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I dont have a problem with you personally, I'm just a little surprised is all.

I guess my problem is people rushing to the defense of someone who basically "shot himself in his own foot" so to speak...(and to be really clear, I'm not just "busting chops" Swamp-Bandit).

You were surprised that I would defend somebody that is attacked mercilessly by odds of 15 or so, to 1??? I thought you knew me better than that. I've been there & know how it feels. Kinda have flashbacks when it happens. Nothing personal. :)

My questions, although polite, and on subject were either ignored (as were many others), or were met with snide answers dismissing them/us as "non believers" (many of us including myself are NOT by the way), and so over time I have become suspicious.

It gets pretty tiresome answering twenty versions of the same question & then having to explain every word you type in minute detail, over & over & over. Then it's insinuated, if not said outright, by at least 4 or 5 people, that you are lying. Really made my day to do a few of those!

Geez, I figured if anyone would be upset by the new book idea- it'd be you..!! He's going to give out all the goods on something he has claimed up until now was "way too important" to ever "sell out" for...?

Why would you think I'd be upset by a book?!?!? :lol: He hasn't said anything that I found unbelievable, & I haven't appointed myself judge & jury. Whatever "goods he gives out" won't hurt his friends, or mine either. They're too smart to be found if they don't want to be.

I bought into the story/fell into line a couple years ago, as a now "infamous" person in the BF world took many of us on a roller coaster ride complete with tales of holes in mountains, and mystical sealed off valley's and all the other experiences this person had... and what exactly did it pan out to be ?

I missed that one, but would love to hear all about it if you have a link. Sounds like somebody I could relate to. I don't know what it panned out to be, but I think I can guess.

Guest BuzzardEater

Another thing it deprived us of is Autumn Williams as a spokesperson. She was getting a lot of exposure.

Why is this an issue? It is because there is no focus for TV to settle on. Television needs sound bytes spoken by talking heads. A talking head is well informed and photogenic.

Who does CNN have in it's inventory to discuss Bigfoot? Who will be quoted when they produce a story about the DNA report, when/if it is published? Radford? Coleman?


I enjoyed the story as well but was also suspicious of the change in the style of language and story telling. I had to bail at the end though, I couldn't get through the endless defense of not needing verification etc. And I hate when witnesses talk about not wanting to share pics because of respect for the creatures. If that's the case, keep the story to yourself to protect them.

Well said, excellent point, and you received a point. :wub: from Susi

Guest Alpinist

Swamp Bandit I thought the book was great, and I take it to be true. I think you left out bits that may have been difficult to believe for the average bf enthusiast, and I hope you include that kind of stuff in your next publication.

I'm not sure I want to get to your level, in terms of experience, but I am jealous just the same.

The most important thing for you to do, is not to care about what others say about you, and to continue to share your experiences and knowledge with those of us whom are willing to listen.


Sas, i was referring to Todd Standing/ Sylvanic... surely you must have read one of the numerous threads on the old BFF and here on 2.0 in the last year or so..

Not so different if you ask me... one tries to sell books, the other DVD's....

Both reacted in very similar ways when they're feet were held to the fire a bit...

SwampBandit... nothing personal, your welcome of course to continue posting to your heart's content on here, and when it comes down to it- I think you kind of enjoy the back and forth you've got going with some of us that are kind of stirred up like a hornet's nest....

+ No thank's, I'll pass on the "hug", even if you did put something on over your Bigfoot underoos !

A hug's not gonna cut it, unless you promise to take me on a boat ride to your secret location after !



Sas, i was referring to Todd Standing/ Sylvanic... surely you must have read one of the numerous threads on the old BFF and here on 2.0 in the last year or so..

Nope, but I may look him up. I do remember seeing a picture of his that was a little "different", but never read anything about him.


