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Why the Forest Service has kept Sasquatch "under wraps" ......... a secret.


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14 minutes ago, norseman said:


But in the end? The truth always prevails…..


Yep!  Let’s just hope we don’t have to wait another hundred years for it.

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13 hours ago, xspider1 said:

So, can we say that there are probably many people in Govm’t positions (paid by Us) who either know or believe in Sasquatch, but they are reluctant (or, absolutely refuse) to say anything simply because they might loose their job, or at the very least be ridiculed??........


Norseman provides the short answer:


13 hours ago, norseman said:

Look at the stigma with pilots and UFOs…..


We know that government has been withholding information about UFOs for at least 75 years. We even know that the majority of our elected officials in the House and Senate don't know what is going on. We still don't know what is going on, but we're pretty confident that something is out there. We just don't know what it is. Government (DoD) is saying that they don't, either.


I'm pretty sure they (some of them, at least) do.


I submit to you that the same kind of thing is going on with sasquatchery. Indeed, the mere suggestion that these creatures have been running around this country for the past century with the complete ignorance of government is so ridiculous as to be laughable. The American county with the highest number of reports in the BFRO database is Pierce County in Washington.......the same county that has been home to Ft. Lewis for over a century. There is no way this is going on there with the Army in complete ignorance. They know. Moreover, they know in great detail, and it has been determined that we are not to know. The 'why' of all that is up for conjecture, but if sasquatches exist, they know. It simply can't be otherwise.



........I don’t agree with Huntster. I don’t think the Government can suppress anything 100 percent. But they can make it difficult for witnesses and whistleblowers. 


Again, they don't need to suppress 100%. All they have to do is keep sasquatches in the mythical realm, which is easy to do. They've been doing it for at least a century.

Edited by Huntster
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2 hours ago, Huntster said:


Norseman provides the short answer:



We know that government has been withholding information about UFOs for at least 75 years. We even know that the majority of our elected officials in the House and Senate don't know what is going on. We still don't know what is going on, but we're pretty confident that something is out there. We just don't know what it is. Government (DoD) is saying that they don't, either.


I'm pretty sure they (some of them, at least) do.


I submit to you that the same kind of thing is going on with sasquatchery. Indeed, the mere suggestion that these creatures have been running around this country for the past century with the complete ignorance of government is so ridiculous as to be laughable. The American county with the highest number of reports in the BFRO database is Pierce County in Washington.......the same county that has been home to Ft. Lewis for over a century. There is no way this is going on there with the Army in complete ignorance. They know. Moreover, they know in great detail, and it has been determined that we are not to know. The 'why' of all that is up for conjecture, but if sasquatches exist, they know. It simply can't be otherwise.



Again, they don't need to suppress 100%. All they have to do is keep sasquatches in the mythical realm, which is easy to do. They've been doing it for at least a century.

All true until recently…. And now? The truth is coming out on Congressional record. The world is changing. The stigma is evaporating…..


It will happen in our realm as well.

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7 hours ago, norseman said:

.........And now? The truth is coming out on Congressional record........


Something is coming out on the Congressional record. Whether it's the truth or not remains to be discovered.

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1 hour ago, Huntster said:


Something is coming out on the Congressional record. Whether it's the truth or not remains to be discovered.

That’s the same thing as a JREF person scoffing at Park Rangers testifying before Congress that a large bipedal hominid is living in Americas hinterlands….🤷‍♂️ There will always be skeptics. There will always be conspiracy theories with government.


Right now the Mexican government has showcased two alien bodies found in an archeological find. So one thing can be certain? If it’s a pys ops? It’s not just the US government. It’s global. 


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9 hours ago, norseman said:

That’s the same thing as a JREF person scoffing at Park Rangers testifying before Congress that a large bipedal hominid is living in Americas hinterlands….🤷‍♂️ There will always be skeptics. There will always be conspiracy theories with government.........


Do you know why? Because government, and/or those within government, lie as a matter of course, even to each other. It's part and parcel of government operations.



...........Right now the Mexican government has showcased two alien bodies found in an archeological find. So one thing can be certain? If it’s a pys ops? It’s not just the US government. It’s global. 


Yup. It's a universal reality.


Government is bound like everybody else. Prove it, or your claims are subject to skepticism.

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I googled the two alien bodies in mexico.. 


Exclusive: A close encounter with the 'alien bodies' in Mexico | Reuters


that is not proof aliens exist..


and the CIA, NSA, and general government critters have other mundane reasons to disclose what they "know" about aliens.. and I can think of 3+ reasons why the government all of the sudden acts interested in some fake disclosure..


and for all we know j rod is just some creature created in a lab and the government recruited a whackjob like bob lazar to befriend it..  


it could be a 40 year old plot/conspiracy in the making

Edited by RedHawk454
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22 hours ago, Huntster said:


Do you know why? Because government, and/or those within government, lie as a matter of course, even to each other. It's part and parcel of government operations.



Yup. It's a universal reality.


