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How Would You Capture Or Kill A Sasquatch?

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BFF Patron
....Its so remote its not logged. Long ago there was an active mine but it is abandoned. It has no roads because it abutts up to the border on one side, and is surrounded by high, icy peaks on the other. So if you want to get in there by foot you have to get permission from the border authorities and get in by back roads in Canada, then you have a very long long hike over the border where there are no roads, no trails.....

Wait a minute, you just described Sylvanic, :P . Seriously, they may have this sentinel system down pat, this would be an ideal location to employ the Falcon Project maneuverable observation platform with IR, etc., etc.


Guest vilnoori

Anyway I just found a trail in from Twin Lakes area, so its not so hard as it looks at first, at least from the Canadian side...


Trust me "Squatch Patrol" would be high entertainment whether they found a sasquatch or not :lol:

Or we could call the film.documentary/dramedy/or what have you "Squatch Guard" but that sounds too much like scotch guard to me... :P .

I have a feeling that anything done would not improve public opinion of bigfoot research. It would probably be edited to look something like this guy's you tube video's:

Guest Bigfoot Proof

I'm back, I just got as far as 'APE' and that's where I differ. I believe they are human, and that they the ORIGINAL human primates and we are the domesticated off-shoot from them, so I think they are HIGHLY intelligent regardless whether they create fire, use tools or not. Just like domesticated dogs are from wild wolves, domesticated pigs are from wild boars... we are domesticated humans from wild humans (them).

I don't put their intelligence level on that of any known creature and will reiterate, never underestimate their intelligence or processing skills.

JMO, will be back later to read more.

Guest tracker

Jodie, that was entertaining. I wonder if anyone actually approaches it that way? :)

Guest vilnoori
:lol: I've seen that before and it's entertaining every time. Great fake teeth! Ah...:unsure: at least I think they're fake!

That was entertaining lol Maybe a little too much :blink:


I hope nobody approaches research that way, we are doomed if they do. The teeth are fake. My favorite part is when he realizes it is own boot print he is looking at :lol:


Horses, cameras and complete silence while on the hunt for bigfoot should be sufficient enough!

Guest tracker

Horses, cameras and complete silence while on the hunt for bigfoot should be sufficient enough!

good advice but horses can be noisy . But at least their sounds are more natural than a few chatter boxes alerting everything that humans are coming. :)


Toothy is probably in the running for a Darwin award. I think the "ma-chet-e" will get him long before a squatch will...... :blink:

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Guest vilnoori

LOL he sure was ruining it, that's for sure. My memory of how we used "Matchetie's" in Africa, called a cutlass there after the English fashion, was for mowing the lawn. The gardener did, anyway. Lawn mowers not being all that common out there but manpower, plenty of. It was a very handy multiuse tool. It opens coconuts really well, too.

:) Enjoy the pecs, I mean, the lesson, ladies...and if you don't find this humorous, especially after about 6 minutes when he talks about the walk he had earlier in the day...well...I don't know


Xion Comrade wrote (taken from his locked topic)

I hear people, skeptics and knowers alike, constantly talking about killing a Sasquatch. I hear people saying "Why hasn't one been shot?" as though it would be a easy task.

So I figured this would be a good thread. Lets discuss some ideas, how could you do it? Realistically? Has anyone on this board EVER hunted big game? Dangerous game?

What are the dangers involved with hunting a Sasquatch?

What are some factors?

Below is a brainstorm, maybe something in one of my trademarked long winded, confusing, and incoherent posts can help get the brain going

RayG, on 15 January 2011 - 08:54 AM, said:

Here's just a handful of things that don't make sense to me:

Nature film producer Doug Hajicek, cameraman in tow, follows but fails to FILM immense, crisp, clear, detailed, and enormous humanlike footprints with distinct toes they supposedly found in the early 90's near the shoreline of Selwyn Lake, on the northern border of Saskatchewan. The apparent reason for this was that in the early 90's Hajicek was supposedly unfamiliar with sasquatch.

No bigfoot roadkill.

We've had fantastic technological advances over the past 40 years, yet bigfoot evidence seems no better now than it was then.

30-foot strides.

John Green's math.

Guesstimates of 7' or more for Patty, when using her own foot as a ruler shows that's not the case.

Conspiracies -- Government, logging industry, etc.

Skeletal anatomy being determined from a plaster cast.

Human lie-detectors.

Claims that science/scientists refuse to examine bigfoot evidence.

Claims that specific bigfoot tracks couldn't possibly be faked.

Bigfoot is reported in nearly every province/state in North America, yet can't be found.

NASI concluding Patty weighed 1,957 lbs.

I'm pretty sure if I spent more than a few minutes on this I could easily add more.