I personally have read the book twice, and will probably go for a third. The book is fascinating to me. Why couldn't it have some truth to it? We don't know anything about these creatures, and what we do "know" is probably just the tip of the ice berg. I feel like Enoch is a detailed glimpse into their lives. Remember the book is about an interaction with an unknown creature, we don't know what could be true or false. The reason I think there's some truth is because there's nothing extraordinary about the book ( except that it's about a Sasquatch ). The experiences I read about were all plausible to me, and fit with witness reports of their behavior. This whole Bigfoot subject is nothing but a huge puzzle, I think Enoch has a few pieces of that puzzle to add. Now wether the Mike on here is really the "Mike" from the book, I guess time will tell.


Geez, I guess I need to wade in here amongst th gators, and see what we can snag.

For starters, I said it before, and I'll say it again, the man,(SB), is straight up. No, he isn't some alky-bum from around the Dade county area who tells wild stories to cops, and other people when he gets a snoot full.

Second, the things Autumn quoted of him in the book "Enoch" hit close to home. Too many things he said were true enough. As I said before, there are many things that were ommitted from the book. I suspect because lots of it IS considered too bizarre for most people to swallow, though it IS true enough!

Third your little world of man's logic, and scientific dogma WILL come crashing down eventually. Just mankind on another of it's large ego trips.Everyone will get up and brush themselves off. No biggie.

Further, "you people" are doing it yet again. Someone comes here to discuss what IS indeed fact, and just because YOU don't know that it is, you pull the circling shark routine. This is a pattern with "you people". (If this doesn't apply to you, you won't take offense, and won't get defensive of this post.) However, if you are offended by this, it definately applies, and you are 100% guilty as charged. LOL

I have sat here watching, and reading this thread, and it's the same old song and dance number as before, over and over. People, this is an internet "discussion" forum. I don't give a horses patoot how many scientists are reading here. The fact that any of them participate is amazing. Do you folks think that you of all those in the world are worthy of being the ones that true evidence is presented to? Give me a frickin break!

Those here that are yelling "show me proof!" deserve it even less than others do. You that sit on your big.....seat and demand proof. Have you been to the woods lately? And I don't mean for the family reunion at the park either.

Unless you folks change your mind-set, and open up your mind to the infinite possibilities, you will never see or hear the truth. Some of you researchers ought to be ashamed too. You know **** well, if you have been there, that there are things about what you have seen and heard that you absolutely won't discuss with this crowd here. Yet you will run down someone that will, so you can fit in with the popular kids.

Logic, and science are man made things, limited by the minds that work with them. Until both expand beyond fully beyond old world attitudes, reality will remain as mysterious as the ocean floor or the universe. Open up your mind to new ideas about old things or get left behind.

Oh, and if there is a vote, us knowers better be included, or no candy for the skeptics!

All just my opinion, made in the USA,-Knuck


So I take it that we are just ignoring the fact that he previously said he lied about the whole thing? If the sasquatch behavior matches what you have read in previous reports that couldn't be the inspiration for his story? It certainly isn't going to hurt anything to use some of his methods, but he point blank said he made it up. I don't know what else there is to say so I guess I'll just stop commenting and let y'all enjoy yourselves.

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BFF Patron
Some of you researchers ought to be ashamed too. You know **** well, if you have been there, that there are things about what you have seen and heard that you absolutely won't discuss with this crowd here. Yet you will run down someone that will, so you can fit in with the popular kids.

Duly noted. You know, not all researchers are alike Knuck, and some even have "personal" opinions and their own theories, philosophies and research protocols. Early on, before the SB revealed his "true form", I made a conscious decision to avoid this book. Not because I was a researcher-witness turned shark, not because I don't subscribe to the Autumn Williams school of sasquatchology and certainly not to win a popularity contest with other members be they staff, custodians of the eyeshine or knowers or smoke-blowers.

But, you know what, I am my own man. When something doesn't pass my personal tests I'm not a boy-fan.....I use my simple right to express my opinion like a grown-man. Painting with a broad brush is a dangerous precedent to set on this forum, but those that can do it have some special abilities I suppose. I personally try to stay far removed from that approach (and feel I've been successful in doing that).

If somehow I thought my opinion were taking food off of starving children's plates in this country or in any other corner of the world I probably would decide to say nothing despite wanting to.

We all have our personal tests and styles of appraisal and I'm sort of glad for it as it makes this forum an OK place to air it out.

