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Catch and Release?


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1 hour ago, norseman said:

Is it a bipedal primate closely related to humans? Probably. But HUMAN??? 🤣


Evidently it is. But don't take my word for it. People infinitely more qualified than me have said as much. I don't have a lab, other people do. I don't run samples. other people do. I don't come up with mutated Human DNA other people do.

1 hour ago, norseman said:

If it doesn’t look like a human? It’s because it’s basic building blocks are not a human.


Ya got it backwards, Norseman. To say that it came from us makes no sense. To say we came from it does, both genetically and in the evolutionary sense. WE are the ones with ITS building blocks, We didn't get the hair covered body, or the sagittal crest. We got smaller as a mutated recessive trait, lost the hair as a mutated recessive trait, and genetically fixed a mutation that gave us the advancement from the ape brain to the Human brain. Evolution did that. It raised the Sasquatch from an earlier knuckle walker.  And it's why we're here. We are mutated Sasquatches. But since we look at things through an anthropocentric lens? People think Sasquatches have the mutated DNA. But since Humans are science's genetic baseline reference we look at Sasquatch DNA as the weird kid in class.

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1 hour ago, norseman said:

But I digress, my hostility is that we cannot talk about any subject without it turning into a DNA debate because certain individuals like telemarketers just have to spam the airwaves


Well then I'm sooo sorry, Mr. Hunter. Then let's talk about guns, bullets, blood, carcasses, shooting, dead bodies for science, and all that big boy stuff you inject into every thread that dares move off target when discussing proof. At least I take breaks for weeks or months until things stray so far up your agenda that I have to come back and scatter some science and civility. Call it arrogance, call it condescending or any other slam to make me look bad. What I do and say  is no better or worse that what you say. You toss around PLENTY of arrogance and condescension. But I have never criticized you for it.


I readily admit that I try to influence people to use science and technology to solve the existence question. Because people out there that we already know and respect are doing just that- science and technology. And have been. And it's only gotten better. But hey, I'll be the bad guy here. I have zero problems doing that. It's worth every word I type if I can get discovery going without someone locking and loading. End of story.

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50 minutes ago, hiflier said:


Well then I'm sooo sorry, Mr. Hunter. Then let's talk about guns, bullets, blood, carcasses, shooting, dead bodies for science, and all that big boy stuff you inject into every thread that dares move off target when discussing proof. At least I take breaks for weeks or months until things stray so far up your agenda that I have to come back and scatter some science and civility. Call it arrogance, call it condescending or any other slam to make me look bad. What I do and say  is no better or worse that what you say. You toss around PLENTY of arrogance and condescension. But I have never criticized you for it.


I readily admit that I try to influence people to use science and technology to solve the existence question. Because people out there that we already know and respect are doing just that- science and technology. And have been. And it's only gotten better. But hey, I'll be the bad guy here. I have zero problems doing that. It's worth every word I type if I can get discovery going without someone locking and loading. End of story.

I specifically apologized in this thread to Xspider for derailing his thread. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe you should try it sometime…..

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This is not the place for a DNA flame war, hiflier.  This is about the question: "Catch and Release?"  Please start a topic called: "We have Proof of Bigfoot that You will never See" so that we can gladly ignore it.  Honestly, get a room for yourself.  

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Wake up. It's a gun flame war. Every time Norseman pulls off his shoot 'em in the head agenda I will show up and stuff DNA down his throat. And you guys are the guilty parties for the DNA flame war with your incessant attacks on me for it. Honestly how can anyone wish that science would get involved, get shown how it is involved, and then attack and vilify the person, who is showing you science's involvement, for doing so. Just what kind of a Forum is this anyway.


Hey, gigantor, do me a favor will you? Just BAN me okay?. Seems like it would make these poor guys' BFF lives (for which I apparently create so much misery) so much happier. And then everyone can skip the science of discovery, stop whining, and go back to sleep in peace. And then they can stop playing the role of having to be hiflier's DNA police. Seems like a win-win-win-win......


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3 hours ago, norseman said:

It’s not a Sasquatch skull? Is that a guess on your part? Yes. The whole thing is 3D printed……

No.  Not a Sasquatch skull. IIRC, it is Meldrum speak when questioned about the skull. Without real bones, how was the 3D printer programed?  Compare the plastic fantastic to the skeleton of a western low land gorilla. It is a big silverback. Hips / waist are wrong also.

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Meldrum used Dr. Grover Krantz' reconstruction of a Gigantopithcus skull that Krantz had created using its jaw fragment size as a basis for sizing the head and sagittal crest. Krantz then used his knowledge of Gorilla skulls to proportion the rest of it. That's what's on top of the 8' tall 3D-printed skeleton.


