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2015 The State Of Sasquatch Science

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Posted (edited)

Has anyone heard the theory of Human Origins that involves backcross hybridization? It is rather disturbing

if not fascinating how much we share anatomically (An by that I mean some very specific things) with the

Chimpanzee and huhhh? What do you say? Yup, the common Pig. There is actual scientists who think we might be

the byproduct of some unusual hybridization of Chimpanzees and Pigs. This is based on some very tangible things

we share anatomically with pigs, and I can hear the jokes coming. If your open minded read the article below and it will explain the argument, I for one have a hard time even considering the notion, call me pig headed.


In the article he points out how Gorilla's share some behavior and traits of wild boars.

Credit the man for thinking outside the box...

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot

And that might explain why this particular BF in question was not seen doing this...just sayin'..BUT, whoever believes BF is always capable of alluding humans whenever it chooses, or that it never chooses to make itself visible, needs to do some reading. That ain't the case at all, and the record shows it.

Much of what is held by too many people about this animal is stuff cooked up to explain "why no one ever ever sees one."  Which is one of the most demonstrably untrue things about the topic.  There are fewer records of the Sierra Nevada red fox - an animal still demonstrably alive and kicking - over the past century than of sasquatch encounters over the past year.

Posted (edited)

SWWASASQUATCHPROJECT, I have had rocks left on these fence posts where I walk regularly, when lifted up I

sometimes find little toy objects, pipe cleaners, anything small possibly left by humans in the area. First notion is that kids are doing it, but I go out during times and months when little activity of humans is present

and I still find these arrangements. I have heard that the rocks might be placed to protect from rot, but these

are too small to protect anything. This area is adjacent to a gravel quarry and I have found a distinct t-pee

type tree structure in the same area. I guess you have to assume it is of a human origin till it can be proven

otherwise, but it has me wondering. Your situation on the other hand seems very definitive, do you have any guesses as to what the symbol could be trying to communicate?

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot
BFF Patron

Lake County,  I showed the glyph picture to Tom Cantrell and his interpretation is that there are two BF in the area and they like me.    I honestly do not know how he determines that sort of thing from rocks and sticks without any context, but if anything, I would rather think he is right, than an interpretation like there are two BF in the area and the cross is a scull and crossbones like warning.   Warm and fuzzy is more comforting for a solo researcher than a dire warning.    Glyphs are basically a primitive form of writing and interpretation of them normally requires some Rosetta stone like translation in some more modern known language.   


 Thom has quite an collection of stick and rock glyph pictures.   One like mine with some sort of context of what was going on when it was placed, probably tells him more than one found cold without any context.     Looking at his pictures of glyphs, I told him a lot of them reminded me of ancient Hebrew glyphs.    When the Egyptians were writing in hieroglyphs, the ancient Hebrews were writing with straight line glyphs, which certainly lends itself to stick glyph writing.      He said that had been brought to his attention previously, but no one has been able to tie them together.    My research into it is that certain ancient Hebrew glyph symbols designate a certain sound.   When you assemble the glyphs in a certain order, the sound combination results in words that convey the message.     Since we do not know any BF language,  or words, then sorting out symbols to find meaning in glyph sounds would be very difficult.    I would think that with BF it is more abstract and not to the level reproducing language through writing.    A cross designating "like" would be an abstract and not part of language.   Thom says some BF have stick symbol glyphs that represent themselves.   That would be an abstract.    When you find it, they want you to know they have been around.     Until someone sits down with a BF and learns through context, we will never know their language or what any of these glyphs really mean.    I would volunteer to do that if I could be sure I would not end up on the dinner menu at the end of the evening.  

Posted (edited)

Yah I am reading "Tracking Bigfoot" Donald Wallace and Lori Simmons book, and he felt the same way, never

quite sure of their intentions, and I know that Lori was scared off by some aggressive behavior that took

place, do not know if she ever continued her research when she returned to the US. Hope that you do not have

that issue SWWASP. I think that the glyph certainly seems peaceable, but that skeleton is kind of gruesome,

though I know that they will sometimes gift in that way. Do you carry a side arm? Do you know if these are type 1s like Patty was, I guess they are not quite as aggressive as the neanderthalish type 2s, or the snouted type 3s like in the Chute Photo. The type 4rs are also supposedly not as aggressive and have a very humanish face, of course this is the Coonbo/Jevning interpretation of the types and supposedly backed up by a government insider the alias MR. Black

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot


The Eskimo pit lodges had tunnel entrances which make for 'cold air traps'. Bone tools for digging and scraping were limiting. They had a 'survival culture', no time/place for recreation. I do not know the depth of the permafrost in ancient northern latitudes. The sheer number of pit lodges adjacent to the polar seas indicates that they had techniques for excavating/tunneling.

