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A Few Words Concerning Bigfoot At The Half Century Mark

Guest Crowlogic

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When you say beating the drum do you mean like this?


Bigfoot Captured

April 1883

Booneville, Indiana

After a wild man or creature attacked a mail carrier and his horse near this city, a search party prowled the hills and hollows to a cave where tracks indicated the attacker was hiding. After smoking him out, they tied him up, but he ripped through the rope as if it were paper. As he fled, sharpshooters fired at him and swore they had hit him to no effect. The searchers were not sure if he was man or beast.

Source: Jerome Clark


Bigfoot Report Captured


Nulato, Alaska

A Mrs. Notti now living in Anchorage saw large human-like tracks where what she had thought was a bear swimming across a slough.  That same year near the ghost town of Kaluka, Alaska, Emily Supanich’s mother was berry picking with others when “they came upon a large hairy creature that resembled a man covered with long black hair. They ran back to the village and told the people. The men went out, captured it and caged it. She said her mom fed it raw fish. After some time the hair began to fall out and it turned out to be a female with breasts. Not long after the hair stated falling out, the creature died.

Source: John Green


Hunters, Bigfoot Dead


Tarrytown, Georgia

An eight foot creature that appeared “mangled†was spotted near this location. Which leads one to wonder what could mutilate an eight foot tall monster.

Source: Weird Georgia, Jim Miles/ Gordon Strasenburgh, p47


Motorist, Car Strike BF

December 2003

Ohio 9:00P

Angela and a friend had spent all day at the hospital where Angela’s daughter had undergone surgery after visiting hours the two women set off for home. After rounding the corner, the women noticed a dead cat lying on the shoulder of the road. In the next instant, a “giant, white creature†appeared in the front of their car. The car struck the creature, bouncing up and over its body. A terrible smell overwhelmed the women, sickening them so much that they fled the scene. Upon reaching the nearest gas station, the women made an astounding discovery –the journey had taken 90 minutes too long. The dumbfounded women were certain the animal they had struck was neither a cow nor human. Angela later found white hairs on the tailpipe of the car.

Source: Lisa A. Sheil 2007

For the '03 encounter - did striking the "giant, white creature" leave any blood or hair? Was that blood or hair tested - at all? The source, lisa a. sheil - the author of "backyard bigfoot" isn't someone I'd consider credible but we each make our own decisions on those matters I suppose.



For the 1965 article I would have to review your source, "weird georgia", before commenting but on first blush the name seems very "enquirer-esque". But I can certainly now understand your stance that it is incumbent upon science to prove that sasquatch doesn't exist, if this sort of thing is your idea of evidence I sort of understand you a bit better.


Honestly dude, I think I understand why you feel there is evidence for sasquatch. I think you are way off base and if you are honestly swayed by the citations you listed above I think we live in two different worlds.

Edited by Bodhi
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Guest Crowlogic

Someone that would deny numerous witnesses their own experience based on a personal belief system is by definition a denialist  and more troubling to me think their beliefs outweigh reality.    Even engaging these people in discussion is a waste of time. 

I am delighted that you place such trust and faith in people as well as the accuracy of brief encounter observations.  It hasn't delivered the animal to scientific reality which might weaken your case.

Why is fire a presumption for "advancement?"  Can you live outdoors all year, no matter the weather?  A wild animal can; doesn't pay taxes; doesn't pay for anything; doesn't need to feed servants; has no master...look, it may work for you, but could you live like a bear?


If your response is, look what's happened to them in conflict with us, well, a *truly* enlightened mind would add:  but it's affecting us too, and no less in fact.

We're destroying our own nest, just crapping in it.

An organism has a finite supply of energy at it's disposal.  It is no small wonder that animals existing in the wild are not of higher intelligence. All of the available energy it has is devoted to survival at the base lest level.  Human beings developed an edge by creating tools and technology.  It helped free up some of our energies for developing abstract thought processes. It became a self reinforcing cycle that continues today.  Neanderthal had a larger brain case than we have but it had a lot more body mass for it's brain to control so it's larger brain case does not indicate a smarter species.  In fact just the opposite is indicated.

