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Why has bigfoot not been listed as an endangered species?


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I thought that the skeleton that was exhumed was thought to be Zana because of its mitochondrial DNA match to Kwit. There may have been other physical clues as well, though I haven't read the whole article.

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1 minute ago, hiflier said:

I thought that the skeleton that was exhumed was thought to be Zana because of its mitochondrial DNA match to Kwit. There may have been other physical clues as well, though I haven't read the whole article.

Cool. Can we see her skeleton? Do you have a link?

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It’s a futile argument.   Huntster is convinced that Zana was a Almasty based on legends and fish stories.  

Maybe he just wants to believe he has a shot at a Bigfootress since he believes Zana bred with man!! 😂😂 

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5 hours ago, norseman said:

No it doesn’t. It’s a species that has Island dwarfism. It’s brain to body mass ratio is inline with Homo Erectus........


Dwarfs have small brains, yet still utilize fire and tools.........a learned behavior, not a spontaneous one that materializes if your brain is large enough. Modern feral humans prove that, repeatedly, universally, and undeniably. 



.......Besides your trying to use outliers to prop up your bogus talking point.........


"Outliers" exist, lots of them, and they exist today. For multiple species in multiple ways. The bottom line is that brain size does not equal either species or brain power. It's really that simple. 

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5 hours ago, norseman said:

Yes. I condemn slit pupils in a hominid. It’s stupid.........


I never considered artists as the brightest bulbs in the socket, although I certainly appreciate their talent and productions.


Both your artist and Vendramini's.



........So they don’t have her skeleton to study. And yet you take the “stories” at face value. Why? Because it fits your narrative. 


My "narrative" changed with the science. The DNA science. The peer reviewed, published science. If I held my "narrative" like you hold yours, Zana would still be an almas..........although, as far as the village was concerned, she WAS an almas, and I still ask why feral humans can't be an almas or sasquatch. Bottom line: Zana was Homo sapien. Period. If you want to deny her strange physical and mental traits because they don't fit YOUR narrative, be my guest. The peer reviewed, published scientific document that established her species for all time clearly stated, and I quoted it, that her attributes were "well documented".


Sorry. That's Science for ya'. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose..........

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1 hour ago, Twist said:

It’s a futile argument.   Huntster is convinced that Zana was a Almasty based on legends and fish stories.  

Maybe he just wants to believe he has a shot at a Bigfootress since he believes Zana bred with man!! 😂😂 

He likes to make fun of science unless it supports he narrative.


I flat reject that Bigfoot is a Homo Sapien. You can’t have it both ways. It cannot be 10 feet tall and bullet proof, but uses no tools or fire and have the EXACT same DNA as us. Scientists cannot tell it apart evidently……🤔


Could Bigfoot be apart of the genus Homo? Maybe….maybe not. Looking at Meldrum’s recreation based on Patty? I would say no.

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13 minutes ago, Huntster said:


I never considered artists as the brightest bulbs in the socket, although I certainly appreciate their talent and productions.


Both your artist and Vendramini's.



My "narrative" changed with the science. The DNA science. The peer reviewed, published science. If I held my "narrative" like you hold yours, Zana would still be an almas..........although, as far as the village was concerned, she WAS an almas, and I still ask why feral humans can't be an almas or sasquatch. Bottom line: Zana was Homo sapien. Period. If you want to deny her strange physical and mental traits because they don't fit YOUR narrative, be my guest. The peer reviewed, published scientific document that established her species for all time clearly stated, and I quoted it, that her attributes were "well documented".


Sorry. That's Science for ya'. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose..........

I will stick with the Smithsonian versus the charlatan.👍


I don’t have a narrative with Zana. I really could care less about her. But accuracy is accuracy. You have stories about Zana. And you have Kwits DNA that shows his mother was part African. How do you know Kwit was the son of Zana? Has Zana’s remains been found? Or is this just another story?


Show me an African woman that can do what Zana could reportedly do. If she was just a Homo Sapien? Should be easy right?