I will not be buying Enoch II, I will not own Enoch. It is my right and my personal appraisal of the situation. I will make a forty dollar donation to the local rescue mission/food bank this holiday season to pay it forward though (and won't forget the Angel Tree either). It's all about priorities.

Guest Cervelo


We can agree on one thing!

Heard it all before thats for sure!

Hey look a little poem:lol:

Guest StankApe
Posted (edited)

Oh, i'm so sorry Swamp-Bandit... here, let me just set aside every logical + common sense instinct I possess, and I'll lob you some more slow pitches, so you can hit them out of the park.... Because its obvious (to me at least) that you are neither prepared for, nor like to play "hardball".

Umm, so what was like the most "super magical experience ever" that you shared with the big guy...?

Did they like take you through the inter-dimensional doorway, cus like wow man i want to hear all about it !!!

Please give as many vague descriptions, that cant be substantiated as possible !!!


Think I'm being overly sarcastic ???

Really? because its kind of just like I stated in my last post.... as long as your fielding the warm and fuzzy questions you like to answer- everything's JUST FINE.... but gosh darn it all, the minute that those of us (some of whom actually would like too believe your story) start pressing you a bit- you do the same thing each time....

Because before your most recent postings- you went on several angst filled rants about how you were moving to Costa Rica, AW was full of it, the whole story was rubbish, etc etc etc....

Which version would you like us to put stock in now SwampBandit old buddy...?

Sorry if you are somehow taking offense at my and other's failure in buying into "Enoch- version 2.0", but frankly at this point in time- maybe you should go back and read some of what you've posted in the past, and then tell me just why it is that anyone should feel compelled to let you have another crack at it...?

You cant pull the plug out of the bottom of your own boat, then be surprised when those you've invited on board start complaining about getting their feet wet.

Actually, at this point in time- your boat pretty much sank a while back, and yet you've somehow managed to plug a few of the holes, and drag it around close to the dock- and now your asking us to get back on....

Unfortunately I can still see the water seeping in rather quickly... as you've missed some holes that really needed to be plugged.

I think I'll keep my clothes dry this time thanks very much.


It's because everyone believes everything anyone says in regards to Bigfoot that science won't take this subject seriously. the loons and self servers need to be weeded out. Or else it just makes everyone look similarly tainted.

Wrong I won't be back if voted off, and as far as a photo goes if I put one on here it will be all over the place in less than a day.

And I don't want that to happen I don't want to see his mug on lets say the bfro site, or any other site.

I know you guys are just busting my chops but it gets old after awhile. And when I don't take the bait you say I won't answer the hard questions.

So make it quick I got things to do tonight.

So what? if the photo is real why does it matter if it's on BFRO? Is it because Henry's wanted by the FBI? No.... Is it because you have no true evidence? I suspect the latter.

I vote for him off the island, his story taints the Bigfoot community.

Geez, I guess I need to wade in here amongst th gators, and see what we can snag.

For starters, I said it before, and I'll say it again, the man,(SB), is straight up. No, he isn't some alky-bum from around the Dade county area who tells wild stories to cops, and other people when he gets a snoot full.

Second, the things Autumn quoted of him in the book "Enoch" hit close to home. Too many things he said were true enough. As I said before, there are many things that were ommitted from the book. I suspect because lots of it IS considered too bizarre for most people to swallow, though it IS true enough!

Third your little world of man's logic, and scientific dogma WILL come crashing down eventually. Just mankind on another of it's large ego trips.Everyone will get up and brush themselves off. No biggie.

Further, "you people" are doing it yet again. Someone comes here to discuss what IS indeed fact, and just because YOU don't know that it is, you pull the circling shark routine. This is a pattern with "you people". (If this doesn't apply to you, you won't take offense, and won't get defensive of this post.) However, if you are offended by this, it definately applies, and you are 100% guilty as charged. LOL

I have sat here watching, and reading this thread, and it's the same old song and dance number as before, over and over. People, this is an internet "discussion" forum. I don't give a horses patoot how many scientists are reading here. The fact that any of them participate is amazing. Do you folks think that you of all those in the world are worthy of being the ones that true evidence is presented to? Give me a frickin break!

