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How Sure Are You?


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For those who are convinced of BF's existence...a question. 


On a 100 percent scale, how sure are you that this creature exists?  Personally, I'd put it at about 90 percent.  I can't say with absolute certainty that it does, but it seems very, very likely in light of the incredible amount of witnesses, the history and the similarity of the sighting reports through the years.


I thought of posting one for the skeptics, but my guess is they are 100 percent sure it doesn't exist.  If I'm wrong, please feel free to throw a wrench in my theory. :)

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Seeing is believing, and even though I had believed in this species before my sighting, I now positively know that there are creatures living in the forest that frankly scare me to death, and I will never go camping nor hiking again in deep forest woodlands alone, and perhaps not even with my menfolk. I am frightened of these creatures...very much so.

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100%.  A clear sighting turns all the other stuff ... track casts, witness testimony, the PGF, etc ... into minor supporting cast.   Those things are interesting, expand my understanding, etc but they are not the basis for my certainty.  


The only way BF can possibly be not real is if none of this is real.  If you are all a figment of some sort of delusion, maybe a side effect of some drugs that have me in a coma somewhere.   They're as real as you are.  That's something you can, and I do, bank on.



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100% convinced that something called Bigfoot exists. Not even a tiny smidgen of a doubt. 


What I'm not convinced about what they are.


I'm about 30% convinced that there could also be something else that is pretending to be Bigfoot but isn't a flesh & blood creature.

Edited by Sasfooty
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Guest lightheart

There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that they exist.

While there may be skunk apes here in the south. I am convinced that what most see, hear, and experience here are Eastern Bigfoot. Now how they differ from the Sasquatch of the Pacific Nortwest if you set aside the size I am not sure.

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for me personally seeing is believing, I have not seen a Bigfoot myself.  I'll say it again I have camped, hiked, hunted, fished and worked spent many hours, days, nights from northern California to the Olympic National Forest  I grew up here in the PNW and been to all the local reported Bigfoot sighting areas.


I have had several unexplainable circumstances in the woods that made me wonder what could that be? I always try to first make an educated guess as what am I experiencing. What can make those sounds or prints? Several of my experiences left me with one conclusion without a sighting, "Bigfoot" seemed to be the only answer.

 I'm still sitting om the fence, I need to see with my own two eyes.

 So not all skeptics are 100% non believers some like me are 50-50, I only know one person who has ever gave me a first hand report and he told me no doubt he saw one, with all the other stories and reports its hard not to believe. 

Read my signature line

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A career in forestry and lots of outdoor/wilderness travel haven't shown anything to me so I'm high on the fence.  I'm hopeful though.



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Absolutely, positively, not a doubt in my mind.  I've seen astounding pictures (thanks to friends), been in their company a few times so yes , they exist.

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100% sure that they exist, since my own sighting about 35 years ago, but not sure where to place them on the "ape/human/what the heck" scale, as my view was from the rear side only, so no facial features seen at all. The behavior was very "Patty-like", as the reaction to noticing my presence was to simply walk away, up a hillside on the far side of a large creek from me.

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100% convinced they exist. I always believed they did and the sighting clinched it. Like others have said what I am not sure about is what exactly they are or how the east coast version differs from the PNW or even if it does differ that much. Lots and lots of questions but the question of their existence is, for me....settled....100%.

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Guest JiggyPotamus

100% for me. Even if I could discount what I have personally witnessed, and just go based on all other available evidence, it would be greater than 90%. I would still like to say 100 in that regard, but certainty and probability are two different things. Meaning all the belief in the world, even when based on evidence that is convincing but not conclusive, does not equate to anything more than an opinion based on probability. One could not say that 90% equates with certainty. But I definitely think there is enough evidence out there to warrant serious investigation by the scientific community as well as the government. It's a conspiracy man, lol. It might be.

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One note about the Sasquatch species is that there are truly different types of this species.


I saw a "Dogman" or a "Wolfman" because "my" Sas had a SNOUT! Some kind person here explained to me about the different types of Sasquatch, and that I had seen  either a Dogman, or a Wolfman.


I can sincerely say that I will NEVER be comfortable again while in the woods nor in any forest setting again:(


 "My" creature was huge, tall with long arms, thick matted black hair, and had a snout. That thing could tear me up in a heartbeat, plus my 6'3" 230 pound hubby without breaking a sweat.


The size of these animals amaze me, and the fact that they have not been officially declared a "new" species is just  mind boggling for me. How have "they" avoided being caught, or recognized as an unknown and new to science species? 


Why is it that  with all of the film and pictures, plus so many witnesses of them by reputable and official people has **not** been enough for them to be recognized? 

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I hover around 90 to 95 %, (no sighting) but much of my own evidence has been quite convincing for an overall acceptance. I've experienced certain things that are commonly associated with this phenomenon, but the clincher hasn't happened, most likely due to my limited time I can spend out there and the distance I live from their habitat.

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