This is another example of getting your cake and eating it too. Either the stories are wrong or there should be an African robust woman somewhere out running horses….

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25 minutes ago, Huntster said:


Dwarfs have small brains, yet still utilize fire and tools.........a learned behavior, not a spontaneous one that materializes if your brain is large enough. Modern feral humans prove that, repeatedly, universally, and undeniably. 



"Outliers" exist, lots of them, and they exist today. For multiple species in multiple ways. The bottom line is that brain size does not equal either species or brain power. It's really that simple. 

Yes another medical condition in a Homo Sapien population. You’re desperately grasping at straws…..


Do Chimps or Gorillas have the ability to make fire by themselves? No of course not. 

Bipedalism is 6 million years old. But clear evidence of sustained fire usage is only 500,000 years old. Why?


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15 minutes ago, norseman said:

.......Has Zana’s remains been found?........





.......Show me an African woman that can do what Zana could reportedly do. If she was just a Homo Sapien? Should be easy right?........


Obviously one of those "outliers". You're going to have to explain the "science" of that adjective for me. I've already provided you one reference to a feral girl. I can provide plenty more, and have in previous threads, but somehow I'm guessing that would be a royal waste of effort. It just doesn't fit your ideology.



........This is another example of getting your cake and eating it too. Either the stories are wrong or there should be an African robust woman somewhere out running horses….


Oh, well, here we go...........






Ivan Mishukov, a six-year-old boy born in Reutov, Russia, was rescued by the police in 1998 from wild dogs, with whom he lived for two years. He ran from his mother and her abusive alcoholic boyfriend at the age of four. He earned the dogs' trust by giving them food and in return the dogs protected him.[22] The boy had risen to being "alpha male" of the pack.[22] When the police found him, they set a trap for him and the dogs by leaving food in a restaurant kitchen.[22] Because he had lived among the dogs for only two years, he relearned language fairly rapidly.[23] He studied in military school and served in the Russian Army.[23]

A 10-year-old Chilean boy (Dog Boy) was rescued after living with street dogs for two years. At the age of five, the boy was abandoned by his parents. After fleeing a subsequent child care facility, he roamed the streets with 15 stray dogs. He spent his time with them living in a cave and searching for food, sometimes finding leftovers in garbage cans. In 2001, his situation was brought to the attention of the police. Upon a rescue attempt, the boy tried to escape by jumping into frigid ocean water. However, he was caught and hospitalized. He exhibited depression and aggressive tendencies, and although he could speak, he would rarely do so.[24]

Traian Căldărar, Romania (found in 2002) also known as "the Romanian Dog Boy" or "Mowgli". From the ages of four to seven, Traian lived without his family. The boy was found at the age of seven and was described as a three-year-old due to undernutrition. His mother had left her home because of domestic violence, and Traian ran from home sometime after his mother left. He lived in the wild and took shelter in a cardboard box. He suffered from infected wounds, having poor circulation, and a children's disease caused by vitamin D deficiency. Traian was found by Manolescu Ioan, who had been walking across the country after his car broke down. In the surrounding area, a dog that had been eaten was also found. Many assume that the boy was eating the dog to stay alive. When Traian was being cared for, he would usually sleep under the bed and wanted to eat all the time.[25] In 2007, Traian was being taken care of by his grandfather and was doing well in 3rd grade at school.[26]

Andrei Tolstyk (2004) was raised by dogs in a remote part of Siberia from the age of three months to 7 years. He was neglected by his parents because he had speaking and hearing problems. Social workers who found the boy were curious about why the boy was not admitted to his local school. This boy was not able to talk as he lacked human interaction and had many dog-like characteristics including walking on all fours, biting people, and sniffing his food before eating.[22]

Madina, a three-year-old girl found in Russia in 2013. Madina lived with dogs from birth until she was three years old. She slept with them in the cold, ate food with them, and played with them. Her father left her after she was born, which caused her mother to become an alcoholic and neglect Madina. When found by social workers in 2013 she was completely nude and engaged in dog-like behavior including chewing on bones. Afterwards doctors confirmed that she was still mentally and physically capable despite being neglected for nearly her entire life.[17]