Those here that are yelling "show me proof!" deserve it even less than others do. You that sit on your big.....seat and demand proof. Have you been to the woods lately? And I don't mean for the family reunion at the park either.

Unless you folks change your mind-set, and open up your mind to the infinite possibilities, you will never see or hear the truth. Some of you researchers ought to be ashamed too. You know **** well, if you have been there, that there are things about what you have seen and heard that you absolutely won't discuss with this crowd here. Yet you will run down someone that will, so you can fit in with the popular kids.

Logic, and science are man made things, limited by the minds that work with them. Until both expand beyond fully beyond old world attitudes, reality will remain as mysterious as the ocean floor or the universe. Open up your mind to new ideas about old things or get left behind.

Oh, and if there is a vote, us knowers better be included, or no candy for the skeptics!

All just my opinion, made in the USA,-Knuck

As an amateur man of science myself, I take offense at a willy nilly dismissal of science because it "dares" to question what is OBVIOUSLY QUESTIONABLE!

Edited by grayjay
1A forum rules

These 'friends of BF' stories always seem the same. There is some magical connection where there is an understanding of the true essence of these creatures, and it must be guarded at all costs against the proof-thirsty sharks who's impure intent will lead to the utter demise of the species. If you ask for proof of their preposterous claims, they counter with the same played-out rebuttles of species exploitation, and/or it is their duty to protect them from their extinction due to mass genocide by BF poachers. Laughable! We have hunters in the woods using every known hunting method for every different animal there is, yet there are only a handful of people who ever come across them, and an even smaller percentage who have an opportunity to fire on them. I've never understood the logic behind recognition leading to their demise...How?

SB...Bottom line, whether you like it, or not, you post things for a reason, and if protection was your intent, you'd just keep quiet, right? If you claim all these things, then you'd surely have access to be able to prove it, so why is it such an asinine thing for people to ask that of you? You put yourself in the situation you're in. Be accountable for it. It's irresponsible for people to let you off the hook for not backing the source, if you're out there making tee-pee's, and dream catchers with them. Sorry, bud. You're probably a good dude, but sometimes people call your hand, and you've gotta show it.

Guest krakatoa

When it comes to Bigfoot, I'm like any 6-year old in at least one way:

I want the fantastic stories to have pictures.


So I take it that we are just ignoring the fact that he previously said he lied about the whole thing? If the sasquatch behavior matches what you have read in previous reports that couldn't be the inspiration for his story? It certainly isn't going to hurt anything to use some of his methods, but he point blank said he made it up. I don't know what else there is to say so I guess I'll just stop commenting and let y'all enjoy yourselves.

This is where the rubber hits the road...

Swamp Bandit came on this forum and told us that Enoch was a big lie. In the process, he dragged Autumn Williams through the muck and made every effort to discredit her. I don't know Autumn but I have read a lot of her work and, although I don't always agree with her philosophy, I have a lot of respect for her commitment to the Bigfoot enigma and the positive exposure she brings to our community. She did not deserve to be manipulated and lied to by Mike. If Enoch is a true story, then Swamp Bandit needs to make amends to Autumn for trying to cast unwarranted doubt on her reputation.

Either way, there is no excuse for this behavior. It's driven by selfishness, insecurity and personal ambition. I'm sorry that Swamp Bandit is offended by the "hard" questions and demands for proof. Cynicism is the direct result of dishonesty and in order to be considered trustworthy then he must be worthy of trust. Humility may be a better path towards acceptance, rather than feigning offense when questioned about prior deception.

For a man that claims to share photos of Henry with perfect strangers in a restaurant, he should have no worries about sharing photos with people that have a common interest in these beings as well as their welfare. Personally, I don't believe there are any photos or else they would have already been made public. I promise you that Swamp Bandit will NEVER post photos on this forum nor will he provide us with any proof. It does not matter if we hang on his every word or question every statement. He won't show us because he has nothing to show. It's just that simple.

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