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I assume there is physical proof of Sasquatch in people's freezers, trophy cases, and pictures framed hanging in their dens. For whatever reason, ridicule being the main fear, the folks have kept it to themselves. I can cite a few rumors of pieces, what else is known to be out there?

I have heard the BFRO has an extensive collection I hear Wally has a trail cam pic that is possibly the best pic out there. Of course we hear about Ericksons collection of videos. And the chunk o' squatch from the Sierra shooting. Mike Rugg has a tooth. Tibetans have a yeti scalp. Any more known pieces?


I think the scalp has been disproven. I'm interested in Wally's trailcam pic... How good is it really and why in the world would it be kept secret?

BFF Patron

"Extensive collection" by BFRO? I think you'll have to define your terms on that one (Wally's picture notwithstanding.....which does not equal extensive).


Yeah, but why is it common knowledge that Wally has a great pic that nobody can see but him? Why is everyone okay with that? Has anyone seen it?


Yeah, but why is it common knowledge that Wally has a great pic that nobody can see but him? Why is everyone okay with that? Has anyone seen it?

According to the comments on the BFRO Blue forum, only those who go on the expeditions are allowed to see it along with other things:

I've seen it and it is very impressive.

It was one of several private items made available to us as participants in a BFRO expedition. I've been on several and will go on more as they are offered. It is one of the really cool benefits of being around this group of really good people.

I would highly recommend signing up if possible. They are loads of fun and I've learned so much more than I possibly could have reading a book or the internet.


SSR Team

I'm pretty sure i remember reading a Member of the Forum & is a regular Poster in the Sierra Thread who had seen the Hersom Picture & didn't think it was THAT great..

He said it was good but certainly not Patty good, if i recall correctly.


If you go on an expedition, just don't drink any kool-aid if it is offered. Seems like a cult to me I guess. I had heard MM say there was video not made public- maybe he was referring to Adrian? Wasn't the pancake vid privately held for years before he bought it?

BFF Patron

Well it wouldn't be a secret if two or three people saw it and it's being discussed here would it? Just limited access, common knowledge and viewing it on Wally's terms I guess.

Who said anybody was ok with it?

Does anybody with "pull" know of the details, other than the OP (or maybe BFRO entities), and have access to Wally that might be able to turn up a digital image of the blown up image? BFRO is no longer being subsidized by him according to many. Yet, it seems Wally has helped out with other BF research efforts, by report, (such as the Ketchum study probably) and I would imagine many others of which may be private and secret (for now).

If there is suspicion that BF parts are in private possession in people's freezers (other than Ketchum's, General's and the drivers) wouldn't it be rumor or imaginary at this point. Where is the confirmation going to come from short of elaboration in a scientific paper as part of the chain of possession discussion on sample collection? There may be at least two dna studies on-going now by Stubstad and Ketchum. Does anyone know of more?

As for MM and video not being made public, he has claimed for years that they will only release video of the highest quality so as not to bring the rath of the BF world down upon them. Maybe that decision was as a result of the Penn & Teller, Sonoma deal or the Great North cameraman squatch deal but it has been openly discussed by him for years.


Ask yourself. If you were personally in possession of high quality, irrefutable physical evidence of their existence, what would you do with it?


Big IF, but if Ketchum is successful in "proving" they exist, I predict a flood of new footage, and evidence coming to light. I've seen a couple of members here recently claim to have pics and video, but won't release it.

BFF Patron

Well if it's a fully intact specimen (holotype) I guess a bank vault probably wouldn't cut it so I'd imagine I'd head for a renown primate research facility with it (esp. if I was a scientist/researcher), get a few samples for posterity (maybe take them to a cryogenic lab with anonymity) and sit back and wait for the Nobel committee to come knocking at somebodies door if the scientific import is of the magnitude I think it will be.

I don't believe I'd be sharing it with BFRO or a regional BF research group.....but that is just me.

Actually, I think a flood release of stuff could just as easily have been facilitated by the threat of release of body parts and a scientific paper. Who is to say that maybe some kind of a facilitative guise has not in fact been pulled since sample collection proceeded so long in the first place? Sure I see added releases post-study release too.


We have seen a recent set of local news articles about researchers with "the goods". I've wondered if these might be a means for certain parties to position themselves for an impending release.

Guest vilnoori

I and other researchers are often sent very good quality pictures but are not allowed to release them or divulge them, people simply want your opinion. You have to honour their trust in you. And in the end a picture is only a picture. Even a good sample must have some kind of provenance. The best would be a combination of things, pictures, video, a known habituation site as well as good samples that have consistent DNA test results that are outside the norm. And of course I mean more than simple mitochondrial testing, in case these things are so close to human it doesn't show in that kind of test. And that gets expensive to prove. So, yeah, I expect there is a lot of evidence out there that is simply being sat upon.


I think, and this is only my humble opinion, that if you discovered an area with Sasquatch and you got close enough to view them on a regular basis lets say as Jane Goodall had, or such as in an habituation enviroment, you are faced with a dilema. Offer them up to the public for profit, or, keep it all to yourself and the satisfaction of knowing they exist. If I discovered a breading colony, I would keep it to myself and those I trust to keep it a secret(which ain't many). Even a CLEAR photo or film would not be enough to convince people anyway so why even go there? I would keep it to myself and continue visiting and taking field notes. The hell with everyone else!


I have a hard time believing anybody is sitting on anything. We go all these years with nothing but the PG film, and some footprint casts, and now, all of a sudden, people are sitting on a plethora of evidence? Highly unlikely.

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