12. What do you mean cannot be found? They were sighted weren't they? I guarantee that if someone applies themselves and works hard enough/spends enough time, they could have a encounter in ANY state and most counties. It IS hard work, reading thousands upon thousands of pages of information(book and forum), listening to weeks worth of information from the field, familiarizing yourself with the environment for long periods of time, talking with other researchers, and trial and error. Their are no financial benefits, and it is a entirely uphill battle. One must take every account with a smile, and have the mentality at first that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. One must have a mountain of patience, a hill of effort, and a mound of intelligence to succeed. Ask any other researcher on this board, they will likely tell you the same. So yes YOU or any fit individual with the mind for it CAN!

I suppose you mean that even though they are sighted so often they are not killed...lets go over this in detail.

First lets go over most Researchers...

A. Most if not all Bigfoot researchers have the same responsibilities and obligations that anyone does. They have families to feed, a tight budget, full time jobs, and lives to live. ALL of the field work a researcher does comes straight out of pocket. And the only time they get to spend in the field is time away from work, generally just the weekends or short hikes after work. They do not and never will benefit from their research financially, and push on just out of love, and how I see it, true generosity. It is a hobby, probably among the most adventurous hobbies on earth, and a very dangerous/costly one to boot.

Lets go over some factors involved with the Sasquatch...

A. The male Sasquatch stands on average 8-10 feet tall, and probably weighs a good 1000lbs. I believe he is early "human", and has very human obligations. He has a family to feed and protect, and lives in constant danger. The ONLY predator they have is us, Homo Sapien. He lives under constant pressure from man and also from environment, as he tries to find suitable areas to live in.

B. He is estimated to be able to move through dense undergrowth at a pace 4-6x our own. Can throw large rocks at such a velocity that they can incapacitate Big Game. Often runs down deer, and the kills are show to have their legs ripped off and heads ripped off. He is attributed with bovine kills, where the neck was snapped. He most often appears to hunts these animals which are much faster and more elusive than any of us with his BARE HANDS. He is skilled in the art of camouflage, and it is nearly impossible for any of us to see them when he employs this skill. He is somewhat nocturnal, and unlike us, can see in the night.

C. A mountain gorilla is estimated to be over 20x stronger than a human male, stands about 6 feet tall, and is 400-450lbs. A Sasquatch stands 8-10 feet tall, and weighs over half a ton...Those facts alone should be enough to scare away most any hunter.

Although the easiest way to get a good interaction with a Sasquatch is to go in alone, no hunter in his right mind is going to attempt to kill one that way. However if you bring to many people into the woods, they will not hesitate to leave the area, and will do so faster than any man ever could. I will make our group of skilled hunters be about 4 individuals, all armed with .44 magnum sidearms and .375 H&H rifles, seeing as how this is the preferred standard for Big Game hunters, and you WILL only get one shot at the target.

A. You enter into the woods with your group, the only maneuvers I can think of would be would involve near shoulder to shoulder action. Obviously, if you split up, it would be easier to be picked off one by one. You will only be able to pursue after finding your first sign, be it tracks or what have you. The Sasquatch, with their superior senses, will know very quickly that you are pursuing them. They will know, most importantly to them, that you are armed as well, and therefore are extremely dangerous.

*How will you keep pace as they flee? They do not attempt to intimidate groups of 2 or more under these circumstances.

*What will you do if they get tired of running and decide to turn the tables?

You will be in dense cover, and will likely be surrounded. They are known to set traps, IE one will walk ahead just out of range creating a distraction, causing you to move closer to another one that is laying on the ground under cover very, very close by.

Some people say, "Well we will just have to shoot fast!"

Keep in mind, it will likely be NIGHT when you set out for the hunt. What will you do at close quarters? Die...That is about it, any other answer is entirely unlikely IMHO, except crap yourself. I think that it is completely unrealistic to hunt the Sasquatch, and that once you are on their trail, you are 100% at their mercy. It is likely that everyone who has ever said to kill them, hunt them, or such statements have NO real hunting experience against dangerous game, or big game for that matter. Did you know that a Gorilla can exert more force with just the strength of his grip than most any human male can with his entire body? I can tell you for a fact, that if a creature with the anatomical properties of a Sasquatch wrapped its hands around a adult human males head, it could crush his skull with the same force we use to crush a aluminum can. Have fun with that thought the next time you go out to kill one

So tell me, everyone, how would you hunt a Sasquatch?

*I thought I would move this post into our thread to liven it abit.*

I won't got into detail about how to hunt it, that's already been done in this thread. What I would like to address is the mindset that Sasquatch is a uber super Ninja/Sumo assassin on steroids.

Let's compare some Human vs. reported Sasquatch traits.


Hands down this category goes to the Squatch. Even a smaller Squatch is going to be stronger than a very large male Human. There is a lot of data out there comparing Human strength with our closest ape cousins. Winner: Squatch

Lethality: Humans have conquered the globe, we are the top species of the planet, and we did it long before gun powder. We have the ability to organize ourselves unlike any other species. We have taken every species of game on the planet, even reportedly Sasquatch. And from a Anthropological standpoint? Where did all of the rival Hominids and Homonoids go that competed with Homo Sapien? It's a good chance we bumped them off. Hands down we Humans are more lethal than any other species on the planet. Despite the fact that we are small, weak and lack claws. Our brains are our claws.

