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2015 The State Of Sasquatch Science

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Guest Crowlogic

And why should Sykes be the final authority?  He offers an opinion yet is no nearer to cracking the case than anyone else.  I will certainly believe when there is a body on the slab and the Smithsonian is in the hunt for another.  Until then it's how willing a person is to believe in a romantic idea.


^^^Don't believe anyone mentioned the word "final" in this context Crow. I might ponder this one though, "Does he know more than you or me, on this topic?"  If your conclusion is other than "Hell yeah he does", you might want to reevaluate.

Posted (edited)

Exactly my point ^^^^ Later in the Sykes book we have a discussion of the hair study, which as we all know revealed common animals such as Bear, Canine, Raccoon, Horse, Cow, and some others...But what the hair study did not report was that Sykes was trying to obtain hair samples from Dr. Fahrenbach, an expert in Microscopy and hair identification. Fahrenbach had in his possession hair samples from a find in Walla Walla. Paul Freeman had found a long track way of several individuals, at some point on that trackway they found a clump of hair where a tree had been broken off well above ground, some of those hairs had been sent to various labs for identification as well as to Fahrenbach. The other labs disregarded the request to test them, and never returned the samples! Fahrenbach identified the hair as being primate through Microscopy. Sykes was contacted late in 2013 regarding the sample in Fahrenbach's possession and was given a hair to test.  It was determined to be human, but did not have a match in the Gen Bank, eventually it matched up closely with a DNA sequence from Uzbekistan, posing a significant mystery as to how such a hair finds it's way to the PNW and gets lodged in a tree.  Fahrenbach does have another sample that needs to be removed from a slide, which Sykes has done in the past, so the test will be repeated but Sykes thinks the results are quite intriguing and might possibly be significant in terms of discovery of the creatures.


None of this was included in the Television show or initial reports of the hair study as it took place after those events and barely made

it into the publishing of the book...So we await the results of further testing of the Fahrenbach hair to see if more can be discovered,

pairing this with the already solid DNA evidence of Zana is a significant step toward acknowledgment of Relic Hominid persistence, so

you can chalk one up for Sasquatch Science in 2015!!!

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot

Why couldn't the DNA be from a Uzbekistan human or descendent from a Uzbekistan immigrant. Or anywhere really that area of the world was crisscrossed and conquered by lots of different peoples over thousands of years.


 I will certainly believe when there is a body on the slab and the Smithsonian is in the hunt for another. 


Might already have happened but they just aren't telling us about it for now until they find out more before revealing to the public there are 8ft scary looking ape men roaming the National Parks of the USA, maybe even taking people away on occasions. The reveal of bigfoot isn't going to be like the reveal of a new species of squirrel.

Posted (edited)

The circumstances regarding the hair sample above did not at all point to a human origin, Freeman, Wes Sumerlin who was a native tracker, and Bill Laughery a retired game warden and forester, had followed the three set of tracks for some distance, they discovered a series of broken fir trees, twisted and snapped off, these measured as large as 4 inches which would be extremely hard to twist and snap off. It was in the bark of those trees you could see a dark compressed area where the hand had grabbed the tree, and in that bark is where the hairs were left. Continuing down that road they spotted one of the creatures sitting with it's back to them, they observed it through binoculars for more than 5 minutes, it then retreated deeper into the forest, but they had seen it with very good optics and had a strong level of detail as the creature had turned several times in their direction, as they continued to follow the trackway another creature jumped across the roadway in front of them and hid in some brush, eventually also retreating directly in front of them to the same area as the other. This was no mysterious clump of hair, it seemed it could be directly linked to those creatures having made the tree breaks, thus leaving the hair. I quote Sykes regarding his testing of this hair, "The DNA sequence form the Walla Walla hair was very unusual indeed. I had not seen it among my reference databases containing several hundred thousand sequences. Nonetheless it had some similarities to a modern human, and was certainly not from a Neanderthal. Eventually I found a match in a rather obscure database from Central Asia. The Walla Walla sample matched an individual from Uzbekistan!" Given the provenance of the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the hair this remains an unsolved mystery, but might support the notion of the migration of the creatures from Asia, further testing of the last hair sample is needed to clarify the results, this was a very difficult sample to work with and it required enormous efforts due to degradation, Sykes hopes that the sample attached to the slide will yield more information. He ends the chapter, "The Walla Walla hair result is the most intriguing from among my North American Samples. I scarcely think I can claim to have identified the sasquatch as a feral Uzbek, but that is the closest I have managed to get at the moment."