Raised by bearsedit

The three Lithuanian bear-boys (1657, 1669, 1694)[12]: 21–28 [13] – Serge Aroles shows from the archives of the Queen of Poland (1664–1688) that these are false. There was only one boy who lived in the forests of Lithuania with the Eurasian brown bear; he was found in the spring of 1663 and then brought to Poland's capital.[27]: 196 [clarification needed]

Raised by sheepedit

An Irish boy brought up by sheep, reported by Nicolaes Tulp in his book Observationes Medicae (1672).[12]: 20–1 [13][28] Serge Aroles gives evidence that this boy was severely disabled and was exhibited for money.[27]: 199–201 



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12 minutes ago, norseman said:

By Huntster’s logic all Dogs are obviously bipeds……


Nope. Learned behavior. Not brain size, and not genetic. Educated, unlike feral people (like Zana).

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19 minutes ago, norseman said:

Yes another medical condition in a Homo Sapien population. You’re desperately grasping at straws…..


Another "outlier", otherwise known as "reality".  No straws. Just a bit of common sense over ideology.



.......Do Chimps or Gorillas have the ability to make fire by themselves? No of course not. .......


If taught, a gorilla can communicate effectively with humans with sign language. Brain size and genetics have nothing to do with it. It was learned behavior, just like fire and tool use.


I taught my poodle almost as many ASL signs as Koko knew, although my dog couldn't sign ASL back because she didn't have hands. That's a funny physical trait about dogs. No hands. So I taught her how to respond in her language. Worked well. In fact, that dog was smarter than a whole bunch of people, despite her smaller brain.



.......Bipedalism is 6 million years old. But clear evidence of sustained fire usage is only 500,000 years old. Why?


Because it took that long to learn. Why? Because there was nobody to teach the skill.


I can teach a toddler to burn toilet paper in minutes with a Zippo lighter, if I was irresponsible enough to do so.


I could have taught my poodle to do it if she had hands to operate the lighter.


What can't I teach large brained humans?:


How to get ideologies out of their heads. Once brainwashed, it's a difficult process to rewire.

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2 hours ago, Twist said:

It’s a futile argument..........


It's almost always futile to argue with the Huntster.......or the Norseman.......or the Twist.



........Huntster is convinced that Zana was a Almasty based on legends and fish stories........


Zana was Homo sapien. The villagers where she lived her final 20 years or so believed her to be an almas, just like people who see a hairy man in the North American woods believe they've seen a sasquatch........regardless if what they've actually seen. 


If it looks like an almas, sounds like an almas, behaves like an almas, smells like an almas............it might be an almas........even though it's genetically Homo sapien.



........Maybe he just wants to believe he has a shot at a Bigfootress since he believes Zana bred with man!! 😂😂 


Unlike years ago, I now wouldn't shoot at a bigfoot unless it was threatening me. Why? Because I now believe them to be human (of the genus Homo), whether or not they're Homo sapien.


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59 minutes ago, norseman said:

He likes to make fun of science unless it supports he narrative..........


You bet I do. When I think it's full of BS, I'll criticize it. That's exactly what Margaryan did after Sykes published his study results on Khwit.



.......I flat reject that Bigfoot is a Homo Sapien.......


Do you "flat reject" that any of the thousands of bigfoot reports in North America over the past 200 years were feral humans?


We know you flatly reject the likelihood of sasquatch reports being feral people. It diminishes sasquatch reality......in your belief system.



........You can’t have it both ways. It cannot be 10 feet tall and bullet proof, but uses no tools or fire and have the EXACT same DNA as us......


Bullet proof? Who or what is claimed to be bullet proof?


Uses no fire or tools and still be genetically human? Do you claim that feral people automatically use fire and tools because their brain size dictates the behavior?



.........Could Bigfoot be apart of the genus Homo? Maybe….maybe not..........


Yup. *Maybe*. Maybe not.


Based upon the repeated DNA returns claiming "human" over the past 25 years? That *Maybe* is growing........



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