BFF Patron

Lake County:   The initial contacts were peaceful.     When the juvenile was involved, I think that was probably a female adult because very few animals have males involved in juvenile care.   I did not see her.    The disposition of individuals could be very sex related.    The tactics they employed in that encounter, was to crouch and hide.   I was armed, but the area prohibits firearms due to a nearby campground.    So the gun was in my pack (yes I have a permit).         I did not see the adult.    The only reason I saw the juvenile was that it raised up to peek at me just as I took a picture.   The juvenile does not look like a Patty type.   It has an ape like face with kind of a flattened light colored snout, and an apparent ear that is fairly high on its head and quite prominent.   I would really like to have seen the parent.    Honestly if I did not hear the noise that the adult made as it closed on me,  I would have thought the juvenile was an escaped ape.  Mamma, if is was a her, was massive just from what the foot steps sounded like, the breaking deadwood, and the thud it made when it dropped into a crouch when it detected me.    I felt the thud through my feet from yards away.    Because there were two adults that were initially whooping back and forth, I did not know at the time how much danger I was in because of the juvenile.     If I had not gotten uncomfortable crawling over and under down logs and backed out, I might not be here to be telling about it.    I started moving towards where I heard the thud, then realized that if whatever made the footsteps was still there, I would be a sitting duck if it decided to get aggressive.    I just could not have moved fast enough over and under the down wood to have a chance to get away.  So I carefully backed out.   I stayed nearby, and hoped that something would approach and let me get a look, but I never heard another sound from them.   They slipped away silently. 


Later encounters within a mile of this location were not at all friendly.    Chest thumping when I peed in front of one I did not know was there.  Another time nearby, growls when I heard a noise and went back into the wood thicket to check it out.      And later I was zapped with infrasound close to the chest thumping location.    Zapping is not a friendly thing.   I was as frightened as if it had been chucking big rocks at me.  It hurt.   Logging has basically wrecked this location.    Most of the cover is gone.   I spent months going back but have not seen any sign of activity in the area for a long time.  Before the logging every 6 months or so I would find a footprint.    Now nothing.    I think things will have to regrow for them to come back.  Because of the hiking trails, there are too many people and too little cover for them now.   The forestry people have not even replanted yet. 

Posted (edited)

Juveniles might be hard to type as I think their features are more similar at that stage, I guess you could say human traits develop this way, we tend to look more distinctive with age. A room full of babies or even juvenile kids tend to look something similar, but the older they get the more they develop their individual physical traits. I too have dealt with a female and juvenile and never felt any danger.  I peed once and got a old tree knocked down yards from me, and like you did not know one was present. I assumed the juvenile was responsible because I heard whatever it was make its way out of there and it seemed to be fairly small. I heard something interesting on Sasquatch Chronicles that related to my vocal encounter, when I first heard them I heard the Mother alert the juvenile to "go". It was a low pitch Whoo Whoo, and I somehow new it meant Warning Warning.  Then just after that spot lights from a police squad started shining, which later the officer stopped in front of my house shining the light toward my backyard, I think he did see one of them as they were leaving.  The juvenile made a weird questioning whoop that was more like an ascending whooooeeeep, it was definitely a younger voice. Coonbo or Will said that the low pitched Whoo is a get the heck out of dodge signal they warn others with, it was very emphatic and urgent in tone not at all like the questioning juvenile that just seemed to want instructions. I kind of believe that these creatures were ok with me knowing they were around and although they would remain hidden I did hear them from time to time when I would go and set out my recorder.  This year I have recorded some serious power knocks, but that was really it.  I wonder if they will continue to come back to this area knowing I am on to them. The fact that Coonbo brought up that same vocalization and thought it meant the same thing as I thought at the time I was hearing it was very confirming.

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot
Guest lightheart
Posted (edited)

LCB and Randi,

I too have been pondering the glyphs for some time. At first I thought it was some sort of symbolic language because I found a set of glyphs from the Ice Age called the Vinca script. Many of the glyphs are contained within that set.

I agree with Thom Cantrell that some have their own glyph that represents them. I know of one at this time that I am fairly certain represents a specific individual.

I think the trail glyphs represent a short term message good for a few hours. Without going into too much detail because these are rough conclusions with the minimal context I have to date. I think they indicate where they are sleeping for that night. I feel sure that they meet up with other members of the larger group just about every evening. It seems that the females grub or shred bedding, crack nuts etc. when they meet up.

They think so differently than we do possibly due to a different cranial structure and definitely due to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle they are living. The things they are concerned with are far removed from the preoccupations of modern man. I would offer that the gift of scrapers was for them something useful for survival and therefore something valuable to them. I was given a oyster shell spoon-shaped scoop...ha ha as well as a few other things one that had been made.

LCB I think the rocks covering the tiny things are to mark that something has been left for you....much like your email marks a message as new. In their environment they are sensitive to anything that has changed and it seems that here at least they mark a pointer arrow with a tiny bent tree with green leaves or a small log holding it down. In other places where there are rocks I would think that they would use those instead.

It can get frustrating at times but then comes a little breakthrough and a bit more understanding is gained.

