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Melba Ketchum/ Erickson Project Press Conference


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Wow. *sigh*. I kept thinking of that Land of the Lost kid for the "sleeping" female sqaucth. Chewie, and some dude in a BAD costume making over exagerated chest movements to be "sleeping". What an embrassment. Even if I had actually seen one of these things, this kind of crap "proof" would make me question my own eyes.


So, about this DNA. Is it wookie too?

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So... the whole Chewbacca mask doesn't bother you?


ETA: It does me. And other people I know who've seen a sasquatch before. And the whole thing. The whole stinkin' thing.

I dunno Guy, it takes a lot to bother me, but I have enough real bother in my life to not get really exercised over people spending their own time and money to do silly crap. If that is what it is. The things people really should know for sure about BF are exceedingly small. The pile of stuff we would like to know is huge. To me, this disparity urges caution for saying we know things, when we probably really can't know them right now .  I'd say this also goes for most people who've had an encounter or two. They know more than most, but that is really not saying much, is it?


The BF sideshow thrives as much on negative feedback as positive. As I say, if anyone has kids, they know that either kind of attention will usually suffice. If any of us really want to shut down the hoaxers, the thing to do is not take it personally and get all frothy at the mouth, the thing to do is just shrug and move on. The process will weed these folks out in time, and more efficiently than anyone can.

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Oh, and Guy? I think I need to be fairly cautious when I describe categories of things "we" know. As I've learned, it is hard to even come to agreement  or understanding of who "we" is.  I've come to realize lots of good information and knowledge is shared peer-to-peer that I will rarely see, and some will NEVER see due to their stated opposition to the whole idea of BF. (Always amazes me they would expect to be included in that sharing, but people are quirky that way) So, what I know, and what you know, won't necessarily coincide. I speak really to the general  accepted "knowledge" about the animal that has been discussed openly. It is, as I said, a small pile of suppositions based on pieced-together observations.

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I thought the footage that looks like chewbacca was shot by the landowners? They could have hoaxed it. Either way the other daylight footage of a dark creature in the woods look promising, especially when slowed down and enhanced. 

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So Biscardi can actively aid a hoax and he becomes the butt of every hoaxing joke out there, but Ketchum and Erickson and a whole bunch of other experts can do this and get a pass? Why?

How do you get 20 bigfoot experts all in the same room? Throw in a dollar bill!

I don't think anyone is getting a pass. Ketchum has been pretty much discredited except in the minds of some still loyal followers. I was willing to give Erickson the benifit of the doubt and say that he was the hoaxee instead of the hoaxer, but he can't by now still think the wookie footage is genuine. So yes, he is now delibrately perpetuating the hoax. I'm not sure what other "experts" you are including, but I don't think Bindernagel is going to stand by any of this, and Meldrum wasn't involved other than the fact that he was shown the footage.

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Guest Darrell

This is my opinion of course, but some of these lettered "experts", and I do mean Bindernagle and Meldrum, should be judged by the company they keep and for the publicity they crave. I am very critical of both of them because I really think they crave the fame. Whether its a conference, movie, documentary, TV show, or whatever, throw them some cash and promise some camera time and they would probably tell you anything you wanted to hear.

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From what I understand Dennis Pfohl is well respected in the Bigfoot researching community. Any thoughts on his involvement in this project?

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because it's so much easier to act like the cool kids in the back of the classroom who suss any and everything out as being false. I have a strong belief that the naysayers are all afraid of something, whether it's afraid to be made a fool or afraid of the boogie man come to get them it's all the same. Me? I believe that there are such a thing as a sasquatch and believe that a lot of people have seen them, HAVE proof and even some of the usual suspects who continually get trashed around here are the real deal.

I'm not afraid of a wookie mask

I thought the footage that looks like chewbacca was shot by the landowners? They could have hoaxed it. Either way the other daylight footage of a dark creature in the woods look promising, especially when slowed down and enhanced.

how can anything be interesting after they have promoted the chewbaca mask mess? To me it equals zero credibility.

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From what I understand Dennis Pfohl is well respected in the Bigfoot researching community. Any thoughts on his involvement in this project?

I don't know much about Dennis Pfohl, but anyone who was involved with this project and doesn't disavow it is either blind or knowingly perpetuating a hoax.

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This is my opinion of course, but some of these lettered "experts", and I do mean Bindernagle and Meldrum, should be judged by the company they keep and for the publicity they crave. I am very critical of both of them because I really think they crave the fame. Whether its a conference, movie, documentary, TV show, or whatever, throw them some cash and promise some camera time and they would probably tell you anything you wanted to hear.

I agree with you on the company kept part. But I don't really see Bindernagel as much of a lime light seeker as perhaps Meldrum. Bindernagel, as far as I know, does not go to comic-con and sell Bigfoot wares, nor does he suggest charging admission at Vegas casinos to view his foot print cast collection to raise money. 

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From what I understand Dennis Pfohl is well respected in the Bigfoot researching community. Any thoughts on his involvement in this project?


He worked as a project manager for the Erickson Project that is it.  The project's involvement with Ketchum was Adrian's decision as he was the financial backer.

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My guess is that they are all contracted to the TV channel to actually produce something.


There remains a possibility that the 'money shot' is being substituted with fakery until the documentary airs (let's hope). 


And Erickson is so deep in the financial do-do that the TV channel is calling the shots.


(wishful/positive thinking??)

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BFF Patron

^ great salesmanship pitch, I wonder what MBA program they graduated from......?   To sink so low as to put out your worst stuff to interest people further.


I think the four members of the press showing for the "Pressie" is laughable and shows the "boy that cried wolf" syndrome started by Dyer & Whitton continues to draw us down the drain into the sewer in the popular press. 


At least PRWeb didn't release this fun stuff...... they hoodwinked ABC World News to jump on board.   I say that is progress if I am looking at it from their perspective. 

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Soon, someone will provide us with video proof of sasquatch children, and they'll be Ewoks.


When I first saw this news piece on the front page of Yahoo, I had a bad feeling about it. Then as I watched the video I could see plenty of opportunities for skeptics to get some mileage out of this. I am so tired of these phony press conferences and big announcements. Somebody wake me up when the new PGF is filmed...

 it doesn't matter how good the video is,it will still be treated as a costume,cgi,hoax,etc... it doesn't matter what the evidence is, it will never be taken seriously,ever. I doubt a body will do it at this point, everyone will say it was made in a lab. This subject will never, be taken seriously.

the fact is that most don't want to even chance being wrong and looking foolish,it's safer to say it's all fake.

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