Edited by Lake County Bigfooot

Is the Science thread gone silent, where is the skeptic and scoffer, the ardent supporter and those who line there coffers.....

Guest OntarioSquatch
Posted (edited)

I quote Sykes regarding his testing of this hair, "The DNA sequence form the Walla Walla hair was very unusual indeed. I had not seen it among my reference databases containing several hundred thousand sequences. Nonetheless it had some similarities to a modern human, and was certainly not from a Neanderthal. Eventually I found a match in a rather obscure database from Central Asia. The Walla Walla sample matched an individual from Uzbekistan!" Given the provenance of the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the hair this remains an unsolved mystery, but might support the notion of the migration of the creatures from Asia, further testing of the last hair sample is needed to clarify the results, this was a very difficult sample to work with and it required enormous efforts due to degradation, Sykes hopes that the sample attached to the slide will yield more information. He ends the chapter, "The Walla Walla hair result is the most intriguing from among my North American Samples. I scarcely think I can claim to have identified the sasquatch as a feral Uzbek, but that is the closest I have managed to get at the moment."


That hair sample he analyzed is likely from an actual Sasquatch. 


I believe I now know exactly what Sasquatch is. I'll start a thread on it soon, explaining the details.

Edited by OntarioSquatch

OS^^^^please do not leave us in suspense!

Guest OntarioSquatch

I'm not sure how to say it without it sounding kooky, but I now believe that Sasquatch are regular human beings that have gone through genetic modifications. Every behaviour and physical characteristic that's different between us and them must have been added. To me it's the only explanation because the DNA is indicating that they're human like us, except Sasquatch have many features that aren't normal not only for humans, but also for apes in general. Evolution doesn't seem to explain the discrepancy between the DNA results and the description of the animal. There's going to be a lot of questions raised once a body is found.

BFF Patron

Are you saying the ETs are genetically modifying humans to survive the collapse of civilization?    That is pretty far out. 

Posted (edited)

...and has, um, tons of evidence supporting it I am sure...


See, this is the danger of relying on ephemera like DNA testing of hair when there is no type specimen.  The evidence points very clearly to a very mundane solution to this issue, a solution from which our very own very improbable weirdness is the only thing, pretty much, that's holding us back.

Edited by DWA

As I said previously, I don't see the need to go all exotic when biology and evolution are more than adequate, if you want to consider an ape/human hybrid.  If (maybe even "when") we figure out how to extract australopithecine fossil DNA, I'll bet it would give us lots to ponder on where the human/ape line is drawn. While it is fun to toss around Alien-bred Worker Drone theories like this, I consider the more probable variables to be just as intriguing.    

BFF Patron
Posted (edited)

I think with nuDNA they can now tell if DNA has been manipulated and when.      Lets say we finally get the body on the lab table and a BF DNA type is established.      What if analysis shows manipulation?    That would be a mind bender.   But I don't think we can rule out off earth origins without a good look at the DNA.     That would sure be a reason for some Government BF cover up.  Currently cosmologists are seriously considering that life on earth originated elsewhere.    Have found enough material in comet debris to be reasonably sure that if life did not originate off planet then the building blocks of life did.  

Guest OntarioSquatch
Posted (edited)

Are you saying the ETs are genetically modifying humans to survive the collapse of civilization? That is pretty far out.

That's not what I said, but it certainly does sound far out when you add details like that.

As I said previously, I don't see the need to go all exotic when biology and evolution are more than adequate, if you want to consider an ape/human hybrid. If (maybe even "when") we figure out how to extract australopithecine fossil DNA, I'll bet it would give us lots to ponder on where the human/ape line is drawn. While it is fun to toss around Alien-bred Worker Drone theories like this, I consider the more probable variables to be just as intriguing.

That's true, but the DNA evidence for Sasquatch is suggesting they're humans like we are. That leads me to believe that we're dealing with something that's very unusual. Some of their behaviour and physical traits aren't normal and are somewhat contradictory.

Edited by OntarioSquatch
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