norseman Posted November 3, 2014 Admin Posted November 3, 2014 I acknowledge that Norseman, it could very well be but its certainly strange is it not? I'm open for all possibilities ... I was discussing something similar with another individual not long ago about other types of species. It seems to be an accepted part of conversation with more and more people. Somebody mentioned, or maybe it was mentioned in one of D. Paulides books .... around the Great Smokey Mountains. Somebody suggested feral men. I simply don't know and I'm throwing it up in the air for discussion. Have you heard similar things? I listened to Paulides's interview in which he states a park official in the great Smokey Mtns NP, told him that they knew about feral people living in and around the park. Absolutely. There are also reports that have came out from all over the world. I don't think they have a direct connection to other cryptid primates. 1
Guest UPs Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 I have to ask myself why would bf use fire? Nothing that I have discovered leads me to think they either use fire or need to use fire and on the contrary, using fire would compromise their ability to stay hidden. Based on at least one report I do remember reading, playing with a fire is completely different in that it would be in line with curiosity which seems to be a trait reported consistently. I just do not think we have nearly enough evidence that bf uses tools other than branches and rocks. Do they have a need for any tool and if so, will that tool usage compromise their ability to remain hidden? If bf does exist, it seems to me that their primary need is not survival like humans, but instead staying hidden from humans and survival secondary. This is something that has bothered me for a while now and is probably a topic for another thread.
georgerm Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 (edited) Agree, remaining hidden with a stream of smoke rising from remote areas is not happening. The Forest Service would be after bigfoots for starting forest fires. They do seem to be advanced in terms of language. In my opinion, if you don't need rain coats, spears, fire, tents, etc..................your ability to survive is very good and really ideal. Edited November 3, 2014 by georgerm
Guest Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 Hello George and UPs, the more I read and the more I listen the more I become incredibly surprised by this being creature. I go back and forth reading American Indian legend and bigfoot reports like matching left and right hand gloves. Its easy to dismiss legend and lore out of hand with the rolling eyes and flick of hand but there are important messages to be learned. For instance I see many casual references connecting Bigfoot to fire for food and comfort and while that doesn't entirely surprise me when there are references to animal fur bedding spots. The native American Indians would catch, clean and hang their fish for dry and this creature being would steal their food. Now the creature being has been said to practice the same process of cleaning and hanging their food. There are reports of varying times suggesting bigfoot has entered occupied or unoccupied dwellings and homes and slept on beds or in the structures. His learned sense of comfort and shelter had to have come from someplace in order to have evolved up to that point. Here in this next comment I honestly don't know what to make of it myself other than say its frightening strange. There are a few accounts of the same creature uttering a whole complete sentence in plain discernible English .... These are just a few but I would like hear more. Norseman - Phew!!! If that doesn't look like half-man, half-bigfoot, well then I guess I don't. There is a medical disorder that causes excessive hairiness, but the photo you posted shows me long abnormal legs. It doesn't look natural but it does like a confluence between man and wild creature ... Thanks Norseman
WSA Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 Yeah...that news article is referring to a wickiup...a brush shelter constructed by many native tribes, some indigenous to CA. That construction was favored by the Apaches too. We must note also, it has been associated by many with BF activiy. The story of Ishi is a fascinating true account that should be mandatory reading for every American. It is a litany of shame for anyone who inherited the wealth of this country. Frankly, we exterminated Ishi's tribesman in an open genocide that would have made the boldest eugenics proponent smile. Why he did not die of a broken heart years before he was found out is something I've always wondered about since I read this account in the fourth grade.
frap10 Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 I go away for one weekend and wow! Anyway - I recall in "Bigfoot the Definitive Guide" (now I'm not promoting the show here just sharing) there was a mention of stone tools being found by a researcher. About 90 mins into it. Looked to have been used recently in remote locations and left just lying around. My $0.02
Guest Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 Hello Frap 10, Isn't that amazing? I'll have to go out a hunt that down and look it over. You have aroused my curiosity now. Thanks for your input. WSA, I think your send person to mention Ishi, who or what is that all about? What native American group is it associated with?
