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Sierra Shooting from A-Z


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I thought that the creature stepped out into a field, and her kids followed her out.

Is that not correct? :blink:

For some reason, I got it in my mind that the kids were seperated from the adult and not close to him/her, but closer to the road. From that I gathered the adult was afraid that they would be seen or dash in front of the truck, that was why she waved her arms. General interpreted the arm waving to mean "surrender".

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BFF Patron
....I think it is high time we all let this go and move forward

Well, do what you must.

I guess I will await the book and then decide who and what seems genuine and in the mean-time pray for a Ketchum et al paper so the value of the Sierra sample can be put into it's proper context, which is just one minor piece of this puzzle. Publication will allow the Sierra story to stand on it's own, until then it is just something that is an intangible to me.

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Guest slimwitless

It sounds to me like the adult was shot in the side. He described seeing "dust shoot off the side of it" after the shot and the bullet penetrating the lungs (plural). Also, "behind the shoulder" on an animal moving on all fours would be through it's side where "you're going to penetrate both lungs". The closest approximation on a standing bipedal creature would actually be below the shoulder and through the side. He says it's hard to describe on a person. Notice he doesn't use the words "chest" or "back" to describe the location. Was it turning?

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Guest HucksterFoot

In my eyes, after the adult was shot, there was no "win" situation here for the kids. The outcome for them would have been the same regardless of the scenario once the adult was down. What would you have done if given 15 minutes to think it through? I don't see a "right" choice here once the initial event began to unfold.

The little Bigfoots would have been alright? The social Bigfoot has an adoption program? :]

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Guest vilnoori

Heck, I'd a took 'em, feed em, love them, whup them them they need it, teach them to work, and if they're young enough they would grow and thrive. If they exist, that is, and if they don't actually belong in a zoo. It would help a great deal to know what you are dealing with...but then, this way would be the best way to find out, wouldn't it!

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Guest HucksterFoot

Something don’t add up about this. I’m halfway thinking in the back of my mind that somebody’s going to pull around the corner and it’s going to be like a film crew or something. I don’t know, my mind’s going a hundred miles an hour.

That would be the point were I would stuff my rifle away and go home.

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This reminds me of the two - 6 toed Elm Creek Bigfoot - Bugs (Ed Hale) Story.

Bugs: And we all fired three times .

Robert W. Morgan: You guys are all Nam vets , right .

Bugs: Right .

Robert W. Morgan: So you had night combat , I'm sure .

Bugs: Right .

Robert W. Morgan: Okay , So you have someo- ...something getting up on two legs and running away ...and you still cut down on it . Okay , alright , I have the picture . Go ahead , Please .

Bugs: Okay , like I said , I had originally thought it was a bear .

:wub::lol::D Thank you! I needed something to laugh about and you are too cute!

I can just hear the conversation:

Official:"Why did you shoot?" reply: "It was a monster!"

Official: "I thought you said it was on 2 feet"

reply:"It was a monster on 2 feet until it went to all 4 and then it was a bear and a monster!"

Official:"Draw blood for alcohol content, and put him in the slammer!"


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Well I don't hunt, and no one in my family does hunt much of anything bigger than a game bird. I cannot claim to have the same frame of reference, so maybe I am indeed being too liberal. I will yield to those in the know. I do think it's a good point, though, that if you are terrified you might not act responsibly or logically. It is a lot harder to reconcile shooting the 3 foot, 45 pound specimen, as C Noel sort of said a couple pages back.

I guess the interview gave us even more questions about this matter, for the most part. I think it would have been a help if Justin and his friend could have tried to help us understand better what their thoughts/feelings were during the incident. However, if they have read this discussion, it sort of taints their input. I guess we just wait some more.

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This is, with out a doubt, the most unforgiving subject in the world to report a sighting or something similar. You have an incident that is overwhelming in your own mind, and you finally get up the courage to tell what happened, and you get slammed, even by the people that are

supposedly believers. You are better off not telling anyone and keep to yourself, I don't know of anyone that came forward that

doesn't get thrown under the bus one way or another. either they don't believe them or they should have responded in a different manner.

If I have a sighting or experience I would keep to myself, It's not worth talking about it, even on forms that are dedicated to such experiences, it seems most people join just to

argue or abuse people.

