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On The Hunt For Sasquatch With Tracker.

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BFF Patron

FYI, last I heard, KC is a she (unless I've been misinformed? lol ).

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Guest tracker

Here's something for the others who might not want to wait for KC.

The pixels got scrambled with enlargement. But there's the black one (middle right) laying on it's side on the rock 20 feet away from me all casual like watching. Starting to think it's a female? Consider that everything is light grey ( boulders) brown (leaves) or green (moss & cedars) and the Bf's stand out. Just to it's left are the grey's males too hard to spot with poor pixel enlargement quality. The other Bf's are further back in the trees.

Now try to spot her in my vid.

Tracker wink.gif


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Ahh thanks Bipedalist, now I can get rid of the mental picture of hairy legs with bermuda shorts,, loafers, a camera around his neck, and a fishing cap with lures all stuck in the brim that I had of him, who is now a her.

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Tracker, I'm gonna need some red circles showing where the BF is...

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Guest tracker

Tracker, I'm gonna need some red circles showing where the BF is...

Sorry no red circle option, some can see them some can't. I've seen people walk right by them at close range in the woods during the day near campsites. ph34r.gif


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Guest tracker

A trained experienced eye is a huge advantage. Because they are even harder to spot in the field. wink.gif


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Guest Cervelo

Actually your right a trained experienced eye is a huge advantage. Because they are even harder to spot in the field. wink.gif


Of course! I will continue my training, maybe someday.....

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Oh goody where's Waldo for Bigfoot!

Well thats sort of an uncalled for and snarky remark IMHO. Tracker is a member in good standing and doesn't deserve that.

You don't float around here with a huge S on your chest for skeptic so far as I'm aware. Might have missed the memo though.

Posting your opinion sans the snarkiness is cool. We welcome all opinions here. But please refrain from snarkiness that tends to be demeaning and limits discussion.

Consider the following from the Rules & Guidelines....

If you don't have something nice to say about someone, you might want to consider not saying anything.

Truth be told I see no BF either. But I'm not the best at sorting through the pics/videos claiming to show them and finding them. Like gigantor I usually need red circles to see what others are seeing.

Agree with Jodie that it would be great to get the opinion of King's Canyon regarding this.

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Hey Tracker:

Kinda cool!

I "see" what I think you are referring to with the black one. Can't see any grey ones.

(Quotes are due to the fact that I clearly see the /a black "figure", which does appear to be moving / moving from higher to lower)

Couple questions:

1- Did you see it (them) at the time of filming? Or did you notice it only later upon reviewed the footage?

2- What were you filming with? The vid quality seemed a tad low and reminds me of what I get with my cell phone cam.

3- How far back into the brush were you? (Approx.) How far away from a trail head or public parking? I'm just curious if it could have been some rascally kid(s) in a hoody trying to be sneaky.

thanks for sharing!


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I see something black right in the center of his shot as he pans past it, you can see movement tracking him,as he pans. I cannot see the grey ones,but I do see a black shape that seems to be moving. This close to us, but we can't seem to see them thing comes up a lot. I think it comes up enough it might be worth some serious thinking. Many people are getting vids/picture like this. Taking into consideration the integrity of some of the researchers,I think we should put some more thought into why this occurs, and if we can get around it better.

wow,sorry about the mega post

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That's why I truly appreciate people who are both willing to share and answer some follow up questions.

It helps put all the pieces together.

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I'll admit that the vid quality could be better and I still pan too fast but it's no hoax or BS.

T ph34r.gif

I don't think you are hoaxing or BSing. You can learn ( for the next possible field opportunity ) by the results of the video, and maybe be better prepared.. if being better prepared even makes a difference in a situation, as such. It's easy for me to say, as I wasn't in your shoes during the experience. I know how I reacted, when I saw what I saw.. and it was not calm, steady, or professional (because I'm NOT one), ... by any means.

I did see something in one of your videos, that appeared to have reflected eye shine (subject next to a tree, while camera looking downhill).. in the video clip that showed your dog reluctant to move and explore further. The resolution (while freezing the frame) wasn't good enough to show me exactly what it was.

Keep on trying, and never worry about forum comments. If these things were easy to capture on video.. there would be a lot more good quality video. Unfortunately, that is obviously not the case. It's just how it is.

edited for typos

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I see the black one clearly, however I can't see the gray ones. Could you help?

Also, just a suggestion....pan your camera as if you were following a snail. It may take you longer to get a good video but would probably be more successful for you in the long run.

They are very interested in you and your dog...... :)

Thanks for the video, love it.

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