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Is The Skookum Cast Still Considered To Be A Potential Bigfoot Lay?


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I won't pay twenty bucks for somebody to tell me an elk can get up without putting its legs under it, particularly if Swindler's conclusion is unaddressed.

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To be more specific, there are the following threads in the Premium membership area:



The Official Skookum Cast Analysis Information Thread


Someone developed an extensive list of Skookum cast thread that are apparently scattered throughout the archives - to comply with the rules, I won't paste that list, but you can (if you pay your $20) find threads discussing the affiliation of the investigators examining the cast, the size of the heel print (and whether its an elk knee), and suggestions for how to do a controlled test w/a gorilla to create a control print for comparison.  Those are just a few of the topics covered.  Step right up, pay yer $20.00, and have a gander at these and other marvels of the universe unknown to all those who are afraid to go beyond this entranceway!  


I'm sure that there are more, but this is just a cursory check. 

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Guest Crowlogic

I learned that they didn't cast the entire impression.   Now how the hey can you expect to be taken seriously if you don't even cast the whole bloody thing that's so all fired unique and important?  We'll it's an elk lay so who really cares.  However going back and reading the way it was handled it was pure bigfootism start to finish.  

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I learned that they didn't cast the entire impression.   Now how the hey can you expect to be taken seriously if you don't even cast the whole bloody thing that's so all fired unique and important?  We'll it's an elk lay so who really cares.  However going back and reading the way it was handled it was pure bigfootism start to finish.  


That deserves a PLUS!!!

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I have an idea even better than the Skookum Expedition 2.0. How about get all the original Skookum Expedition members and scientists (that aren't deceased), the Skookum Cast, and the Finding Bigfoot crew all together Sept. 16-23, 2015 at the Rosse Posse Elk Ranch in Molalla, Oregon. And on this private Elk Ranch they can watch and film the elk lying down and getting up in the mud, dirt. etc., and other experiments 24 hours a day that they are there. By the end of their stay they will have either supported or crushed the elk lay theory once and for all.



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I have an idea even better than the Skookum Expedition 2.0. How about get all the original Skookum Expedition members and scientists (that aren't deceased), the Skookum Cast, and the Finding Bigfoot crew all together Sept. 16-23, 2015 at the Rosse Posse Elk Ranch in Molalla, Oregon. And on this private Elk Ranch they can watch and film the elk lying down and getting up in the mud, dirt. etc., and other experiments 24 hours a day that they are there. By the end of their stay they will have either supported or crushed the elk lay theory once and for all.



Wrong idea.  Big waste of time and money.


Better idea:


Some skeptic show me Swindler was wrong, or just put up video/photos of elk levitating, or whatever they do getting up in a way no other animal can.

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Ostman, smeja, freeman, skookum cast. Lots of grasping at straws lately

IMO, folks know there's not been much new of late which hasn't turned to ashes (falcon project, ketchum, standing) and so what's left but to take a new, and even less critical, look at the old stuff.

I learned that they didn't cast the entire impression.   Now how the hey can you expect to be taken seriously if you don't even cast the whole bloody thing that's so all fired unique and important?  We'll it's an elk lay so who really cares.  However going back and reading the way it was handled it was pure bigfootism start to finish.  

Out of plusses, again, but this is so smartly put!! Well done.

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A bit more about the Skookum elk lay



Yes, that's hokum.


It simply will not do to say that's an elk...unless one can show how the elk got up.  Not sure how many thousands of times this needs to be said, but that elk didn't get up.


Or it's not an elk. 


(Please don't show another sequence of photos that will simply demonstrate how denial works.)


And, oh, Daniel Perez I have always considered kinda shaky on evidence.  But that is a big problem everywhere in this field.  People don't know how to assess.

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Wrong idea.  Big waste of time and money.


Better idea:


Some skeptic show me Swindler was wrong, or just put up video/photos of elk levitating, or whatever they do getting up in a way no other animal can.



But a Bf gets a free pass? I never realized how many elk tracks were present. Elk. Done deal.

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Nope.  Not elk.  LEAVES.  There are many more leaves in that vicinity than elk.  Or needles, whichever.


Same logic.  No, it really is.


Wave-hand doesn't work.  Show Swindler wrong or an elk levitating or we're done here.

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Since there were no tracks of bigfoot leading into the lay, and palm prints where it lowered itself into an awkward position to reach for a piece of fruit, then more prints leading away from the partial cast, why not demand pictures of helicopters airlifting a Bigfoot out?  


It seems that wand-waving away objections to concerns of about evidence would be the earmark of a scofftic. 

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