Edited by lightheart
Posted (edited)

No matter how scientifically you attempt to approach these creatures, there is something quite exposing of our nature

that comes out, our fear, our hopes, and our need for discovery and adventure.  Sasquatch is quite easily the most fascinating

subject I have entertained, I am a hobbyist by nature, studied fishing and quite possibly could have done it for a living. Before

that I was an avid guitarist, and that has carried through my life including preforming and recording mostly instrumental solo fingerstyle

guitar. I guess I needed more so I took up storm chasing and saw many amazing storms including Tornadoes in the midwest, Not

enough I needed sport so I became a golfer, couldn't stand not being decent so I became good, good enough to become a PGA

professional who works in the golf industry, and now lastly I have taken on Sasquatch, and the more I drink the thirstier I seem

to get, what is to become of me? If I included my Hippie past and subsequent religious conversions you might think I am competing

for the most interesting, or perhaps most A.D.D. man alive. I ran away at the age of five and it's been that way ever since, a free

spirit to say the least, but hungry for knowledge and new experiences. I guess I was an easy target for this obsession.

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot
BFF Patron
Posted (edited)
......... When you find it, they want you to know they have been around.     Until someone sits down with a BF and learns through context, we will never know their language or what any of these glyphs really mean.    I would volunteer to do that if I could be sure I would not end up on the dinner menu at the end of the evening.  



Call me simple but I think alot of stick art or so-called glyphs are just repetitive expressions of free-forms available in their environment and they are simply expressing a desire to create, design and enthrall (the latter when one of their designs or assemblages is discovered either accidentally by a human or by their placement and placement in such a way as to be found by those they desire to impress.  

Edited by bipedalist
Posted (edited)

bipedalist, you have been around this arena for quite some time, can you gauge if Sykes new book will reveal anything we already do 

not know?  Coast to Coast said the book discusses a mysterious hair, and I cannot think that is referring back to the Polar Bear thing.

Rhettman Mullis intimated that there was something significant in the book, but could not mention what, only that he discussed the 

matter off air with George Knapp. I am guessing Knapp put the part of the mysterious hair into the description of Sykes book anyway,

Could this all go back to Lori Simmons and the hair Sykes obtained at her sight, a sight well documented to have the creatures?  Look back a bit

on our discussion as we filled in some of these details lately.

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I've often wondered: if Sasquatch are possibly Denisovan, how does that account for their huge size? I didn't think we'd discovered remains hat are big enough. Apart from Gigantopithecus, I suppose, but people don't like to link that to BF any more from what I've heard..

Posted (edited)

I personally think that the ancestor to Sasquatch predates Denisovan, but anything is possible.  The size issue points toward something on the scale of 

Gigantopithecus blacki





"Gigantopithecus blacki is known only through fossil teeth and mandibles found in cave sites in South China and Vietnam. As the name suggests, these are appreciably larger than those of living gorillas, but the exact size and structure of the rest of the body can only be estimated in the absence of additional findings. Dating methods have shown that G. blacki existed for at least a million years, going extinct about 100,000 years ago after having been contemporary with (anatomically) modern humans (Homo sapiens) for tens of thousands of years, and co-existing with H. erectus, who preceded the appearance of H. sapiens.[2] In 2014, for the first time, fossil teeth and mandible of Gigantopithecus blacki were found in Indonesia.[9][10]


Based on the fossil evidence, adult male Gigantopithecus blacki are believed to have stood about 3 m (9.8 ft) tall and weighed as much as 540 kg (1,190 lb),[1][3][4] making the species two to three times heavier than modern gorillas and nearly five times heavier than the orangutan, its closest living relative. Large males may have had an armspan of over 3.6 m (12 ft). The species was highly sexually dimorphic, with adult females roughly half the weight of males.[4] Because of wide interspecies differences in the relationship between tooth and body size, some argue[citation needed] that it is more likely that Gigantopithecus was much smaller, at roughly 1.8 m (5.9 ft).[6]

The species lived in Asia and probably inhabited bamboo forests, since its fossils are often found alongside those of extinct ancestors of the panda. Most evidence points to Gigantopithecus being a plant-eater.

Its appearance is not known, because of the fragmentary nature of its fossil remains. It possibly resembled modern gorillas, because of its supposedly similar lifestyle. Some scientists, however, think it probably looked more like its closest modern relative, the orangutan. Being so large, Gigantopithecus possibly had few or no enemies when fully grown. However, younger, weak, or injured individuals may have been vulnerable to predation by tigers, pythons, crocodiles, machairodonts, hyenas, bears, and Homo erectus."  Wikipedia




You know the issue of Sasquatch would be rather mute if this creature was only 2-3 feet tall, can't quite image it's place in folklore being

as prominent without it's massive size, no insult to Orang Pendek who is of a smaller stature.  We Americans like our crypdids Super Sized!


Edited by Lake County Bigfooot
Posted (edited)

G. blacki is a possibility.   I don't have any particular reason to believe it is the CORRECT answer.  'til we know, we don't know.   It's that simple.  LOGIC isn't going to matter if the truth, once known, disproves it.  Logic is a starting place to look for answers, not the answer itself.   This whole "ancestry bit" seems one of many things to keep an open mind about rather than piling on a bandwagon.   IMHO, of course. 



Edited by MIB
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