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Bigfoot (Smallpox) Epidemic In 1500's


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No, no..without quotinj others above the jumping to "cliff dwellings are for defense of BF"....please re-read...1) I have wondered if the short occupation of many defensive sites at that time, and I am talking lowland sites that had not before engaged in such prior but were agrarian (and yes to the climate change person, as much was going on..even some volcanic activity in N. AZ...but it might be open question if building these defensive structures in famine or environmental stress necessarily follows...).....that those might have been connected to an unseen enemy as in disease....just a thought....

2) the BF reference was to cliff dwellings in general...and of course the obvious answer is fortification from other humans...as cannablism is shownn in many Anasazi sites (pre dating pueblo/zuni which are considered modern tribes)..as many pre historic and paleolithic sites show...the BF reference was to this: prior to 2009 I did not "believe" if BF's, nor in my many years of study in the SW both professionally and as hobbyist did I ever consider BFs to even be in any equation...and now, knowing they do exist causes one to reexamine old thoughts and conclusions..does it mean i think they influenced such? Nope, just a thought...

On the "Ohio Mound BF uprising" don't take title literally..in 2009 or so when i was looking on the net after my own experiences, and by then looking fairly deeply, i came across a pretty deep website specifically on NA oral traditions...and I recalled it, but did not bookmark,, b/c the author/blogger was fairly accurate with the tribes I knew....and this was the story.. I would really like if anyone could find that original website! it must have been taken down, b and i have tried key word searches once or twice:

here it is:

a modern tribe had a story of their ancestors, probably the Ohio Mound as they were an Indiana tribe, and they stated a giant strong people lived among them, but they came in red and black hair. They warred among themselves with the Red being the victors, but b/c of that uprising/civil war among the giants the NA people were confused of how to interact anymore. It was a bad time and followed not too long after by the Europeans and their sickness, etc and wars and they lost touch with these giants.

Now that I know is sketchy - why I want to find source again..but in light of the recent discovery off Georgia with reputed large skeletons, etc..and the Lovelock stuff... it does seem a possible oral tradition? so again just a thought!

Edited by apehuman
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