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The Sasquatch Research Dream Team

Guest wudewasa

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Joel Hardin, Bobby Flay, Bob Saget, Peter Byrne, Michael McLeod, Bear Grylls, Greg Long, kitakaze, DesertYeti, wolftrax, Jon Stewart, Saskeptic, Matt Crowley, Smith and Wesson. David Daegling, Joshua Blu Buhs, a polygraph expert, and a social worker.

Hey! You left out this guy...


Terry Grant.


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The Skeptic site claims: " Dr. Disotell’s background in primate studies made him a logical choice for cryptid-TV."

From seeing what the networks are putting out as Cryptid TV, I think they use him more due to his hair than for his expertise.

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For every person here that mocked, derided, judged, dismissed, and looked down their nose at Prof. Todd Disotell based on his unconventional appearance for a scientist in having a mohawk and tatoos, I present to you Prof. Jeff Meldrum's personally selected Editorial Board for his new The Relict Hominoid Inquiry journal...


Oh noes! Scientists with wild hair!!!


Nona, you rock.

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Guest Kerchak

For every person here that mocked, derided, judged, dismissed, and looked down their nose at Prof. Todd Disotell based on his unconventional appearance for a scientist in having a mohawk and tatoos, I present to you Prof. Jeff Meldrum's personally selected Editorial Board for his new The Relict Hominoid Inquiry journal...

Doesn't alter the fact that he appears (at least to me) he's desperately trying to not come off as a stuffy academic and wants to "look cool" instead.

I stand by my original opinion. I'll ignore him, thanks.

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For every person here that mocked, derided, judged, dismissed, and looked down their nose at Prof. Todd Disotell based on his unconventional appearance for a scientist in having a mohawk and tatoos, I present to you Prof. Jeff Meldrum's personally selected Editorial Board for his new The Relict Hominoid Inquiry journal...


Oh noes! Scientists with wild hair!!!


Nona, you rock.

There's a difference between bedhead and what appears to be narcissistic body modification.

I can just see it now....The team has successfully tracked, tranked, and trussed a squatch. Disotel voluteers to keep an eye on it while everyone else is coordinating extraction and congratulating themselves, when suddenly they are alarmed by an electric buzzing sound coming from the direction of their prize. Rushing back to the squatch, they find they are too late. Where once a magnificent man-beast lay in repose, they are chagrined to find that only a mockery remains; sporting a mohawk, eyeliner tatoos, and a New York poodle cut.

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A trend is showing up every week after Animal Planet airs an episode of "Finding Bigfoot." After the broadcast, it seems that more and more people are becoming disenfranchised with the series and cast, myself included.

So, if you could build your own research team, who would be a member and why?

My picks for now are:

Dr. Jeff Meldrum- currently the only academic that has published peer reviewed research on this subject.

Bart Cutino- Knows how to operate night vison/thermal and has experience in the woods.

Stan Courtney- An amazing sound recorder who can analyze the frequency of many animal sounds and compare them.

Autumn Williams- A veteran field researcher who has experienced hoaxing firsthand

Jimmy Chilcutt- A fingerprint expert who has investigated purported bigfoot prints.

If people want to criticize researchers' techniques and histories, there are plenty of other threads BFF to do so. Please keep this positive, as no one is right and all of this is pure speculation.

I look forward to reading your ideas!

I would be perfect as the comic relief addition. :rolleyes: I've kept hubby well entertained for 30 years :wub:

Plus I'm good in emergencies because I'm a nurse.

So I would not be leading an expedition but keeping the members healthy, well bandaged if needed, and laughing at my lack of wood skills and my commentary on what's happening. :D

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Guest Kerchak

There's a difference between bedhead and what appears to be narcissistic body modification.

Yes I don't see how anyone can make a bizarre correlation between somebody like Einstein who didn't care about his outward appearance and somebody who purposely goes to great lengths to look funky and cool. They are polar opposites.

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A mohawk is great lengths to look funky and cool? You don't have the slightest clue why Disotell looks the way he does other than your own absurdly close-minded, prejudiced, and they-express-skepticism-to-Bigfoot-so-they-are-the-enemy opinions. Maybe when the guy is not redefining modern genomics and raising the field for everyone, he's going to see NOFX. Maybe he likes relaxing having a beer with his friends and listening to the Misfits, The Stranglers, or The Buzzcocks. Maybe, just maybe, not only is the guy a world reknowned scientist, but also an old punk who doesn't care what you think is going on in his head.

This would be Todd recently...


What is that? A shaved head? A necklace. Clearly this person is narcissistic. :rolleyes:

Two wonderful ironies here: Bigfoot believers being comedically judgemental and dismissive and Meldrum chooses the guy they scoff at and he is open-minded enough to accept.

I guess then that you would be fair in your dismissal of people that show a major effort to try and look funky and cool, yes?


If anyone here has a similar propensity to Nona not too judge a book by its cover, you may find the following video extremely fascinating, particularly where the question of Bigfoot is concerned. If having a mohawk is grounds enough for you to dismiss him, however, then don't bother...


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Oh don't get too excited Kaze. I look at Disotell and think "narcissist" too. I'm just old fashioned that way - not into tattoos*, long hair, piercings or any of that stuff. I'm more of a buttoned-down collar and tweed jacket type (no elbow patches, though). My students still think I'm the coolest though because of what I say - that's always more important than how I look.

Likewise, prejudice against a guy like Disotell may start with how he looks but it must stop at what he says and does. Clearly there's more to this guy than his look, and he's a very accomplished scientist. He's the one ray of objectivity I noticed on Meldrum's editorial board. It'll be interesting to see how long he lasts.

*Although Disotell's "PRIMATE" tattoo does rock, I admit.

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Oh don't get too excited Kaze. I look at Disotell and think "narcissist" too. I'm just old fashioned that way - not into tattoos*, long hair, piercings or any of that stuff. I'm more of a buttoned-down collar and tweed jacket type (no elbow patches, though). My students still think I'm the coolest though because of what I say - that's always more important than how I look.

That's because you're 100, Ernst*, you wear suspenders out of sheer necessity, your pants are up around you sternum somewhere, and look at you! You're full of sarsparilla and whatfor!


Now that's how a professor is supposed to look!

* Sas is not actually the late, great Ernst Mayr.

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Wait - he's a Cornell guy?! No wonder - they're all nuts, and everybody knows that.

Thaaat's where I've seen him before. The Rongovian Embassy.

Don't worry, K, my "prejudice" is not universal. There are many situations in which I would specifically choose Todd as part of a team. Frankly, I think that making him part of an editorial board is a perfect fit. Still doesn't mean I'm convinced he's right for a field team.

I also agree with Sas that the body and quality of his work should stand alone.

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