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1 hour ago, hiflier said:

Wake up. It's a gun flame war. Every time Norseman pulls off his shoot 'em in the head agenda I will show up and stuff DNA down his throat. And you guys are the guilty parties for the DNA flame war with your incessant attacks on me for it. Honestly how can anyone wish that science would get involved, get shown how it is involved, and then attack and vilify the person, who is showing you science's involvement, for doing so. Just what kind of a Forum is this anyway.


Hey, gigantor, do me a favor will you? Just BAN me okay?. Seems like it would make these poor guys' BFF lives (for which I apparently create so much misery) so much happier. And then everyone can skip the science of discovery, stop whining, and go back to sleep in peace. And then they can stop playing the role of having to be hiflier's DNA police. Seems like a win-win-win-win......


Let me get this straight. (Sorry Xspider) But this needs to be said…..


I helped you write a pro kill book? And you PROFIT from this same book to this very DAY? And then you VILLIFY ME for being PRO KILL?🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


If you are so vehemently anti kill? That you’re “worried” about Bigfoot spraining his ankle by falling in a hole? TAKE THE BOOK DOWN!


You remind me of the vegan protest leader that secretly devours steaks and hamburgers! What the heck!? Give me a break!








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24 minutes ago, hiflier said:

Meldrum used Dr. Grover Krantz' reconstruction of a Gigantopithcus skull that Krantz had created using its jaw fragment size as a basis for sizing the head and sagittal crest. Krantz then used his knowledge of Gorilla skulls to proportion the rest of it. That's what's on top of the 8' tall 3D-printed skeleton.


Thank you.  Giganto was a bamboo eater. Krantz never saw a Sasquatch.  Drove around forests with a loaded rifle on the front seat. 

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1 hour ago, Catmandoo said:

Thank you.  Giganto was a bamboo eater. Krantz never saw a Sasquatch.  Drove around forests with a loaded rifle on the front seat. 

Not true. Giganto was a generalist about the same as a Chimpanzee.




220px-Gigantopithecus_blacki_mandible_010112.jpg Gigantopithecus mandible, top view
Scale 3 cm (1.2 in)

Gigantopithecus is considered to have been a herbivore. Carbon-13 isotope analysis suggests consumption of C3 plants, such as fruits, leaves, and other forest plants.[22] The robust mandible of Gigantopithecus indicates it was capable of resisting high strains while chewing through tough or hard foods. However, the same mandibular anatomy is typically seen in modern apes which primarily eat soft leaves (folivores) or seeds (granivores). Gigantopithecusteeth have a markedly lower rate of pitting (caused by eating small, hard objects) than orangutans, more similar to the rate seen in chimpanzees, which could indicate a similarly generalist diet.[3]

The molar-like premolars, large molars, and long rooted cheeked teeth could point to chewing, crushing, and grinding of bulky and fibrous materials.[23][24] Thick enamel would suggest a diet of abrasive items, such as dirt particles on food gathered near or on the ground (like bamboo shoots).[20] Similarly, oxygen isotope analysis suggests Gigantopithecus consumed more low-lying plants such as stems, roots, and grasses than orangutans. Dental calculus indicates the consumption of tubers.[25] Gigantopithecus does not appear to have consumed the commonplace savanna grasses (C4 plants).[22] Nonetheless, in 1990, a few opal phytoliths adhering to four teeth from Gigantopithecus Cave were identified to have originated from grasses; though, the majority of phytoliths resemble the hairs of fig family fruits, which include figs, mulberry, breadfruit and banyan. This suggests that fruit was a significant dietary component for at least this population of Gigantopithecus.[24]

The 400,000–320,000 year old Middle Pleistocene teeth from Hejiang Cave in southeastern China (near the time of extinction) show some differences from Early Pleistocene material from other sites, which could potentially indicate that the Hejiang Gigantopithecus were a specialised form adapting to a changing environment with different food resources. The Hejiang teeth display a less level (more crenulated) outer enamel surface due to the presence of secondary crests emanating from the paracone and protocone on the side of the molar closer to the midline (medially), as well as sharper major crests. That is, the teeth are not as flat.[8][26][27]

In 1957, based on hoofed animal remains in a cave located in a seemingly inaccessible mountain, Pei had believed that Gigantopithecus was a cave-dwelling predator and carried these animals in.[28] This hypothesis is no longer considered viable because its dental anatomy is consistent with herbivory.[22] In 1975, American palaeoanthropologist Tim D. White drew similarities between the jaws and dentition of Gigantopithecus and those of the giant panda, and suggested they both occupied the same niche as bamboo specialists.[29] This garnered support from some subsequent researchers, but thicker enamel and hypsodonty in Gigantopithecuscould suggest different functionality for these teeth.[20]

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10 hours ago, norseman said:

I helped you write a pro kill book?


