

Tell me more about the Stillwell event please! PM if necessary.

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Soon, someone will provide us with video proof of sasquatch children, and they'll be Ewoks.


When I first saw this news piece on the front page of Yahoo, I had a bad feeling about it. Then as I watched the video I could see plenty of opportunities for skeptics to get some mileage out of this. I am so tired of these phony press conferences and big announcements. Somebody wake me up when the new PGF is filmed...

I heard an interview with Moneymaker about 6 months ago and he was asked about Munns response to the pictures.  Moneymaker said the video he saw was most definitely not a mask and was the real thing.  I wondered then how he could be so positive and thought maybe there was some other video, but now I doubt there is much else.


Surely they didn't just stop recording and this bit of footage is all there is, but who knows.  I wonder if they have something more compelling would they leave that out now or not.  Its really hard to tell what they are planning or hoping to achieve now. I know I'm not contacting any skeptic friends and telling them to watch this because they will definitely laugh it off. 

Thing is, when you announce a press conference and make the claims that they have, you'd better provide your best material or else it all falls flat. I'm guessing they showed their best material.

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SSR Team

I think my favorite part is when they pan over to the reporters........all 4 of em lol

Well it's gone airstream now for sure, international too.

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