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N A W A C - Field Study Discussion (2)

See-Te-Cah NC

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I'm curious. What is the all the hub-bub about revealing a bigfoot research location? It seems a hot topic with people and I've never really understood. I could not care less where Areas A - X are located or where someone leaves a gifting bowl or picnics with alleged bigfeets. What is the concern here? Is it a pro-kill, no-kill thing? Do people fear for the lives of their alleged bigfeets? Is it a discovery concern? Don't come to my spot and prove bigfoot to the world before I do kind of thing?


It's a safety issue concerning a pro kill organization.

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Guest Crowlogic

I maintain that the secrecy of locations has far more to do with keep up appearances than anything else.  If you give away your location you might tip your hand that you've been faking it all along.

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i know paint horse and her having a gun is better than her with her bare hands trust me don't cross her ;) and the best part of this is none of you are even remotely close to where you think X is

I never posted what I actually know.. I will never tell....LOL    

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It's a safety issue concerning a pro kill organization.



Why would it be a safety issue?  I thought they positively identified their targets, and that the woods were so dense, that bullets couldn't travel very far.

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I maintain that the secrecy of locations has far more to do with keep up appearances than anything else.  If you give away your location you might tip your hand that you've been faking it all along.


:secret:  :whistle:

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I think it should be pretty obvious why research locations aren't blatted to the public.  The same reasons apply to mainstream scientists, who don't do it either.

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I think it should be pretty obvious why research locations aren't blatted to the public.  The same reasons apply to mainstream scientists, who don't do it either



Really? I've read alot of papers that put the exact locations of the specimen's locality.  GPS coords.


Study really isn't valid if you say 'we found this, but we can't tell you where'

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BFF Patron

When a paper is published the study is complete so your argument is invalid.    But prior to the publishing of the paper, you can be sure any researchers keep the location secret.   The last thing a researcher wants is another one to show up and foul up his research.  

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Right.  The best way to ensure that what you are studying isn't disturbed while you are studying it - and thus the paper isn't influenced by anything more than what you introduce - is not to tell everyone where it is until the research is complete.  NAWAC wasn't telling anyone where X was because too many people can't be trusted with such information, and scientists worldwide have the same fear.

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Then, why would NAWAC publish their location?


Unless, it's to throw people off, and then again, why, if it was secret to begin with?


IMO, some people would possibly begin to question the veracity of any publications from the group.

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..."The individuals were always honest and upfront with Charles and for the past 10 years he has allowed them to place trail cams on what is discreetly known as “Area Xâ€."....*


* http://www.ghosttheory.com/2011/10/25/bfro-armed-with-ak-47-shoots-at-bigfoot


* http://www.ghosttheory.com/2011/10/26/major-update-tbrc-admits-to-shooting



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i know paint horse and her having a gun is better than her with her bare hands trust me don't cross her ;) and the best part of this is none of you are even remotely close to where you think X is


This is the second time you've posted this.

Apparently on many deaf ears.



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Why would it be a safety issue? I thought they positively identified their targets, and that the woods were so dense, that bullets couldn't travel very far.

Far enough if the person somehow got between the gun and the backstop unannounced......

Gee whiz Drew.

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