The info I got for the book was general and never was it said, nor directed at me privately, "Hey, Hiflier, I think you out to use MY information your book and I want credit." I have stuff in that book that talks about bats and the White Nose Virus that I learned from belonging to a cave explorer's Forum because I had questions about caves. I have info about electronics that I read about. THAT was other people's information too, like company websites. I have a friend whose report is in the book- the ONLY report in the book. Said I could. and has never asked for any credit. A friend of mine did the illustration- for no money, has never asked for a cent. I gave him credit in the book for the illustration. The book is loaded with things that I have learned from being on this Forum, too.


And guess what NO ONE but you is screaming about helping me write the book. So, my friend. give up your whining over this. What's in the book is common knowledge. LOTS of folks have Marlin 45-70 Guide Guns. And most have said that if they were going to take down a Sasquatch that that's the gun they would have in the field. So the info isn't proprietary to YOU because that information was elsewhere, as I was writing, and before publishing. You're using this as one of many straws that you grab to make me look bad. I would appreciate it very much if you would stop using the book in your personal agenda.


10 hours ago, norseman said:

If you are so vehemently anti kill? TAKE THE BOOK DOWN!


You're just making it up as you go here. You know very well, Norseman, and so does everyone else, that I am not anti-kill. My push for DNA, as I have stated MANY times, is so that one doesn't have to be killed. How come you never bring THAT part up? We have even wished each other luck getting to the gate first on more than one occasion. But Nope. You're not about to say that, are you. Because you're only intent now is publicly trashing me and you will say anything, and OMIT anything, that doesn't fit your path toward wrecking my character in any manner you can think of. And you've gotten nastier about it in just this past year. So lay off once and for all. You've made all this stuff up in your head and it isn't good on any level. Let it go.

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On 9/8/2023 at 8:14 PM, hiflier said:

Wake up. It's a gun flame war. Every time Norseman pulls off his shoot 'em in the head agenda I will show up and stuff DNA down his throat. And you guys are the guilty parties for the DNA flame war with your incessant attacks on me for it. 


It boogies the mind that you just admitted that YOU attack ME. But in the next breath? You claim I publicly trash you. I speak plainly and the truth. Sorry.


You SELL a pro kill book online? But if I talk about being pro kill? You’re gonna attack me and stuff DNA down my throat? 🙄

I am gonna let you in on a little secret Hiflier? You could not hurt me with a 2x4. Once I heal this chest up? I will be back out there with a rifle. There is nothing you can say or do to me that will change that. (Short of discovery, in which I will gladly hang up my spurs)

The problem is that every other forum member has to watch their thread turn into a Hiflier DNA symposium. And the damage you are doing is only to yourself and quite frankly to the DNA question itself.


For the sake of the forum? I highly suggest that you and I cease fire and steer clear of each other. 


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Ok, reading all this brought one thing to mind and that is that you're all treating the subject as any other animal. They seemed to have demonstrated considerable cognitive ability. Do you really think that if "caught" in an earthen pit it wouldn't think to dig holes in the walls as foot holds? How high could a nine foot sasqutch jump? And with 6-7 ' arms, how high could it reach whilst jumping?

What will be needed is a smooth metal container that fits into hole, which can then be closed at the top so safe removal and later gassing with N2O is made safer for everyone. Metal sides could be polished smooth, inclined to allow no purchase. The bottom could be padded if need be. Dig the hole, copter in the cylinder, copter it out. Nice and tidy, no one gets their arms ripped off. 

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4 hours ago, guyzonthropus said:

Ok, reading all this brought one thing to mind and that is that you're all treating the subject as any other animal. They seemed to have demonstrated considerable cognitive ability. Do you really think that if "caught" in an earthen pit it wouldn't think to dig holes in the walls as foot holds? How high could a nine foot sasqutch jump? And with 6-7 ' arms, how high could it reach whilst jumping?

What will be needed is a smooth metal container that fits into hole, which can then be closed at the top so safe removal and later gassing with N2O is made safer for everyone. Metal sides could be polished smooth, inclined to allow no purchase. The bottom could be padded if need be. Dig the hole, copter in the cylinder, copter it out. Nice and tidy, no one gets their arms ripped off. 

I addressed this several times. The latest on page 5.

Cave in’s could be possible with a large animal jumping around in there. Yes. (Or attempted escape)


Therefore the pit would have to be constantly monitored.


A metal insert serving as a ready made cage would be ideal. Except for the need for the use of large helicopter.


144” x 20 ft = 6860 lbs (check my math)





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