Government is bound like everybody else. Prove it, or your claims are subject to skepticism.



The "reality" is that we have record high inflation, a collapsing southern border, the rise of authoritarian countries, everyday threats of ww3 etc.


now i do p[ay attention to certain alien/ufo events like the Rendlesham forest incident, but until i see more hard evidence of aliens shutting of our nukes, i have to atrribute to cia psyops mind games

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6 minutes ago, RedHawk454 said:

The "reality" is that we have record high inflation, a collapsing southern border, the rise of authoritarian countries, everyday threats of ww3 etc...........


And elements within government even try to deny or sugercoat those situations. Government is even the source of these situations. For example, if you have a difficult time believing that aliens are flying around our planet, it has become almost undeniable that government is gaming the public into believing that they exist. Why would they do that? Maybe to instill fear, or to delay the exposure of their newest machines of war until they actually have to use them?

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1 minute ago, Huntster said:


And elements within government even try to deny or sugercoat those situations. Government is even the source of these situations. For example, if you have a difficult time believing that aliens are flying around our planet, it has become almost undeniable that government is gaming the public into believing that they exist. Why would they do that? Maybe to instill fear, or to delay the exposure of their newest machines of war until they actually have to use them?


You said "Do you know why? Because government, and/or those within government, lie as a matter of course, even to each other. It's part and parcel of government operations."


which i absolutely believe.   


and yes, I believe there is more psyops to the governments relatively new interest in disclosing what they know to the general public.  


"Why would they do that? Maybe to instill fear, or to delay the exposure of their newest machines of war until they actually have to use them?"


For the most part, yes.  They have their reasons.  Fear is one element.  The other element is distraction.  




Our east asian allies are more or less completely dismissive about the existence of aliens.  It almost appears that our fascination with aliens and alien disclosure is purely a western or an American concept.  


But il be honest about my beliefs about aliens.  I dont know.  The roswell incident, the Rendlesham forest incident, the phoenix lights etc. I cant dismiss.  Especiall the phoenix lights because so many people saw them




The fact that we havent had nukes go off post ww2 is kindof suspicious to me.  If the reports that aliens can turn off our nukes at will is true, it would explain to some capacity why we havent had ww3 yet.


But i'm just deeply skeptical of the governments sudden interest since 2017 of disclosing such information.  



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On 9/24/2023 at 11:23 PM, xspider1 said:

So, can we say that there are probably many people in Govm’t positions (paid by Us) who either know or believe in Sasquatch, but they are reluctant (or, absolutely refuse) to say anything simply because they might loose their job, or at the very least be ridiculed??


That is the issue preventing discovery, imo. Until majority ‘group think’ wakes up, we won’t make nearly as much progress as we should.  😢 



could also be they're afraid they'll commit suicide with 3 entry wounds in the back of their skull

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4 hours ago, RedHawk454 said:

I googled the two alien bodies in mexico.. 


Exclusive: A close encounter with the 'alien bodies' in Mexico | Reuters


that is not proof aliens exist..


and the CIA, NSA, and general government critters have other mundane reasons to disclose what they "know" about aliens.. and I can think of 3+ reasons why the government all of the sudden acts interested in some fake disclosure..


and for all we know j rod is just some creature created in a lab and the government recruited a whackjob like bob lazar to befriend it..  


it could be a 40 year old plot/conspiracy in the making



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  On 9/24/2023 at 9:23 PM, xspider1 said:

So, can we say that there are probably many people in Govm’t positions (paid by Us) who either know or believe in Sasquatch, but they are reluctant (or, absolutely refuse) to say anything simply because they might loose their job, or at the very least be ridiculed??


That is the issue preventing discovery, imo. Until majority ‘group think’ wakes up, we won’t make nearly as much progress as we should.  😢 



Yes, the redicule factor has stifled our ability to learn about Bigfoot for several reasons. Those who have encountered the hairy animal many times are reluctant to warn others.  Wanting to tell others about my midnight encounter with Bigfoot was not a good idea in 1980. It was a good way to bring on rolling eyes and chuckles. Our knowledge about Sasquatch has been progressing at a snails pace. In the last few years I've been more apt discuss this primate along with many others.   


Forest Service 'higher ups' are probably hiding what they know about the critter. Remember the Spotted Owl that helped scale back logging? Did the Forest Service put us at risk since they did not post Sasquatch warning signs? My bolt action 50 cal was left home since I was made to feel safe. 


We were close to Prospect, Oregon where the Rogue River runs through ancient lava flows. The Forest Service did not post signs to warn us about bigfoot. It turned out that  a medium sized bigfoot was watching us sleep out on a tarp in the tall fir trees and nearly full moon. While I slept under the stars, it snuck up to watch us about 60' away.    My wood cutting partner slept through this startling event.



Edited by georgerm
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Do you believe Forest Service biologist at the highest levels have bigfoot dens located, and they use the best equipment to record? Why so secret? Are they afraid of the public's reaction when we learn they kept bigfoot's knowledge a mystery and a danger to the public. 

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