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Right, Derek and then Justin changed the details from walking down the road with hands up to being 180 yards out in a field with hands up.

And the kids would have been shortly behind her but wasn't that after the adult was shot.

I guess I would have let the adult approach to within fifty yards, maybe less, I would have asked for detailed reports from the spotter as this was occurring.....I may have let it close

within thirty yards before making decisions as to what was happening. By that time the kids would have made the crossing and it would have been obvious you were dealing with a very

rare situation. The choice could have been to leave or to await the next move of the adult after the kids likely crossing. I would have been content to come back another day with proper

trackers for long term surveillance ..... perhaps ..... being in a no-kill camp if I was local to this area that would have suited me fine.... if not living in that area I would have been content

with the experience. Did the adult even make a sound?

I'll try to clear this up as well. When Justin was on blog talk last weekend he was referring to the distance from him to the big one. He said something like 100 or 80 yards. He didn't mean 180, he meant 80 to 100 yards. I've been to the site and it was between 80 and 90 yards when he shot.

They did see the creature from the end of a dirt road that led into a field or clearing. When they pulled up the creature was ahead and slightly to the right of them in the clearing. The road ended, but they drove a little ways into the clearing after the shot.


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From what I gathered, I thought the kids were near the road and fixing to step out. I think the adult was trying to stop the truck, I doubt it saw the gun.

That's what happened? When I read General's report I thought that he said that he thought about what he might be killing but decided to shoot anyway.

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BFF Patron

Thanks for the clarification Derekft, I thought the 180 sounded far, may have been my misinterpretation......didn't recheck a transcript before posting.

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Kentucky Apeman- It certainly is agianst the hunting regulations in California to shot a bear sow with cubs, subdivision 2 chapter 3 section 365 c cubs and females with cubs may not be taken at anytime. Let me just chide in here, I do not hunt but some of my friends do and they said one of the first things you learn is to identify what you are shooting. Also Justin could of shot over the Sas' head first, hell it was what 80 yards away. No Justin will not be prosecuted for a violation that isn't on the books but thats not to say that regulations can't inacted that might prevent such laxity in the field.

As for the interview, from the way I understood it, Justin was being told that there could be alot of money involved for recovery.Want a motive, theres the motive. Remorse, I don't think so. Friegthened of a 40 pound three year old Sas, come on. I am in the camp that what we are being told is all damage control but I also could be wrong.One thing for sure is that I hope we can all LEARN from this mistake and move on. I can go on and on about educating the general public via a PSA, maybe get a flier out to hunting clubs, maybe talk to your state lawmaker. In the case of cause and effect maybe we can choose to use this incident to a positive effect. Said to much, I know. ptangier

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It sounds to me like the adult was shot in the side. He described seeing "dust shoot off the side of it" after the shot and the bullet penetrating the lungs (plural). Also, "behind the shoulder" on an animal moving on all fours would be through it's side where "you're going to penetrate both lungs". The closest approximation on a standing bipedal creature would actually be below the shoulder and through the side. He says it's hard to describe on a person. Notice he doesn't use the words "chest" or "back" to describe the location. Was it turning?

Slim, I was going to post on this last night, and thought better of it. I am glad you brought it up. Clearly what is being described is a side shot, as you have recognized. Under the arm, through the side is the only way one shot might penetrate both lungs. In post 1678 the shooter stated that the shot on the adult was taken at a “slight angle facing†him. The interview mentions a single shot in the side. How could the creature have been shot through the side, a la a deer or bear, while approaching/closing on the shooter? If it is closing, waving its arms, it is either: A. approaching straight towards the shooter, which would keep the creature pretty much "square,†making a killing side shot as described near impossible; or B. the creature zig zagged, approaching in a very haphazard angular manner, causing me to wonder if the creature was gesturing toward the shooter, or waving off the young. What I am getting at is the notion that a side shot, through the lungs, as on a deer, would seemingly contradict the idea that the "monster" was closing directly on the shooter “at a slight angle.†For that to work, the creature would HAVE to have been travelling parallel at best. One way or another something does not jive here, IMO...I am not making an attack, just pointing out the unlikely physics of the scenario. But, as some may say, I was not there. Of that I am glad.

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