Winner: Human


Humans are the only primate that has developed a longitudinal arch that allows for efficient endurance running over very very long distances. This pace simply dwarfs the range and speed of our ape cousins. But speed is determined in many different ways, and a very large powerful primate could have a burst speed that Humans are simply not capable of.

Winner: Draw


While the great apes exhibit great intelligence, and have been taught to sign and do many human like tasks? Who is the student and who is the teacher?

Winner: Human


Humans can exhibit great stealth, we can study our environment and camouflage ourselves accordingly. Many animals exhibit great stealth as well, using the natural terrain as cover. While technically if you placed a cougar in a sniper stalk competition he would lose badly, because he cannot camouflage himself properly. I still think that in most cases how you use terrain and cover is as important as camouflage itself. We are also assuming that a Squatch is as stealthy as something like a cougar.

Winner: Draw


Kinda similar to intelligence right? Kinda. This is more akin to being street "wise". Squatch lives in the woods, humans for the most part no longer do that. But some people are very much at "home" in the woods and have lived out there all of their lives. So who has the edge? Generally speaking I would say the species that lives out there full time. Both species has that, but the Squatch 100 percent.

Winner: Squatch

It looks about like a draw to me, by comparing the two species, I will be interested in all of your thoughts as well. Each species has distinct traits both strengths and weakness that define them as to who they are.

With that said, I don't think Sasquatch wanted a hunting party of Homo Erectus on his back trail then, nor a hunting party of Humans now. There are accounts going both ways of humans being killed as well as Squatch in violent encounters. Generally speaking the encounters that ended badly for Humans has a common denominator. They were alone. Generally speaking the encounters that ended badly for the Squatch has a common denominator as well, they encountered humans in packs.

In some ways you can compare Humans and Squatch the way you do Grizzlies and Wolves. One is solitary and extremely powerful and the other is smaller, smarter and works in groups.

Xion had a youtube video that was left behind in the original post. It showed a group of Leopard hunters being charged by their quarry. And one of the group was badly mauled in the encounter. Hunting dangerous game is dangerous, no doubt. But in the end, it was the Leopard being hauled out tied to a pole. Let us not forget that that is how most human vs. animal encounters ultimately play out. The animal is on the losing end of the encounter.

I'm not afraid of any animal, although I do have a healthy respect for them. The best motto is the Boy Scout one "Be prepared". I'm 6'3" and 260 lbs, and I understand I'm not as strong as a male gorilla. But I can take a 8 lbs splitting maul and precisely split a 24" Doug fir block in one go. Generating thousands of pounds of force and devastation by simply applying centrifugal force. And I have fine motor skills and hand eye coordination that my ape cousins lack. Humans are amazing creatures in their own right. And I think people often times forget this, because we are just so common.

Sasquatch is going to lose any encounter he has with a pack of determined, prepared humans. He can meld back into the forest, and hope they don't pick up his trail, that is about as good as it's going to get for him. The scenario of him "picking off one by one" the group of humans is nothing more than fanciful B rated movie theatrics. Unless of course it's a group of Toothy's from you tube. :) They would probably walk off a cliff first, but that's another story!

BFF Patron

Only two bones of contention and one observation; In stealth I'd give Squatch - (minus) as winner; if the Peter in Alberta account is true, then he succeeded in accidentally killing a Squatch mano a mano with rifle(no group involved). Where were you when I hand-split an old dead red oak that was felled earlier this fall, lol? It's also possible that Speed might be won as Squatch - (minus) assuming he has endurance and similar bursts of Adrenaline as human long distance runners but I'm not so sure on that one.


Only two bones of contention and one observation; In stealth I'd give Squatch - (minus) as winner; if the Peter in Alberta account is true, then he succeeded in accidentally killing a Squatch mano a mano with rifle(no group involved).

Sure. There are exceptions on both sides. Then you have the two miners getting dismantled down in S. Oregon in the late 1800's too. But generally speaking from observations, Humans fare better in encounters while in numbers.

Where were you when I hand-split an old dead red oak that was felled earlier this fall, lol?

Wow! Imagine red Oak being local! I used to make stuff out of that in wood shop, good stuff.

I love cutting firewood though......my fav is western Larch.

It's also possible that Speed might be won as Squatch - (minus) assuming he has endurance and similar bursts of Adrenaline as human long distance runners but I'm not so sure on that one.

I think with sweat glands, humans really are the pinnacle of long distance travel (endurance). But Squatch might have a leg up on us in very mountainous terrain. But imagine the **** calorie count of a 1000 lbs animal trying to out travel Humans? It's a costly body type, and I don't think it would be sustainable.

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