Incorrigible1 Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 "Reports" seem to hold great sway, these days.
MIB Posted November 3, 2014 Moderator Posted November 3, 2014 "Ishi in Two Worlds" by Theodora Kroeber. There are quite a few others as well. You can get it from Amazon. It was required reading in grade school about 40 years ago. You can get the "cliff notes" version via a wiki on the web. MIB
Guest Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 Hello MIB my font type print on this just went crazy ... Thanks for the background information on Ishi, I shall look it up and see what and see what I come away with. By the way, I read your post on the "Beheading" thread and agree totally with your "Strawman" assessment, that was accurate .... It was out of bounds and uncalled for ... Now the font is working properly Hmmm...
Guest UPs Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 "Reports" seem to hold great sway, these days. Dismissing them all or the content can be just as intellectually damaging as believing them all. The truth is most likely somewhere in between, hence this discussion. The problem that I have myself with the reports or news articles written long ago is the context. Was the term ' wild man ' used for anyone living off the land and alone or to describe a bf-type animal. If you lived during those times, what would that term mean to you?
Guest Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 (edited) You may not agree with old newspaper articles or even hold much stock in them but for about 62 million Americans during the 18th or 19th century that is all they had to rely on for news my friend ... Our grandparents, great-grandparents and their parents before them relied on them as well. I agree Ups! Very well said ... In a time when there we no computers, television, cell phones, twitter, radio for of media, people had to rely newspapers for news outside of their local community. Homesteads and settlements were spread great distances apart and far away from their neighbors. Older cities of the 18th and 19th century constructed exquisite homes by true craftsmen, wrote music and published literary works... You might say newspapers editors and journalist were artisans in their right and many viewed their responsibilities very differently than what we see today. A change in societal attitudes and ideas in harmony with family and nature ushered in a great new focus on the arts of all disciplines. It swept the country calling itself the Victorian age. Large wrap around porches were constructed on these two and three story homes to encourage back and forth communication with neighbors and strangers. There were no privacy fences ... What we call "Painted Ladies," today can be seen today as slight semblance of what they were. Journalist had a very different view of their responsibilities as opposed to what we see today. If I had to judge one against another I would look at today's media with a jaundice eye and deep suspicion. Today if something terrifies people like those stories throughout the 18th and 19th century the story is sanitized, buried or not reported ... If it is reported, it is cleverly presented as a circus act featuring a conga line of dogs and ponies and the personal eye witness is the featured ridiculed fool .... Tell me again who's playing who? Edited November 3, 2014 by Gumshoeye
David NC Posted November 3, 2014 Posted November 3, 2014 In that time frame of the term "Wildman" you also had "Hobo" and "Hermit". The "Hermit" I think was a person that only had contact with regular folk only when they needed to barter to get supplies the rest of the time they wanted to be left alone. The "Hobo" was a transient that might be around for a little while would talk to people to barter work for supplies and move on.
Guest Posted November 4, 2014 Posted November 4, 2014 Anytime I read reports of fair skinned light haired blue-eyed bigfoot reports I wonder ... Bigfoot Different Species? May 19, 2000 Vancouver, Canada Excited researchers are combing the wilds of British Columbia in response to recent sightings of Bigfoot accompanied by a blond-haired boy! More than two-dozen people claim to have seen the human youngster in animal skins loping along beside the towering man beast. Investigators speculate that the mystery boy may be the missing survivor of a plane crash that occurred in the area 11 years ago, raised from childhood by Bigfoot. Dentist Dr. Arthur Gosten who was camping in the Rockies with his family first spotted the boy, described by eyewitnesses as lean and wiry with long hair, in late March. Source: Ken Kristian and logged in database of Bobbie Short, July 29, 2001
Incorrigible1 Posted November 4, 2014 Posted November 4, 2014 Can any of these "reports" be validated in any way? Or is this just rampant speculation? It seems most anyone can make a report, whether they actually experienced it or not. It's great to speculate and converse, but at the end of the day, what does any report really mean? One can find reports for pretty near anything one desires.
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