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BFF Patron

Not at all,   I place such faith in my own experience to hear one come towards me whooping back and forth to another one,   hear the heavy footsteps breaking underbrush and dry branches,   then the tremendous thud when it smelled or saw me and went into a crouch,  then one raised up to take a peek at me allowing me to take a picture.      Before that experience, I might accepted that footprint finds were probably hoaxed, and people were having fantasies,  but not from that point on.  So while some people may have fantasies and see a BF behind every tree, I give credit to credible people for what they report.    Apparently you have so little faith in people's credibility that you refuse to accept that some people may have authentic experiences.       All it takes is one person to see the real thing and you and everyone else clinging to your disbelief system is wrong.           

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An organism has a finite supply of energy at it's disposal.  It is no small wonder that animals existing in the wild are not of higher intelligence. All of the available energy it has is devoted to survival at the base lest level.  Human beings developed an edge by creating tools and technology.  It helped free up some of our energies for developing abstract thought processes. It became a self reinforcing cycle that continues today. 

Neanderthal had a larger brain case than we have but it had a lot more body mass for it's brain to control so it's larger brain case does not indicate a smarter species.  In fact just the opposite is indicated.

WoW Lookee here our brains came out to be just the right size, like it was made by design. Neanderthal were a mistake created by a creator.But why were these creatures not destroyed like the Neanderthal. Also why are these creatures not willing to give away their own creation ,like bones or a body.


 It almost makes you think of who you rather be? The animal with no technology or the animal with. If all Hell was to break loose on earth humans would die. We are way to depended on technology, just take away cell phones and see what would happen. See the animal that lives in the wild never had the pleasure or even the need of that knowledge. It's only knowledge is that of survival and to see the next day.


Humans ,well we were given knowledge of a different kind but this knowledge is that of death. So what I have experience is that of a man but at the same time is that of a animal of some kind. There are dots that I cannot connect in the evolution of these creatures. I keep hearing of samples with unknown animal. Is this true? and explain.



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  All it takes is one person to see the real thing and you and everyone else clinging to your disbelief system is wrong.           

See it and collect some tangible evidence. Yeah, sure if someone, ever, manages to do this I'll happily eat my words! It's not like I take some joy in lack of any tangible evidence after all this time, I'd love nothing more than for the animal to be discovered. But not only is there no type specimen there's been no tangible trace evidence brought forward in all the time since the PGF. Anyway, yes - if someone brings forward some tangible evidence we who are "clinging to our disbelief systems" will admit we were wrong, that "we" being 80% of the u.s. population. :o

 It almost makes you think of who you rather be? The animal with no technology or the animal with. If all Hell was to break loose on earth humans would die. We are way to depended on technology, just take away cell phones and see what would happen. See the animal that lives in the wild never had the pleasure or even the need of that knowledge. It's only knowledge is that of survival and to see the next day.


Humans ,well we were given knowledge of a different kind but this knowledge is that of death. So what I have experience is that of a man but at the same time is that of a animal of some kind. There are dots that I cannot connect in the evolution of these creatures. I keep hearing of samples with unknown animal. Is this true? and explain.

All true; but if humans hadn't developed agriculture and domesication of animals we'd likely still be hunter-gatherers who live to around 24 years old. Too much reliance on technology is foolish but, all things considered, it beats living in caves. BTW: we were "given" technology?

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For the quick parade of people casting stones at Crow; where is the unambiguous evidence? 50 years post patty and it's all campfire stories, blobsquatches, casts. Does the lack a single piece of scat, bone, hair, blood clear film or photo after 50 years not give anyone pause?


Are you all so invested in this that you cannot even consider that a campfire story is all that it has EVER been?

There have been lots of hair analysis done, and some blood. They usually come back ''unknown primate''. Lots and lots...

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Guest Crowlogic

There have been lots of hair analysis done, and some blood. They usually come back ''unknown primate''. Lots and lots...

Ok can you supply names of samples, the lab that did the analysis and the person/persons that supplied the sample.  Every sample that has been well documented and searchable has come back known species.  Refer to the video link I provided in previous posting that gives a good breakdown of what Sykes did.

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For the '03 encounter - did striking the "giant, white creature" leave any blood or hair? Was that blood or hair tested - at all? The source, lisa a. sheil - the author of "backyard bigfoot" isn't someone I'd consider credible but we each make our own decisions on those matters I suppose.



