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The Echo Incident

Guest parnassus

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if you said heavy dew mixed with blood, I might be there, but your proposal is just silly.


The human body is 60 percent water by weight , similar in other animals I suppose. A deep flesh wound could secrete other fuids besides straight blood. A heavy dew?????:lol: Have you ever been down here in July? The temps don't tend to dip below dew point in that part of the year. We had one of the hotest driest summers on record this year. I'm surprised they even had a rain while they were there.

IMO , not diluted with dew. Blood mixed with other body fluid is a better hypothesis. Also, the edges of the stains are sharp, not smeared , as if they were in any way rinsed or emulsified by dew.

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I'm curious how the Echo Incident "shows the acute need" to recognize the species and protect it? Laws will never stop anyone who has the intent and desire to kill something, from doing so.

You are correct. There is always someone who will not obey the law, nor care about seasonal hunting rules.

My thoughts were that big guns with big bullets fired can go a great distance, and could injure or kill hikers, campers, other hunters, etc while a hunter is trying to bag a BF, or any other game.

I hope that every hunter will be aware of what is behind the animal they are shooting.

I've had bullets whiz by me, and I can truthfully tell you that event is terrifying.I'm still frightened by the bullets that passed so close to me that I heard them in my own front yard.

So,yes, I think every hunter needs to know what is behind his target.If this is an unusual desire, I can't help it.

I don't wish to be shot accidentally, and I suspect most people feel the same way.That's why I was talking about the distances bullets fly, and what could be damaged by a missed shot. That's all I was saying and now you know why I said it. :( .

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Susi that reminds me of the recent event where someone was cleaning their muzzle loader and it went off sending the ball 1.5 miles away where it hit a girl in the head and killed her as she was riding down a street. Completely random way to get killed but just goes to show the potential long range consequences of a gun being fired.

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at this point the ONLY question that hasn't been asked is if the shooter belongs to the NRA :lol: :lol: :lol: Personally I have no idea why this thread is still even active since we now know if the kid was wearing boxers or briefs, what the property owner had for breakfast that day, if leaded or diesel fuel was being used by any of the people involved in the incident and Bipto's mother's favorite color.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ya'all know you can start a new kill or no-kill thread right? ALL OF THIS is just my personal opinion and may not reflect the opinion of the CFZ, Staff...other members, my friends, my enemies ,people who will meet me in the future......my parents, my kids.....the scientific community at large. Did that cover everything...scampering off to check...... :P

whoops...on the off-chance I get my butt handed to me on a platter for having some fun like everyone else, checking my supply of asprin and bandaides.

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Susi that reminds me of the recent event where someone was cleaning their muzzle loader and it went off sending the ball 1.5 miles away where it hit a girl in the head and killed her as she was riding down a street. Completely random way to get killed but just goes to show the potential long range consequences of a gun being fired.

Oh, Man, That just sucks for everybody involved, especially :( that poor child, the parents, and the person who accidentally discharged a loaded gun. :(

Thankfully my hubby has taught our son's *Gun* safety rules, which is:: to *first* CLEAR/Check the weapon to see if the weapon is loaded.

Second rule: Treat all weapons as if they ARE loaded until proven cleared of bullets.

Then proceed to clean the weapon, or do anything else that's needed..

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southernyahoo, on 21 December 2011 - 09:07 PM, said:

Why all the bickering about the look of the blood? I bet any real surgeon would tell you that there appears to be subcutaneous fluid mixed with the blood. Most likely from a well hydrated biological entity.



if you said heavy dew mixed with blood, I might be there, but your proposal is just silly.


Parn, Yahoo is correct. That is how the blood looked to me also.I've seen a lot of blood spots looking like that when changing 1- 2-4 day old wound/surgical dressings.

I also mentioned other reasons why blood could appear/look like it did.

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Not really, my warn status did grow unjustly for speaking out about how I felt Alton and his TBRC were wrong to make it sound OK to randomly shoot at upright walking creatures. :mad:

Other than that I don't know any of them and would probably hang out if I'm ever in Texas and they invite me for some brews.

:blink: Patty, I would not count on that happening any time soon, like in the next 100 years or so..Just in my own humble opinion, of course. ;) .

They seem to be a rather manly man type group.

I'm not expecting any invites either, but next time I'm in Texas I may give them a call... :D

Edited by SweetSusiq
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When i read that i was taken back big time, i am one for safety and a calm cool head when it comes to hunting or anything involving a weapon, it was without a doubt a dumb thing to do, but is it's done and nothing can take it back, we have to hope they learned a lesson and it won't happen like that again, i believe there should be a law against firing at a mythological or creature, common sense ~

Tim :)

There you go, However, if said mythological creature(ie:Bigfoot)is attacking you, then, under those circumstances, I'd say fire into the ground, if it continues towards you, fire at will on target, which makes me sad but human life comes first.

at this point the ONLY question that hasn't been asked is if the shooter belongs to the NRA :lol: :lol: :lol: Personally I have no idea why this thread is still even active since we now know if the kid was wearing boxers or briefs, what the property owner had for breakfast that day, if leaded or diesel fuel was being used by any of the people involved in the incident and Bipto's mother's favorite color.

Ya'all know you can start a new kill or no-kill thread right? ALL OF THIS is just my personal opinion and may not reflect the opinion of the CFZ, Staff...other members, my friends, my enemies ,people who will meet me in the future......my parents, my kids.....the scientific community at large. Did that cover everything...scampering off to check......

whoops...on the off-chance I get my butt handed to me on a platter for having some fun like everyone else, checking my supply of asprin and bandaides.

There is plenty of space to ask more questions, we are no where near a thousand posts, however, we will be breaking the 500 post ceiling soon.. :rolleyes:

Did the shooter wear briefs or boxers that day? :D:P

( I'M KIDDING!!)I think that is the only thing that I don't know is what he had for breakfast that day because it has not been discussed yet, has it?... ;)

Edited by grayjay
Removed profanity from a quoted post
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Last response unless you report this post too..fair enough?


A. yes, thanks. and that is true. Most of it not hunting. So you can figure out that either I have another VERY bloody hobby or my work involves blood.

B. I guess you are inventing another cover story for the non vectors you called vectors? every time you try that just makes it worse.

A. Your work involves blood spatter? And you have been able to resist telling us about it? If you say so. Why should we believe you?

B. Don't feel too bad that you didn't know about vectors beyond highschool physics. Vector graphics adopted the term for the construct of a vector, not to represent a physical quantity such as force. The vertices that define a polyline are joined by vectors, which I've used to measure several raster images. All CAD applications such as ArcGIS are based on vector graphics so shapes can be scaled up or down without losing integrity like a raster image does. That's also how scalable fonts work. That's your lesson for the day so maybe you can accept you were wrong and move on. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. ;)

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Last response unless you report this post too..fair enough?

A. Your work involves blood spatter? And you have been able to resist telling us about it? If you say so. Why should we believe you?

B. Don't feel too bad that you didn't know about vectors beyond highschool physics. Vector graphics adopted the term for the construct of a vector, not to represent a physical quantity such as force. The vertices that define a polyline are joined by vectors, which I've used to measure several raster images. All CAD applications such as ArcGIS are based on vector graphics so shapes can be scaled up or down without losing integrity like a raster image does. That's also how scalable fonts work. That's your lesson for the day so maybe you can accept you were wrong and move on. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. ;)

:blink: If I can locate our dictionary, will those terms be there, and will they be explained so that us non-mathematical type folks can understand it and then perhaps understand your post? I remember vectors vaguely. Nurses use simpler math so I didn't take all of those courses,thankfully, because I'd still be in school I think. :rolleyes:

Since hubby has been out of college for a while, would he remember what these terms are exactly?

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Guest parnassus

Last response unless you report this post too..fair enough?

A. Your work involves blood spatter? And you have been able to resist telling us about it? If you say so. Why should we believe you?

B. Don't feel too bad that you didn't know about vectors beyond highschool physics. Vector graphics adopted the term for the construct of a vector, not to represent a physical quantity such as force. The vertices that define a polyline are joined by vectors, which I've used to measure several raster images. All CAD applications such as ArcGIS are based on vector graphics so shapes can be scaled up or down without losing integrity like a raster image does. That's also how scalable fonts work. That's your lesson for the day so maybe you can accept you were wrong and move on. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt. ;)

you don't have to believe anything. nor do those mice in your pocket. Nor do I have to believe you have a "degree in physics." especially now. see below.

I can't believe you are still trying to justify calling a line a vector. Wow. vector graphics has nothing to do with it. Strangeness. you should make this your last post on the subject as you are just making yourself look .....well....

SSQ and SY; when wounded, you shed blood, not discernable fluid; the stuff that's in bandages contains a mixture of exudates and blood. not like shed blood droplets.

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you don't have to believe anything. nor do those mice in your pocket. Nor do I have to believe you have a "degree in physics." especially now. see below.

I can't believe you are still trying to justify calling a line a vector. Wow. vector graphics has nothing to do with it. Strangeness. you should make this your last post on the subject as you are just making yourself look .....well....

SSQ and SY; when wounded, you shed blood, not discernable fluid; the stuff that's in bandages contains a mixture of exudates and blood. not like shed blood droplets.

At first, you are correct, but after time blood becomes mixed with other fluids and the drainage has a different appearance to it.

It's called serosanguinous drainage. Hubby had to spell it for me. :blush: It's been a while since I had to use medical terms!:blush: Luckily he uses medical terms daily so he could spell it out for me.

That's the type of body fluids that I saw in the pictures and it's what I was talking about.

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