For the 1965 article I would have to review your source, "weird georgia", before commenting but on first blush the name seems very "enquirer-esque". But I can certainly now understand your stance that it is incumbent upon science to prove that sasquatch doesn't exist, if this sort of thing is your idea of evidence I sort of understand you a bit better.


Honestly dude, I think I understand why you feel there is evidence for sasquatch. I think you are way off base and if you are honestly swayed by the citations you listed above I think we live in two different worlds.


For someone who doesn’t know the difference between a ranch hand and a man from the big city you seem to know a lot about Sasquatch. You presume to know more than you believe you know and that's painfully obvious.


Do I know what evidence is? Yes and you do not.  You may know how to link sources and B.S. people but you know nothing about evidence affirmed only by your own comments.  


Did I claim that to be evidence? No, but then again you whip up these fantasies when you have nothing intelligent to add.


I don’t know the author Lisa A. Sheil, but I would like know what credibility you bring to the discussion. Can you describe it please?  Short of claiming oneself with some sense of higher authority that they and they alone decide who is credible and who is not, who gave you that right and where does that disjointed sense of authority come from?



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Guest diana swampbooger

Ok can you supply names of samples, the lab that did the analysis and the person/persons that supplied the sample.  Every sample that has been well documented and searchable has come back known species.  Refer to the video link I provided in previous posting that gives a good breakdown of what Sykes did.

Read all of Ketchum's study yourself. There are really big words, so be careful & take your time.

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Guest Crowlogic

Read all of Ketchum's study yourself. There are really big words, so be careful & take your time.

Ketchum's study is not credible and it has not been embraced by anything close to being  legitimate science.  That said I've know the good Dr's findings since they were released.  Norw then what else have you got?

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Why is fire a presumption for "advancement?"  Can you live outdoors all year, no matter the weather?  A wild animal can; doesn't pay taxes; doesn't pay for anything; doesn't need to feed servants; has no master...look, it may work for you, but could you live like a bear?


If your response is, look what's happened to them in conflict with us, well, a *truly* enlightened mind would add:  but it's affecting us too, and no less in fact.

We're destroying our own nest, just crapping in it.


Why is fire a presumption for "advancement?"


The Bronze Age. 


As far as destroying our own nest: I've restored/rebuilt endangered wetlands. Planted thousands of trees. I built a snake pit in 2003 on a challenge from a project supervisor to handle wildlife overflow of a subdivision.


Please tell me again why Bigfoot hates me?


I've watched this thread unfold for 24 pages and the divide is clear. 


Good day gentlemen.

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Guest diana swampbooger

Ketchum's study is not credible and it has not been embraced by anything close to being  legitimate science.  That said I've know the good Dr's findings since they were released.  Norw then what else have you got?

Oh yeah? I wasn't aware that a PhD was discrediting her? Only that some labs/mags were warned off.

Or was it some unlettered 'journalist/s' paid to throw shade?

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Why is fire a presumption for "advancement?"


The Bronze Age. 


As far as destroying our own nest: I've restored/rebuilt endangered wetlands. Planted thousands of trees. I built a snake pit in 2003 on a challenge from a project supervisor to handle wildlife overflow of a subdivision.


Please tell me again why Bigfoot hates me?


I've watched this thread unfold for 24 pages and the divide is clear. 


Good day gentlemen.


Can't answer why Bigfoot hates you but the Bronze Age occurs when civilization is developed, but not before advancing from the Stone Age and that is divided into 3 stages: Paleo, Meso and Neo. So the Stone Age is first and it proceeds through three stages then progresses to the Bronze Age. The Bronze could not  possibly be realized but the Stone Age before it, since fire was used before that it appears.


Depending on which science you believe, fire was discovered long before the Stone Age according to the Chinese who say the Peking Man was first to use fire 500,000 years ago. Thank you for your service!

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I followed the link of this credible blog site and read through two paragraphs. It was enough to tell me yup, now that is a balanced finding. They call it Bigfoot Claims, a blog that evaluates all kinds of Bigfoot and Sasquatch evidence and claims …. then it starts with a warning against Ketchum Koolaid. LOL

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